Edit C:\Windows\System32\mprdim.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ ð º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ "kö"f ?qf ?qf ?q»õUqg ?qf ?q? ?q»õSqq ?q»õWqe ?q»õVqu ?q»õRqg ?q»õOqq ?q»õQqg ?q»õTqg ?qRichf ?q PE d? Ï?ðb ð " F R ° ? ð ?G `A 0T m P¥ Ü Ð ? D à @ 0 8 °) ? H ?K @ .text ?D F `.data ` ` J @ À.pdata D ? P @ @.idata ? d @ @.didat È À ~ @ À.rsrc Ð ? @ @.reloc @ à ? @ B ? ° Ð @ ` à @ ` ? À à À @ ` à ? @ ` à @ ` ? À à @ ` à @ ` p ? ° À à ? 0 ` ? ð ! 0! P! p! ?! °! Ð! ð! " 0" P" `$ °' à' @) * À* @+ Ð+ ?, P- . À. @0 À0 P1 à1 à2 ?3 4 5 ?5 °6 A àA ÀB C D I pL `M ÐN @U ?U `W 0] À] 0` àa ?b `f `i @j Àk @l o pr Às `x y ày { °~ À~ ? Ð? °? ð? ?? ð? P? ð? 0? À? ?? P? `? P£ ?¬ Ь ?® ¯ ½ ?½ ?¿ à¿ Æ Ç 0Ç Ê ?Ó àÓ ðÓ PÔ Õ ÐÕ 0× ?Ø ðÙ °Ú Ü ì @ô ? 8 à; `< Ð< @= = > > à> ?? ?@ à@ pA pP ÐQ àQ Ðq ðq ? ð? ¯ Я ?± ð¸ ð¹ `È ?Ê °Ê À! Ï?ðb # D* D Ï?ðb |* | f? °f? ADVAPI32.dll ACTIVEDS.dll iashlpr.dll netutils.dll logoncli.dll ole32.dll RASAPI32.dll RPCRT4.dll Secur32.dll D?I/vÐ?Ë ÀOÃ5?STó±Ð?× ÀOÃ5?ìá<nó±Ð?× ÀOÃ5?}-?ó±Ð?× ÀOÃ5?~-?ó±Ð?× ÀOÃ5? J ë?Ô?# PwY¼ J ë?Ô?# PwY¼ 0? ` ? bad allocation ? ? `È? ` ? Creating l1 interface with %d bytes of dohr InterfaceCreate returned %d Setting DD in SQM in RRouterInterfaceCreate, as a DD interface is created RRouterInterfaceGetCustomInfoEx: Invalid Version %d/type%d/size %d RRouterInterfaceGetCustomInfoEx: Invalid revision %d DuplicateCertificateBlob failed: %d Malloc failed: %d RRouterInterfaceGetCustomInfoEx returned %d RRouterInterfaceSetCustomInfoEx: Invalid Version %d/type%d/size %d RRouterInterfaceSetCustomInfoEx: Invalid revision %d RRouterInterfaceSetCustomInfoEx returned %d IfObjectLoadDestinationInfo function pointer not found. Error:%d IfObjectLoadDestinationInfo failed with error:%d Setting info on l1 interface. %d is dial restriction Failed to delete PSK specific IKEv2 policies. Error:%d Failed to plumb PSK specific IKEv2 policies. Error:%d InterfaceSetInfo returned %d IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy failed to remove ikev2 policy. Error:%d Another IKEv2 tunnel based interface using PSK auth and same destination already exists. Disabling this interface Failed to disableinterface. Error: %d IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy failed to add ikev2 policy. Error:%d InterfaceCreateEx returned %d Setting DD in SQM in RRouterInterfaceCreateEx, as a DD interface is created Specified QoS Policies are not valid Error:%d Failed to update QoS Policies with DDM. Error:%d InterfaceSetInfoEx returned %d RRouterMarkServerOffline %s: RRouterMarkServerOffline: Marked the server offline : %d. { 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } I P I P V 6 r e m o t e a c c e s s Router Routing and Remote Access service is starting... ServiceMain: Error %d occured while initializing critical sections. R e m o t e A c c e s s ServiceMain: Error occured while allocating memory. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while allocating resource. ServiceMain: RegisterForRoutingDomainChangeNotifications failed: %d. ServiceMain: InitializeRrasConfigurationStore failed: %d. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while initializing DIM parameters from registry. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while creating resources #1 ServiceMain: Error %d occured while loading router managers. ServiceMain: Error in configuration. IPX is no more supported. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while creating resources #2 ServiceMain: Error %d occured while creating resources #3 ServiceMain: Error %d occured while creating resources #4 ServiceMain: Error %d occured while loading DDM. ServiceMain: Error missing entry point in mprddm.dll #1 ServiceMain: Error missing entry point in mprddm.dll #2 ServiceMain: Error %d occured during DDM service initialization. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while loading interfaces from registry. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while applying the routing domain configuration. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while creating security context. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while initializing RPC interface for administration. ServiceMain: Error %d occured while setting RAS bit for NetServerEnum. ServiceMain: RegisterDeviceNotification failed with error %d. ServiceMain: Registering for media sense failed with error %d. ServiceMain: Registering for bindings notifications failed with error %d. Routing and Remote Access service started successfully. M P R D I M . D L L ServiceMain: Failed to register callback on terminate event. Error %d T y p e E n a b l e d M i n U n r e a c h a b i l i t y I n t e r v a l M a x U n r e a c h a b i l i t y I n t e r v a l P r o t o c o l I d I n t e r f a c e I n f o I K E v 2 C u s t o m P o l i c y T r a f f i c S e l e c t o r s Interface '%S' does not belong to the right routing domain - skipping. Interface '%S' is in non-default routing domain while multi tenancy is disabled - skipping. Interface '%S' is in default routing domain while multi tenancy is enabled - skipping. GetRoutingDomainConfiguration failed for %S: %d The routing domain for interface '%S' is not yet configured - skipping. The routing domain for interface '%S' is configured but not available - skipping. D i a l O u t H o u r s Disabling interface '%s' as there is another interface exists with same destination and same (PSK) auth method. Failed to load custom IKE configuration for interface '%s'. Error %d. S a L i f e T i m e S a M a x D a t a S i z e M a c h i n e C e r t i f i c a t e H a s h M a c h i n e C e r t i f i c a t e N a m e : P r o t o c o l S t a r t P o r t E n d P o r t S t a r t I P E n d I P I n i t i a t o r R e s p o n d e r "? èB øB C "? hC xC C "? èC øC D "? D ÀD E 0 "? ?G ¤G "? ÐG àG "? I I P "? lI tI ? "? ?I ¤I ? `? H¥? ( ? ¿ 5 RSDS?ÌùäÕÆâN Ë%j?8R mprdim.pdb UGP`? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? `? ?« ? Ðq? ðq? 2? ? [ ? ? à'? Ð+? P-? @+? à1? à2? À0? ?3? P1? P?? ð?? `x? ?b? y? ?? `f? ð?? Ð?? ??? ð?? @l? àa? Àk? À?? ày? 0?? PÔ? Õ? ðÙ? ÐÕ? 0×? ?Ø? °Ú? Ü? À.? 5? À]? °?? `i? @j? {? o? @0? *? @)? ?,? .? À*? ?5? °~? pr? Às? À~? @U? ÀB? I? D? pL? ÐN? `M? C? ??? 0]? ?U? `W? A? àA? 4? P?? 0`? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? °? StartRouter Start Router failed with %d Setting router attributes in the identity object S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ R e m o t e A c c e s s \ R o u t i n g D o m a i n s SetGlobalInfo returned %d InterfaceDeviceSetInfo returned %d IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy failed. Error:%d DeleteInterface returned %d Clearing DD in SQM RRouterInterfaceDelete, as no other DD interface exist RemoveInterface returned %d InterfaceTransportAdd: Set if to unreachable InterfaceTransportAdd returned %d RRouterInterfaceUpdateRoutes: failed to revert to self. Error %d InterfaceUpdateRoutes returned %d QueryUpdateResult returned %d InterfaceSetCredEx returned %d RRouterInterfaceGetCredentialsLocal: NULL parameter RRouterInterfaceGetCredentialsLocal: MprAdminInterfaceGetCredentialsInternal returned %d RRouterInterfaceGetCredentialsLocal: exiting with status %d RRouterAdminInterfaceEnumEx %s entered %s : Interface table lock acquired %s : exit RRouterAdminRoutingDomainSetConfigEx %s: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration failed with error: %d %s: DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain failed with error: %d %s: GetDialInAdapterNameForRoutingDomain failed with error: %d %s: DimDisableVpnForRoutingDomain failed with error: %d %s: Removing IKEv2 policies for all the S2S interfaces. %s: IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy failed to remove custom IKEv2 policy. Error: %d %s: Plumbing IKEv2 policies for all the S2S interfaces. %s: IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy failed to add custom IKEv2 policy. Error: %d %s: Removing IKEv2 policies of S2S interfaces using PSK auth method. %s: IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy failed to remove PSK IKEv2 policy. Error: %d %s: Plumbing IKEv2 policies of S2S interfaces using PSK auth method. %s: DimEnableS2SForRoutingDomain failed with error: %d %s: DimEnableVpnForRoutingDomain failed with error: %d %s: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration for qos policies failed with error: %d %s: UpdateQoSPoliciesWithDDM failed with error: %d RRouterAdminAddRoutingDomainEx %s: EnableRoutingDomainOnRRAS failed: %d. %s: DimStartRoutingDomain failed: %d. RRouterAdminDeleteRoutingDomainEx %s: IsRoutingDomainAvailable failed: %d. %s: DimStopRoutingDomain failed: %d. %s: DisableRoutingDomainOnRRAS failed: %d. IfObjectAllocateAndInit: NsiGetInterfaceIndexAndLuidFromIsolationInfo failed with error %d Calling SetRasAdvEnable( %d ) = %d Notifying Protocol = 0x%x, Interface=%ws is Reachable Notifying Protocol = 0x%x,Interface=%ws is UnReachable=%d IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy %s: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration failed: %d %s: Custom IKEv2 policy is not available. Default policy would be used. Removing Plumbing %s IKEv2 PSK policies for %S ... IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy: Error missing entry point for DDMPlumbPskIkev2Policy in mprddm.dll IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy: DDMPlumbPskIkev2Policy failed for '%S'. Error: %d DisableInterfaceForNoRemoteEndPoint %s: Disabling interface %S for having no OR un-resolvable destination IP address %s: Failed to disable interface. Error: %d UpdateRemoteEndpoints %s: IfObjectLoadDestinationInfo failed: (dwRemoteEndpointCount: %d, dwRetCode: %d). IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy %s: Custom policy is not configured %s: UpdateRemoteEndpoints failed: %d %s: UpdateRemoteEndpoints failed: %d %s: No interface found. %s: malloc failed %s IKEv2 policies for %S ... IsCustomIkev2PolicyConfiguredForRoutingDomain DDMServiceInitialize DDMConnectInterface DDMDisconnectInterface DDMAdminInterfaceConnect DDMAdminInterfaceDisconnect DDMAdminServerGetInfo DDMAdminServerGetInfoEx DDMAdminConnectionEnum DDMAdminConnectionEnumEx DDMAdminConnectionGetInfo DDMAdminConnectionGetInfoEx DDMAdminConnectionClearStats DDMAdminPortEnum DDMAdminPortGetInfo DDMAdminPortClearStats DDMAdminPortReset DDMAdminPortDisconnect IfObjectInitiatePersistentConnections DDMServicePostListens IfObjectLoadPhonebookInfo IfObjectNotifyOfReachabilityChange IfObjectSetDialoutHoursRestriction DDMGetIdentityAttributes DDMRegisterConnectionNotification DDMSendUserMessage DDMTransportCreate IfObjectFreePhonebookContext IfObjectFreeRemoteEndpoint DDMPlumbPskIkev2Policy DDMAdminRemoveQuarantine DDMPostCleanup DDMAdminServerSetInfo DDMAdminServerSetInfoEx DDMAdminUpdateConnection DDMHandleRoutingDomainConfigChange DDMPlumbRDIkev2TunnelPolicy IfObjectLoadDestinationInfo DDMAdminUpdateQoSPolicies IfObjectGetStatistics UpdateGlobalPhoneBookContext IfObjectNotifyAllOfReachabilityChange DDMAdminRoutingDomainConnectionEnumEx IfObjectRequeuePersistentConnection IfObjectDisconnectInterfaces MediaSenseCallback for sense disconnect called for %ws MediaSenseCallback for sense connect called for %ws BindingsNotificationsCallback BIND for %ws,Transport=%ws T C P I P T C P I P 6 BindingsNotificationsCallback UNDBIND for %ws,Transport=%ws DimCleanUp: CleanUpRrasConfigurationStore failed DimCleanup completed for error %d Service control stop or shutdown called Device arrival:[%ws] Device removed:[%ws] Received Remote Access Policy change control message R o u t e r T y p e L o g g i n g F l a g s G l o b a l I n f o D L L P a t h G l o b a l I n t e r f a c e I n f o Custom IKEv2 configuration is not available for: '%s' Custom IKEv2 policy configuration for: '%S' dwSaDataSize: %d DwSaLifeTime: %d N o Y e s certificate specified: %S dwAuthTransformConstant: %d dwCipherTransformConstant: %d dwDhGroup: %d dwEncryptionMethod: %d dwIntegrityMethod: %d dwPfsGroup: %d Custom IKEv2 policies not configured Setting Clearing %s SQM IPV4 LAN Routing %s SQM IPV4 VPN %s SQM IPV6 LAN Routing %s SQM IPV6 VPN S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ R e m o t e A c c e s s \ P a r a m e t e r s Error %d occured while opening registry key %s. Error %d occured while querying registry value %s. RouterType Value is %d Error %d occured while querying for OS information. S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ R e m o t e A c c e s s \ R o u t e r M a n a g e r s Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under %s.#1 Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under %s.#2 Error %d occured while allocating memory for resources#1 Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under %s.#3 Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under key %s.#4 Error %d occured while allocating memory for resources#2 Error %d occured while querying value for registry %s. #1 Error %d occured while querying value for registry %s. #2 IPX no longer supported. Skip loading IPX Router Manager Error %d occured while querying value for registry %s for Dll name. Error %d occured while expanding environment strings in Dll name %s.#1 Error %d occured while allocating resources.#3 Error %d occured while expanding environment strings in Dll name %s.#2 Error %d occured while loading library (dll) %s. Error %d occured while loading entry point in the dll %s. Error %d occured during the router manager %s initialization. RTRMGR is unloaded from DIM S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ R e m o t e A c c e s s \ D e m a n d D i a l M a n a g e r Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under registry key %s. Error %d occured while allocating memory for resources.#1 Error %d occured while querying registry value %s.#1 Error %d occured while querying registry value %s.#2 Error %d occured while allocating memory for resources.#2 Error %d occured while loading library (Dll) %s. Error %d occured while getting entry point %s in %s. Error %d occured while querying registry value %S. V s i d O r V l a n T a g Invalid Interface entry - VsidOrVlanTag is set to 0. Removing this interface from registry. M u l t i T e n a n t I f L u i d Error %d occured while reading multi tenant interface LUID. Removing this interface from registry. S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ R e m o t e A c c e s s \ I n t e r f a c e s Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under registry key %s. #1 Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under registry key %s. #2 I n t e r f a c e N a m e R o u t i n g D o m a i n I d RegLoadInterfaces %s: MprConvertStringToGuid failed for (%S): %d. %s: Skipping default routing interface (%S). Error %d occured while loading interface name %s. Setting DD in SQM in RegLoadInterfaces Clearing DD in SQM in RegLoadInterfaces AddRoutingDomainToRtrMgr: transport is not configured for routing domain. AddRoutingDomainToRtrMgr: Failed to retrieve: %d. AddRoutingDomainToRtrMgr: AddRoutingDomain failed : %d. AddRoutingDomainToRtrMgr: IPv4 rtrmgr is not available. DeleteRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr: RemoveRoutingDomain failed : %d. DeleteRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr: rtrmgr is not available. DeleteS2SInterfacesForRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr: DeleteInterface failed : %d. DeleteS2SInterfacesForRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr: rtrmgr is not available. NotifyDDMForRoutingDomainChange: DDMHandleRoutingDomainConfigChange failed:%d. NotifyDDMForRoutingDomainChange: DDMHandleRoutingDomainConfigChange function is not exported from DDM. DimUnLoadInterfaces %s: Malloc failed. Error: %d. IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry: Error %d occured while opening registry key %s. IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry:Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under registry key %s. #1 IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry:Error %d occured while enumerating subkeys under registry key %s. #2 IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry:Error %d occured while opening registry key %s. IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry:ReadInterfaceExtraInfo failed with error %d IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry: Matching Interface (%S) found in the registry P a r a m e t e r A d d i t i o n D e l e t i o n I n i t i a l InterfaceChangeCallback: Got interface %S notification. Interface LUID:0x%I64x, Compartment Id:%d InterfaceChangeCallback: NsiGetRoutingDomainIdForCompartment failed with error %d InterfaceChangeCallback: Ignoring notification for %S, compartment %d, as this routing domain is not enabled for RRAS RoutingDomainChangeCallback: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration for %S, compartment %d failed with error %d. Ignoring the error InterfaceChangeCallback: DimEnumerateInterfacesFromStack failed with error %d InterfaceChangeCallback: NsiGetInterfaceIndexAndLuidFromIsolationInfo for VSID:%d failed with error %d InterfaceChangeCallback: IsTenantInterfacePresentInRegistry failed with error %d InterfaceChangeCallback: DimCreateInterfaceEntry failed with error %d InterfaceChangeCallback: Interface (LUID: 0x%I64x, VSID:%d) already present in the registry. Not creating a new entry InterfaceChangeCallback: RegLoadInterfaces for %s failed with error %d InterfaceChangeCallback: Interface (LUID: 0x%I64x, VSID:%d) is already loaded in service. RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications: Failed to retrieve the compartment ID for routing domain: %d. RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration failed: %d. RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications: SetCurrentThreadCompartmentId failed: %d. RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications: NotifyIpInterfaceChange failed: %d. RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications: CancelMibChangeNotify2 failed: %d. RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications: SetRoutingDomainConfiguration failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: ReferenceOrDereferenceRoutingDomain (TRUE) failed with error: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: Failed to retrieve the compartment ID for routing domain: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration (RdName) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: AddRoutingDomainToRtrMgr(ipv4) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: AddRoutingDomainToRtrMgr(ipv6) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: GetRoutingDomainConfiguration (RouterType) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: NotifyDDMForRoutingDomain (NEW RD) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications failed with error %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: Error %d occured while loading interfaces from stack. DimStartRoutingDomain: Error %d occured while loading interfaces from registry. DimStartRoutingDomain: Error %d occured while plumbing custom IKEv2 policy. DimStartRoutingDomain: DeleteRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr(ipv4) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: DeleteRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr(ipv6) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: NotifyDDMForRoutingDomainChange (RD delete) failed: %d. DimStartRoutingDomain: ReferenceOrDereferenceRoutingDomain(FALSE) failed: %d. DimEnableVpnForRoutingDomain: RegLoadInterfaces failed: %d. DimDisableVpnForRoutingDomain: IfObjectGetPointerByName returned null. DimDisableVpnForRoutingDomain: NotifyDDMForRoutingDomainChange failed: %d. DimEnableS2SForRoutingDomain: Error %d occured while plumbing custom IKEv2 policy. DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain: IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy failed to remove IKEv2 policies: %d. DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain: IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy failed to remove IKEv2 PSK policies: %d. DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain: Error %d returned by DimUnLoadInterfaces. DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain: DeleteS2SInterfacesForRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr(IPv4) failed: %d. DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain: DeleteS2SInterfacesForRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr(IPv6) failed: %d. DimDisableS2SForRoutingDomain: NotifyDDMForRoutingDomainChange failed: %d. A d d D e l e t e RoutingDomainChangeCallback: Got routing domain %S notification for %S, compartment Id = %d RoutingDomainChangeCallback: Ignoring notification for %S, compartment %d, as this routing domain is not enabled for RRAS RoutingDomainChangeCallback: DimStartRoutingDomain for %S, compartment Id %d, failed with error %d RoutingDomainChangeCallback: DimStopRoutingDomain for %S, compartment Id %d failed with error: %d RoutingDomainChangeCallback: Ignoring the notification for routing domain %d, compartment Id %d RegisterForRoutingDomainChangeNotifications: NotifyCompartmentChange failed with error %d. RegisterForRoutingDomainChangeNotifications: CancelMibChangeNotify2 failed: %d. DimStopRoutingDomain: RegisterInterfaceChangeNotifications failed with error %d DimStopRoutingDomain: IfObjectPlumbRDIkev2Policy failed to remove IKEv2 policies: %d. DimStopRoutingDomain: IfObjectPlumbIkev2PskPolicy failed to remove IKEv2 PSK policies: %d. DimStopRoutingDomain: NotifyDDMForRoutingDomainChange (RD delete) failed: %d. DimStopRoutingDomain: DeleteRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr(ipv4) failed: %d. DimStopRoutingDomain: DeleteRoutingDomainFromRtrMgr(ipv6) failed: %d. DimStopRoutingDomain: ReferenceOrDereferenceRoutingDomain failed with error %d. DimStartAllRoutingDomains: Error %d occured while enumerating Routing Domains from config store. DimStartAllRoutingDomains: Skipping routing domain having un-supported version: %d. DimStartAllRoutingDomains: Adding outing domain(%S) to RtrMgtr and DDM. DimStartAllRoutingDomains: DimStartRoutingDomain failed for routing domain(%S): %d. DimEnumerateInterfacesFromStack %s: Failed to set compartment Id (%d) on the thread %d. %s: Malloc failed. %s: UuidCreate failed for interface (VSID=%d) (%d) DimStopAllRoutingDomains: IsMultiTenancyEnabled failed: %d. DimStopAllRoutingDomains: Error %d occured while enumerating Routing Domains from config store. DimStopAllRoutingDomains: Skipping routing domain having un-supported version: %d. DimStopAllRoutingDomains: Skipping routing domain (%S) as it is not available with the network stack. DimStopAllRoutingDomains: unloading interfaces for routing domain(%S). DimStopAllRoutingDomains: removing outing domain(%S) from RtrMgtr and DDM. DimStopAllRoutingDomains: DimStopRoutingDomain failed for routing domain(%ws): %d. DIMRouterStopped called by protocol 0x%x DimUnloadRouterManagers: fAllRouterManagersStopped M s R R A S A t t r i b u t e No DS located, DsGetDcName()=%d No DS located Memory exhausted -- unable to continue , C N = R o u t e r I d e n t i t y L D A P : / / % s % s % s % s % s % s R R A S A d m i n i s t r a t i o n C o n n e c t i o n P o i n t O b j e c t C l a s s % d : % d : % d RouterIdentityObjectOpen returned %d No attributes in identity object %d:%d:%d Adding value %ws in the Router Identity Object Removing value %ws in the Router Identity Object Could not access DC, will set router attributes later RpbkEntryToIfData: Integer underflow RpbkSubEntryToDevData: Integer underflow \ r a s \ R o u t e r . p b k R e m o t e A c c e s s L r p c \ P I P E \ R O U T E R n c a c n _ n p 5 8 ? pÎ ? ? F ?¦ ? ¥ ? @ H r ༠? @? ? ð ` 1 ? ? 0 ! ?? ? ? @ ! p? ? ? P ! ðÎ ? ? ? ! z ? ? F ?¦ ? ?Æ ? 1 ? ! p£ ? ? F ?¦ ? ¢ ? P X ?È ? @w ? 8Î ? ÿÿÿÿ 5 è ? 0Ð ? ? (? ? A ?¼ ? 8? ? A ?Æ ? ? ? A @Ç ? 8? ? 8 4 p ? 8 ? ? ? ? ? ? p? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8¤ ? ? ? P ð p~ ? @? ? ?Ì ? hy ? ÿÿÿÿ 1 ( ? ! à? ? ? ! ðÎ ? ? 1 ? ! ?? ? ? ! pÉ ? ! ? ? Ò ? ?? ? P ? À? ? ?? ? °? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? @¦ ? Àà ? PÊ ? pª ? ? ? `» ? °? ? ¼ ? Ç ? ? ? @ ? ÐÌ ? Ë ? ? ? Ë ? ? ? @? ? à? ? £ ? àÉ ? °½ ? Ц ? P? ? ð? ? ð? ? Ì ? ° ? °º ? P? ? ? ? ?? ? àÆ ? ?À ? p? ? ?? ? ð? ? ð¿ ? À? ? À? ? ? ? ÐÈ ? ? ? ? ? p? ? ?¤ ? 0? ? P¿ ? » ? `à ? ¥ ? ¢ ? à? ? ? ? À» ? à~ ? @Ñ ? w ? È ? ?Ñ ? @½ ? pÍ ? 5 ? ? À? ? ? A ? ? 8? ? @ @ J0 X r @? ? È à¼ ? @? ? È y ? ? @? ? ð ( @ J( r @? ? È @? ? È Ä ? ? @? ? ð @ r @? ? È ¢ ? @? ? ð A àw ? ? ? A p¤ ? 8? ? @ G Ø¥ ? h? ? @ @ "