Edit C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\Networking\UtilityFunctions.ps1
# Copyright © 2008, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. function GetRuntimePath([string]$fileName = $(throw "No file name is specified")) { if([string]::IsNullorEmpty($fileName)) { throw "Invalid file name" } [string]$runtimePath = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory() return Join-Path $runtimePath $fileName } function RegSnapin([string]$dllName = $(throw "No dll is specified")) { $dllPath = ".\" + $dllName Import-Module $dllPath } function UnregSnapin([string]$dllName = $(throw "No dll is specified")) { $moduleName = $dllName.TrimEnd(".dll") Remove-Module $moduleName } function GetExistingNDFInstance($IncidentID) { &{ #if fails we start a new session $script:ExpectingException = $true $ndf = new-object -comObject ndfapi.NetworkDiagnostics.1 -strict $ndf.OpenExistingIncident($IncidentID); #throws exception if fails $script:ExpectingException = $false return $ndf } trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { $script:ExpectingException = $false "Exception: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName + " Message: " + $_.Exception.Message | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id OpenExistingSessionFailure -name "Open Existing Session" -description "Failed while opening existing NDF session." -verbosity Debug return $null; } else { #rethrow exception throw $_.Exception; } } } function WaitWithProgress($ActivityNoDetails, $WaitHandle, $Ndf) { $lastProgress = $null do { $progress = $Ndf.Progress if(($progress -ne $null) -and ($progress.Length -gt 0) -and !($progress -eq $lastProgress)) { Write-DiagProgress -activity $progress $lastProgress = $progress } elseif(($progress.Length -eq 0) -and !($ActivityNoDetails -eq $lastProgress)) { #clear the last progress string, use alternate description of operation Write-DiagProgress -activity $ActivityNoDetails $lastProgress = $ActivityNoDetails } &{ $WaitHandle.Wait($ProgressUpdateDelay) break } trap [Exception] { #timed out, continue waiting continue } } while($true) } # if filtered mode is enabled and the root cause is not on the filter list then return TRUE function GetRootCauseFilterValue($RootCause, [ref]$FilterMode) { #assume filtering is enabled $filteringEnabled = $true; if($FilterMode) { $FilterMode.value = 0; } $regValue = get-itemproperty -path hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetDiagFx\Config -name FilterMode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable regError if($regValue) { if($FilterMode) { $FilterMode.value = $regValue.FilterMode; } $filteringEnabled = !($regValue.FilterMode -eq $FM_DISABLED); } elseif($regError) { if(!($regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq "InvalidArgument") -and !($regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq "ObjectNotFound")) { " Warning: Unexpected error when reading FilterMode key: " + $regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UnexpectedRegError -name "Unexpected Registry Error" -verbosity Debug } } if(!$filteringEnabled) { #allow all root causes return $FV_NOTFILTERED; } else { #get the registry value and make the filtering decision $rootCauseID = $RootCause.RootCauseID; $regValue = get-itemproperty -path hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetDiagFx\Config\RC -name $rootCauseID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable regError if($regValue) { #root cause present, check the entry type $filterValue = $regValue.$rootCauseID; if($filterValue -eq 1) { #exclusion list, force enabled filter mode so that the RC is dropped if($FilterMode) { $FilterMode.value = $FM_ENABLED; } return $FV_FILTERED; } else { #inclusion list, not filtered return $FV_NOTFILTERED; } } else { if(!($regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq "InvalidArgument") -and !($regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq "ObjectNotFound")) { " Warning: Unexpected error when reading Root Cause key : " + $regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UnexpectedRegError -name "Unexpected Registry Error" -verbosity Debug } #could not find root cause return $FV_MISSING; } } } function GetCatchAllInformation($RootCauseEnum, [ref]$CatchAlls, [ref]$CatchAllsIndex, [ref]$CatchAllsAltRC) { $localCatchAlls = @{}; #will contain the RC's with catch all repairs, indexed by HC it applies to $localCatchAllsIndex = @{}; #will hold the index of the catch-all in the root cause list $localCatchAllsAltRC = @{}; #will contain the alternate RC ID for the catch all, if available, indexed by root cause $rootCauseCount = $RootCauseEnum.Count; $RootCauseEnum.Reset() for($i=0; $i -lt $rootCauseCount; $i++) { $rootCause=$RootCauseEnum.Next; $repairEnum = $rootCause.Repairs; $repairCount = $repairEnum.Count; $repairEnum.Reset(); for($curRep=0; $curRep -lt $repairCount; $curRep++) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next; if($repair.Flags -band $RF_RESERVED_CA) { $altRC = GetExtensionValue ($repair.DescriptionEx) ("CatchAllRC"); #HC's this applies to $catchAllHCString = GetExtensionValue ($repair.DescriptionEx) ("CatchAllHCs"); if($catchAllHCString) { #semi-colon separated $catchAllHCList = $catchAllHCString.Split(";"); for($curHC=0; $catchAllHCList[$curHC]; $curHC++) { #if a RC is filtered for this HC, this catch all will be used $localCatchAlls[$catchAllHCList[$curHC]]= $rootCause; if($altRC) { #store the alternate RC $localCatchAllsAltRC[$rootCause] = $altRC; } } #store the index $localCatchAllsIndex[$rootCause]= $i; } break; } } } #return back the values collected if($CatchAlls) { $CatchAlls.value = $localCatchAlls; } if($CatchAllsIndex) { $CatchAllsIndex.value = $localCatchAllsIndex; } if($CatchAllsAltRC) { $CatchAllsAltRC.value = $localCatchAllsAltRC; } } function GetParameters($DescriptionEx, $Params) { $toReturn = @{}; #this is a XML based root cause, get replacement parameters $paramEnum = $DescriptionEx.Parameters; $paramCount = $paramEnum.Count; $paramEnum.Reset() for($curP=0;$curP -lt $paramCount; $curP++) { $param = $paramEnum.Next; if($Params[$param.Name] -eq $null) { $toReturn += @{$param.Name = $param.Value} } } return $toReturn; } function GetKeywords($DescriptionEx) { if($DescriptionEx -eq $nul) { return ""; } $toReturn = ""; #this is a XML based root cause, get replacement parameters $paramEnum = $DescriptionEx.Extensions; $paramCount = $paramEnum.Count; $paramEnum.Reset() for($curP=0;$curP -lt $paramCount; $curP++) { $param = $paramEnum.Next; if($param.Name -eq "Keyword") { if($toReturn.Length -gt 0) { $toReturn += "+"; } $toReturn += """" + $param.Value + """"; } } return $toReturn.Replace(" ", "+"); } function GetExtensionValue($DescriptionEx, $ExtensionName) { if($DescriptionEx) { $paramEnum = $DescriptionEx.Extensions; $paramCount = $paramEnum.Count; $paramEnum.Reset() for($curP=0;$curP -lt $paramCount; $curP++) { $param = $paramEnum.Next; if($param.Name -eq $ExtensionName) { return $param.Value; } } } return $null; } #are we an administrator or LUA? function IsAdmin() { $identity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $principal = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]($identity) return $principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) } #the security boundary safe data now contains two items of information #(1) the incident ID GUID (without the { } brackets) #(2) flags: whether the process is LUA (0) or Admin (1) #the two items are separated by a semicolon function GetSBSData($IncidentID) { $flags = 0 $admin = IsAdmin if($admin) { $flags = 1 } return $IncidentID.Substring(1,$IncidentID.Length-2) +":"+$flags } #the function takes a security boundary safe data and splits it into #the incident ID GUID (putting back the {} brackets), and the #flags function SplitSBSData($SBSData, [ref]$IncidentID, [ref]$Flags) { $IncidentID.value = "{" + $SBSData.Substring(0,$SBSData.IndexOf(":")) + "}" $Flags.value = $SBSData.Substring($SBSData.IndexOf(":")+1) } function GetInstanceHashCode($RootCause, $CatchAllInUse) { $hashCode = ""; $repairEnum = $RootCause.Repairs; $repairCount = $repairEnum.Count; $repairEnum.Reset(); if($repairCount -gt 0) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next if($CatchAllInUse) { #make sure we use the hash for the first catch-all repair for($i=0; ($i -lt $repairEnum.Count) -and (!($repair.Flags -band $RF_RESERVED_CA)); $i++) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next; } } $hashCode = $repair.Description.GetHashCode(); } else { $hashCode = $RootCause.Description.GetHashCode(); } return $hashCode; } function GetInstanceIDRC($RootCause, $CatchAlls, $CatchAllsAltRC) { $rootCause = $RootCause; $rootCauseID = $RootCause.RootCauseID; #if catch all is in use, we need to use the catch all root cause information in the #instance ID so that all catch-all matches go to the same root cause in the session $catchAllInUse = $null; $filterValue = GetRootCauseFilterValue ($RootCause) ($null); if($filterValue -eq $FV_MISSING) { #rc is not in the filter list, catch all instance ID information should be used if present $className = $rootCause.ClassName; if($className) { #is there a chatch all fo the helper class? $catchAllRC = $CatchAlls[$className]; if($catchAllRC) { #user the catch-all root cause $rootCause = $catchAllRC; #does the catch-all have an alternate root cause? $altRCID = $CatchAllsAltRC[$catchAllRC]; if($altRCID) { #use alternate root cause ID $rootCauseID = $catchAllsAltRC[$catchAllRC]; } $catchAllInUse = $true; } } } $hashCode = GetInstanceHashCode($rootCause) ($catchAllInUse); return $rootCauseID.Substring(1,$rootCauseID.Length-2) + ":" + $hashCode; } function GetInstanceID($RootCauseIndex, $RootCauses, $CatchAlls, $CatchAllsAltRC) { #approach for generating unique instance ID: # (1) the root cause GUID (stripped of the { }) # (2) the hash code of the first repair's text # the repair text is guaranteed to be unique between root causes, and constant across reruns # If no repairs, then the root cause text hash code is used $hashCode = 0 $rootCauseID = 0 #find the first repair for this root cause $rootCauseCount = $RootCauses.Count $RootCauses.Reset() for($i=0; $i -lt $rootCauseCount; $i++) { $rootCause=$RootCauses.Next; #root cause index is the index of the root cause in the root cause list #find the specific root cause if($i -eq $RootCauseIndex) { break; } } if($i -eq $rootCauseCount) { throw "Could not find a root cause with index " + $RootCauseIndex; } return GetInstanceIDRC($rootCause) ($CatchAlls) ($CatchAllsAltRC); } function GetSkipReasonText($Reason) { #this is for debug, OK to not localize if($Reason -eq $NDF_SKIPREASON_ADAPTER) { return "An interactive fix for another network interface has been attempted." } elseif($Reason -eq $NDF_SKIPREASON_DUPLICATE) { return "Another repair with the same ID applying to the same network interface has been attempted." } } function InContextEntry() { $IT_HelperClassName = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_HelperClassName" if($IT_HelperClassName -eq $null -or $IT_HelperClassName[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving HelperClassName from In-Context answer file return $null } #get input attributes $IT_HelperAttributes = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_HelperAttributes" if($IT_HelperAttributes -eq $null) { #Failed retriving HelperAttributes from In-Context answer file return $null } return @{"HelperClassName" = $IT_HelperClassName; "HelperAttributes" = $IT_HelperAttributes} } function EscapeForRTF($Text) { $textToEscape = $Text.Replace("\","\\") $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $textToEscape.Length; for($i=0; $i -lt $textToEscape.Length; $i++) { $curChar = $textToEscape[$i]; if($curChar -eq '\n') { $null = $sb.Append("\par"); } elseif(($curChar -lt 0x20) -or ($curChar -eq '{') -or ($curChar -eq '}') -or ($curChar -eq '\\')) { $null = $sb.Append("\'"); $null = $sb.Append(([int]$curChar).ToString("X2", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)); } elseif($curChar -lt 0x80) { $null = $sb.Append($curChar); } else { $null = $sb.Append("\u"); $null = $sb.Append(([int]$curChar).ToString([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)); $null = $sb.Append('?'); } } return $sb.ToString(); } function IsValidURL($URL) { &{ $uri = [System.URI]($URL); $scheme = $uri.scheme; if(($scheme -eq "http" ) -or ($scheme -eq "https") -or ($scheme -eq "ftp")) { return $uri.ToString(); } else { return $null; } } trap [Exception] { return $null; } } function GetDefaultBrowser() { [string]$assocString = $null $dll = "NetworkDiagnosticSnapIn.dll" try { RegSnapin $dll $assocString = [Microsoft.Windows.Diagnosis.Network.AssociationInfo]::GetAssociation("http","open"); trap [Exception] { $assocString = $null; } } finally { UnregSnapin $dll } return $assocString; } function GetWebNDFIncidentData($URL, $DefaultConnectivity) { #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>URL</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value><![CDATA[" + $URL + "]]></Value></HelperAttribute>" if($DefaultConnectivity) { #sqm explorer as the client rather than sdiaghost.exe $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>NDFSQMCallerApplication</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>Windows\Explorer.EXE</Value></HelperAttribute>" $defaultBrowser = GetDefaultBrowser; if($defaultBrowser) { $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>AppID</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>"+ $defaultBrowser + "</Value></HelperAttribute>" } } $haXML += "</HelperAttributes>" return @{"HelperClassName" = "WinInetHelperClass"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } function GetValidURL($CandidateURL) { $toReturn = $null $url = IsValidURL $CandidateURL if($url -eq $null) { if($CandidateURL.IndexOf("://") -eq -1) { $updatedURL = "http://" + $CandidateURL $url = IsValidURL $updatedURL if($url) { $toReturn = $url } } } else { $toReturn = $url } return $toReturn } function GetErrorRTF($Description, $Error) { $escapedDesc = EscapeForRTF $Description; $escapedError = EscapeForRTF $Error; $rtf = LoadResourceString($ERROR_MSG_RTF_RESOURCE); return $rtf.Replace("%DESC%", $escapedDesc).Replace("%ERROR%", $escapedError); } function WebEntry() { $IT_WebChoice = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_WebChoice" if($IT_WebChoice -eq $null) { #Failed retriving Web Choice return $null } $IT_URL = $DefaultDiagURL if(!($IT_WebChoice -eq "Internet")) { $IT_URL = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_URL" if($IT_URL -eq $null) { #Failed retriving URL return $null } #verify that it is a valid URL $validURL = GetValidURL $IT_URL[0] while($validURL -eq $null) { #build the RTF text $replacedError = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.interaction_InvalidURL_FormatError, $IT_URL[0]); $RTFText = GetErrorRTF ($localizationString.interaction_InvalidURL_Desc) ($replacedError); #reprompt for input $IT_URL = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_Invalid_URL" -p @{"URL" = $IT_URL; "RTFText" = $RTFText} if($IT_URL -eq $null) { #Failed retriving URL return $null } $validURL = GetValidURL $IT_URL[0] } } return GetWebNDFIncidentData $validURL $false } function IsUNCFormat($UNC) { &{ $uri = [System.URI]($UNC); $scheme = $uri.scheme; if(($scheme -eq "file" )) { if($uri.IsUnc) { return $uri.LocalPath; } } return $null; } trap [Exception] { return $null; } } #function assumes passed in UNC is in \\host\share form (share can be missing) function ContainsInvalidUNCChars($UNC) { &{ #will return an exception if the string has invalid characters $ignoreResult = [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($UNC) #check the path for invalid characters #remove the starting slashes $tmp = $UNC.Substring(2) $nextSlash = $tmp.IndexOf("\") if(($nextSlash -lt 0) -or ($nextSlash -eq ($nextSlash.Length - 1))) { #string only contains hostname #hostname is already validated in IsUNCFormat function return $false } #remove host and backslash after host $UNCPath = $tmp.Substring($nextSlash+1) #under certain circumstances some of these make it through the above check #so we do a direct sanity check here if(!($UNCPath.IndexOfAny(@('/',':','*','?','"','<','>','|')) -eq -1)) { return $true; } return $false; } trap [Exception] { return $true; } } function GetValidUNC($CandidateUNC) { $toReturn = $null #is it valid $unc = IsUNCFormat $CandidateUNC if($unc) { $invalidChars = ContainsInvalidUNCChars $unc if($invalidChars) { $toReturn = -1; } else { $toReturn = $unc } } return $toReturn; } function GetUNCNDFIncidentData($UNC) { #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>UNCPath</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value><![CDATA[" + $UNC + "]]></Value></HelperAttribute></HelperAttributes>" return @{"HelperClassName" = "SMBHelperClass"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } function FileSharingEntry() { $IT_UNC = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_UNC" if($IT_UNC -eq $null) { #Failed retriving UNC path return $null } #assign input to non-array variable to facilitate usage and transform $validUNC = GetValidUNC $IT_UNC[0] while((!$validUNC) -or ($validUNC -eq -1)) { #build the RTF text #use original entry for re-prompt even though "file://" UNC may have been transformed $replacedError = ""; if(!$validUNC) { $replacedError = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.interaction_InvalidUNC_FormatError, $IT_UNC[0]); } else { $replacedError = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.interaction_InvalidUNC_CharError, $IT_UNC[0]); } $RTFText = GetErrorRTF ($localizationString.interaction_InvalidUNC_Desc) ($replacedError); #reprompt for input $IT_UNC = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_Invalid_UNC" -p @{"UNC" = $IT_UNC; "RTFText" = $RTFText} if($IT_UNC -eq $null) { #Failed retriving UNC path return $null } $validUNC = GetValidUNC $IT_UNC[0] } return GetUNCNDFIncidentData $validUNC } function NetworkAdapterEntry() { #enumerate interfaces to build options list $interfaces = get-wmiobject -class Win32_NetworkAdapter #hash table with options $optionList = @() foreach($curInterface in $interfaces) { if($curInterface.GUID -ne $null) { $curHash = @{"Name"=$curInterface.NetConnectionID} $curHash += @{"Description"=$curInterface.NetConnectionID} $curHash += @{"Value"=$curInterface.GUID} $optionList += @($curHash) } } if($optionList.Count -gt 1) { #add zero guid entry to check all interfaces $optionList += @(@{"Name"=$localizationString.interaction_AllAdapters; "Description"=$localizationString.interaction_AllAdapters; "Value"="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"; "ExtensionPoint"="<Default />"}) #get interface selection from user $IT_NetworkAdapter = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_NetworkAdapter" -c $optionList if($IT_NetworkAdapter -eq $null) { throw "Failed retriving Network Connetion ID from user" } } elseif($optionList.Count -eq 1) { $IT_NetworkAdapter = $optionList[0]["Value"] } else { #No NICs, do zero GUID diag $IT_NetworkAdapter = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" } #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>guid</Name><Type>AT_GUID</Type><Value>" + $IT_NetworkAdapter + "</Value></HelperAttribute></HelperAttributes>" return @{"HelperClassName" = "NetConnection"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } function WinsockEntry() { $IT_RemoteAddress = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_RemoteAddress" if($IT_RemoteAddress -eq $null -or $IT_RemoteAddress[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving Remote Address return $null } $IT_Protocol = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_Protocol" if($IT_Protocol -eq $null -or $IT_Protocol[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving Remote Port return $null } $IT_ApplicationID = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_ApplicationID" if($IT_ApplicationID -eq $null -or $IT_ApplicationID[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving Application ID return $null } #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>remoteaddr</Name><Type>AT_SOCKADDR</Type><Value>" + $IT_RemoteAddress + "</Value></HelperAttribute>"; $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>protocol</Name><Type>AT_UINT32</Type><Value>" + $IT_Protocol + "</Value></HelperAttribute>"; $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>localaddr</Name><Type>AT_SOCKADDR</Type><Value></Value></HelperAttribute>"; $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>appid</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>" + $IT_ApplicationID + "</Value></HelperAttribute>"; $haXML += "</HelperAttributes>"; return @{"HelperClassName" = "Winsock"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } function GroupingEntry() { $IT_GroupName = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_GroupName" if($IT_GroupName -eq $null -or $IT_GroupName[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving Remote Address return $null } #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>groupname</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>" + $IT_GroupName + "</Value></HelperAttribute></HelperAttributes>" return @{"HelperClassName" = "GroupingHelperClass"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } function GetValidExePath($File) { &{ $uri = [System.URI]($File); $scheme = $uri.scheme; if(($scheme -eq "file" )) { #make sure it send in .exe if($File.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") -eq ($File.Length - 4)) { return $File; } } return $null; } trap [Exception] { return $null; } } function InboundEntry() { $staticOptionRes = @($INBOUND_FILESHARE_RESOURCE, $INBOUND_REMOTEDESKTOP_RESOURCE, $INBOUND_DISCOVERY_RESOURCE) $staticOptions = @($INBOUND_FILESHARE_PARAM, $INBOUND_REMOTEDESKTOP_PARAM, $INBOUND_DISCOVERY_PARAM) # If defined for the corresponding option, the item will be filtered out if the current sku matches anything in the list # Sku values as defined in the OperatingSystemSKU property of Win32_OperatingSystem $SKUFilters = @($null, @(2,3,5,11), $null) #get the SKU, to filter out inappropriate static options $SKUObject = get-wmiobject -class Win32_OperatingSystem -property "OperatingSystemSKU" $SKU = $SKUObject.OperatingSystemSKU $optionList = @() $curOptionIndex = 0 for($curStaticOption = 0; $curStaticOption -lt $staticOptions.Length; $curStaticOption++) { $SKUFilter = $SKUFilters[$curStaticOption] if($SKUFilter) { if($SKUFilter -contains $SKU) { #should filter out this option from the list because it is not present in the SKU continue; } } $curApp = LoadResourceString($staticOptionRes[$curStaticOption]) $curHash = @{} $curHash.Add("Name",$curApp) $curHash.Add("Value",$curOptionIndex) $curHash.Add("Description",$curApp) $curHash.Add("HelperAttributeName","serviceid") $curHash.Add("HelperAttributeValue",$staticOptions[$curStaticOption]) $optionList += $curHash $curOptionIndex++ } #add dynamic options (do not fail if call fails) $script:ExpectingException = $true $dll = "NetworkDiagnosticSnapIn.dll" try { RegSnapin $dll $droppedApps = [Microsoft.Windows.Diagnosis.Network.FirewallApi.ManagedMethods]::GetDiagnosticAppInfo() $script:ExpectingException = $false if($droppedApps) { foreach($droppedApp in $droppedApps) { #omit svchosts since we cannot display a friendly name for them if($droppedApp.Path.IndexOf("svchost") -eq -1) { $appEntryDisplayStr = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.interaction_Inbound_Exe, $droppedApp.FriendlyName); $curHash = @{} $curHash.Add("Name",$appEntryDisplayStr) $curHash.Add("Value",$curOptionIndex) $curHash.Add("Description",$droppedApp.FriendlyName) $curHash.Add("HelperAttributeName","appid") $curHash.Add("HelperAttributeValue",$droppedApp.Path) $optionList += $curHash $curOptionIndex++ } } } } finally { UnregSnapin $dll } #add the last option to browse for files $curApp = LoadResourceString($INBOUND_OTHER_RESOURCE) $curHash = @{} $curHash.Add("Name",$curApp) $curHash.Add("Value",$curOptionIndex) $curHash.Add("Description",$curApp) $curHash.Add("HelperAttributeName","serviceid") $curHash.Add("HelperAttributeValue",$INBOUND_OTHER_RESOURCE) $optionList += $curHash #trap exception if it happens, and if expected don't fail trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { $script:ExpectingException = $false "Exception: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName + " Message: " + $_.Exception.Message | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id GetDiagAppInfoFailure -name "GetDiagAppInfo" -verbosity Debug continue; } else { #rethrow exception throw $_.Exception; } } $IT_ServiceName = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_ServiceName" -c $optionList if($IT_ServiceName -eq $null -or $IT_ServiceName[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving service name return $null } $optionSelected = $optionList[$IT_ServiceName] $optionSelected = $optionSelected[0] #need to to this to get access to the dictionary entry object $HelperAttributeName = $null $HelperAttributeValue = $null if($optionSelected.HelperAttributeValue -eq $INBOUND_OTHER_RESOURCE) { #show the file browsing interaction so that the user can pick their own executable $IT_BrowseFile = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_BrowseFile" if($IT_BrowseFile -eq $null) { #Failed retriving file return $null } $validExe = GetValidExePath $IT_BrowseFile[0] while(!$validExe) { #build the RTF text #build the error $replacedError = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.interaction_InvalidExe_FormatError , $IT_BrowseFile[0]); #only a single line $RTFText = GetErrorRTF ($localizationString.interaction_InvalidExe_Desc) ($replacedError); #reprompt for input $IT_BrowseFile = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_Invalid_BrowseFile" -p @{"File" = $IT_BrowseFile[0]; "RTFText" = $RTFText} if($IT_BrowseFile -eq $null) { #Failed retriving file return $null } $validExe = GetValidExePath $IT_BrowseFile[0] } $HelperAttributeName = "appid" $HelperAttributeValue = $IT_BrowseFile; } else { $HelperAttributeName = $optionSelected.HelperAttributeName $HelperAttributeValue = $optionSelected.HelperAttributeValue } #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes>" $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>" + $HelperAttributeName + "</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>" + $HelperAttributeValue + "</Value></HelperAttribute>" $haXML += "<HelperAttribute><Name>localaddr</Name><Type>AT_SOCKADDR</Type><Value></Value></HelperAttribute>" $haXML += "</HelperAttributes>" return @{"HelperClassName" = "Winsock"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } function DirectAccessEntry() { $toReturn = $null; $path = "hklm:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator\CorporateConnectivity"; if(test-path $path) { $corpReg = get-itemproperty -path $path if($corpReg.WebProbeURL -and $corpReg.WebProbeURL.Length -gt 0) { #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>URL</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>" + $corpReg.WebProbeURL + "</Value></HelperAttribute></HelperAttributes>" $toReturn = @{"HelperClassName" = "WinInetHelperClass"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } elseif($corpReg.DnsProbeHost -and $corpReg.DnsProbeHost -gt 0) { #build entry point parameters $haXML = "<HelperAttributes><HelperAttribute><Name>QueryName</Name><Type>AT_STRING</Type><Value>" + $corpReg.DnsProbeHost + "</Value></HelperAttribute></HelperAttributes>" $toReturn = @{"HelperClassName" = "DnsHelperClass"; "HelperAttributes" =$haXML} } } return $toReturn; } function DefaultConnectivityFollowUpEntry() { $toReturn = $null $IT_DefaultConnectivityInitialChoice = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_DefaultConnectivityInitialChoice" if($IT_DefaultConnectivityInitialChoice -eq $null -or $IT_DefaultConnectivityInitialChoice[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving service name return $null } #clear the progress so that the last step doesn't show before things get started again Write-DiagProgress -activity " " if($IT_DefaultConnectivityInitialChoice -eq "Other") { #query which other entry point they wish to use $IT_DefaultConnectivityOtherChoice = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_DefaultConnectivityOtherChoice" if($IT_DefaultConnectivityOtherChoice[0].Length -eq 0) { #Failed retriving service name return $null } if($IT_DefaultConnectivityOtherChoice -eq "Inbound") { $toReturn = InboundEntry } elseif($IT_DefaultConnectivityOtherChoice -eq "DirectAccess") { $toReturn = DirectAccessEntry if(!$toReturn) { #not provisioned, root cause outside of NDF Update-DiagRootCause -ID "{E42E5B5A-16E0-43f1-AB32-C94C608D269D}" -Detected $true return; } } elseif($IT_DefaultConnectivityOtherChoice -eq "NetworkAdapter") { $toReturn = NetworkAdapterEntry } } else { #query for the URL/UNC path $IT_URLOrUNC = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_URLOrUNC" $validUNC = $null #Is it a valid URL? $validURL = GetValidURL $IT_URLOrUNC[0] if(!$validURL) { $validUNC = GetValidUNC $IT_URLOrUNC[0] } while((!$validURL) -and ((!$validUNC) -or ($validUNC -eq -1))) { #build the RTF text $replacedError = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.interaction_InvalidURLOrUNC_FormatError, $IT_URLOrUNC[0]); $RTFText = GetErrorRTF ($localizationString.interaction_InvalidURLOrUNC_Desc) ($replacedError); #reprompt for input $IT_URLOrUNC = Get-DiagInput -ID "IT_Invalid_URLOrUNC" -p @{"URLOrUNC" = $IT_URLOrUNC; "RTFText" = $RTFText} if($IT_URLOrUNC -eq $null) { #Failed retriving URL/UNC path return $null } $validURL = GetValidURL $IT_URLOrUNC[0] if(!$validURL) { $validUNC = GetValidUNC $IT_URLOrUNC[0] } } if($validURL) { $toReturn = GetWebNDFIncidentData $validURL $false } else { $toReturn = GetUNCNDFIncidentData $validUNC } } return $toReturn } function GetRepair($RepairRank, $RCEnum) { $RCEnum.Reset() $rootCauseCount = $RCEnum.Count for($i=0; $i -lt $rootCauseCount; $i++) { $rootCause = $RCEnum.Next; $repairEnum = $rootCause.Repairs $repairCount = $repairEnum.Count; for($r=0; $r -lt $repairCount; $r++) { $curRep = $repairEnum.Next if($curRep.Rank -eq $RepairRank) { return $curRep } } } return $null } function SplitString($FullString, [ref]$Title, [ref]$Rest) { $newLineIndex = $FullString.IndexOf("`n"); if(!($newLineIndex -eq -1)) { $Title.value = $FullString.Substring(0, $newLineIndex) $Rest.value = $FullString.Substring($newLineIndex+1) } else { $Title.value = $FullString $Rest.value = "" } } function GetTitleAndDesc($RCorRep, [ref]$Title, [ref]$Desc) { $descEx = $RCorRep.DescriptionEx if(!($descEx -eq $null)) { $Title.value = $descEx.Title $Desc.value = $descEx.Description if($Desc.value -eq $null) { $Desc.value = "" } } else { #split the string into title and description using \n SplitString $RCorRep.Description ($Title) ($Desc) } } function GetButtonParams($Repair, [ref]$Params, $DefaultName, $DefaultDesc, $ExtensionName, $ButtonITName, $ButtonITDesc) { #defaults $buttonName = $DefaultName; $buttonDesc = $DefaultDesc; $descriptionEx = $Repair.DescriptionEx; if($descriptionEx) { #this is a XML based root cause, get replacement parameters $paramEnum = $DescriptionEx.Extensions; $paramCount = $paramEnum.Count; $paramEnum.Reset() for($curP=0;$curP -lt $paramCount; $curP++) { $param = $paramEnum.Next; if($param.Name -eq $ExtensionName) { SplitString $param.Value ([ref]$buttonName) ([ref]$buttonDesc); break; } } } $Params.value.Add($ButtonITName, $buttonName); $Params.value.Add($ButtonITDesc, $buttonDesc); } function GetContinueButtonParams($Repair, [ref]$Params) { GetButtonParams $Repair $Params $localizationString.interaction_DefaultContinueButtonName $localizationString.interaction_DefaultContinueButtonDescription "ContinueButtonText" "IT_P_ContinueButtonName" "IT_P_ContinueButtonDescription" } function GetLaunchButtonParams($Repair, [ref]$Params) { GetButtonParams $Repair $Params $localizationString.interaction_DefaultLaunchButtonName "" "LaunchButtonText" "IT_P_LaunchButtonName" "IT_P_LaunchButtonDescription" } function GetUnmanifestedRootCause($RootCause, [ref]$Params, $catchAllRC) { #Get name and description of root cause $Name = ""; $Desc = ""; #don't use DescriptionEx for unmanifested root causes SplitString $RootCause.Description ([ref]$Name) ([ref]$Desc) #add to outgoing param list $Params.value.Add("RootCauseName", $Name); $Params.value.Add("RootCauseDescription", $Desc); #check whether repairs require elevation of not $LUARepairs = @(); $elevateRepairs = @(); $localRepairs = @(); $repairEnum = $rootCause.Repairs $repairEnum.Reset() for($i=0; $i -lt $repairEnum.Count; $i++) { $repair = $repairEnum.Next if($catchAllRC -and !($repair.Flags -band $RF_RESERVED_CA)) { #this is a catch all RC treatment, so we should skip the non-catch all repairs continue; } elseif(!$catchAllRC -and ($repair.Flags -band $RF_RESERVED_CA)) { #this is not a catch all RC treatment, so we should skip catch all repairs continue; } $requiredSid = $Repair.RequiredSidType; if($requiredSid -eq $null) { throw "Could not retrieve required repair SID" } elseif(($requiredSid -eq $WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid) -or ($requiredSid -eq $WinBuiltinNetworkConfigurationOperatorsSid)) { $elevateRepairs += @($repair); } elseif($requiredSid -eq $WinLocalLogonSid) { $localRepairs += @($repair); } else { $LUARepairs += @($repair); } } $LUACount = $LUARepairs.Length; $elevateCount = $elevateRepairs.Length; $localCount = $localRepairs.Length; if($elevateCount + $LUACount -gt 2) { #currently we don't support more than two repairs for #unmanifested repairs. "LUA: " + $LUACount + " Elevation: " + $elevateCount | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UnmanifestedRootCause -name "Unmanifested Root Cause" -description "Unsupported number of total repairs for unmanifested root cause." -verbosity Debug return $null; } elseif($localCount -and ($elevateCount -or $LUACount)) { #we don't support a combination of Local repairs with any other kind of repair "LUA: " + $LUACount + " Elevation: " + $elevateCount | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UnmanifestedRootCause -name "Unmanifested Root Cause" -description "Unsupported repair combination including Local repair." -verbosity Debug return $null; } elseif($localCount -gt 1) { #we don't support more than one Local repair "Local: " + $localCount | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UnmanifestedRootCause -name "Unmanifested Root Cause" -description "Unsupported number of total Local repairs." -verbosity Debug return $null; } #populate the parameter data. #NOTE: LUA repairs always are listed before # elevation repairs (makes manifesting easier) $repairCount = $null; #guarantees that LUA repairs are placed before elevated $allRepairs = $LUARepairs + $elevateRepairs + $localRepairs; #lua repairs for($i=0; $i -lt $allRepairs.Length; $i++, $repairCount++) { $repair = $allRepairs[$i]; #get name and description of repair #don't use DescriptionEx for unmanifested root causes SplitString $repair.Description ([ref]$Name) ([ref]$Desc) #add to outgoing param list $Params.value.Add("RepairName"+$repairCount, $Name); $Params.value.Add("RepairDescription"+$repairCount, $Desc); $Params.value.Add("RepairID"+$repairCount, $repair.RepairID); } #add security boundary safe data $data = GetSBSData($Global:ndf.IncidentID) $params.value.Add("SBSData", $data) #keywords for escalation $keywords = GetKeywords($RootCause.DescriptionEx); if($keywords.Length -gt 0) { $params.value.Add("Keywords", $keywords); } if(($LUACount -eq 1) -and ($elevateCount -eq 1)) { #return placeholder RC with mix of admin and LUA repairs return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005}" } elseif($elevateCount -eq 1) { #return placeholder RC with single elevation repair return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}" } elseif($elevateCount -eq 2) { #return placeholder RC with two Admin repairs return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004}" } elseif($LUACount -eq 1) { #check whether the single repair is info only or help topic to use alternate root cause $repair = $LUARepairs[0]; $uiInfo = $repair.UiInfo; $repairFlags = $repair.Flags; if(($uiInfo -and ($uiInfo.Type -eq $UIT_HELP_PANE)) -or ($repairFlags -band $RF_INFORMATION_ONLY)) { #return placeholder RC with single info only or help topic repair return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006}" } else { #return placeholder RC with single LUA repair return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}" } } elseif($LUACount -eq 2) { #return placeholder RC with two LUA repairs return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}" } elseif($localCount -eq 1) { #return placeholder RC with a single Local user repair return "{000000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007}" } return $null; } function CreateCab($FileList, $TargetFolder, $TargetCAB) { $ddf = @" .OPTION EXPLICIT .Set CabinetNameTemplate=$TargetCAB .set DiskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM .Set CompressionType=MSZIP .Set UniqueFiles=`"OFF`" .Set Cabinet=on .Set DiskDirectory1=$TargetFolder $($OFS="`r`n"; $FileList) "@; $ddfFile = "NetworkConfiguration.ddf"; $ddf | Out-File $ddfFile -Encoding Ascii; makecab /f $ddfFile; $succeeded = $?; del $ddfFile; return $succeeded; } function HereString($text) { $here = "@'`n" + $text + "`n'@" return $here } #$Commands is an array of hash pairs "command": the command line to run, "file": the target filename, #appended to the end of the command line function AddCommandOutputToSession($Commands, $TargetCABName, $ReportHeader) { #lets create the temporary folder for all this data $tempFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName(); del $tempFolder; #delete the file mkdir $tempFolder; #make it into a folder #go into the folder to avoid leaving side-effect files behind pushd $tempFolder; #run the commands in the list $fileList = @(); $timeMeasure = @(); #keeps track of length of execution for commands foreach($item in $Commands) { #measure time it takes to execute commands $start = get-date $targetFile = $tempFolder + "\" + $item["file"]; $cmdline = $item["command"] + " " + (HereString $targetFile); $err = $($out = Invoke-expression $cmdline) 2>&1; if(!$err) { #the call succeeded, add the target file to the list to CAB $fileList += @($item["file"]); } $runtime = (get-date) - $start; $timeMeasure += @(@{"command"=$item["command"];"runtime (ms)"=$runtime.TotalMilliseconds}); } #create a CAB of the files $start = get-date if(CreateCab ($fileList) (".\") ($TargetCABName)) { $runtime = (get-date) - $start; $timeMeasure += @(@{"command"="makecab.exe";"runtime (ms)"=$runtime.TotalMilliseconds}); Update-DiagReport -ID NetworkData -name $ReportHeader -File ($tempFolder + "\"+ $TargetCABName) } $timeMeasure | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -ID ConfigCollectionRuntime -Name "Data Collection Time" -Verbosity Debug popd; remove-item -recurse -force $tempFolder; } function AddNetworkInfoToSession() { Write-DiagProgress -activity $localizationString.progress_Collecting_Config $commands = @( @{"command"="ipconfig /all >"; "file"="ipconfig.all.txt"}; @{"command"="route print >"; "file"="route.print.txt"}; ); AddCommandOutputToSession ($commands) ("NetworkConfiguration.cab") ($localizationString.OtherNetworkConfigReportName); Write-DiagProgress -activity " " } function GetUniqueFileName($IncidentID, $Operation) { #get temp folder location $tempFolder = get-childitem -path env:temp #strip { } at the ends of the incident ID GUID, generate file name $uniqueFileName = $tempFolder.Value+"\"+$IncidentID.Substring(1,$IncidentID.Length-2)+"." + $Operation #append whether it's admin or not (to avoid name clashes, as op count resets after elevation) $isAdmin = IsAdmin if($isAdmin) { $uniqueFileName += ".Admin"; } #initialize or increment op count if($Global:OpCount -eq $null) { $Global:OpCount = 0 } else { $Global:OpCount++; } $uniqueFileName += "." + $Global:OpCount + ".etl"; return $uniqueFileName } function AddTraceFileToSession($Ndf, $Name, $Operation) { #NDF flushes the trace file every time we query for it #A unique name needs to be generated each time we add the file to the report, #otherwise it will overwrite the existing ETL file #The naming convention is as follows: # IncidentID.Operation([Admin]).Counter.etl Write-DiagProgress -activity $localizationString.progress_Collecting_Logs $traceFile = $Ndf.TraceFile if($traceFile) { #get unique name $newFileName = GetUniqueFileName $Ndf.IncidentID $Operation #rename file move "$traceFile" "$newFileName" #add it to the report Update-DiagReport -ID NDFDebugLog -name $Name -File $newFileName #add HC events to the report AddNewHCEventsToSession $newFileName #delete the file name del "$newFileName" } else { $Name | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id TraceFile -name "Trace File" -description "Failed while trying to retrieve the trace file for the session." -verbosity Debug } Write-DiagProgress -activity " " } function AddNewHCEventsToSession($TraceFile) { #we keep track of all the events added to the report, so we don't add duplicates (this function is called multiple times) if($Global:ReportEvents -eq $null) { $Global:ReportEvents = @{}; } $script:ExpectingException = $false &{ $script:ExpectingException = $true $events = get-winevent -path $TraceFile -Oldest -FilterXPath "*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Networking'] and (EventID=6100)]]" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $script:ExpectingException = $false foreach($event in $events) { #events indexed by time they were emitted if(($event -ne $null) -and !$Global:ReportEvents.ContainsKey($event.TimeCreated)) { #Add helper class name to title so that it's easily distinguishable in the report without having to expand it $eventTitle = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $localizationString.HelperClassEventNameWithHCName, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($event.Properties[0].Value)); "<Objects><Object Type=""System.String""><PRE><![CDATA["+$event.Message +"]]></PRE></Object></Objects>" | Update-DiagReport -id DiagInformation -name $eventTitle $Global:ReportEvents.Add($event.TimeCreated, $event) } } } trap [Exception] { if($script:ExpectingException) { "No admin helper class events were found." | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id DiagEvents -name "Helper Class Events" -verbosity Debug } else { "Exception: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName + " Message: " + $_.Exception.Message | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id DiagEventsFailure -name "Helper Class Events" -description "Failed while retrieving helper class events." -verbosity Debug } return } } function LoadResourceString($ResourceString) { [string]$bufStr = $null $dll = "NetworkDiagnosticSnapIn.dll" try { RegSnapin $dll $bufferSize = 512 $buffer = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $bufferSize [Microsoft.Windows.Diagnosis.Network.NativeShellMethods]::SHLoadIndirectString($ResourceString, $buffer, $bufferSize, [IntPtr]::Zero) $bufStr = $buffer.ToString() } finally { UnregSnapin $dll } return $bufStr } function IsDPSStarted() { $dpsService = get-service "DPS" if($dpsService) { if($dpsService.Status -ne "Running") { return $false; } } return $true; } function IsDPSDisabled() { $dpsService = gwmi win32_service -f "name='DPS'" if($dpsService) { if($dpsService.StartMode -eq "Disabled") { return $true; } } return $false; } function IsSafeMode() { [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") return [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::BootMode -ne 0 } function IsHelpTopicAllowed($Link) { $regValue = get-itemproperty -path hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetDiagFx\Config\HelpTopic -name $Link -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable regError if($regValue) { # check the DWORD value (the key to the value is the Value name: i.e., $Link) # 1 - enabled # otherwise - disabled $filterValue = $regValue.$Link; if($filterValue -eq 1) { return $true; } else { return $false; } } elseif ($regError) { if(!($regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq "InvalidArgument") -and !($regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq "ObjectNotFound")) { " Warning: Unexpected error when reading Help Topic Cause key : " + $regError[0].CategoryInfo.Category | convertto-xml | Update-DiagReport -id UnexpectedRegError -name "Unexpected Registry Error" -verbosity Debug } return $false; } }
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