Edit C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\Networking\NetworkDiagnosticsResolve.ps1
# Copyright © 2008, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. PARAM($InstanceID, $RepairID, $RepairID1) #include utility functions . .\UtilityFunctions.ps1 Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable localizationString -FileName LocalizationData $script:ExpectingException = $false $selectedRepair = $null #list of repairs to execute if($InstanceID -eq $null) { throw "No InstanceID specified" } else { # if we re-ran diagnostics after validation failure and found the same issues we'll get the repair call to the original session # in these cases, we should use the new session instead to avoid unexpected behavior if($Global:ndfRerun -ne $null) { "Replacing original incident " + $Global:ndf.IncidentID + " with rerun incident " + $Global:ndfRerun.IncidentID | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RepairAfterRerun -name "Repair After Rerun" -description "Repair run in original session after rerun" -verbosity Debug # take a reference to previous session so that it's not closed $Global:ndfBackuSessions += @{$Global:ndf.IncidentID=$Global:ndf}; # replace existing session with rerun session $Global:previousNdf = $Global:ndf; $Global:ndf = $Global:ndfRerun; # make sure we re-diagnose if validation fails again $Global:ndfRerun = $null; } $repairToMatch = $RepairID; if($repairToMatch -eq $null) { $repairToMatch = $RepairID1; if($repairToMatch -eq $null) { throw "No RepairID specified" } } $repairToMatch = $repairToMatch.ToUpper(); #find selected repair $rootCauseCount = $Global:rootCauseEnum.Count $Global:rootCauseEnum.Reset() #global array to store unmanifested root causes for($i=0; ($i -lt $rootCauseCount) -and ($selectedRepair -eq $null); $i++) { $rootCause=$Global:rootCauseEnum.Next; #root cause index is the index of the root cause in the root cause list #find the specific root cause $rootCauseInstanceID = GetInstanceIDRC ($rootCause) ($Global:catchAlls) ($Global:catchAllsAltRC) if($rootCauseInstanceID -eq $InstanceID) { #now enumerate the repairs and find the matching one $repairEnum = $rootCause.Repairs $repairCount = $repairEnum.Count $repairEnum.Reset() for($j=0; $j -lt $repairCount; $j++) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next if($repair.RepairID.ToUpper() -eq $repairToMatch) { $selectedRepair = $repair; break; } } } } } if($selectedRepair) { #verify we should not skip this repair (query both current session, and if available the previous session) $skipReason = $Global:ndf.ShouldSkipRepair($selectedRepair); if(($skipReason -eq $NDF_SKIPREASON_NONE) -and ($Global:previousNdf)) { $skipReason = $Global:previousNdf.ShouldSkipRepair($selectedRepair); } #reset validation result so we re-validate $Global:ValidateResult = $null; $Global:ndfRerun = $null; $Global:LastRepairRCInstanceID = $InstanceID; #the instanceID for the last repair executed $Global:HTorIO = $false; #whether the last repair was help topic or info only $repair = $selectedRepair; $uiInfo = $repair.UiInfo; $repairFlags = $repair.Flags; $repairText = $repair.Description; if($skipReason -ne $NDF_SKIPREASON_NONE) { #set the appropriate states for a skipped repair #mimic logic from further below when determining HTorIO, to avoid mis-labeling mis-annotated repairs if($repairFlags -band $RF_CONTACT_ADMIN) { $Global:HTorIO = $true; } elseif($uiInfo) { $uiInfoType = $uiInfo.Type; if($uiInfoType) { $Global:HTorIO = (($uiInfoType -eq $UIT_HELP_PANE) -and !($repairFlags -band $RF_VALIDATE_HELPTOPIC)); } } elseif($repairFlags -band $RF_INFORMATION_ONLY) { $Global:HTorIO = $true; } $Global:RepairSkipped = $true; $Global:ndf.SkipRepair($repair.Rank); #throw an exception to skip the repair $skipText = GetSkipReasonText($skipReason) throw $selectedRepair.RepairID + " skipped due to reason: " + $skipText } $repairName = ""; $repairDescription = ""; SplitString $repairText ([ref]$repairName) ([ref]$repairDescription) $params = @{"IT_P_Name"=$repairName; "IT_P_Description"=$repairDescription;} $answer = "Validate"; if($repairFlags -band $RF_CONTACT_ADMIN) { #contact admin repairs do not result in an interaction, we skip to the next repair (or end screen if none available) $Global:HTorIO = $true; $answer = "Skip" } elseif($uiInfo) { #we are about to show this repair to the user, mark it as shown $Global:ndf.RepairShown($repair.Rank); $uiInfoType = $uiInfo.Type; if($uiInfoType -eq $UIT_HELP_PANE) { $isHelpTopicAllowed = IsHelpTopicAllowed $uiInfo.HelpTopicLink; if ($isHelpTopicAllowed) { #retrieve customized text $helpTopicText = GetExtensionValue ($repair.DescriptionEx) ("LinkButtonText") if(!$helpTopicText) { #use the default if the link text is not customized $helpTopicText = $localizationString.DefaultHelpTopicText; } $params += @{"IT_P_HelpTopicText"=$helpTopicText; "IT_P_HelpTopicLink" = $uiInfo.HelpTopicLink} if($repairFlags -band $RF_VALIDATE_HELPTOPIC) { GetContinueButtonParams $repair ([ref]$params) $answer = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_ValidateHelpTopicRepair" -Parameter $params } else { Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_HelpTopicRepair" -Parameter $params $Global:HTorIO = $true; $answer = "Skip" } } else { # The help topic is not allowed -- behave as if informational only $Global:ndf.RepairShown($repair.Rank); Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_InfoOnlyRepair" -Parameter $params $Global:HTorIO = $true; $answer = "Skip" } } else { GetLaunchButtonParams $repair ([ref]$params) $answer = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_UIRepair" -Parameter $params } } elseif($repairFlags -band $RF_USER_ACTION) { #we are about to show this repair to the user, mark it as shown $Global:ndf.RepairShown($repair.Rank); GetContinueButtonParams $repair ([ref]$params) $answer = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_UserActionRepair" -Parameter $params } elseif($repairFlags -band $RF_INFORMATION_ONLY) { #we are about to show this repair to the user, mark it as shown $Global:ndf.RepairShown($repair.Rank); Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_InfoOnlyRepair" -Parameter $params $Global:HTorIO = $true; $answer = "Skip" } elseif($repairFlags -band $RF_USER_CONFIRMATION) { #we are about to show this repair to the user, mark it as shown $Global:ndf.RepairShown($repair.Rank); $answer = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_UserConfirmation" -Parameter $params } if(($answer -eq "LaunchUI") -or ($answer -eq "Validate")) { $Global:RepairSkipped = $false; if($uiInfo -and ($answer -eq "LaunchUI")) { #launch the UI $Global:uiLaunchSucceess = 1; & { $script:ExpectingException = $true #TODO: Make modal to the msdt UI? $uiInfo.LaunchUI(); $script:ExpectingException = $false } trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { $_.Exception.GetType().FullName | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UILaunchFailed -name "UI Launch Failed" -description "Launching of UI for UI based repair failed." -verbosity Debug $Global:uiLaunchSucceess = 0; $script:ExpectingException = $false continue; } else { #rethrow exception throw $_.Exception; } } #UI was not launched synchronously, need to interact until they are done GetContinueButtonParams $repair ([ref]$params) $answer = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_AsyncUIRepair" -Parameter $params if($answer -eq "Skip") { $Global:RepairSkipped = $true; } } if(!$Global:RepairSkipped) { $repair.RepairID | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id CallingRepair -name "Calling Repair" -description "Executing repair function." -verbosity Debug $waitHandle = $Global:ndf.Repair($repair.Rank, $RepairWaitTime); if($waitHandle -eq $null) { throw "Repair call failed" } #wait for repair to complete WaitWithProgress $localizationString.progress_Repairing_NoDetails $waitHandle $Global:ndf #add the trace log to the session AddTraceFileToSession $Global:ndf $localizationString.TraceFileReportName "Repair" $repairResult = $Global:ndf.RepairResult if(!($repairResult -eq $S_OK)) { #skip validation, for us a repair failure implies validation failure $Global:ValidateResult = $repairResult; throw "Repair failed with HRESULT: " + $repairResult } } else { $repair.RepairID | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RepairSkipped -name "Repair Skipped" -description "Repair not executed because user skipped it, or it was info only/help topic." -verbosity Debug } } else { if($Global:HTorIO) { $waitHandle = $Global:ndf.Repair($repair.Rank, $RepairWaitTime); if($waitHandle) { #wait on the handle WaitWithProgress $localizationString.progress_Repairing_NoDetails $waitHandle $Global:ndf } } $Global:RepairSkipped = $true; $repair.RepairID | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id RepairSkipped -name "Repair Skipped" -description "Repair not executed because user skipped it." -verbosity Debug } #do not generage an exception if the repair was help topic or info only if($Global:RepairSkipped -and (!$Global:HTorIO)) { $Global:ndf.SkipRepair($repair.Rank); #marks the repair as skipped throw "Repair skipped"; } } else { throw "Could not find matching repair. RootCauseInstanceID:" + $InstanceID + " RepairID:" + $RepairID }
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