Edit C:\Windows\System32\rtm.dll
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Û ÀÝ ?â àâ ?ðb DC D7 p? ? ---------------- TABLE BEGIN --------------------------- ---------------- TABLE END --------------------------- Inconsistent information @ Node: %p Balance out of bounds: %d LDepth = %lu, RDepth = %lu, NodeBal = %d Balance inconsistent Parent relationship bad Prefix relationship bad @1 Prefix relationship bad @2 TrieNode @ %p: NB = %8d, KB = %3d. Left = %p, Parent = %p, Right = %p Prefix = %p, Data = %p, Balance = %2d Returning dest %p to CN %d: address is %s mask %d Dest: %d.%d.%d.%d Mask: %d.%d.%d.%d Adding dest %p to change list %d: Timer queue creation failed with error: 0x%x Entering ProcessChangedDestLists: %lu ProcessChangedDestLists: Number of changed dests: %ld Notifying CN %d BEGIN Notifying CN %d END Unable to ChangeTimerQueueTimer. Error: %d ProcessChangedDestLists: Dests Removed: %ld Leaving ProcessChangedDestLists: %lu Default Config: Error %d writing instance key Default Config: Error %d writing address family subkey \Instance %05d Instance Config: Error %d opening instance key Instance Config: Error %d creating instance key \Instance %05d\AddressFamily %05d Address Family Config: Error %d opening address family key AddressSize Address Family Config: Error %d reading address size key. Using default... Address Family Config: Address Size %d out of bounds ViewsSupported Address Family Config: No supported views MaxChangeNotifyRegistrations Address Family Config: # notifications out of range MaxOpaqueInfoPointers Address Family Config: # opaque ptrs out of range MaxNextHopsInRoute Address Family Config: # nexthops out of range MaxHandlesReturnedInEnum Address Family Config: # handles returned in enum Address Family Config: Error %d opening instance key AddressFamily %05d Address Family Config: Error %d creating address family key Address Family Config: # Change notify regs out of range Address Family Config: Error %d writing address family params RTM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\RoutingTableManager RtmApiStartup: Failed to copy memory with error: %x CreateEntity: ReserveOpaquePtr is passed as true, Address Family Instance %d CreateEntity: NumOpaquePtrs(%d) >= MaxOpaquePtrs(%d). Address Family Instance %d. Returning error CreateEntity: Incrementing NumOpaquePointers. Current count = %d, Address Family Instace: %d Adding Route with address: Nexthop address: Dest = %p and Route = %p Deleting Route with address: Updating Route with address: a¶¢XUPM?ÜüÚVêx«=uÖæ\þNK¥Ý?²ë?1Ñ#àÏ?Sö@@¡?ªW?îÜÙIg%p?D?q¹ÖNB07V/6ßH¤rM?j´Mh.Nô:Í|A°ÉwÛN4ûZºDZ'åýA¹`3¹?2t?+]LO???a¥A[©äb{fÚ0XA?vÀôWN®lMgmInitialize : MGM already running IPMGM ENTERED MgmInitialize MgmInitialize : Failed to allocate interface table : %x MgmInitialize : Failed to allocate group table : %x MgmInitialize : Failed to allocate timer table : %x MgmInitialize : Failed to create activity count semaphore : %x MgmInitialize : Failed to register with Rtm : %x MgmInitialize : Failed to register with Rtm for changenotification : %x LEAVING MgmInitialize : %x ENTERED MgmDeInitialize Failed to de-register change notification : %x Failed to de-register from RTM: %x Locked list being deleted is not empty LEAVING MgmDeInitialize %x ENTERED StopMgm Mgm is not running Number of threads in MGM : %x LEAVING StopMgm ENTERED MgmRegisterMProtocol %x, %x Entry already present for protocol : %x, %x Failed to create protocol entry %x LEAVING MgmRegisterMProtocol : %x ENTERED MgmDeRegisterMProtocol %x interfaces present for this protocol LEAVING MgmDeRegisterMProtocol %x ENTERED MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership : Interface %x, %x MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership : Already owned by routing protocol : %d, %d LEAVING MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership %x ENTERED MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership : Interface %x, %x Interface entry %d, %x not found IGMP not running on interface %x, %x Routing protcol not running on interface %x, %x References remain for interface LEAVING MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership %x ENTERED MgmGetProtocolOnInterface : Interface %x, %x No interface entry present for interface %x, %x LEAVING MgmGetProtocolOnInterface : %x ENTERED MgmAddGroupMembershipEntry : Interface %x, %x : Source : %x, %x : Group : %x, %x Specified interface was not found : %d, %d Interface %d, %d is not owned by protocol %d, %d IGMP join failed because owning protocol entry (%x, %x) not found LEAVING MgmAddGroupMembership %x Failed to queue WorkerFunctionInvokeCreationAlert Failed to allocate %d bytes for work item context Boundary present of group on interface Forward state not updated as no memberships present on interface ENTERED MgmDeleteGroupMembership : Interface %x, %x : Source : %x, %x : Group : %x, %x Specified interface was not found Interface %x, %x is not owned by %x, %x LEAVING MgmDeleteGroupMembership %x ENTERED MgmGetMfe LEAVING MgmGetMfe %x ENTERED MgmGetFirstMfe LEAVING MgmGetFirstMfe %x ENTERED MgmGetNextMfe LEAVING MgmGetNextMfe %x ENTERED MgmGetMfeStats LEAVING MgmGetMfeStats %x ENTERED MgmGetFirstMfeStats LEAVING MgmGetFirstMfeStats %x ENTERED MgmGetNextMfeStats LEAVING MgmGetNextMfeStats %x ENTERED MgmGroupEnumerationStart Failed to allocate group enumerator of size : %d LEAVING MgmGroupEnumerationStart ENTERED MgmGroupEnumerationGetNext Insufficient buffer size LEAVING MgmGroupEnumerationGetNext ENTERED MgmGroupEnumerationEnd LEAVING MgmGroupEnumerationEnd CreateReadWriteLock failed to allocate lock : %x CreateReadWriteLock failed to initialize critical section : %x CreateReadWriteLock failed to create event : %x LEAVING AcquireReadLock, lock %x, error %x Failed to allocate %d bytes Failed to lock dest %x Failed to retrieve opaque pointer %x AddSourceGroupToRouteRefList : Failed to allocate route ref list %x Failed to release dest %x Reference already exists for source %x Failed to mark destination %x: RtmChangeNotificationCallback : Failed to enter ENTERED RtmChangeNotificationCallback Failed to queue work item LEAVING RtmChangeNotificationCallback : %d WorkerFunctionProcessRtmChangeNotification : Failed to enter ENTERED WorkerFunctionRtmChangeNotification RtmGetChangedDests failed with error : %x RtmGetChangedDests returns 0 dests RtmIsMarkedForChangeNotification failed with error : %x Failed to released destination LEAVING WorkerFunctionRtmChangeNotification Failed to get less specific destination Failed to check if dest is marked Failed to lock less specific dest : %x Failed to opaque ptr for less specific dest : %x Failed to unlock less specific dest : %x Failed to lock dest : %x Failed to get opaque ptr : %x Failed to unmark DEST: %x Failed to check if dest marked Ignoring change notification for unmarked destination Failed to get opaque ptr Opaque pointer is NULL Arithmatic Overflow Error. Failed to allocate route info Failed to allocate route info, size : %x Failed route info : %x Failed to release route info : %x Could not find ref entry for %x, %x Could not find i/f entry for %x, %x Failed to get route info : %x ENTERED DeleteFromForwarder, Entries %x Failed with %x to convert IPv6 prefix %x to Mask DeleteFromForwarder - Source Entry not found : ( %x, %x ) DeleteFromForwarder - Group Entry not found : ( %x ) LEAVING DeleteFromForwarder ENTERED MFETimerProc, Source : %x %x, Group : %x %x No Route to source %x, %d Reference does not exist for source %x Failed to unlock dest : %x MFETimerProc has invalid incoming interface : %x, %x Source : %x %x, Group : %x %x MFETimerProc : No reference for interface : %x, %x LEAVING MFETimerProc ? 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Failed to create MFE AddMfeToForwarder : Failed to create MFE of size : %x DeleteMfeFromForwarder : Failed to create MFE of size : %x ? ? 2? ( ? ? 5 RSDSÕR¶ÚG?9áM§N rtm.pdb H?\$WH?ì H?ú?Ù?Éu?AWë,ÿZí º D?BH?Èÿ@í H?Àu¸ ë?XH?3ÀH?\$0H?Ä _ÃÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌL?ÜI?[I?kI?s WAVAWH?ìPM?ùI?ø·êL?ñM?ÉuI?CM?KÈM?{ÈI?C¸è? I?7H?öt$f9n,uH?FH? H??$? H?FH?03Àé% A?F?H.;È? ?Ùÿ?ì D?ÃH?Ⱥ ÿ~ì H?ÈH?À?ì H?0H??$? ·Õ?ÂH?AH??a( Áêf?i,?ÒtL?ÁL+Ç?HÿÇA?D8-ÿÊuòAÿFI?H?ÿ?? Ic_L?ÉL?ÁH?LßH?yI?I?ÎH?ÖL?|$ èÄ ?( u(?_(H?GH?À?=ÿÿÿ?ÉÿH9x» DÙ?x( H?øtØ9_(t ?g( éÿÿÿHcÃL?L$pH?×H?LÇ9Y(I?Îu÷ÛD?ÃèR éðþÿÿ÷ÛD?Ãè« éáþÿÿI?éÙþÿÿ¸ L?\$PI?[(I?k0I?s8I?ãA_A^_ÃÌÌÌÌÌÌÌH?ÄH?XH?hH?pWAVAWH?ìPL?¼$? I?ùH?ñM?ÉuL?HÈH?xÈL?x¸èä ?À?² H?oH?A¾d H?ítD?wH?{ tH?{ tH?×H?ÎèÝ H?H?oD?wL?L?ËH?ÓH?ÎH?|$ è? 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