Edit C:\Windows\System32\SSShim.dll
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Я? @¯? °®? ð¶? à³? pµ? à¶? ?Ã? ?µ ? ?µ ? base\wcp\shim\binder.cpp Internal_SssDoesFileExist r p Path={p} Result={r} s Shim considered {p} : got {s} Internal_SssGetWin32PathOfImage m Module={m}, Result={r} Internal_SssGenerateServicingStackCandidateDirectoryNames TempDirectoryNames.Resize(2) Internal_SssComputeRootDirectoryList RootDirectories.Resize(RootDirectoryCount) SssBindServicingStack d c Params={p} Cookie={c}, Disp={d} pInputParameters != 0 ( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->dwFlags)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->dwFlags)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ) ( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->fpvVersion)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->fpvVersion)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000001)) == 0) (( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->cProcessorArchitectures)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->cProcessorArchitectures)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ) && (( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->prgusProcessorArchitectures)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->prgusProcessorArchitectures)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ))) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000002)) == 0) ( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->pOfflineImage)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->pOfflineImage)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000004)) == 0) (( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->cAlternateLocations)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->cAlternateLocations)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ) && (( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->prgpszAlternateLocations)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->prgpszAlternateLocations)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ))) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000008)) == 0) ( (((PCHAR)(&(pInputParameters)->pszTemporaryLocation)) + sizeof((pInputParameters)->pszTemporaryLocation)) <= (((PCHAR)(pInputParameters))+(pInputParameters->cbSize)) ) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000100)) == 0) (pInputParameters->pszTemporaryLocation != 0) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000100)) == 0) Valid flags check failed: pInputParameters->dwFlags No more than one flag set check failed: pInputParameters->dwFlags ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000400)) == 0) || ((pInputParameters->dwFlags & ((0x00000080) | (0x00000040))) != 0) Not-null check failed: pInputParameters->pOfflineImage Internal_ValidateOfflineImageStruct(pInputParameters->pOfflineImage) DirectoriesToProbe.Resize(NewTotal) DirectoryProcessorArchitectures.Resize(NewTotal) (pInputParameters->dwFlags & (0x00000020)) spFilling.Allocate() SssPreloadDownlevelDependencies f Flags={f} Cookie={c} dwFlags == (0x00000001) d o w n l e v e l ::LdrLoadDll( 0, 0, &usWin32FullDllPath, (PVOID *)&hModule) LoadedDllInfo.Allocate() SssGetServicingStackFilePathLength l z Flags={f} Cookie={c} File={z} Len={l} Valid flags check failed: dwFlags Not-null check failed: Filling SssGetServicingStackFilePath o Flags={f} Cookie={c} File={z} Out={o} (cchBuffer == 0) || (Buffer != 0) CchIncludingNull <= cchBuffer {_exitkind} {_retval} {_count} from {_fn} {_exitkind} {_retval} {_count} {_time} from {_fn} _retval _exitkind _count _this _fn _time (...) Call {_count} into {_fn} base\wcp\shim\getversion.cpp Internal_SssGetImageRequiredServicingStackVersion v i Flags={f} Image={i}, Version={v}, Disposition={d} status RtlInitUnicodeStringFromLUnicodeString( &lusSubDirName, &usVersionDirPath) * _ i n s t a l l e d base\wcp\shim\copier.cpp OpenDirectory h Mode={m} Parent={h} Path={p}, Result={r} NtOpenFile( &Opened, ( 0x0001 ) | ( 0x0020 ) | (0x00100000L) | (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0001 ) | ( 0x0080 ) | ( 0x0008 ) | (0x00100000L)), &ObjA, &IoBlock, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000020 | 0x00000001 | 0x00004000) NtCreateFile( &Opened, (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0002 ) | ( 0x0100 ) | ( 0x0010 ) | ( 0x0004 ) | (0x00100000L)), &ObjA, &IoBlock, 0, 0x00000010, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000003, 0x00000020 | 0x00000001 | 0x00004000, 0, 0) DirectoryCopyContext::EnumDirectory t SourceDir={d} TargetDir={t} Tmp.Allocate() DirectoryCopyContext::Do Source={s} Target={t} NewCell.Allocate() DirectoryCopyContext::CopyFileToFile SourceDir={d} TargetDir={t} File={f} NtOpenFile( &SourceFile, (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0001 ) | ( 0x0080 ) | ( 0x0008 ) | (0x00100000L)), &ObjA, &IoBlock, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00004000 | 0x00000004) NtCreateFile( &TargetFile, (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0002 ) | ( 0x0100 ) | ( 0x0010 ) | ( 0x0004 ) | (0x00100000L)), &ObjA, &IoBlock, 0, 0x00000080, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000003, 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00004000, 0, 0) NtQueryInformationFile( SourceFile, &IoBlock, &SizeInfo, sizeof(SizeInfo), FileStandardInformation) NtWriteFile( TargetFile, 0, 0, 0, &IoBlock, m_FileCopyBuffer.Buffer, static_cast<ULONG>(m_FileCopyBuffer.Length), 0, 0) NtSetInformationFile( TargetFile, &IoBlock, &EofInfo, sizeof(EofInfo), FileEndOfFileInformation) Internal_SssIsPathOnWim Path={p} Disp={d} WIMGetMountedImages MountListStorage.Resize(cMountListCount) BUCL::Rtl::Multiply<DWORD>(sizeof(WIM_MOUNT_LIST), cMountListCount, dwCbSize) BUCL::Rtl::Increment(cMountListCount) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError) Internal_SssChooseTempDirectory u b Base={b}, Used={u} BUCL::Rtl::Add<USHORT>(usTemp.Length, sizeof(WCHAR), usTemp.Length) RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(0, sc_rgTempVarNames[i], &InnerResult) NtCreateFile( &TmpFile, (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0001 ) | ( 0x0080 ) | ( 0x0008 ) | (0x00100000L)) | (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0002 ) | ( 0x0100 ) | ( 0x0010 ) | ( 0x0004 ) | (0x00100000L)), &ObjA, &Iob, 0, 0x00000010, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000003, 0x00000001 | 0x00000020 | 0x00004000, 0, 0) Internal_SssMakeDirectoryCopy NtSourcePath={p} UsedPath={u} Internal_SssMakeTemporaryCopy SuggestedTemp={t} NtSourcePath={p} UsedPath={u} CSimpleObjAttr::Initialize BUCL::Rtl::ConvertInteger(FileInfo->FileNameLength, m_Us.Length) Servicing stack shim unable to mark handle {h} for delete-on-close, error {s} File {f} is in use but cannot be opened to read the PIDs holding it active File {f} is in use but cannot be queried for the PIDs holding it active y x File {f} in use by process id {x} named {y} Cannot open {z}, got status {s}, waiting to retry... Internal_DeleteDirectoryRecursively Root.Allocate() NtOpenFile( &Root->Handle, (0x00100000L) | ( 0x0001 ) | (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0001 ) | ( 0x0080 ) | ( 0x0008 ) | (0x00100000L)) | (0x00010000L), &ObjA, &IoBlock, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000001 | 0x00004000 | 0x00000020) ChildDir.Allocate() NtOpenFile( &ChildDir->Handle, (0x00100000L) | ( 0x0001 ) | (((0x00020000L)) | ( 0x0001 ) | ( 0x0080 ) | ( 0x0008 ) | (0x00100000L)) | (0x00010000L), &ObjA, &IoBlock, 0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004, 0x00000001 | 0x00004000 | 0x00000020) ChildFile.Allocate() Internal_AutoHModule::LoadDllAndEntrypoint DllName={d}, Func={f}, PfnFound={p} Function {f} not found in {d} {d} missing or not found {d} is corrupt Ð7 ? À7 ? °7 ? Shim Servicing stack shim (null) {cb= , flags= , pcwszWindir= } , version= , cArch= , arch={ , , image= , cAlts= , tempLoc= (inner-null) [version= , location= , arch= ] exp function line file {file}({line}): Error {status} originated in function {function} expression: {exp} ø7 ? 8 ? ?9 ? ?9 ? @8 ? 8 ? * , (9 ? ?9 ? À8 ? h8 ? `9 ? à8 ? @ B Ð9 ? h9 ? "