Edit C:\Windows\System32\sti_ci.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ ø º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ ?Ê:nÙ«T=Ù«T=Ù«T=T?=Õ«T=T?=Û«T=T?=Û«T=Ù«U=«T=T?=È«T=T?=Ø«T=T?=À«T=T?=Ø«T=T?=Ø«T=RichÙ«T= PE d? Ré] ð " ¦ ? ? ? p ä7 `A À³ Ðå ´ P Ð ¤ ` ? à _ ? à È .text Ç¥ ¦ `.data D À ª @ À.pdata ¤ Ð ¬ @ @.idata . à ¸ @ @.rsrc P R Ô @ @.reloc ? ` & @ B ` ? ?? ` ` àc ðc d 0j Àp ?q Pr @t u ?¡ 0§ ¨ ਠ?³ ൠ¸ À¹ ?Þ @ñ P Ð; p> °L ?Q ð\ `_ 0d f h °j l Ðq Ð? ? ? Ð? P? ?¥ Ré] # ´_ ´S ?À? Á? "? 8³ H³ p³ ÈOÃxJÊJ?¤RMR?nWZ N%\¤ßýN? gÑF¨Pà K¦m?#ÉK¿IR¦+í ¢èàÉ1éD³«é±?u³ ðc ? àc ? àc ? ðc ? d ? àc ? Àp ? ? ðc ? 0j ? àc ? ?q ? Pr ? àc ? @t ? u ? àc ? ðc ? ?¡ ? àc ? P? °L? P?? Ðq? Ð?? Invalid LPPROPSHEETPAGE/LPARAM. CInstallWizardPage::PageProc Invalid DWLP_USER. Invalid LPNMHDR/DWLP_USER. CInstallWizardPage::Init Invalid argument. CreatePropertySheetPage() failed. Err=0x%x. Ret=0x%x. CPrevSelectPage::OnNotify Ret=0x%x. Err=0x%x. CString::Store CNameDevicePage::OnNotify CNameDevicePage::OnPSN_KILLACTIVE Invalid windows handle. CNameDevicePage::OnPSN_SETACTIVE Unable to get handle to a control. Err=0x%x. CFirstPage::OnInit Unable to load Intro font. Err=0x%x. CFirstPage::OnNotify Unable to load message title from string resource. CFinalPage::CFinalPage CFinalPage::OnInit CFinalPage::OnNotify SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiSetDeviceProperty() failed. Err=0x%x. InstallSelectedDriver() failed. Err=0x%x. SetServiceStart Unable to open SCM. Err=0x%x. Unable to get required buffer size for service config. Err=0x%x. Unable to allocate buffer. Unable to get service config. Err=0x%x. Service "%ws" is disabled, unable to change start type. ChangeServiceConfig() failed. Err=0x%x. Ret=0x%x StartWiaService OpenSCManager failed. Err=0x%x. S t i S v c OpenService failed. Err=0x%x. Service is already running StartService failed. Err=0x%x. WIA service couldn't be started within timeout. ControlService failed. Err=0x%x. GetDwordFromRegistry RegQueryValueEx() failed. Err=0x%x. Unable to allocate string. ShowInstallerMessage LoadString() failed. IsWindowsFile GetWindowsDirectory() failed. Err=0x%x. \ i n f \ l a y o u t . i n f Looking for '%ws' in %ws. S o u r c e D i s k s F i l e s IsProviderMs Unable to get required size for INF info. Err=0x%x. Unable to get Inf info. Err=0x%x. P r o v i d e r SetupQueryInfVersionInformation() failed. Err=0x%x. M i c r o s o f t IsInboxDriver Unable to get INF information. GetIntroFont D I S P L A Y Unable to create DC.Err=0x%x. SystemParametersInfo() failed. Err=0x%x. Unable to load string(TITLEFONTNAME). Err=0x%x. Unable to load string(TITLEFONTSIZE). Err=0x%x. Unable to create font. Err=0x%x. IsDeviceRootEnumerated Unable to get Devnode status. CR=0x%x. GetDeviceCount S t i l l I m a g e Unable to allcoate string. SetupDiGetClassDevs(Nodes) failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiOpenDevRegKey() failed. Err=0x%x. S u b C l a s s C a p a b i l i t i e s SetupDiGetClassDevs(Interface) failed. Err=0x%x. ExecCommandLine Invalid argument Executing "%ws". CreateProcess failed. Err=0x%x. Ret=0x%x, Err=0x%x. GetSelectedDriverInfo SetupDiGetSelectedDriver() Failed. Err=0x%x. Unable to get INF parh. SetupOpenInfFile() Failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall() Failed. Err=0x%x. INF Filename : %ws INF Section name: %ws Description : %ws Manufacturer : %ws Leaving... Ret=0x%x. GetDriverInf SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail() doesn't return required size.Er=0x%x. Unable to allocate driver detailed info buffer. SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail() failed. Err=0x%x. SetSecurity ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor() failed. Err=0x%x. ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor() returned TRUE, but security descriptor still NULL. GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() failed. Err=0x%x. SetSecurityInfo() failed. Err=0x%x. InstallSelectedDriver n e w d e v . d l l LoadLibrary() failed. Err=0x%x. GetProcAddress() failed. Err=0x%x. pfnInstallSelectedDriver() failed. Err=0x%x. LogSystemEvent Unable to get handle to system log. Err=0x%x. Unable to log to system log. Err=0x%x. CheckAndReenableWIAServiceAutoShutdown S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ C o n t r o l \ S t i l l I m a g e \ S e r v e r S e t t i n g s S h u t d o w n I f U n u s e d D e l a y Unable to re-enable the WIA service automatic shutdown. Err=0x%x. The WIA service will try to shutdown itself after %u seconds of no use RegOpenKey(%s) failed, unable to check the WIA service automatic shutdown. Err=0x%x. ÆÝk?Ð¾Ç +â /CPortSelectPage::OnNotify Unable to load string with given resource ID. CPortSelectPage::SetDialogText Unable to get window handle of dialog message. Unbale to initialize context with selected driver. CPortSelectPage::OnPSN_SETACTIVE A U T O Unable to set dialog text. Unable to disable controls. Unable to enable controls. undefined PortSelect mode(0x%x). CPortSelectPage::OnPSN_KILLACTIVE Unknown PortSelect specified. r u n d l l 3 2 . e x e s t i _ c i . d l l , A d d D e v i c e WiaAddDevice WiaRemoveDevice AddDevice W i a I n s t a l l W i z M u t e x SetForegroundWindow() failed. Err=0x%x. Mutex acquisition was failed but didn't find Window. SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiClassNameFromGuid() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiSetSelectedDevice() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiSetClassInstallParams() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiCallClassInstaller() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiGetClassInstallParams() failed. Err=0x%x. SetSelectDevTitleAndInstructions() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiGetWizardPage() failed. Err=0x%x. PropertySheet() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiSetClassInstallParams() failed with active hDevInfo. Ret=VOID. RemoveDevice Invalid argumet. Unable to initialize device enumerator. Err=0x%x. Unable to find given device ID(%ws). Unable to uninstall device interface with given ID. InstallWiaService r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s w i a s e r v c . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s s t i . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 / s % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s w o w 6 4 \ s t i . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s w i a d e f u i . d l l w i a a c m g r . e x e / R e g S e r v e r r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s w i a s h e x t . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s c a m o c x . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s p h o t o w i z . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s w i a v u s d . d l l r e g s v r 3 2 . e x e / s w i a s f . a x Ret=VOID WiaDeviceEnum CWiaInstall::CWiaInstall CWiaInstall::~CWiaInstall Post install process failed. CWiaInstall::InitMember CWiaInstall::Term CWiaInstall::Init Error reading driver key. Unable to get selected INF/section. Unable to initialize INF parser. Unable to allocate desctiption string. Unable to generate unique ID. CWiaInstall::PreloadExistingInfo D e v i c e I D F r i e n d l y N a m e D r i v e r D e s c CWiaInstall::Install Unable to initialize installer. Err=0x%x. Generic install failed. Err=0x%x. Ignoring video device for WIA specific parameters Unable to update registry with class specific parameters. Err=0x%x. CWiaInstall::PostInstall Class isn't initialized. Unable to create system log. Unable to load Service name from string resource. Unable to change service start type. Err=0x%x. S O F T W A R E \ M i c r o s o f t \ W i n d o w s \ C u r r e n t V e r s i o n \ S t i l l I m a g e W I A D e v i c e P r e s e n t Unable to set registry value(WIA_PRESENT). Err=0x%x. RegCreateKey(WIA_PRESENT) failed. Err=0x%x. Enumerating devices... CWiaInstall::GenericInstall SetupDiInstallDevice() failed. Err=0x%x. Unable to create device key. Err=0x%x. CreateDeviceInterfaceAndInstall() failed. Err=0x%x. CWiaInstall::CreateDeviceInterfaceAndInstall Unable to create device interface on given node. Err=0x%x. SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKey() failed. Err=0x%x. CWiaInstall::UpdateDeviceRegistry Unable to apply WIA specific INF parameter to device registry. P N P X _ F R I E N D L Y N A M E Unable to create required FriendlyName entry. Unable to create required DeviceID entry. C r e a t e F i l e N a m e Unable to create required registry. V e n d o r Unable to create required Vendor entry. I n f P a t h I n f S e c t i o n I s P n P CWiaInstall::ProcessICMProfiles Installing ICM profile%d(%ws) for %ws. InstallColorProfile(%ws) failed. Err=0x%x WcsAssociateColorProfileWithDevice (%ws) failed. Err=0x%x CWiaUninstall::CWiaUninstall CWiaUninstall::~CWiaUninstall CWiaUninstall::Term CWiaUninstall::InitMember CWiaUninstall::Init Unable to get deleting device information. Unable to get device count. CWiaUninstall::GetDeviceInformation Member isn't initialized. Device interface doesn't exist on the node. Unable to get device registry. Fail operation and let defalut handler take place. D e v i c e T y p e CWiaUninstall::Uninstall Unable to initialize class. Err=0x%x. Last STI/WIA device being removed. Set WIA service as MANUAL. Unable to delete WIA_PRESENT key. Err=0x%x. Unable to open SOFT_STI key. Err=0x%x. Need to post process: %u SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiRemoveDevice() failed. Err=0x%x. CWiaUninstall::PostUninstall CWiaUninstall::IsSTI Insufficient memory. ClassInstall OnDIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV SetupDiGetDriverInstallParams() failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiSetDriverInstallParams() failed. Err=0x%x. OnDIF_REMOVE Install function doesn't match, Unable to allocate context. Unable to allocate uninstaller. OnDIF_INSTALLWIZARD SetupDiGetClassInstallParams failed. Err=0x%x. No room for WIA installer pages. Unable to allocate wizard context. Unable to initialize wizard context. Err=0x%x. OnDIF_DESTROYWIZARDDATA Memory allocation failed GetOptionalDevicePropertyString SetupDiGetDeviceProperty() failed. Err=0x%x. %s=%ws. GetOptionalDevicePropertyString() failed getting %s. Err=0x%x OnDIF_INSTALLDEVICE Given FriendlyFileName Given CreateFileName Unable to allocate installer. Installing NULL driver Failed to install given device. Err=0x%x. OnDIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA CoinstallerEntry ? ? h ? CDeviceEnumerator::CDeviceEnumerator CDeviceEnumerator::~CDeviceEnumerator CDeviceEnumerator::InitMember CDeviceEnumerator::Init SetupDiGetClassDevs(setup) failed. Err=0x%x. SetupDiGetClassDevs(interface) failed. Err=0x%x. No device to enumerate. CDeviceEnumerator::Term CDeviceEnumerator::Reset CDeviceEnumerator::Next devnode doesn't have driver key. Err=0x%x. Setup class infoset is invalid. SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail() failed. Err=0x%x. Interface class infoset is invalid. CDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceType No current device. Unable to query DeviceType. CDeviceEnumerator::Find Unable to reset device index.. CDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceId Driver key doesn't have DeviceID. Ret="%ws". CDeviceEnumerator::GetFriendlyName Driver key doesn't have FriendlyName. CDeviceEnumerator::GetDevInfoSet No valid current device. CDeviceEnumerator::GetDevInfoData Ret=0x%p. CDeviceEnumerator::IsValidDeviceKey CDeviceEnumerator::IsInterface CUniqueId::CUniqueId CUniqueId::~CUniqueId CUniqueId::InitMember CUniqueId::Term CUniqueId::Init S Y S T E M \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ C o n t r o l \ S t i l l I m a g e \ D e v i c e N a m e S t o r e Unable to open NameStore. CUniqueId::CollectIdInfo Only 1 class may be set. Unable to initialize device enumerator. Unable to append FriendlyName(%ws) of current device. Unable to append DeviceId(%ws) of current device. CUniqueId::IsTypeMatch CUniqueId::IsUnique NULL string is given. CUniqueId::GenerateUniqueFriendlyName Unable to copy string. % w s # % d Unable to allcate FriendlyName string. Unable to register created name. Err=0x%x. Ret=0x%x. Generated name is "%ws". CUniqueId::GenerateUniqueId { 6 B D D 1 F C 6 - 8 1 0 F - 1 1 D 0 - B E C 7 - 0 8 0 0 2 B E 2 0 9 2 F } % w s \ % 0 4 d Unable to allcate Unique ID string. Ret=0x%x. Generated ID is "%ws"