Edit C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\wamreg.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ è º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ êðÂ;®?¬h®?¬h®?¬hsnah¯?¬hsnbh¢?¬h®?hÌ?¬hsngh£?¬hsnfh¯?¬hsnh©?¬hsneh¯?¬hsn`h¯?¬hRich®?¬h PE d? ôR ð " t Hq ? à åÎ ` °? F Ȳ ? À è ð Ð | @ @# ? ° È .text ör t `.data X ? x @ À.pdata ð z @ @.idata \ ° ~ @ @.rsrc è À ? @ @.reloc þ Ð ? @ B y ? $ ? ($ ? Ün ? ôR # Ô# Ô 0? ? Ð? ? À F À F/ Unable to Create Debug Print Object w a m r e g . d l l 0µpʶй¹ É"çPD?sa?ñÐ?S ÀOÙÁN|Bã=H¤>¨PÏÌ?WAMREG É?mfS@®Úb}%Ìï?l:vóÐ?S ÀOÙÁ?æ© ¸Ð¹¹ É"çP¸*?)óÐ?S ÀOÙÁÆPÅRÈK?²?ÁapéßQòöй½ É"çP?ÙÈìëЦ É"çR·*?)óÐ?S ÀOÙÁ/ L M / W 3 S V C / A p p P o o l s / Failed to Delete on path %S, hr = %08x CWamAdmin::PrivateDeleteApplication inetsrv\iis\svcs\wam\wamreg\wamadm.cpp Failed to DeleteRecoverable, hr = %08x Delete: GetPropPaths failed hr = %08x Insufficient Access to unload Application %S, hr = %08x CWamAdmin::AppUnLoad Failed to Recover on path %S, hr = %08x CWamAdmin::AppRecover Failed to Recover, hr = %08x Recover: GetPropPaths failed hr = %08x Failed to create metabase path %S, hr = %08x CWamAdmin::AppCreate2 Failed to get DWORD on metabase path %S, hr = %08x Failed to delete old application on path %S, hr = 08x Failed to create new application on path %S, hr = 08x Get Signature on path %S, signature = %08x CWamAdmin::GetSignature Failed to get signature on path %S, hr = %08x GetSignature: GetPropPaths failed hr = %08x ConstructFullPath failed for base (%S) partial (%S) hr=%08x CWamAdmin::Serialize Failed to get MD_APP_ISOLATED, hr=%08x Failed to get IDs for %S, hr = %08x Failed to get AppName for %S, hr = %08x Serialize: GetPropPaths failed hr = %08x CWamAdmin::DeSerialize Failed to get MD_APP_ISOLATED at (%S) hr=%08x Unable to delete app at %S, hr = %08x DeSerialize: buffer size %d, Deserialize path = %S, WAMCLSID = %S. Failed to create COM application. Path(%S) Clsid(%S) AppId(%S). hr=%08x FormatMetabasePath, failed to allocate memory. hr = %08x CWamAdmin::FormatMetabasePath I I s A p p l i c a t i o n P o o l \ L M \ W 3 S V C \ A p p P o o l s \ \ L M \ W 3 S V C °L ? L ? àL ? ?4 ? ?6 ? ?6 ? ¤6 ? h; ? ÐL ? ÀL ? ?L ? ?@ ? ¨A ? ÌA ? ´B ? XE ? ØI ? ?J ? / l m / w 3 s v c / à( ? ¤) ? ¸) ? è) ? ø) ? Ð, ? `/ ? ü/ ? 0 ? 2 ? ?( ? ?>