Edit C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\RemoteDesktop\LiveMigrate.psm1
# # This source file contains function to script live migration of virtual machines in a VDI deployment. # It uses RDV WMI for live migration for this operation. For shared pool, it ensures that the locally # cached copy of Gold Image exists on the destination host. If this script is executed from any other # server than source hyper-v host, it needs administrator credentials to perform the operations due to # credentials delegation issue. Using those credentials, it creates a remote power-shell session on the # source hyper-v host and executes a script block that performs live migration in that session. # # For live migration from remote server, we need to enable client mode credssp for powershell. That # needs to be enabled by administrator separately. # # The following command needs to be executed on the source hyper-v host: # Enable-WSManCredSSP -role server -Force # # And the following command needs to be executed on this machine: # Enable-WSManCredSSP -role client -delegate * -Force > $null # # Known issues: # - This script does not enable incoming live migration on the hyper-v hosts. # - Error reporting need to be better. # - When the gold is cached as part of this script, for some reason, the file is not immediately # accessible after the copy. This needs to be investigated. # Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Utility.psm1 # This function performs live migration of virtual machine when this command is issued on source hyper-v host. function Move-VirtualDesktopLocal { param ( [string] $SourceHost, [string] $DestinationHost, [string] $Name ) # Move virtual machine from source host (local) to destination host. Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString MovingVirtualDesktop $Name, $SourceHost, $DestinationHost ) $RetVal = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_RdvhManagement -Namespace root\cimv2\TerminalServices ` -computername $SourceHost -Name RdvMigrateVmToDifferentHost ` -ArgumentList @($DestinationHost, $Name) -Authentication PacketPrivacy if ( $RetVal.ReturnValue -NE 0 ) { Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString MovingVirtualDesktopFailed ) } else { Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString MovingVirtualDesktopSucceeded ) } } # This function performs live migration of virtual machine when this command is issued from a remote server. function Move-VirtualDesktopRemote { param ( [string] $SourceHost, [string] $DestinationHost, [string] $Name, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) if ( $NULL -eq $Credential ) { Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString MoveOperationRequiresCredentials ) $Credential = Get-Credential } Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString MovingVirtualDesktop $Name, $SourceHost, $DestinationHost ) # Create remote session to the remote computer using the credentials and spefiying a CredSSP authentication $powershellRemoteSession = New-PSSession -computername $SourceHost -Credential $credential -EnableNetworkAccess ` -Authentication CredSSP -Erroraction:stop try { Invoke-Command -Session $powershellRemoteSession ` -ArgumentList ($SourceHost, $DestinationHost, $Name) -ScriptBlock { # This script block will get remotely executed param( [string] $SourceHost, [string] $DestinationHost, [string] $Name ) # Define the Move-VirtualDesktopInternal function to execute on the remote computer function Move-VirtualDesktopInternal { param( [string] $SourceHost, [string] $DestinationHost, [string] $Name ) $RetVal = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_RdvhManagement -Namespace root\cimv2\TerminalServices ` -computername $SourceHost -Name RdvMigrateVmToDifferentHost ` -ArgumentList @($DestinationHost, $Name) -Authentication PacketPrivacy if ( $RetVal.ReturnValue -NE 0 ) { Write-Host ( "Moving virtual desktop Failed" ) } else { Write-Host ( "Moving virtual desktop Succeeded" ) } } # Migrate the VM to the destination Move-VirtualDesktopInternal -SourceHost:$SourceHost -DestinationHost:$DestinationHost -Name:$Name } } finally { # Cleanup the powershell remote session Remove-PSSession $powershellRemoteSession } } # This function ensures that Gold VHD is cached at the destination host before live migrate operation. # It calls RDVH WMI for that - that WMI copies the gold VHD from the specified Base VM Location OR simply # returns if the gold copy already exists. function Copy-GoldLocally { param( [string] $DestinationHost, [string] $BaseVmLocation, [string] $CollectionName, [string] $LocalCacheLocation ) try { $RetVal = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_RdvhManagement -Name RdvCopyBaseVmLocally ` -ComputerName $DestinationHost -Namespace 'root\cimv2\TerminalServices' ` -Authentication PacketPrivacy -Impersonation Impersonate -ErrorAction Stop ` -ArgumentList ($BaseVmLocation, $CollectionName, $LocalCacheLocation) } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } # .ExternalHelp RemoteDesktop.psm1-help.xml function Move-VirtualDesktop { [CmdletBinding(HelpURI="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=254067")] # Parameters param ( # Specify name of the Source host in this parameter. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $SourceHost, # Specify name of the Destination host in this parameter. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $DestinationHost, # Specify name of the Virtual Desktop in this parameter. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Name, # Specify name of the Connection Broker Server in this parameter. # Optional parameter, default value is local host. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ConnectionBroker, # Specify valid credentials in this parameter. # Optional parameter, default value is NULL. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential = $NULL ) $ConnectionBroker = Initialize-Fqdn($ConnectionBroker) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ConnectionBroker)) { Write-Error (Get-ResourceString InvalidFqdn $ConnectionBroker) return } # verify deployment if (-not (Test-RemoteDesktopDeployment -RDManagementServer $ConnectionBroker)) { Write-Error (Get-ResourceString DeploymentDoesNotExist $ConnectionBroker) return } # Verify the source host is FQDN and is among the deployment RDS-Virtualization hosts if( -not ( Test-Fqdn( $SourceHost ) ) ) { Write-Error ( Get-ResourceString InvalidServerNameFormat $SourceHost ) return $false } # Verify the destination host is FQDN and is among the deployment RDS-Virtualization hosts if( -not ( Test-Fqdn( $DestinationHost) ) ) { Write-Error ( Get-ResourceString InvalidServerNameFormat $DestinationHost ) return $false } $vmHostServerList = Get-RDServer -Role RDS-VIRTUALIZATION -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker $vmHostNameList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] foreach( $hostName in $vmHostServerList ) { $vmHostNameList.Add( $hostName.Server.ToLower( [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture ) ) } if ( -not ( $vmHostNameList.Contains( $SourceHost.ToLower([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture) ) ) ) { Write-Error ( Get-ResourceString InvalidRdvhRoleNotFoundGeneric $SourceHost ) return $false } if ( -not ( $vmHostNameList.Contains( $DestinationHost.ToLower([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture) ) ) ) { Write-Error ( Get-ResourceString InvalidRdvhRoleNotFoundGeneric $DestinationHost ) return $false } # Get the RDS Virtual Desktop object from the VM name. try { $VirtualDesktop = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_RDMSVirtualDesktop" -Namespace "root\cimv2\rdms" ` -ComputerName $ConnectionBroker -Authentication PacketPrivacy ` -Impersonation Impersonate -ErrorAction Stop ` | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $Name} } catch { $errMsg = $_.Exception.Message } if ( $NULL -eq $VirtualDesktop ) { Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString VirtualDesktopNotFound $Name ) return } # Get the RDMS Collection properties object from the RDMS Virtual Desktop object. try { $CollProps = Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_RDMSCollectionProperties" -Namespace "root\cimv2\rdms" ` -ComputerName $ConnectionBroker -Authentication PacketPrivacy ` -Impersonation Impersonate -ErrorAction Stop ` | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Alias -eq $VirtualDesktop.CollectionAlias} } catch { $errMsg = $_.Exception.Message } if ( $null -eq $CollProps ) { Write-Error ( Get-ResourceString VmCollectionPropNotFound ) return } try { $ProvProps=$CollProps.GetProvisioningProperties() } catch { Write-Error ( $_.Exception.Message ) } if ( -not $ProvProps ) { Write-Error ( Get-ResourceString VmCollectionProvPropNotFound ) return } $GoldCacheLocation = $NULL if ( $ProvProps.LocalGoldVmLocation ) { $GoldCacheLocation = $ProvProps.LocalGoldVmLocation } if ( ( $ProvProps.PoolVhdType -eq 'DiffDisk' ) -and ( !$ProvProps.RunFromSMB ) ) { Write-Host ( Get-ResourceString EnsuringGoldCacheExists $DestinationHost ) Copy-GoldLocally -DestinationHost:$DestinationHost -BaseVmLocation:$ProvProps.MasterVmLocation ` -CollectionName:$VirtualDesktop.CollectionAlias -LocalCacheLocation:$GoldCacheLocation Sleep 5 } # Check if the source hyper-v host is same as local host, where script is being executed. if ( $SourceHost.StartsWith([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName(),[StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) { # Start the migration locally Move-VirtualDesktopLocal -SourceHost:$SourceHost -DestinationHost:$DestinationHost -Name:$Name } else { # Start the migration remotely Move-VirtualDesktopRemote -SourceHost:$SourceHost -DestinationHost:$DestinationHost -Name:$Name ` -Credential:$Credential } }
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