Edit C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\PCW\TS_ProgramCompatibilityWizard.ps1
# Copyright © 2008, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #TS_ProgramCompatibilityWizard #rparsons - 05 May 2008 $ShortcutListing = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable $ExeListing = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $CombinedListing = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable CompatibilityStrings -FileName CL_LocalizationData $typeDefinition = @" using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Collections; public class Utility { public static string GetStartMenuPath() { return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu); } public static string GetAllUsersStartMenuPath() { return Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu"); } public static string GetDesktopPath() { return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } [DllImport("sfc.dll", SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="SfcIsFileProtected", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] [return : MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SfcIsFileProtected(IntPtr RpcHandle, String ProtFileName); public static bool IsFileProtected(String FileName) { return SfcIsFileProtected(IntPtr.Zero, FileName); } [DllImport("pcwutl.dll", EntryPoint = "GetAppInformationFromCOS", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] public static extern uint GetAppInformationFromCOS(String PathToFile, StringBuilder URL, out uint CompatStatus, StringBuilder RecommendedLayer, out bool Apphelp); public static ArrayList GetAppInfoFromCOS(String PathToFile) { const int MAX_PATH = 260; const int MAX_URL = 2048; const String KnownVersions = "WIN8RTM WIN7RTM VISTASP2 WINXPSP3"; const String KnownLayers = "256COLOR 16BITCOLOR 640X480 HIGHDPIAWARE MSIAUTO RUNASADMIN"; StringBuilder URL = new StringBuilder(MAX_URL); StringBuilder RecommendedLayer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); uint CompatStatus = 0; uint ConvertedCompatStatus = 0; uint ReturnValue = 0; bool Apphelp = false; String FilteredLayers = ""; ReturnValue = GetAppInformationFromCOS(PathToFile, URL, out CompatStatus, RecommendedLayer, out Apphelp); ArrayList AppInfo = new ArrayList(); // // There is a difference between the return value and what we want to use internally // Semantic Meaning | COS Response | Used Value // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Failed to get file info (Program ID, File ID, etc) | N/A | 1 // Failed when calling COS | N/A | 2 // Free Update | 30 | 3 // Paid Update (apphelp) | 40 and Apphelp | 4 // Paid Update (no apphelp) | 40 no Apphelp | 5 // Unknown solution | 50 | 6 // Compatible | 10 | 7 // KB Article available | 15 | 8 // No info available from COS | 0 | 9 // switch (CompatStatus) { case 0: if (ReturnValue == 58) { // // ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP // ConvertedCompatStatus = 2; } else if (ReturnValue == 13) { // // ERROR_INVALID_DATA // ConvertedCompatStatus = 1; } else { ConvertedCompatStatus = 9; } break; case 10: ConvertedCompatStatus = 7; break; case 15: ConvertedCompatStatus = 8; break; case 30: ConvertedCompatStatus = 3; break; case 40: if (Apphelp == true) { ConvertedCompatStatus = 4; } else { ConvertedCompatStatus = 5; } break; case 50: default: ConvertedCompatStatus = 6; break; } // // Filter out all but the oldest version layer // Filter out anything not in either list // int VersionIndex = -1; String VersionLayer = ""; foreach (String s in (RecommendedLayer.ToString()).Split(' ')) { if (KnownVersions.IndexOf(s) > VersionIndex) { VersionIndex = KnownVersions.IndexOf(s); VersionLayer = s; } else { if (KnownLayers.IndexOf(s) != -1) { FilteredLayers += s; FilteredLayers += " "; } } } if (VersionIndex != -1) { FilteredLayers += VersionLayer; } FilteredLayers = FilteredLayers.TrimEnd(null); if (FilteredLayers.Length == 0) { FilteredLayers = "NONE"; } AppInfo.Add(ConvertedCompatStatus); AppInfo.Add(URL.ToString()); AppInfo.Add(FilteredLayers); return AppInfo; } [DllImport("pcwutl.dll", EntryPoint = "LogPCWDebugEvent", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern void LogPCWDebugEvent(string DebugString, Int64 qwDebugValue); public static void LogDebugEvent(String Message, Int64 DebugValue) { LogPCWDebugEvent(Message, DebugValue); } [DllImport("pcwutl.dll", EntryPoint = "SendSQMForTSRun", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern bool SendSQMForTSRun(uint LaunchedFrom, uint COSResponse, string COSLayers, string AppliedLayers, uint UserAction, uint NotUsed, uint ProblemFixed); public static void SendSqmForSession(uint LaunchedFrom, uint COSResponse, string COSLayers, string AppliedLayers, uint UserAction, uint NotUsed, uint ProblemFixed) { SendSQMForTSRun(LaunchedFrom, COSResponse, COSLayers, AppliedLayers, UserAction, NotUsed, ProblemFixed); LogPCWDebugEvent(String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}", LaunchedFrom, COSResponse, COSLayers, AppliedLayers, UserAction, NotUsed, ProblemFixed), 0); } } "@ $typeDefinition2 = @" using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; public class ProgramSorter : IComparer { int IComparer.Compare(Object x, Object y) { string friendlyNameX = GetFriendlyName(x.ToString()); string friendlyNameY = GetFriendlyName(y.ToString()); return friendlyNameX.CompareTo(friendlyNameY); } public string GetFriendlyName(string path) { if (path.EndsWith(".lnk")) { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); } FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path); string friendlyName = null; if(versionInfo != null) { if(versionInfo.FileDescription != null) { friendlyName = versionInfo.FileDescription.Trim(); } } if((friendlyName == null) || (friendlyName == String.Empty)) { friendlyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); } return friendlyName; } } "@ $typeDefinition3 = @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; public class ExeFromLnk { const int MAX_PATH = 260; [DllImport("acppage.dll", EntryPoint="GetExeFromLnk", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] [return : MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool GetExeFromLnk(String pszLnk, StringBuilder pszExe, int cchSize); public static String GetTargetExePath(String LinkPath) { StringBuilder exePath = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); if (GetExeFromLnk(LinkPath, exePath, exePath.Capacity)) { return exePath.ToString().Replace("$", "`$"); } return String.Empty; } public static String EscapePath(String Path) { return Path.Replace("$", "`$"); } } "@ $type = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeDefinition -PassThru -IgnoreWarnings $type3 = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeDefinition3 -PassThru -IgnoreWarnings # Function to convert to WQL path function ConvertTo-WQLPath([string]$wqlPath = $(throw "No path is specified")) { if($wqlPath -eq $null) { return $false } return $wqlPath.Replace("\", "\\") } # Function to retrieve all of the shortcuts from the provided directory function Get-ShortcutList([string]$path = $(throw $CompatibilityStrings.Throw_NO_PATH)) { Get-ChildItem -Path $path -recurse -filter *.lnk | Foreach-Object { $fullPath = ConvertTo-WQLPath($_.FullName) $exePath = $type3::GetTargetExePath($fullPath) if(($exePath -ne $null) -and -not([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($exePath)) -and ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($exePath) -eq ".exe")) { if(Test-Path -literalpath $exePath) { if(-not($type::IsFileProtected($exePath))) { if(-not($ShortcutListing.ContainsKey($fullPath)) -and -not($ShortcutListing.ContainsValue($exePath))) { [System.Collections.Hashtable]$ShortcutListing.Add($fullPath, $exePath) } } } } } } # Function to retrieve all the executables from the provided directory function Get-ExeList([string]$path = $(throw $CompatibilityStrings.Throw_NO_PATH)) { Get-ChildItem -Path $path -recurse -filter *.exe | Foreach-Object { $exePath = $_.FullName.Replace("$", "`$") if(Test-Path -literalpath $exePath) { if(-not($type::IsFileProtected($exePath))) { if(-not($ExeListing.Contains($exePath)) -and -not($ShortcutListing.ContainsValue($exePath))) { $ExeListing.Add($exePath) } } } } } # Function to determine whether the selected program is valid function Test-Selection([string]$appPath) { $testresult = $false if(($appPath -ne $null) -and -not([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($appPath))) { $testresult = test-path -literalpath $appPath if($testresult) { if(-not($type::IsFileProtected($appPath))) { $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($appPath) $testresult = ($extension -eq ".exe") -or ($extension -eq ".msi") } else { $testresult = $false Set-Variable -name rebrowseText -value $CompatibilityStrings.Text_FILE_PROTECTED -scope global } } } Set-Variable -name appValid -value $testResult -scope global } function WriteTrace([string]$text) { $now = Get-Date $type::LogDebugEvent($text, $now.Second) } # This block of code determines how the troubleshooter was invoked. If it was invoked # through the control panel, we have to get an exe name to work with. If context menu # we already have it. $LaunchMethod = "ControlPanel" try { $LaunchMethod = Get-DiagInput -id IT_LaunchMethod -errorAction silentlyContinue } # MSDT_E_NO_ANSWER_NOUI catch { $LaunchMethod = "ControlPanel" } # This block of code will build the list of applications that are in the start menu, # public start menu, and the desktop. It is looking for only shortcuts, actual binaries # in these locations will not be examined. [string]$startMenuPath = $type::GetStartMenuPath() [string]$allUsersStartMenuPath = $type::GetAllUsersStartMenuPath() [string]$desktopPath = $type::GetDesktopPath() $choices = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList set-variable ChoicesAvailable $false -scope global #Add a 'Not Listed' entry $notListedChoice = @{} $notListedChoice.Add("Name", $CompatibilityStrings.Program_Choice_NOTLISTED) $notListedChoice.Add("Description", $CompatibilityStrings.Program_Choice_NOTLISTED) $notListedChoice.Add("Value", "NotListed") $choices += $notListedChoice $Env:SQMLaunchMethod = 0 $Env:SQMCOSResponse = 0 $Env:SQMCOSLayers = "" $Env:SQMAppliedLayers = "" $Env:SQMUserAction = 0 $Env:SQMConsecutiveRuns = 0 $Env:SQMProblemSolved = 0 #Note launch method for SQM if ($LaunchMethod -eq "ContextMenu") { $Env:SQMLaunchMethod = 3 } elseif ($LaunchMethod -eq "ControlPanel") { $Env:SQMLaunchMethod = 2 } elseif ($LaunchMethod -eq "CompatTab") { $Env:SQMLaunchMethod = 1 } elseif ($LaunchMethod -eq "PCA") { $Env:SQMLaunchMethod = 4 } if($LaunchMethod -eq "ControlPanel") { Write-DiagProgress -activity $CompatibilityStrings.Text_Status_SEARCHING -status " " Get-ShortcutList($startMenuPath) Get-ShortcutList($allUsersStartMenuPath) Get-ShortcutList($desktopPath) Get-ExeList($desktopPath) #Combine the entries into one list for sorting foreach($pathKey in $ShortcutListing.keys) { $CombinedListing.Add($pathKey) } foreach($exePath in $ExeListing) { $CombinedListing.Add($exePath) } #Sort the combined list Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeDefinition2 -IgnoreWarnings $programSorter = New-Object ProgramSorter $CombinedListing.Sort($programSorter) #Add choices for each entry in the combined list foreach($path in $CombinedListing) { Set-Variable -name ChoicesAvailable -value $true -scope global $friendlyName = $programSorter.GetFriendlyName($path) $fullPathToTarget = $path if ($path.EndsWith(".lnk")) { $fullPathToTarget = $ShortcutListing[$path] } $choice = @{} $choice.Add("Name", $friendlyName) $choice.Add("Description", $fullPathToTarget) $choice.Add("Value", $fullPathToTarget) $choices += $choice } } # If no shortcuts were found in these locations, we will go to the browse for file screen. if(-not($ChoicesAvailable)) { $selectedProgram = Get-DiagInput -id IT_BrowseForFile } else { $selectedProgram = Get-DiagInput -id IT_SelectProgram -choice $choices # If the user chose the option "Not listed" we will ask them to browse for a file if($selectedProgram -eq "NotListed") { $selectedProgram = Get-DiagInput -id IT_BrowseForFile } } # This block tests the validity of the path provided (either through selection or browsing to a file # Test-Selection manipulates the global variables rebrowseText (a reason you have to choose a file) # and appValid (the file is an exe that is valid to troubleshoot) Set-Variable -name rebrowseText -value $CompatibilityStrings.Text_FILE_INVALID -scope global Set-Variable -name appValid -value $false -scope global Test-Selection($selectedProgram) $InstanceId = 0 while(-not($appValid)) { $InstanceId++ $selection = $selectedProgram $selectedProgram = Get-DiagInput -id IT_RebrowseForFile -parameter @{ "SelectedProgram" = $selection; "RebrowseText" = $rebrowseText; "Instance" = $InstanceId } Set-Variable -name rebrowseText -value $CompatibilityStrings.Text_FILE_INVALID -scope global Test-Selection($selectedProgram) } $appName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($selectedProgram).Replace("$", "`$") #Go back through the choices to find the display name for the selected application. foreach ($choice in $choices) { if($choice["Value"] -eq $selectedProgram) { $appName = $choice["Name"].Replace("$", "`$") break } } #Find out what information COS has about the application, and display an early out if #COS has update information about the application #Info comes back as an ArrayList object, with three things in it: # 1. number representing what we recommend to be done # 2. string that is a URL if there is a URL associated with the solution. # 3. string that is the recommended layer to apply (if one exists). $AppInfo = $type::GetAppInfoFromCOS($selectedProgram) $COSInfoPage = "" switch($AppInfo[0]) { 3 { $COSInfoPage = "IT_Free_Update" } 4 { $COSInfoPage = "IT_Paid_Update_SB" } 5 { $COSInfoPage = "IT_Paid_Update_SB" } 8 { $COSInfoPage = "IT_KB_Available" } } $Env:SQMCOSResponse = $AppInfo[0] $Env:SQMCOSLayers = $AppInfo[2] $Env:COSURL = $AppInfo[1] if ($COSInfoPage -ne "" ) { $UpdateChoice = Get-DiagInput -id $COSInfoPage } else { $UpdateChoice = "ts_Manual" } #This last call will invoke the RS_ script, see the other file. It does the manual troubleshooting portion of the app. if ($UpdateChoice -eq "ts_Manual") { $Env:RecommendedLayer = $AppInfo[2] Update-DiagRootCause -id "RC_IncompatibleApplication" -Detected $true -parameter @{ "TARGETPATH" = $selectedProgram; "APPNAME" = $appName} } else { Start-Process -FilePath $AppInfo[1] $type::SendSqmForSession($Env:SQMLaunchMethod, $Env:SQMCOSResponse, $Env:SQMCOSLayers, "", 1, 0, 0) }
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