Edit C:\Windows\System32\remotesp.tsp
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ è º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ Q4À½U®îU®îU®îȪcîU®îȪ`îU®îU¯î?U®îȪeîU®îȪdîU®îȪ|îU®îȪgîU®îȪbîU®îRichU®î PE d? vLPT ð " Z F ? ? à Ó `A ÀW ? ¨¤ À p ? ? Ð Ì ? A ? .text OY Z `.data > p ^ @ À.pdata ? ? f @ @.idata Ò r @ @.rsrc p À ? @ @.reloc Ì Ð ? @ B =? 0I `W À| 0} ?} ~ à~ P À @? ? p? @? ?? ? P? `? ?? ?? P? À? 0? @? ð? p? 0? Ð? @? ? `? P? ? Ð? ?? P? ? P? ?? 0? ?? ? ? ? 0? à? ? À¡ ¢ ?¢ P£ ¤ `¤ ¤ °¥ 0§ p§ °§ P¨ ð¨ P© ðª `« `¬ À ¯ p¯ °¯ ð¯ 0° p° à° P± À± 0² °² 0³ °³ ð³ `´ ´ 0µ °µ ¶ 0¶ p¶ චP· ¸ ภP¹ À¹ ?º ¼ `¾ À¿ À ?À ÐÀ @ À ?à àà PÄ àÄ Å PÅ °Å ðÅ Æ ÐÈ 0É ?É ÐÉ 0Ê ÐÊ Ë 0Ì pÌ àÌ `Í àÍ PÎ ÀÎ 0Ï Ï Ð ?Ð Ñ ÐÑ ?Ò ?ç ?ç pè é ð ó ó `ô ?ö °ö P p ° 0 ° à = ? °B F 0F @F vLPT % ?A ?5 °w? Px? GetSystemProcessInfo: VirtualAlloc failed (status=0x%x) GetSystemProcesInfo: enlarging buffer to %d SetProcessImpersonationToken: OpenProcessToken failed, err=%d SetProcessImpersonationToken: NtSetInformationThread failed, err=%d SetProcessImpersonationToken: NtSetInformationThread failed (error=%d) ClearImpersonationToken: SetThreadToken failed (error=%d) e x p l o r e r . e x e \ S o f t w a r e \ M i c r o s o f t \ W i n d o w s N T \ C u r r e n t V e r s i o n \ W i n l o g o n s h e l l ImpersonateCurrentlyLoggedInUser: shell is %S ImpersonateCurrentlyLoggedInUser: OpenProcess(x%x) failed (dwErr=%d) ? °? °? 0F? 0F? 0F? À9 ? P ? p ? h ? j: ? [ à; ? @F? @F? @F? 0? = ? P ? p ? (~? ò? ? [ h? ? DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, CreateHandleTable() failed DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, TlsAlloc() failed USER32.DLL Couldn't load USER32.DLL!! LoadIconA Couldn't load LoadIconA()!! DLL_PROCESS_DETACH Couldn't load USER32.DLL!!d DestroyIcon Couldn't load DestroyIcon()!! %s\Provider%d\ E r r o r C o n t e x t E r r o r C o d e E r r o r D e t a i l printscan\tapi\sp\remotesp\remotesp.c OnServerDisconnected: Unable to create poll thread! Argh! GetEventFromQueue: ERROR! bad msgSize=x%x GetEventsFromServer: bad InitContext=x%x GetEventsFromServer: rpc exception %d handled GetEventsFromServer: server '%s' unavailable EventHandlerThread: enter GetCurrentlyLoggedOnUser failed SetProcessImpersonationToken failed EventHandlerThread: SetThreadPriority failed, err=%d EventHandlerThread: ReadFile failed, err=%d EventHandlerThread: WaitForMultObjs failed, result=%d/err=%d EventHandlerThread: bad InitContext=x%x in msg EventHandlerThread: Bad hCall(cs) x%lx EventHandlerThread: Bad pConfCall(cs) x%lx EventHandlerThread: Bad pCall(ds) x%lx EventHandlerThread: Bad pCall(lc) x%lx Doing LINE_/PHONE_REPLY: LocID=x%x (RemID=x%x), Result=x%x EventHandlerThread: exit pServer says REINIT in RemoteDoFunc pServer is disconnected in RemoteDoFunc RemoteDoFunc: RpcImpersonateClient failed, err=%d RemoteDoFunc: SetProcessImpersToken failed, lastErr=%d server returned REINIT in RemoteDoFunc Telephony server is no longer available. Sending REINIT message to TAPI lineGetAgentxxx_PostProcess: enter p1=x%lx, p2=x%lx, p3=x%lx, p4=x%lx TSPI_lineCloseCall - pCall x%lx lineCompleteCall PostProcess: enter lineDevSpecificPostProcess: enter TSPI_lineGatherDigits_PostProcess: enter G e t N e w C a l l s t a p i / p h o n e w a v e / i n w a v e / o u t m i d i / i n m i d i / o u t w a v e / i n / o u t TSPI_lineMakeCall_PostProcess: enter p1=x%x, p2=x%x, p3=x%x, p4=x%x TSPI_lineMakeCall_PostProcess: Bad pCall or ID - pCall x%lx TSPI_lineMakeCall - new pCall x%lx lineParkPostProcess: enter TSPI_lineSetupConference_PostProcess: enter TSPI_lineSetupConference_PostProcess: Bad pConfCall dwID TSPI_lineSetupConference_PostProcess: Bad pConsultCall dwID p1=x%x, p2=x%x, p3=x%x p4=x%x, p5=x%x, p6=x%x t a p i / l i n e TSPI_providerCheckForNewUser: trying deferred init... TSPI_providerCheckForNewUser: deferred Init result=x%x remotesp TSPI_providerEnumDevices: enter, prov ID: 0x%x TSPI_providerEnumDevices: enter, called from TSPI_providerCheckForNewUser TSPI_providerEnumDevices: Client is system account ...attempting logged-on-user impersonation TSPI_providerEnumDevices: GetCurrentlyLoggedOnUser failed ...deferring initialization "