Edit C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\iisadmin.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ ð º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ e¾$?!ßJÔ!ßJÔ!ßJÔü ?Ô ßJÔü ?Ô,ßJÔ!ßKÔ{ßJÔü ?Ô4ßJÔü ?Ô ßJÔü ?Ô&ßJÔü ?Ô ßJÔü ?Ô ßJÔRich!ßJÔ PE d? ?óR ð " B øC ? ° WÌ ` `P l ð? Ü ? p ì \ 0 @ ? ? ð .text Ì@ B `.data P ` F @ À.pdata ì p H @ @.idata 2 ? J @ @.rsrc ? Z @ @.reloc ¼ ^ @ B K ? ?A ? ?óR % Ô Ô 0` ? Ð` ? [ À FK À F0µpʶй¹ É"çPÇMä§ÔÒJ?gDÍ?¢??æ© ¸Ð¹¹ É"çP?r$Ï?øD?÷tZ@nÝêÂqܯ @?NBþ¾péßQòöй½ É"çPiisadmin Unable to Create Debug Print Object System\CurrentControlSet\Services\iisadmin\Parameters dwServiceType = %08lX ReportServiceStatus inetsrv\iis\mb\iisadmin\main.cxx dwCurrentState = %08lX dwControlsAccepted = %08lX dwWin32ExitCode = %08lX dwServiceSpecificExitCode = %08lX dwCheckPoint = %08lX dwWaitHint = %08lX IISADMIN Interrogating service status for %s InterrogateService shutting down service %s StopService IISAdmin Service, SaveMetabase() failed, hr=%lu SaveMetabase IISAdmin Service received stop notice ServiceControlHandler IISAdmin Service saving metabase IISAdmin Service IGNORING shutdown notice Unrecognized Service Opcode %lu Failed to initialize ABO 0x%08x ServiceEntry Failed to initialize IIS metabase writer %x Failed to create the timer queue for shutdown %x RpcMgmtStopServerListening returned 0x%08x RpcMgmtWaitServerListen returned 0x%08x Failed to delete the timer queue for shutdown %x SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN StartupWaitHintInMilliseconds __X78B95_89_IW __A8D9S1_42_ID CoInitializeSecurity failed hr=0x%08x InitComSecurity inetsrv\iis\mb\iisadmin\ntsec.cxx COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE failed hr=0x%08x S v c E x t W a m R e g L M / I I S A D M I N / E X T E N S I O N S / D C O M C L S I D S ( ? x ? ? ? ? I I S M e t a b a s e W r i t e r Error in base object Initialize(). hr = %x CIISVssWriter::Initialize inetsrv\iis\mb\iisadmin\mdwriter.cxx Error creating MDCOM object. hr = %x I I S M E T A B A S E Error AddComponent(). hr = %x CIISVssWriter::OnIdentify M e t a B a s e . X M L % w i n d i r % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ i n e t s r v Error AddFilesToFileGroup(). hr = %x M B S c h e m a . X M L Error setting restore method. hr = %x Error on saving the metabase. hr = %x CIISVssWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot SYSTEM\Setup SystemSetupInProgress UpgradeInProgress Error on creating the writer object, out of memory InitMDWriterThread Error on initializing the writer object Error on subscribing the writer object A ? à= ? à= ? ´F ? ´F ? ´F ? ´F ? à= ? à= ? à= ? à= ? à= ? à= ? à= ? à= ? à= ? ¨@ ? @<