Edit C:\Windows\System32\wbem\texttable.xsl
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl"> <!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. --> <xsl:script language="VBScript"><![CDATA[ Option Explicit 'This stylesheet formats DMTF XML encoded CIM objects into a tabular 'format using carriage returns and space characters only. Dim sPXML Dim propname(128) Dim lenarr(128) Dim bN(128) Dim iLens Dim iLensMax Dim propvalue(2048, 128) Dim iRow iRow = -1 Dim iResultCount Function CountResults(n) iResultCount = iResultCount + 1 End Function Function PadIt(ilen) Dim i Dim pads i = ilen + 2 pads = " " while (i > len(pads)) pads = pads & pads wend PadIt = Left(pads, i) End Function Function GotInstance() iLensMax = iLens iLens = 0 iRow = iRow + 1 End Function Function GetValues(n) Dim child, iNum, i, strType If iRow = 0 Then 'this is the first row - set up the headers propname(iLens) = Me.Attributes.GetNamedItem("NAME").Value Else If propname(iLens) <> Me.Attributes.GetNamedItem("NAME").Value Then 'This is going to be messy - Find it or add it on the end End If End If If strcomp(Me.NodeName,"Property.Array",1) = 0 Then if (Me.hasChildNodes) then propvalue(iRow, iLens) = "{" iNum = Me.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Length i = 1 strType = Me.attributes.getNamedItem("TYPE").nodeValue For each child in Me.FirstChild.ChildNodes if (strType = "string") then propvalue(iRow, iLens) = propvalue(iRow, iLens) & """" & child.nodeTypedValue & """" elseif (strType = "char16") then propvalue(iRow, iLens) = propvalue(iRow, iLens) & "'" & child.nodeTypedValue & "'" else propvalue(iRow, iLens) = propvalue(iRow, iLens) & child.nodeTypedValue end if if (i <> iNum) then propvalue(iRow, iLens) = propvalue(iRow, iLens) & ", " end if i = i + 1 Next propvalue(iRow, iLens) = propvalue(iRow, iLens) & "}" end if ElseIf strcomp(Me.NodeName,"Property.Reference",1) = 0 Then dim valref, node, hostnode, localnamespace, namespacenode, keybindings, keybinding for each valref in Me.selectNodes("VALUE.REFERENCE") for each node in valref.selectNodes(".//NAMESPACEPATH") set hostnode = node.selectsinglenode("HOST") if not hostnode is nothing then propvalue(irow, ilens) = "\\" & hostnode.text end if set localnamespace = node.selectsinglenode("LOCALNAMESPACEPATH") if not localnamespace is nothing then for each namespacenode in localnamespace.selectnodes("NAMESPACE") propvalue(irow,ilens) = propvalue(irow,ilens) & "\" & namespacenode.attributes.getNamedItem("NAME").nodeValue next end if propvalue(irow,ilens) = propvalue(irow,ilens) & ":" next for each node in valref.selectNodes(".//INSTANCENAME") propvalue(irow,ilens) = propvalue(irow,ilens) & node.attributes.getNamedItem("CLASSNAME").nodevalue set keybindings = node.selectnodes("KEYBINDING") i = 0 for each keybinding in keybindings i = i + 1 if (i = 1) then propvalue(irow,ilens) = propvalue(irow,ilens) & "." end if propvalue(irow,ilens) = propvalue(irow,ilens) & keybinding.attributes.getnameditem("NAME").nodeValue & "=""" & _ keybinding.selectsinglenode("KEYVALUE").text & """" if (i <> keybindings.length) then propvalue(irow,ilens) = propvalue(irow,ilens) & "," end if next next next Else propvalue(iRow, iLens) = replace(replace(Me.nodeTypedValue, vbCr, ""), vbLF, "") End If iLens = iLens + 1 End Function Function DisplayValues(n) Dim sT Dim sV Dim i Dim j Dim k 'Determine the column widths 'look at the column headers first iLensMax = iLens iLens = 0 iRow = iRow + 1 i = 0 While i < iLensMax k = getlength(propname(i)) If k > lenarr(i) Then lenarr(i) = k End If i = i + 1 Wend 'look at the values i = 0 While i < iRow j = 0 While j < iLensMax k = getlength(propvalue(i, j)) If k > lenarr(j) Then lenarr(j) = k End If j = j + 1 Wend i = i + 1 Wend 'set up the column headers i = 0 While i < iLensMax j = lenarr(i) - getlength(propname(i)) sT = sT & propname(i) & PadIt(j) i = i + 1 Wend i = 0 While i < iRow j = 0 While j < iLensMax k = lenarr(j) - getlength(propvalue(i, j)) if bN(j)= 1 then sV = sV & PadIt(k-2) & propvalue(i, j) & " " Else sV = sV & propvalue(i, j) & PadIt(k) End If j = j + 1 Wend sV = sV & vbCrLf i = i + 1 Wend DisplayValues = sT & vbCrLf & sV End Function Function GetLength(str) Dim i, ch 'we have to manually compute length GetLength = 0 For i = 1 to len(str) ch = ascw(mid(str,i,1)) if (ch > 255) or (ch < 0) then GetLength = GetLength + 2 'assume two byte spaces else GetLength = GetLength + 1 end if Next End Function ]]></xsl:script> <xsl:template match="/"><xsl:apply-templates select="//RESULTS"/><xsl:apply-templates select="//INSTANCE"/><xsl:eval no-entities="true" language="VBScript">DisplayValues(this)</xsl:eval></xsl:template> <xsl:template match="RESULTS"><xsl:eval no-entities="true" language="VBScript">CountResults(this)</xsl:eval></xsl:template> <xsl:template match="INSTANCE"><xsl:eval language="VBScript">GotInstance()</xsl:eval><xsl:apply-templates select="PROPERTY|PROPERTY.ARRAY|PROPERTY.REFERENCE"/></xsl:template> <xsl:template match="PROPERTY|PROPERTY.ARRAY|PROPERTY.REFERENCE"><xsl:eval no-entities="true" language="VBScript">GetValues(this)</xsl:eval></xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
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