Edit C:\Windows\System32\cmcfg32.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ ø º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ U?mñUñUñUÌÎUñUÌÍU+ñUÌÌUñUñUµñUÌÈU ñUÌÉUñUÌÐUñU67}UñUÌÊUñUÌÏUñURichñU PE d? ùOPT ð " p $ ?m ? Ð ? `A À} ? h£ ´ ° 0 ? Ð À d P ?* ? ` .text Wn p `.data @ ? t @ À.pdata Ð ? v @ @.idata z @ @.rsrc 0 ° ? @ @.reloc d À ? @ B àj ? p+ PL ÀS àj ?m p u ùOPT $ $+ $ ?? ? 0? ? Version PBK ServiceName SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Connection Manager\Mappings DesktopGUID Strings Profile Format \rasphone.pbk \_CMPhone .inf %s\%s%s CLSID\%s CLSID\%s\Shell\Delete LinkToDll - Loading library - %s (null) LinkToDll[phInst=%p, *pszDll=%s, ppszPfn=%p, ppvPfn=%p] LoadLibrary() failed. BindLinkage(hInstDll=%d,ppszPfn=%p,ppvPfn=%p) GetProcAddress(hInstDll=%d,*pszProc=%S) failed, GLE=%u. GetSidLengthRequired InitializeSid GetSidSubAuthority InitializeAcl AddAccessAllowedAceEx InitializeSecurityDescriptor SetSecurityDescriptorDacl SetSecurityDescriptorOwner SetSecurityDescriptorGroup GetSecurityDescriptorDacl SetNamedSecurityInfoA advapi32.dll AllocateSecurityDescriptorAllowAccessToWorld() - Arithmetic operation failed: %ld %s%s%s CreateLayerDirectory failed to create %s ... It probably exists already. \Microsoft\Network\Connections\PBK SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Common Desktop \Desktop %s%s%s%s \Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm CmDial32.Dll Build Entering RenameOldCmBits() cmpbk32.dll cmdial32.dll cmdl32.exe cmmon32.exe cmutil.dll instcm.inf cmcfg32.dll %s\%s %s\%s.old Leaving RenameOldCmBits() RASAPI32.DLL RasSetEntryPropertiesA EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- Couldn't get RasSetEntryProperties. EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- Couldn't load rasapi32.dll. EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- GetPhoneBookPath Failed, returning. EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- GetAllUsersCmDir Failed, returning. EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- GetSystemDirectory Failed, returning. %s\cmdial32.dll EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- RasSetEntryProperties failed on entry %s in %s, dwRet = %u EnumerateAndPreMigrateAllUserProfiles -- No CM mappings key to migrate. OpenProcessToken failed: %d LookupPrivilegeValue failed with error %d AdjustTokenPrivileges failed while getting old settings: %d AdjustTokenPrivileges failed while setting new previlege: %d SetCurrentDirectory for %s failed with error %d GetVolumeInformation failed with error %d GetVolumeInformation returned File System as: %s NTFS %s\* CopyProfileFolder: StringCchPrintf faiiled with error - %x CopyProfileFolder - CopyFile from %s to %s failed with error: %x CopyProfileFolder - SetFileAttributes for the file %s faiiled with error: %x %s\*%c%c DeleteTempFolder - SHFileOperation for %s returned: %d System error msg for %d is returned as: %s The error string is: %s The err msg to show: %s - title: %s Loading of error string IDS_ACLS_SETTING_ERR failed with error: %d ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress for ConvertStrToSD failed with error: %d ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor failed %d Error - GetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed with error code: %d Error - fIsDaclPresent is false O:BAG:BAD:(A;OICI;FA;;;BA) ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor failed for AdminSD: %d GetSecurityDescriptorOwner failed: %d SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege Call to SetPrivilege failed: %d TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoW Calling SetNamedSecurityInfo ..... SetNamedSecurityInfo while changing the ownership failed: %d Error - SetNamedSecurityInfo failed with error code: %d Calling TreeResetNamedSecurityInfo ..... Ansi Version - path is: %S TreeResetNamedSecurityInfo failed while setting ownership: %d Error - TreeResetNamedSecurityInfo failed while setting acls: %d CheckTokenMembership CmstpExtensionProc -- Entering the cmstpex processing loop. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Entered POST CMCFG ACTION ---------------- All User CM path - %s D:(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GRGX;;;WD) Trying to set acls on directory: %s Call to SetRecursiceAclsOnDirectory failed with error: %d Call to SetRecursiceAclsOnDirectory failed AGAIN with error: %d SetRecursiceAclsOnDirectory succeeded in Second attempt SetRecursiceAclsOnDirectory succeeded %s%s O:BAG:BAD:PAI(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GRGX;;;WD)(A;OICI;GRGWGX;;;NO)(A;OICI;RC;;;OW)(A;OICI;GRGX;;;S-1-5-80-2970612574-78537857-698502321-558674196-1451644582)(A;OICI;GRGX;;;S-1-5-80-3139157870-2983391045-3678747466-658725712-1809340420) SetACLForFileUsingString Failed: Error %d S-1-5-80-2970612574-78537857-698502321-558674196-1451644582 S-1-5-80-3139157870-2983391045-3678747466-658725712-1809340420 \Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk CmstpExtensionProc2 -- StringCchCopy failed with error %x. CmstpExtensionProc2 -- Inf File Path invalid - %s. CmstpExtensionProc2 -- StringCchPrintf failed. Error = %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- Calling CmstpExtensionProc2. CmstpExtensionProc -- SHGetFolderPath failed with error %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- StringCchLength failed with error %x \ CmstpExtensionProc -- CmStringCchCat failed with error %x. cmstp.exe CmstpExtensionProc -- Calling CmstpExtensionProc2 directly as this is invoked by cmstp.exe already. CmstpExtensionProc -- StringCchCopy failed with error %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- Inf File Path invalid - %s. CmstpExtensionProc -- StringCchCopy failed. Error = %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- GetTempPath failed with error - %d. CmstpExtensionProc -- GetTempPath failed. Path is too long. CmstpExtensionProc -- CoCreateGuid failed. Error = %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- StringFromGUID2 failed. CmstpExtensionProc -- StringCchPrintf failed with error %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- CopyProfileFolder failed with error %x. CmstpExtensionProc -- ConstructCommandLine failed with error %x. %s "%s\%s"