Edit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\w3ctrs.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ à º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ ÕÂV´¬[V´¬[V´¬[?Ka[W´¬[?Kb[Z´¬[V´[´¬[?Kg[_´¬[?Kf[W´¬[?K[P´¬[?Ke[W´¬[?K`[W´¬[RichV´¬[ PE L i?R à ! 2 0 Ã8 P àS ó¿ @ ?@ ? ðp d ? ? P \ p ð .text 1 2 `.data à P 6 @ À.idata º p L @ @.rsrc ? T @ @.reloc L ? X @ B Û?àS ¿6àS i?R # ¬ ¬ HeàS?eàSCould not unregister the cleanup needed wait handle CleanupGlobalObjects inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\w3ctrs\entrypts.cxx System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Performance First Counter First Help Could not unregister the WAS process wait handle FreeSharedManager Could not unregister the W3SVC shutdown wait handle S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ W 3 S V C \ P e r f o r m a n c e P e r f C o u n t e r L o g g i n g D e l a y S e c o n d s Could not register to wait on the process handle HookUpSharedMemory Could not register to wait on the shared memory shutdown event Entering W3CTRS - OpenW3PerformanceData routine OpenW3PerformanceData W 3 C T R S Could not create event for shared mem cleanup Could not wait on event for shared mem cleanup Exiting W3CTRS - OpenW3PerformanceData routine Entering W3CTRS - CollectW3PerformanceData routine CollectW3PerformanceData _ T o t a l Perf Counters did not refresh in a timely manner: CurrentSecondsCount = %d FirstFailure was %d Time to wait to restart is %d NumberFailures = %d % l u : % 0 2 l u : % 0 2 l u Exiting W3CTRS - CollectW3PerformanceData routine Entering W3CTRS - CloseW3PerformanceData routine CloseW3PerformanceData Exiting W3CTRS - CloseW3PerformanceData routine was Unable to Create Debug Print Object System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters Debug print object is not valid DllMain inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\w3ctrs\main.cxx Disabling thread library calls failed Could not unregister the w3svc signalled shutdown wait handle Could not unregister the cleanup mem wait G l o b a l \ I I S C o u n t e r C o n t r o l B l o c k - 4 6 3 8 2 a 2 3 - 0 9 5 e - 4 5 5 9 - 8 d 6 3 - 6 f d e a f 5 5 2 c 2 3 PERF_SM_MANAGER::Initialize inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\prfshmem\perf_sm.cxx Could not open the perf counters control block memory G l o b a l \ W A S P e r f C o u n t - Could not open an event to request counters from WAS Could not open an event to shutdown shared memory from WAS Could not open the WAS Process to wait on it Copying in the shared memory name failed, ignoring we will try to open an non-existent memory file PERF_SM_MANAGER::GetActiveInformation Evaluating if we need to refresh counters. NumberOfTickCountsPassed = %d; LastUpdatedTickCount starts = %d MillisecondsCountersAreFresh = %d; MaxNumberTimesToCheckCountersOnRefresh = %d MillisecondsToSleepBeforeCheckingForRefresh = %d PERF_SM_MANAGER::EvaluateIfCountersAreFresh Waiting for the %d time CurrentTickCount is = %d Finished waiting, tick count is now set to %d CurrentTickCount is = %d F r e s h T i m e F o r C o u n t e r s C h e c k C o u n t e r s E v e r y N M i l i s e c o n d s N u m b e r O f T i m e s T o C h e c k C o u n t e r s Could not connect to counter information for counter set %d PERF_SM_MANAGER::PERF_SM_READER::ConnectToActiveMemory \-àS'0àS \ PàSðàS àS RSDS1óÁâÙyB?Õõdå)¯ w3ctrs.pdb J>