Edit C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\iisw3adm.dll
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P²? `³? was Unable to Create Debug Print Object System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters Debug print object is not valid DllMain inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\main.cxx Disabling thread library calls failed Allocating WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE failed WASServiceThreadProc ServiceMain entrypoint called WASServiceMain CreateThread() failed WaitForSingleObject() failed GetExitCodeThread() failed WASServiceThreadProc() failed Service exiting w a s w 3 s v c starting of hosted WAS failed HostedWASThreadProc starting of hosted W3SVC failed HostedW3SVCThreadProc Allocating WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE for hosted W3SVC failed HostedW3SVCStart Initializing of hosted W3SVC failed Main thread for hosted W3SVC failed Allocating HTTP_SERVICE for hosted W3SVC failed HostedW3SVCStop i i s w 3 a d m . d l l s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / a p p l i c a t i o n P o o l s s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / c o n f i g H i s t o r y s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / l i s t e n e r A d a p t e r s s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / c u s t o m M e t a d a t a s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / w e b L i m i t s s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / s i t e s s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / s e r v i c e A u t o S t a r t P r o v i d e r s H o s t a b l e W e b C o r e W A S W 3 S V C Reference count has hit zero in WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE, deleting, ptr: %p WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::Dereference inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\web_admin_service.cxx Executing work item on WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::ExecuteWorkItem Could not start work queue WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::ExecuteService Main work loop function returned an error Couldn't report the service status WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::InterrogateService Couldn't transition to service stop pending WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::InitiateStopService Couldn't queue stop service work item couldn't transition to service pause pending WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::InitiatePauseService Couldn't queue pause service work item couldn't transition to service continue pending WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::InitiateContinueService Couldn't queue continue service work item Updating the service state checkpoint to: %lu WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::UpdatePendingServiceStatus Could not report service status Ignoring pending service status timer, not in pending state. State: %lu Couldn't initialize work queue WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::StartWorkQueue Couldn't queue start service work item Processing work item failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::MainWorkerThread Exiting main work loop due to error on main worker thread Exiting main work loop due to error on secondary thread Main worker thread has exited it's work loop WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::ProcessMainQueueDuringShutdown Initializing internal components failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::StartServiceWorkItem couldn't transition to service start pending couldn't figure out what version of the OS is running couldn't initialize subcomponents Finishing start service state transition failed Couldn't finish transition into the running state WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::FinishStartService Finishing pause service state transition failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::PauseServiceWorkItem Couldn't finish transition into the paused state WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::FinishPauseService Finishing continue service state transition failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::ContinueServiceWorkItem WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::FinishContinueService S t a r t u p W a i t H i n t I n M i l l i s e c o n d s couldn't set service status WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::BeginStateTransition Not changing service state to: %lu, because current state is: %lu, was expected to be: %lu WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::FinishStateTransition Could not cancel timer Could not update service status Setting service state to: %lu; state was: %lu WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::UpdateServiceStatus Can't report service status because m_ServiceStatusHandle is null WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::ReportServiceStatus Setting SERVICE_STOPPED state, process may now exit at will Setting service state failed Setting thread priority failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::InitializeInternalComponents Lock initialization failed Couldn't register service control handler Determining current directory failed Creating cached worker process tokens failed Could not initialize iisutil Could not initialize native config reader Could not initialize multi work item reader Couldn't get module handle WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::DetermineCurrentDirectory Getting module file name failed Failed finding the final separator. Appending to string failed Current directory: %S Failed to initialize the TokenCache WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::CreateCachedWorkerProcessTokens Could not get administrators sid N T A U T H O R I T Y I U S R Failed to get the IUSR token. Initializing COM failed WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::InitializeOtherComponents Failed setting up the shared desktop A p p P o o l I d e n t i t i e s A l l o w e d S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ W A S \ P a r a m e t e r s \ S y s t e m S e t t i n g s Initializing UL & Worker manager failed C o n f i g I s o l a t i o n E n a b l e d C o n f i g I s o l a t i o n P a t h S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ W A S \ P a r a m e t e r s Could not initialize App Pool Isolation C r e a t e S h a r e d M a c h i n e K e y L o c a t i o n Initializing configuration manager failed A l w a y s L o g E v e n t s U s e S h a r e d W P D e s k t o p Could not get the local system sid WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::GenerateWPDesktop Could not get the local service sid Could not get the network service sid Could not get the IIS WPG sid Setting ACE's into ACL failed. Initializing the security descriptor failed Setting the DACL on the security descriptor failed Couldn't get the thread desktop Couldn't get the process windows station W P _ W I N S T A - Couldn't generate a name Couldn't create the window station Couldn't change to the window station D e f a u l t Couldn't create the desktop \ D e f a u l t Couldn't append the desktop to the string Initiating web admin service (gentle) shutdown WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::Shutdown Fatal service error, shutting down could not resolve local group SID WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::GetLocalGroupSid could not resolve IIS_IUSRS SID WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::GetIisIusrsSid WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::TerminateServiceAndReportFinalStatus B r e a k O n F a i l u r e C a u s i n g S h u t d o w n couldn't update service status Initiating web admin service termination WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::Terminate Could not cancel pending service status timer Beginning shutdown protocol terminate timer WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::BeginShutdownProtocolTerminateTimer Could not create shutdown protocol terminate timer Canceling shutdown protocol terminate timer WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::CancelShutdownProtocolTerminateTimer Could not cancel shutdown protocol terminate timer Service control ignored, OpCode: %lu ServiceControlHandler Service control operation failed Updating pending service status failed UpdatePendingServiceStatusCallback About to create/queue work item for Web Admin Server shutdown protocol termination timer fired (ptr: %p) ShutdownProtocolTerminateTimerCallback H t t p Failed to get the http protocol WEB_ADMIN_SERVICE::LaunchHTTPLA Failed to initialize http protocol C o n f i g I s o l a t i o n S e c t i o n s E x c l u d e d C o n f i g I s o l a t i o n S e c t i o n s I n c l u d e d W e b H o s t i n g H T T P TOKEN_CACHE È, ? - ? @+ ? ?+ ? à+ ? 0, ? ?, ? WORK_QUEUE::Initialize inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\work_queue.cxx Creating completion port failed Allocating WORK_ITEM failed WORK_QUEUE::GetBlankWorkItem Not returning blank work item because work queue is shutting down Queueing work item failed WORK_QUEUE::QueueWorkItem Could not get a blank work item WORK_QUEUE::GetAndQueueWorkItem Could not queue work item Binding handle to completion port failed WORK_QUEUE::BindHandleToCompletionPort Binding a completion port to a job object failed WORK_QUEUE::BindJobToCompletionPort Dequeuing a work item failed WORK_QUEUE::ProcessWorkItem Work item execution failed WORK_QUEUE::Terminate Dequeuing work item timed out; work items still outstanding: %lu Couldn't dequeue a work item Giving up waiting to dequeue remaining work items; work items still outstanding: %lu Dequeuing work item timed out WORK_QUEUE::DequeueWorkItem Dequeueing work item failed CompletionKey = %08x pOverlapped = %08x size = %d Work item execution returned an error WORK_ITEM::Execute inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\work_item.cxx dÁÏÜ8+Ò·ì ÀO?]??üyr?p?@¶=iþK ?0?üyr?p?@¶=iþK ?0p a t h c h i l d S o u r c e n a m e l o c a t i o n c o n f i g u r a t i o n s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t s i t e s s i t e % s y s t e m d r i v e % \ i n e t p u b \ t e m p \ a p p p o o l s SetNewConfig (ChangeNumber: %d) APP_POOL_ISOLATION::SetNewConfig inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\app_pool_isolation.cxx * M A C H I N E / R E D I R E C T I O N M A C H I N E / W E B R O O T / A P P H O S T D : P ( A ; ; G A ; ; ; S Y ) ( A ; ; G A ; ; ; B A ) ( A ; ; G W G X ; ; ; ) SetFileDacl( %S, %S ) failed. APP_POOL_ISOLATION::CopyAppHostConfigToTemp A P C F G . c o n f i g . t m p Setting ACL for file (path: %S; SID: %S) APP_POOL_ISOLATION::CreateAndSetFileACL ( A ; O I C I ; G A ; ; ; S Y ) ( A ; O I C I ; G A ; ; ; B A ) ( A ; O I C I ; G R ; ; ; Error generating SD for config file (path: %S; sddl: %S) Executing work item on APP_POOL_ISOLATION failed APP_POOL_ISOLATION::ExecuteWorkItem a p p l i c a t i o n P o o l i d Creating IAppHostProvider failed APP_POOL_ISOLATION::CalculateConfigurationDataAppHost <!-- ERROR: There's been an error reading or processing the applicationhost.config file. Line number: Error message: --> OÊ A\äO½§?ßå^^²Ù?¥[fA¦?? ü<e0 SITEAPP_HASH STRING_TO_STRING_SET_TABLE Generating App Pool Config (pool: %S; wpsid: %S) APP_POOL_ISOLATION_CONTEXT::GenerateAppPoolConfig inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\app_pool_isolation_context.cxx 2 5 4 7 8 F A L S E T R U E WORKER_PROCESS_TABLE PROTOCOL_TABLE APPLICATION_TABLE VIRTUAL_SITE_TABLE APP_POOL_TABLE PerfAutoInitialize() failed with HR = 0x%x UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::Initialize inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\core\ap\was\dll\ul_and_worker_manager.cxx Allocating APP_POOL failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::CreateAppPool Initializing app pool object failed Inserting app pool into hashtable failed New app pool: %S added to app pool hashtable; total number now: %lu Allocating VIRTUAL_SITE failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::CreateVirtualSite Initializing virtual site object failed Inserting virtual site into hashtable failed New virtual site: %lu added to virtual site hashtable; total number now: %lu Inserting worker process into hashtable failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::TrackWorkerProcess New worker process added to global table; total number now: %lu Failed memory allocation when checking if created application exists UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::CreateApplication Attempting to create application ( site %d, url %S ) that references a non-existent virtual site Looking up virtual site referenced by application failed Attempting to create application ( site %d, url %S ) that references a non-existent app pool %S Looking up app pool referenced by application failed Allocating APPLICATION failed Initializing application object failed Inserting application into hashtable failed New application in site: %lu with path: %S, assigned to app pool: %S, added to application hashtable; total number now: %lu; change id %lu Error creating or finding protocol UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::CreateOrModifyProtocol New protocol: %S added to protocol hashtable; total number now: %lu Finding protocol failed and it wasn't just not there UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::DeleteProtocol UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::CreateOrFindProtocol Inserting protocol into hashtable failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::FindProtocol Removing protocol from table failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::RemoveProtocolFromTable Deleting app pool %S, Change Notification %d UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::DeleteAppPool Finding app pool to delete in hashtable failed Finding virtual site to delete in hashtable failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::DeleteVirtualSite Removing virtual site from hashtable failed Virtual site: %lu removed from hashtable; total number now: %lu Worker Process: %lu removed from hashtable; total number now: %lu UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::StopTrackingWorkerProcess Deleting application in site: %lu with path: %S, total number before delete: %lu; config change %lu UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::DeleteApplication Received a change notification for an application '%S' with Site Id '%d' that does not exist Finding application to delete in hashtable failed Removing application from hashtable failed UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::DeleteApplicationInternal DynamicIdleThreshold updated to %u UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::ModifyGlobalData DemandStartThreshold updated to %u Configuring control channel for logging in UTF8 %S UL_AND_WORKER_MANAGER::ValidateAndStoreGlobalConfigChanges Configuring control channel MaxBandwidth to %u Configuring control channel ConnectionInfo ConnectionTimeout = %u HeaderWaitTimeout = %u MinFileBytesSec = %u s y s t e m . a p p l i c a t i o n H o s t / l o g <