Edit C:\Windows\System32\onlinesetup.cmd
rem @echo off setlocal start cmd.exe rem rem It seems redirections like 2>nul don't work correctly, so avoid them in this script rem if "%SystemDrive%"=="" ( echo System drive was not specified. goto :eof ) if "%SystemRoot%"=="" ( echo Windows directory was not specified. goto :eof ) set ProgramFiles(x86)=%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86) %SystemRoot%\system32\secinit.exe :DoInstall %SystemRoot%\system32\oobe\setup.exe if errorlevel 1 ( echo Error in running setup.exe echo More error information may be available in echo %systemroot%\panther\setupact.log and echo %systemroot%\panther\setuperr.log pause goto :DoInstall ) rem rem Delete SetupPolicies directory rem if exist %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\SetupPolicies\nul ( rd /s /q %SystemRoot%\WinSxS\SetupPolicies ) popd
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