Edit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msorcl32.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ è º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ l?Zy(é4*(é4*(é4*õú*$é4*õù*,é4*(é5*¬é4*õÿ*#é4*õþ*)é4*õç*é4*õý*)é4*õø*)é4*Rich(é4* PE L ,²áV à ! f À 0 ° ;à @A à$ ? r x ? ? ¨ p @B \ p .text } `.data : 0 * " @ À.idata p p L @ @.rsrc ? Z @ @.reloc ¨ ? ` @ B C E PF I pK a @c ?d 0{ p? ? °? ?? 0? ?? °? °? ® Àµ 0· Þ @à á å æ ë @ì °í pî ò põ ÷ ðø û Ðý ð ` p À Ð °@ ðe Pf i ?m ?p t ðw ?y ? ? ? Ð? ð¢ ৠð¨ ðª P° 0µ P¹ м °Ê àË ÀÏ @Ò @Ô ?Ø PÜ 0Ý @Þ `ß ?á Àâ ?å ç é Àé 0ë Pì ?í pî À ð @ " Ð" ,²áV % ?B ?6 ø^H_%s/%s like ' ' escape ' \ ' is null owner and char varchar2 integer number float long date raw longraw TINYINT SMALLINT select null, co.owner, co.table_name, co.column_name, decode(data_type, 'CHAR', 1, 'DATE', 11, 'FLOAT', 8, 'LONG', -1, 'LONG RAW', -4, 'NUMBER', 3, 'RAW', -3, 'VARCHAR2', 12, 'ROWID', 1, 0), data_type, decode(data_type, 'DATE', 19, 'FLOAT', 15, 'LONG', 2147483647, 'LONG RAW', 2147483647, 'ROWID', 18, 'NUMBER', decode(data_precision, null, decode(data_scale, null, 15, 0, 38, 38), data_precision), data_length), decode(data_type, 'LONG', 2147483647, 'FLOAT', 8, 'NUMBER', decode(data_precision, null, decode(data_scale, null, 8, 0, 40, 40), data_precision + 2), 'DATE', 16, 'ROWID', 18, data_length), decode(data_type, 'DATE', 0, 'FLOAT', null, data_scale), decode(data_type, 'NUMBER', 10, 'FLOAT', 10, 'DATE', 10, null), decode(nullable, 'N', 0, 'Y', 1, 2), cm.comments, co.column_id from all_tab_columns co, all_col_comments cm where co.table_name = cm.table_name and co.column_name = cm.column_name and co.owner = cm.owner null, co.column_id from all_tab_columns co where 1=1 union select null, decode (sy.owner, 'PUBLIC', chr(0), sy.owner), sy.synonym_name, from all_tab_columns co, all_col_comments cm, all_synonyms sy where co.table_name = cm.table_name and co.table_name = sy.table_name and co.column_name = cm.column_name and co.owner = cm.owner and co.owner = sy.table_owner from all_tab_columns co, all_synonyms sy where co.owner = sy.table_owner and co.table_name = sy.table_name order by 1, 2, 3, 13 and co.owner = 'PUBLIC' and co.owner and co.table_name and co.column_name and sy.owner = 'PUBLIC' and sy.owner and sy.synonym_name DSN TranslationDLL TranslationOption TranslationName Description UID User Name PWD Password SERVER Oracle Server Name BufferSize Minimum Fetch Buffer Size 65535 SynonymColumns Include SYNONYMs in SQLColumns 1 Remarks Include REMARKS in Catalog Functions 0 CatalogCap Capitalize Catalog Arguments ConnectString NumberFloat RDOSupport RowLimit SystemTable TxnCap StdDayOfWeek Use ODBC DayOfWeek Ordering ThreadPerDBC Create Thread for each DBC GuessTheColDef SQLDescribeCol always returns a value for precision StripTrailingZero Strip trailing zero when using null scale. DRIVER * : =?; Datasource or Driver DSN | DRIVER = ; select 99 / 100, 1 - to_number(to_char(to_date('1997-11-02','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'D')), '00.00.0000 '||banner from v$version where banner like 'Oracle%' select 99 / 100, 1 - to_number(to_char(to_date('1997-11-02','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'D')), '00.00.0000 Oracle00 no version available' from dual 07.00.0000 00.00.0000 ODBC.INI DEFAULT @%s DSN= UID= PWD= Ê'ÒIà»?H?¢w¸»a?så?ñÔE©ÂÌ4Ecqf?î|Á?M³ÇÎ?ç{â?F?»?³\±E³%cBHO+ from MSORCL32.DLL:NO ORACLE MESSAGE MUTEX m s o r c 3 2 r . d l l ?w²? +D»øLDx?Á[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle] [Oracle] %s%s :V%03d NULL :R%03dC%03d %s=>:V%03d ( ) , SQL_CUR%p w+b msorclr. where %s.ROWID=:V%d :V1 msorclc. select to_char(null), pk.owner, pk.table_name, pc.column_name, to_char(null), fk.owner, fk.table_name, fc.column_name, pc.position, 1, decode(fk.delete_rule,'CASCADE',0,'NO ACTION', 1,1), fk.constraint_name, pk.constraint_name from all_constraints pk, all_cons_columns pc, all_constraints fk, all_cons_columns fc where pk.owner=pc.owner and pk.constraint_name=pc.constraint_name and fk.owner=fc.owner and fk.constraint_name=fc.constraint_name and pk.constraint_type='P' and fk.constraint_type='R' and pk.constraint_name=fk.r_constraint_name and pk.owner=fk.r_owner and pc.position=fc.position order by 6, 7, 9 order by 2, 3, 9 and pk.owner and pk.table_name and fk.owner and fk.table_name N Y Oracle 02.50 06.03.9600 "