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HTTP_LOG_CONTEXT::Terminate inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\logsvc\dll\logcontext.cpp Executing work item on HTTP_LOG_CONTEXT failed HTTP_LOG_CONTEXT::ExecuteWorkItem Failed to send request to worker process HTTP_LOG_CONTEXT::ProcessETW 0000000000000000 Couldn't queue HttpLogSiteTableConfigChangeWorkItem LOG_SVC_CONFIG_CHANGE_HANDLER::OnSectionChanges inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\logsvc\dll\logsvcadmin.cpp W 3 L O G S V C L o g B u f f e r S i z e S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ W 3 L o g S v c \ P a r a m e t e r s Could not start work queue LOG_SVC_ADMIN::ExecuteService Could not cancel pending service status timer LOG_SVC_ADMIN::Terminate Couldn't initialize work queue LOG_SVC_ADMIN::StartWorkQueue Couldn't queue StartLogServiceWorkItem Executing work item on LOG_SVC_ADMIN failed LOG_SVC_ADMIN::ExecuteWorkItem Initializing internal components failed LOG_SVC_ADMIN::StartServiceWorkItem couldn't transition to service start pending Couldn't finish transition into the running state Error while waiting for start to complete. LOG_SVC_ADMIN::StopServiceWorkItem Error setting shutdown event. Lock initialization failed LOG_SVC_ADMIN::InitializeInternalComponents Couldn't register service control handler Could not create timer queue Could not initialize iisutil Could not initialize app host config reader LOG_SVC_ADMIN::InitializeConfigSystem p a t h M a p p e r c h a n g e H a n d l e r Updating pending service status failed UpdatePendingServiceStatusCallback Service control ignored, OpCode: %lu ServiceControlHandler Service control operation failed Fatal service error, shutting down LOG_SVC_ADMIN::TerminateServiceAndReportFinalStatus couldn't set service status LOG_SVC_ADMIN::BeginStateTransition Could not create timer Couldn't report the service status LOG_SVC_ADMIN::InterrogateService Couldn't transition to service stop pending LOG_SVC_ADMIN::InitiateStopService Couldn't queue StopLogServiceWorkItem Can't report service status because m_ServiceStatusHandle is null LOG_SVC_ADMIN::ReportServiceStatus Setting service state failed Could not cancel timer LOG_SVC_ADMIN::CancelPendingServiceStatusTimer Could not delete timer queue LOG_SVC_ADMIN::DeleteTimerQueue LOG_SVC_ADMIN::FinishStateTransition Could not update service status Could not report service status LOG_SVC_ADMIN::UpdatePendingServiceStatus ̽ 9¾ ~¾ p¨ W¾ «¾ 9¾ ¿ ͨ |¼ |¼ ? 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