Edit C:\edeal\jobs\JOB_CEV_Cheque_FID\lib\org\postgresql\translation\messages_zh_CN.class
Êþº¾ - !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????? ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ table Ljava/util/Hashtable; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable handleGetObject &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; Exceptions getKeys ()Ljava/util/Enumeration; getParent ()Ljava/util/ResourceBundle; <clinit> SourceFile messages_zh_CN.java java/util/Hashtable ÒProject-Id-Version: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 8.3 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 19:32-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-31 14:34+0800 Last-Translator: é?æ??ç??(ChaoYi, Kuo) <Kuo.ChaoYi@gmail.com> Language-Team: The PostgreSQL Development Team <Kuo.ChaoYi@gmail.com> Language: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-Language: Chinese X-Poedit-Country: CHINA X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8 XSomething unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception. Hä¸?æ??ç??å??å? 导è?´é©±å?¨ç¨?åº?é? æ??失败ï¼?请å??æ?¥è¿?个ä¾?å¤?ã?? Connection attempt timed out. Connection å°?è¯?é?¾æ?¶ã?? "Method {0} is not yet implemented. #è¿?个 {0} æ?¹æ³?å°?æ?ªè¢«å®?ä½?ã?? @A connection could not be made using the requested protocol {0}. 2æ? æ³?以è¦?æ±?ç??é??讯å??å®? {0} 建ç«?è¿?线ã?? -An unexpected result was returned by a query. !ä¼ å??é??é¢?æ??ç??æ?¥è¯¢ç»?æ??ã?? .Zero bytes may not occur in string parameters. 'å?符å??æ?°ä¸?è?½æ?? 0 个ä½?å??ç»?ã?? (Zero bytes may not occur in identifiers. -å?¨æ ?è¯?è¯?å?«ç¬¦ä¸ä¸?å?å?¨é?¶ä½?å??ç»?ã?? -Cannot convert an instance of {0} to type {1} (æ? æ³?转æ?¢ {0} å?°ç±»å?? {1} ç??å®?ä¾? yConnection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. bè¿?线被æ??ï¼?请æ£?æ?¥ä¸»æ?ºå??称å??å? å?·ï¼?并确å®? postmaster å?¯ä»¥æ?¥å?? TCP/IP è¿?线ã?? The connection attempt failed. å°?è¯?è¿?线已失败ã?? The server does not support SSL. æ??å?¡å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ?´ SSL è¿?线ã?? 5An error occured while setting up the SSL connection. #è¿?è¡? SSL è¿?线æ?¶å??ç??é??误ã?? Connection rejected: {0}. è¿?线已被æ??ç»?ï¼?{0}ã?? QThe server requested password-based authentication, but no password was provided. ?æ??å?¡å?¨è¦?æ±?使ç?¨å¯?ç ?éª?è¯?ï¼?ä½?æ?¯å¯?ç ?并æ?ªæ??ä¾?ã?? ×The authentication type {0} is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client''s IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver. ³ä¸?æ?¯æ?´ {0} éª?è¯?ç±»å??ã??è¯·æ ¸å¯¹æ?¨å·²ç»?ç»?æ?? pg_hba.conf æ??件å??å?«å®¢æ?·ç«¯ç??IPä½?å??æ??ç½?è·¯å?ºæ®µï¼?以å??驱å?¨ç¨?åº?æ??æ?¯æ?´ç??éª?è¯?æ?¶æ??模å¼?已被æ?¯æ?´ã?? &Protocol error. Session setup failed. /é??讯å??å®?é??误ï¼?Session å??å§?å??失败ã?? Backend start-up failed: {0}. å??端å?¯å?¨å¤±è´¥ï¼?{0}ã?? >The column index is out of range: {0}, number of columns: {1}. 9æ ?ä½?ç´¢å¼?è¶?è¿?许å?¯è??å?´ï¼?{0}ï¼?æ ?ä½?æ?°ï¼?{1}ã?? %No value specified for parameter {0}. #æ?ªè®¾å®?å??æ?°å?¼ {0} ç??å??容ã?? 2An I/O error occured while sending to the backend. ,ä¼ é??æ?°æ?®è?³å??端æ?¶å??ç?? I/O é??误ã?? Unknown Response Type {0}. ä¸?æ??ç??å??åº?ç±»å?? {0}ã?? DUnable to interpret the update count in command completion tag: {0}. 9æ? æ³?解读å?½ä»¤å®?æ??æ ?ç¾ä¸ç??æ?´æ?°è®¡æ?°ï¼?{0}ã?? ?The server''s DateStyle parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver requires DateStyle to begin with ISO for correct operation. {è¿?æ??å?¡å?¨ç?? DateStyle å??æ?°è¢«æ?´æ?¹æ?? {0}ï¼?JDBC 驱å?¨ç¨?åº?请æ±?é??è¦? DateStyle 以 ISO å¼?头以æ£ç¡®å·¥ä½?ã?? lThe server''s standard_conforming_strings parameter was reported as {0}. The JDBC driver expected on or off. tè¿?æ??å?¡å?¨ç?? standard_conforming_strings å??æ?°å·²å??æ?¥ä¸º {0}ï¼?JDBC 驱å?¨ç¨?åº?å·²é¢?æ??å¼?å?¯æ??æ?¯å?³é?ã?? 6The driver currently does not support COPY operations. *驱å?¨ç¨?åº?ç?®å??ä¸?æ?¯æ?´ COPY æ??ä½?ã?? .This PooledConnection has already been closed. *è¿?个 PooledConnection å·²ç»?被å?³é?ã?? ?Connection has been closed automatically because a new connection was opened for the same PooledConnection or the PooledConnection has been closed. {Connection å·²è?ªå?¨ç»?æ??ï¼?å? 为ä¸?个æ?°ç?? PooledConnection è¿?线被å¼?å?¯æ??è??æ?? PooledConnection 已被å?³é?ã?? Connection has been closed. Connection å·²ç»?被å?³é?ã?? Statement has been closed. Sstatement å·²ç»?被å?³é?ã?? DataSource has been closed. DataSource å·²ç»?被å?³é?ã?? FFastpath call {0} - No result was returned and we expected an integer. FFastpath å?¼å?« {0} - 没æ??ä¼ å??å?¼ï¼?ä¸?åº?è¯¥ä¼ å??ä¸?个æ?´æ?°ã?? %The fastpath function {0} is unknown. ä¸?æ??ç?? fastpath å?½å¼? {0}ã?? #Conversion to type {0} failed: {1}. 转æ?¢ç±»å?? {0} 失败ï¼?{1}ã?? +Cannot tell if path is open or closed: {0}. -æ? æ³?å¾?ç?¥ path æ?¯å¼?å?¯æ??å?³é?ï¼?{0}ã?? $The array index is out of range: {0} $é?µå??ç´¢å¼?è¶?è¿?许å?¯è??å?´ï¼?{0} >The array index is out of range: {0}, number of elements: {1}. <é?µå??ç´¢å¼?è¶?è¿?许å?¯è??å?´ï¼?{0}ï¼?å??ç´ æ?°é??ï¼?{1}ã?? õInvalid character data was found. This is most likely caused by stored data containing characters that are invalid for the character set the database was created in. The most common example of this is storing 8bit data in a SQL_ASCII database. Ñå??ç?°ä¸?å??æ³?ç??å?å??ï¼?å?¯è?½ç??å??å? æ?¯æ¬²å?¨å?ç??æ?°æ?®ä¸å??å?«æ?°æ?®åº?ç??å?å??é??ä¸?æ?¯æ?´ç??å?ç ?ï¼?å?¶ä¸æ??常è§?ä¾?å?ç??å°±æ?¯å°? 8 ä½?å??æ?°æ?®å?å?¥ä½¿ç?¨ SQL_ASCII ç¼?ç ?ç??æ?°æ?®åº?ä¸ã?? ITruncation of large objects is only implemented in 8.3 and later servers. S大å??对象ç??æ?ªæ?(Truncation)ä»?被å®?ä½?æ?§è¡?å?¨ 8.3 å??å??æ?¥ç??æ??å?¡å?¨ã?? &PostgreSQL LOBs can only index to: {0} %PostgreSQL LOBs ä»?è?½ç´¢å¼?å?°ï¼?{0} /Unsupported value for stringtype parameter: {0} 'å?符类å??å??æ?°å?¼æ?ªè¢«æ?¯æ??ï¼?{0} &No results were returned by the query. !æ?¥è¯¢æ²¡æ??ä¼ å??ä»»ä½?ç»?æ??ã?? -A result was returned when none was expected. ä¼ å??é¢?æ??ä¹?å¤?ç??ç»?æ??ã?? !Failed to create object for: {0}. 为 {0} 建ç«?对象失败ã?? LCannot change transaction read-only property in the middle of a transaction. ?ä¸?è?½å?¨äº?ç?©äº¤æ??è¿?ç¨?ä¸æ?¹å??äº?ç?©äº¤æ??å?¯è¯»å±?æ?§ã?? ICannot change transaction isolation level in the middle of a transaction. ?ä¸?è?½å?¨äº?å?¡äº¤æ??è¿?ç¨?ä¸æ?¹å??äº?ç?©äº¤æ??é??ç»?ç?级ã?? .Transaction isolation level {0} not supported. #ä¸?æ?¯æ?´äº¤æ??é??ç»?ç?级 {0} ã?? 3Unable to translate data into the desired encoding. $æ? æ³?å°?æ?°æ?®è½¬æ??ç?®æ ?ç¼?ç ?ã?? 4Unable to find name datatype in the system catalogs. =å?¨ç³»ç»? catalog ä¸æ?¾ä¸?å?°å??称æ?°æ?®ç±»å??(datatype)ã?? NOperation requires a scrollable ResultSet, but this ResultSet is FORWARD_ONLY. Iæ??ä½?è¦?æ±?å?¯å?·å?¨ç?? ResultSetï¼?ä½?æ¤ ResultSet æ?¯ FORWARD_ONLYã?? CUnexpected error while decoding character data from a large object. Aä»?大å??对象(large object)解ç ?å?å??æ?°æ?®æ?¶å??ç??é??误ã?? 9Can''t use relative move methods while on the insert row. ?ä¸?è?½å?¨æ?°å¢?ç??æ?°æ?®å??ä¸?使ç?¨ç?¸å¯¹ä½?ç½® move æ?¹æ³?ã?? &Invalid fetch direction constant: {0}. %æ? æ??ç?? fetch æ?¹å??常æ?°ï¼?{0}ã?? 6Cannot call cancelRowUpdates() when on the insert row. :ä¸?è?½å?¨æ?°å¢?ç??æ?°æ?®å??ä¸?å?¼å?« cancelRowUpdates()ã?? /Cannot call deleteRow() when on the insert row. 0ä¸?è?½å?¨æ?°å¢?ç??æ?°æ?®ä¸?å?¼å?« deleteRow()ã?? ZCurrently positioned before the start of the ResultSet. You cannot call deleteRow() here. Aä¸?è?½å?¨ ResultSet ç??第ä¸?ç¬?æ?°æ?®ä¹?å??å?¼å?« deleteRow()ã?? WCurrently positioned after the end of the ResultSet. You cannot call deleteRow() here. Dä¸?è?½å?¨ ResultSet ç??æ??å??ä¸?ç¬?æ?°æ?®ä¹?å??å?¼å?« deleteRow()ã?? $There are no rows in this ResultSet. "ResultSet ä¸æ?¾ä¸?å?°æ?°æ?®å??ã?? Not on the insert row. ä¸?å?¨æ?°å¢?ç??æ?°æ?®å??ä¸?ã?? /The JVM claims not to support the encoding: {0} &JVM 声æ??并ä¸?æ?¯æ?´ç¼?ç ?ï¼?{0} ã?? Provided InputStream failed. "æ??ä¾?ç?? InputStream 已失败ã?? Provided Reader failed. æ??ä¾?ç?? Reader 已失败ã?? Can''t refresh the insert row. !æ? æ³?é??读æ?°å¢?ç??æ?°æ?®å??ã?? /Cannot call updateRow() when on the insert row. 3ä¸?è?½å?¨æ?°å¢?ç??æ?°æ?®å??ä¸?å?¼å?« deleteRow()ã?? bCannot update the ResultSet because it is either before the start or after the end of the results. Ræ? æ³?æ?´æ?° ResultSetï¼?å?¯è?½å?¨ç¬¬ä¸?ç¬?æ?°æ?®ä¹?å??æ??æ??æ?ªç¬?æ?°æ?®ä¹?å??ã?? ?ResultSets with concurrency CONCUR_READ_ONLY cannot be updated. KResultSets ä¸?并å??å??ä½?(Concurrency) CONCUR_READ_ONLY ä¸?è?½è¢«æ?´æ?°ã?? #No primary key found for table {0}. /{0} æ?°æ?®è¡¨ä¸æ?ªæ?¾å?°ä¸»é?®(Primary key)ã?? 4Fetch size must be a value greater to or equal to 0. 8æ?°æ?®è¯»å??ç¬?æ?°(fetch size)å¿?须大äº?æ??ç?äº? 0ã?? Bad value for type {0} : {1} ä¸?è?¯ç??ç±»å??å?¼ {0} : {1} 4The column name {0} was not found in this ResultSet. )ResultSet ä¸æ?¾ä¸?å?°æ ?ä½?å??称 {0}ã?? ÖResultSet is not updateable. The query that generated this result set must select only one table, and must select all primary keys from that table. See the JDBC 2.1 API Specification, section 5.6 for more details. ½ä¸?å?¯æ?´æ?°ç?? ResultSetã??ç?¨æ?¥äº§ç??è¿?个 ResultSet ç?? SQL å?½ä»¤å?ªè?½æ??ä½?ä¸?个æ?°æ?®è¡¨ï¼?并ä¸?å¿?é??é??æ?©æ??æ??主é?®æ ?ä½?ï¼?详ç»?请å??é?? JDBC 2.1 API è§?æ ¼ä¹¦ 5.6 è??ã?? This ResultSet is closed. #è¿?个 ResultSet å·²ç»?被å?³é?ã?? AResultSet not positioned properly, perhaps you need to call next. Xæ?¥è¯¢ç»?æ??æ??æ ?ä½?ç½®ä¸?æ£ç¡®ï¼?æ?¨ä¹?许é??è¦?å?¼å?« ResultSet ç?? next() æ?¹æ³?ã?? ICan''t use query methods that take a query string on a PreparedStatement. Iå?¨ PreparedStatement ä¸?ä¸?è?½ä½¿ç?¨è?·å??æ?¥è¯¢å?符ç??æ?¥è¯¢æ?¹æ³?ã?? /Multiple ResultSets were returned by the query. æ?¥è¯¢ä¼ å??å¤?个 ResultSetã?? 7A CallableStatement was executed with nothing returned. :ä¸?个 CallableStatement æ?§è¡?å?½å¼?å??没æ??ä¼ å??å?¼ã?? tA CallableStatement function was executed and the out parameter {0} was of type {1} however type {2} was registered. tä¸?个 CallableStatement æ?§è¡?å?½å¼?å??è¾?å?ºç??å??æ?°ç±»å??为 {1} å?¼ä¸º {0}ï¼?ä½?æ?¯å·²æ³¨å??ç??ç±»å??æ?¯ {2}ã?? AMaximum number of rows must be a value grater than or equal to 0. 2æ??大æ?°æ?®è¯»å??ç¬?æ?°å¿?须大äº?æ??ç?äº? 0ã?? :Query timeout must be a value greater than or equals to 0. 2æ?¥è¯¢é?¾æ?¶ç?å??æ?¶é?´å¿?须大äº?æ??ç?äº? 0ã?? BThe maximum field size must be a value greater than or equal to 0. ,æ??大æ ?ä½?容é??å¿?须大äº?æ??ç?äº? 0ã?? Unknown Types value. ä¸?æ??ç??ç±»å??å?¼ã?? Invalid stream length {0}. æ? æ??ç??串æµ?é?¿åº¦ {0}. /The JVM claims not to support the {0} encoding. $JVM 声æ??并ä¸?æ?¯æ?´ {0} ç¼?ç ?ã?? Unknown type {0}. ä¸?æ??ç??ç±»å?? {0} *Cannot cast an instance of {0} to type {1} *ä¸?è?½è½¬æ?¢ä¸?个 {0} å®?ä¾?å?°ç±»å?? {1} Unsupported Types value: {0} æ?ªè¢«æ?¯æ??ç??ç±»å??å?¼ï¼?{0} ZThis statement does not declare an OUT parameter. Use '{' ?= call ... '}' to declare one. Rè¿?个 statement æ?ªå®£å?? OUT å??æ?°ï¼?使ç?¨ '{' ?= call ... '}' 宣å??ä¸?个ã?? <Malformed function or procedure escape syntax at offset {0}. 3ä¸?æ£ç¡®ç??å?½å¼?æ??ç¨?åº? escape è¯æ³?äº? {0}ã?? PParameter of type {0} was registered, but call to get{1} (sqltype={2}) was made. D已注å??å??æ?°ç±»å?? {0}ï¼?ä½?æ?¯å??å?¼å?«äº?get{1}(sqltype={2})ã?? _A CallableStatement was declared, but no call to registerOutParameter(1, <some type>) was made. då·²ç»?宣å?? CallableStatement å?½å¼?ï¼?ä½?æ?¯å°?æ?ªå?¼å?« registerOutParameter (1, <some_type>) ã?? This statement has been closed. #è¿?个 statement å·²ç»?被å?³é?ã?? IBatch entry {0} {1} was aborted. Call getNextException to see the cause. Kæ?¹æ¬¡å¤?ç?? {0} {1} 被ä¸æ¢ï¼?å?¼å?« getNextException 以å??å¾?å??å? ã?? 2Unexpected error writing large object to database. Då°?大å??对象(large object)å??å?¥æ?°æ?®åº?æ?¶å??ç??ä¸?æ??é??误ã?? -{0} function takes one and only one argument. .{0} å?½å¼?å??å¾?ä¸?个ä¸?ä»?æ??ä¸?个å¼?æ?°ã?? .{0} function takes two and only two arguments. .{0} å?½å¼?å??å¾?äº?个ä¸?ä»?æ??äº?个å¼?æ?°ã?? /{0} function takes four and only four argument. .{0} å?½å¼?å??å¾?å??个ä¸?ä»?æ??å??个å¼?æ?°ã?? *{0} function takes two or three arguments. ({0} å?½å¼?å??å¾?äº?个æ??ä¸?个å¼?æ?°ã?? ({0} function doesn''t take any argument. ({0} å?½å¼?æ? æ³?å??å¾?ä»»ä½?ç??å¼?æ?°ã?? 2{0} function takes three and only three arguments. .{0} å?½å¼?å??å¾?ä¸?个ä¸?ä»?æ??ä¸?个å¼?æ?°ã?? Interval {0} not yet implemented é??ç»? {0} å°?æ?ªè¢«å®?ä½?ã?? >The class {0} does not implement org.postgresql.util.PGobject. 4ç±»å?« {0} æ?ªå®?å?? org.postgresql.util.PGobjectã?? +Unknown ResultSet holdability setting: {0}. /æ?ªç?¥ç?? ResultSet å?¯é??ç?¨ç??设置ï¼?{0}ã?? 7Server versions prior to 8.0 do not support savepoints. 98.0 ç??ä¹?å??ç??æ??å?¡å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ?´å?¨å?ç?¹(SavePints)ã?? 1Cannot establish a savepoint in auto-commit mode. Då?¨è?ªå?¨ç¡®è®¤äº?ç?©äº¤æ??模å¼?æ? æ³?建ç«?å?¨å?ç?¹(Savepoint)ã?? DThe parameter index is out of range: {0}, number of parameters: {1}. <å??æ?°ç´¢å¼?è¶?å?ºè®¸å?¯è??å?´ï¼?{0}ï¼?å??æ?°æ?»æ?°ï¼?{1}ã?? 8Cannot reference a savepoint after it has been released. *æ? æ³?å??ç?§å·²ç»?被é??æ?¾ç??å?¨å?ç?¹ã?? ,Cannot retrieve the id of a named savepoint. 'æ? æ³?å??å¾?å·²å?½å??å?¨å?ç?¹ç?? idã?? 1Cannot retrieve the name of an unnamed savepoint. 5æ? æ³?å??å¾?æ?ªå?½å??å?¨å?ç?¹(Savepoint)ç??å??称ã?? $Failed to initialize LargeObject API å??å§?å?? LargeObject API 失败 2Large Objects may not be used in auto-commit mode. ?大å??对象æ? æ³?被使ç?¨å?¨è?ªå?¨ç¡®è®¤äº?ç?©äº¤æ??模å¼?ã?? Conversion of interval failed é??ç»?(Interval)转æ?¢å¤±è´¥ã?? Conversion of money failed. money 转æ?¢å¤±è´¥ã?? Detail: {0} 详ç»?ï¼?{0} Hint: {0} 建议ï¼?{0} Position: {0} ä½?ç½®ï¼?{0} Where: {0} å?¨ä½?ç½®ï¼?{0} Internal Query: {0} å??é?¨æ?¥è¯¢ï¼?{0} Internal Position: {0} å??é?¨ä½?ç½®ï¼?{0} ,Location: File: {0}, Routine: {1}, Line: {2} 0ä½?ç½®ï¼?æ??件ï¼?{0}ï¼?常å¼?ï¼?{1}ï¼?è¡?ï¼?{2} Server SQLState: {0} æ??å?¡å?¨ SQLStateï¼?{0} Invalid flags æ? æ??ç??æ??æ ? suspend/resume not implemented 3æ??å??(suspend)/å??继ç»(resume)å°?æ?ªè¢«å®?ä½?ã?? (Transaction interleaving not implemented ;äº?ç?©äº¤æ??é??ç»?(Transaction interleaving)æ?ªè¢«å®?ä½?ã?? =Server versions prior to 8.1 do not support two-phase commit. F8.1 ç??ä¹?å??ç??æ??å?¡å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ?´äº?段å¼?æ??交(Two-Phase Commit)ã?? Invalid flag )org/postgresql/translation/messages_zh_CN java/util/ResourceBundle "java/util/MissingResourceException get &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; keys parent Ljava/util/ResourceBundle; put 8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; ! *· ± ² +¶ ° ? ² ¶ ° ? *´ ° ? ? t» Y· K* ¶ W*¶ W* ¶ W*¶ W*¶ W*¶ W*¶ W*¶ W*¶ W*¶ W*¶ W* ¶ W*!"¶ W*#$¶ W*%&¶ W*'(¶ W*)*¶ W*+,¶ W*-.¶ W*/0¶ W*12¶ W*34¶ W*56¶ W*78¶ W*9:¶ W*;<¶ W*=>¶ W*?@¶ W*AB¶ W*CD¶ W*EF¶ W*GH¶ W*IJ¶ W*KL¶ W*MN¶ W*OP¶ W*QR¶ W*ST¶ W*UV¶ W*WX¶ W*YZ¶ W*[\¶ W*]^¶ W*_`¶ W*ab¶ W*cd¶ W*ef¶ W*gh¶ W*ij¶ W*kl¶ W*mn¶ W*op¶ W*qr¶ W*st¶ W*uv¶ W*wx¶ W*yz¶ W*{|¶ W*}~¶ W*?¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*??¶ W*? ¶ W*¡¢¶ W*£¤¶ W*¥¦¶ W*§¨¶ W*©ª¶ W*«¬¶ W*®¶ W*¯°¶ W*±²¶ W*³´¶ W*µ¶¶ W*·¸¶ W*¹º¶ W*»¼¶ W*½¾¶ W*¿À¶ W*Á¶ W*ÃĶ W*Åƶ W*Çȶ W*Éʶ W*Ë̶ W*Íζ W*Ïж W*ÑÒ¶ W*ÓÔ¶ W*ÕÖ¶ W*×ض W*ÙÚ¶ W*Ûܶ W*ÝÞ¶ W*ßචW*áⶠW*ãä¶ W*åæ¶ W*çè¶ W*éê¶ W*ëì¶ W*íî¶ W*ïð¶ W*ñò¶ W*óô¶ W*õö¶ W*÷ø¶ W*ùú¶ W*ûü¶ W*ýþ¶ W*ÿ ¶ W*ú¶ W*³ ± ? # , 5 >