Edit C:\edeal\reservIT\HOTEL-1-11330.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ EchoToken="E1873744026" Version="2006" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01 http://groupe.chateauxhotels.com/synchit/OTA2006A/OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ.xsd"><POS><Source><RequestorID ID="0" Type="2"><CompanyName>LFS</CompanyName></RequestorID><BookingChannel Type="5"><CompanyName Code="12">Reservit</CompanyName></BookingChannel></Source></POS><HotelDescriptiveContents ChainCode="12" HotelCode="11330" HotelCodeContext="LFS"><HotelDescriptiveContent CurrencyCode="EUR" LanguageCode="fr"><HotelInfo End="2024-02-06T20:12:17.898+01:00"><HotelName>HĂ´tel du Commerce</HotelName><CategoryCodes><LocationCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="OTA" /></CategoryCodes><Descriptions><Description CreatorID="HOTEL"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Lâ??hĂ´tel du commerce se situe en centre ville et a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©novĂ© dernièrement. Les chambres sont de bon confort, avec WC, salle de bains, tĂ©lĂ©vision par satellite. Vous apprĂ©cierez une cuisine de terroir qui ravira tous les budgets.]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Lâ??hĂ´tel "du commerce" si trova in centro cittĂ ed è stato ristrutturato di recente. Le camere sono dotate di tutti i confort, con WC, bagno, TV con satellite. Cucina locale per tutte le tasche.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Das kĂĽrzlich renovierte â??HĂ´tel du Commerceâ?? liegt in der Stadtmitte. Die komfortablen Zimmer sind mit WC, Bad und Satellitenfernsehen ausgestattet. GenieĂ?en Sie eine regionale KĂĽche zu verschiedensten Preisen.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[El hotel Du Commerce está situado en el centro y ha sido recientemente renovado. Las habitaciones cuentan con un buen nivel de confort, con WC, cuarto de baño y televisiĂłn con canales vĂa satĂ©lite. Apreciará la cocina de la tierra, que tambiĂ©n será del agrado de todos los bolsillos.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[The Hotel du Commerce is a recently-renovated town centre hotel. All of our comfortable rooms are equipped with WC, bathroom and satellite TV. In our restaurant enjoy regional dishes selected from one of a range of fixed price menus - there is one to suite very budget.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="LOCATION"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Par lâ??A41 sortie Annecy nord puis station des Aravis. A ThĂ´nes lâ??hĂ´tel se situe dans la rue derrière lâ??Ă©glise en centre ville. Lâ??aĂ©roport de Lyon est Ă 140 km, celui de Genève Ă 50 km. La gare dâ??Annecy est Ă 20 km avec une ligne rĂ©gulière de bus et de taxis.]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Con la A41, uscita Annecy nord poi direzione Les Aravis. A ThĂ´nes, l'hotel si trova nella via dietro la chiesa in centro cittĂ . Lâ??aeroporto di Lione si trova a 140 km, quello di Ginevra a 50 km. La stazione di Annecy si trova a 20 km con un servizio regolare di taxi e corriere.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Ă?ber die A41 Ausfahrt Annecy Nord, dann Station des Aravis. In ThĂ´nes liegt das Hotel in der StraĂ?e hinter der Kirche im Ortskern. Der Flughafen Lyon liegt in 140 km, jener von Genf in 50 km Entfernung. Der Bahnhof Annecy ist 20 km weit entfernt und durch eine reguläre Bus- und Taxiverbindung zu erreichen.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Por la A41, salida Annecy norte y despuĂ©s estaciĂłn de Les Aravis. En ThĂ´nes, el hotel se encuentra en la calle detrás de la iglesia, en el centro. El aeropuerto de Lyon está a 140km, el de Ginebra a 50km. La estaciĂłn de tren de Annecy está a 20km, con una lĂnea regular de autobuses y de taxis.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[A41 motorway, exit "Annecy nord" then follow signs to the resort of Les Aravis. In ThĂ´nes the hotel is in the town centre, in the street behind the church. 140km from Lyon airport, and 50km from Geneva airport. 20km from Annecy railway station, with regular bus and taxi services.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="MISC"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[En plein centre ville proche des stations de ski et du lac d'Annecy]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[Right in the city centre near the ski resorts and Lake Annecy]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[En pleno centro urbano, cerca de las estaciones de esquĂ y del lago de Annecy]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Nel centro della cittĂ vicino alle localitĂ sciistiche e al lago di Annecy]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Im Stadtzentrum, unweit der Skistationen und des Sees von Annecy]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[Midden in het centrum en dicht bij de skipistes en het meer van Annecy]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="SURROUNDING"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Aux portes des stations des Aravis, vous dĂ©couvrirez cette charmante bourgade « ThĂ´nes ». Vous serez situĂ©s Ă 12 km des pistes de ski, Ă 20 km de la ville dâ??Annecy et Ă 50 km de Genève. Nombreuses activitĂ©s possibles dans la rĂ©gion : Via Ferrata, sports nautiques, ski, parapente.]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Alle porte della stazione di Les Aravis, scoprirete ThĂ´nes, affascinante borgata . Vi troverete a 12 km dalle piste da sci, 20 km da Annecy e 50 km da Ginevra. Numerose attivitĂ possibili nella regione: Via Ferrata, sport nautici, sci, parapendio.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[An den Toren zu den Skiorten von Aravis erwartet Sie dieser charmante kleine Markflecken namens â??ThĂ´nesâ??. Sie befinden sich 12 km von den Skipisten, 20 km von der Stadt Annecy und 50 km von Genf entfernt. Aktivitäten in der Region: Via Ferrata, Wassersport, Skifahren, Gleitschirmflug.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[A las puertas de las estaciones de Les Aravis, descubrirá este encantador lugar, «ThĂ´nes». Estamos a 12km de las pistas de esquĂ, a 20km de la ciudad de Annecy y a 50km de Ginebra. Numerosas actividades posibles en la regiĂłn: VĂa Ferrata, deportes náuticos, esquĂ, parapente.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[At the gateway to the resort of Les Aravis, discover the charming village of ThĂ´nes, located just 12km from the ski slopes, 20km from Annecy and 50km from Geneva. Wide range of activities in the region: Via Ferrata, water sports, winter sports, paragliding.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="CLOSING"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - OUVERT 7 SUR 7]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - OUVERT 7 SUR 7]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - OUVERT 7 SUR 7]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - OUVERT 7 SUR 7]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - OUVERT 7 SUR 7]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - OUVERT 7 SUR 7]]></Text></Description></Descriptions><HotelInfoCodes><HotelInfoCode Code="12" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="30" /><HotelInfoCode Code="3" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="6" /><HotelInfoCode Code="CHA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="12" /><HotelInfoCode Code="INA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="2" /></HotelInfoCodes><Position Longitude="6.3243" Latitude="45.8777" /></HotelInfo><FacilityInfo><Restaurants Quantity="2"><Restaurant MaxSeatingCapacity="120" RestaurantName="HĂ´tel du Commerce"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - DIMANCHE SOIR ET LUNDI]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - DIMANCHE SOIR ET LUNDI]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - DIMANCHE SOIR ET LUNDI]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - DIMANCHE SOIR ET LUNDI]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - DIMANCHE SOIR ET LUNDI]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[ du 22/04 au 14/05 - du 28/10 au 12/11 - DIMANCHE SOIR ET LUNDI]]></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant><Restaurant RestaurantName="Restaurant du Commerce"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant></Restaurants></FacilityInfo><Policies><Policy DefaultValidBookingMinOffset="0"><GuaranteePaymentPolicy><GuaranteePayment><AcceptedPayments><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="MC" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="AX" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="VI" /></AcceptedPayment></AcceptedPayments></GuaranteePayment></GuaranteePaymentPolicy></Policy></Policies><AffiliationInfo><Awards><Award Rating="3" Provider="Stars" /><Award Rating="2" Provider="Chimneys" /><Award Rating="2" Provider="Cocotte" /></Awards></AffiliationInfo><ContactInfos><ContactInfo ContactProfileType="RIT" ContactProfileID="Manager"><Names><Name><GivenName>MM. David/RaphaĂ«l</GivenName><Surname>Jakkel</Surname></Name></Names><Addresses><Address ID="74280"><AddressLine><![CDATA[5 Rue des Clefs.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine>.</AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[THONES]]></CityName><PostalCode>74230</PostalCode><CountryName Code="FR">FR</CountryName></Address></Addresses><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="3" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneTechType="3" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones><Emails><Email>blombard@logishotels.com</Email></Emails><URLs><URL></URL></URLs></ContactInfo></ContactInfos><TPA_Extensions><InvoicingInfo><Name>SARL DU COMMERCE</Name><Address><AddressLine><![CDATA[5 Rue des Clefs.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine></AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[THONES]]></CityName><PostalCode>74230</PostalCode></Address><EmailInvoicing>blombard@logishotels.com</EmailInvoicing></InvoicingInfo><RITEstablishmentCode>19</RITEstablishmentCode><RITInternalCodesFacilities><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="292" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="311" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="13018" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="322" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="293" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="294" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="296" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="297" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="300" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="310" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="983" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="311" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12032"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="85" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="556" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12028"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="117" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="111" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="122" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="16" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="11" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="1309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="59" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12037" /></RITInternalCodesFacilities><VATNumber></VATNumber><MinMaxRatesHalfBoard CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="72.5" MinRate="62.5" /><MinMaxRatesBreakfast CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="10.0" MinRate="10.0" /><MinMaxRatesBusinessStopover CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="95.0" MinRate="80.0" /><MinMaxRates CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="85.0" MinRate="65.0" /><MinMaxRatesChildMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="10.0" /><MinMaxRatesSoilMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="42.0" MinRate="23.0" /><ExtraInfo><City Type="HotelCity"><GuideGivenName>THONES</GuideGivenName><Altitude>630</Altitude><Inhabitants>5200</Inhabitants><Position Latitude="6.3216" Longitude="45.8842" /><TourismInfo><InnerAwards><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones></InnerAwards></TourismInfo></City></ExtraInfo></TPA_Extensions></HotelDescriptiveContent></HotelDescriptiveContents></OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ>
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