Edit C:\edeal\reservIT\HOTEL-1-14126.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ EchoToken="E1873744026" Version="2006" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01 http://groupe.chateauxhotels.com/synchit/OTA2006A/OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ.xsd"><POS><Source><RequestorID ID="0" Type="2"><CompanyName>LFS</CompanyName></RequestorID><BookingChannel Type="5"><CompanyName Code="12">Reservit</CompanyName></BookingChannel></Source></POS><HotelDescriptiveContents ChainCode="12" HotelCode="14126" HotelCodeContext="LFS"><HotelDescriptiveContent CurrencyCode="EUR" LanguageCode="fr"><HotelInfo End="2026-03-19T22:39:01.430+01:00"><HotelName>Logis HĂ´tel la Ruche</HotelName><CategoryCodes><LocationCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="OTA" /></CategoryCodes><Descriptions><Description CreatorID="HOTEL"><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[La Ruche svela il suo nuovo voltoâ?¦ Questo antico hotel-ristorante, allâ??epoca unâ??osteria, oggi è stata completamente ristrutturata e rinnovata. Sulle rive della Senna, allo stesso tempo ristorante, negozio di generi alimentari, panetteria e pasticceria, offre abbondanza a profusione di cui ognuno può foraggiarsi con â??i piedi nellâ??acquaâ??. Lâ??hotel dispone di camere suddivise in 3 categorie e quasi tutte con bella vista sul fiume. Dotate di doccia o vasca da bagno, due camere sono inoltre comunicanti tra loro per accogliere le famiglie. Davanti alle ampie vetrate che danno sulla Senna, in una decorazione moderna realizzata a nido dâ??ape, potrete apprezzare una vasta scelta dâ??insalate, tartine calde appena sfornate e piatti tradizionali. Il menĂą del ristorante è composto esclusivamente da piatti della casa.]]></Text><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[La Ruche dĂ©voile son nouveau visageâ?¦Cet ancien hĂ´tel-restaurant, guinguette en son temps, est aujourdâ??hui entièrement rĂ©habilitĂ© et rĂ©novĂ©. En bord de Seine, Ă la fois hĂ´tel, restaurant, Ă©picerie, boulangerie et pâtisserie, il offre un essaim foisonnant oĂą chacun peut butiner Ă sa guise « les pieds dans lâ??eau ». L'hĂ´tel propose des chambres dĂ©clinĂ©es en 3 catĂ©gories et dotĂ©es pour la plupart dâ??une très belle vue sur le fleuve. EquipĂ©es de douches ou de baignoires, deux dâ??entre elles sont Ă©galement communicantes pour accueillir les sĂ©jours en famille. Devant de grandes baies vitrĂ©es ouvertes sur la Seine, au sein dâ??une dĂ©coration design et alvĂ©olĂ©e, apprĂ©ciez un vaste choix de salades, tartines chaudes du fournil et plats traditionnels. La carte du restaurant est uniquement composĂ©e de mets « faits maison ».]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[La Ruche unveils its new face... This former hotel-restaurant, a dance hall in its day, is now fully restored and renovated. On the edge of the Seine, a hotel as well as a restaurant, grocer's shop, bakery and pastry shop, it offers a teeming swarm where everyone can forage at will with their "feet in water". The hotel offers rooms in 3 categories, most with a beautiful view of the river. Equipped with showers or baths, two of them are also adjoined for family holidays. In front of large picture windows looking over the Seine, with design honeycombed decoration, enjoy a wide selection of salads, hot sandwiches from the bakery and traditional dishes. The restaurant's menu is entirely made up of "homemade" food.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[La Ruche revela su nuevo rostro... Este antiguo hotel restaurante (cuyo nombre significa "la colmena"), un merendero en su Ă©poca, ha sido completamente rehabilitado y renovado. Se sitĂşa orillas del Sena y es, a la vez, hotel, restaurante, tienda de comestibles y pastelerĂa. Además, ofrece un surtido copioso que todos pueden "libar" a su manera a la orilla del agua. El hotel ofrece habitaciones divididas en 3 categorĂas y, en su mayorĂa, constan de unas muy hermosas vistas del rĂo. Están equipadas con ducha o bañera, dos de ellas tambiĂ©n son comunicantes, para las estancias en familia. Ante los grandes ventanales abiertos al Sena, en medio de una decoraciĂłn de diseño y alveolada, aprecie un vasto surtido de ensaladas, rebanadas de pan caliente del amasadero y platos tradicionales. La carta del restaurante es Ăşnica y se compone de platos "hechos en casa".]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[La Ruche enthĂĽllt sein neues Gesichtâ?¦ Dieses alte Hotel-Restaurant, einst eine Schenke, ist heute vollständig wiederhergestellt und renoviert. Dieses Hotel am Ufer der Seine, das gleichzeitig Restaurant, Delikatessengeschäft, Bäckerei und Konditorei ist, bietet eine riesige Auswahl an, in der Sie nach Lust und Laune " mit den FĂĽĂ?en im Wasser " stöbern können. Die Hotelzimmer, die meisten mit wunderschönem Blick auf den Fluss, sind in 3 Kategorien eingeteilt. Sie sind mit Dusche oder Badewanne ausgestattet, zwei Zimmer sind ĂĽber eine InnentĂĽre verbunden und eignen sich besonders fĂĽr Familien. GenieĂ?en Sie die reiche Auswahl an Salaten, warmen Broten aus der Backstube und traditionellen Gerichten an einem der riesigen Fenster mit Blick auf die Seine. Auf der MenĂĽkarte des Restaurants finden Sie einmalige Gerichte " des Hauses ".]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="LOCATION"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="MISC"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[HĂ´tel au bord de l'eau, anciennement guinguette. Les chambres avec vue sur la Seine. Les tartines chaudes du fournil maison et la chocolatière maison]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[Hotel on the water's edge, formerly a guinguette bar Rooms with views of the Seine. Hot toast from the oven and home-made chocolate]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Hotel a orillas del agua, antiguo merendero. Las habitaciones con vistas del Sena. Las tostadas calientes del amasadero casero y la chocolaterĂa de la casa]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Hotel a due passi dall'acqua, ex taverna. Le camere con vista sulla Senna. Il pane caldo del suo forno e la sua cioccolateria artigianale]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Hotel am Wasserufer, ehemaliges Tanzlokal. Die Zimmer mit Blick auf die Seine. Die heiĂ?en Butterbrote aus der hauseigenen Backstube und die hausgemachte Schokolade]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[Hotel aan het water dat gevestigd is in een voormalige uitspanning aan het water. De kamers hebben uitzicht op de Seine. Warme sneeĂ«n brood uit de broodoven van het huis en huisgemaakte chocolade]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="SURROUNDING"><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[CittĂ di Giverny Seconda tappa turistica della Normandia dopo Mont Saint Michel e culla degli impressionisti, il paese di Claude Monet conserva tutto il suo fascino e il suo aspetto dâ??altri tempi con le sue vie pittoresche e i giardini fioriti. Qui potrete visitare la fondazione Monet, ma anche le mostre del Museo degli Impressionisti Giverny, uno dei luoghi da non perdere per i grandi nomi di questa corrente artistica. La 1° mostra della stagione â??Lâ??impressionismo e gli americaniâ?? raccoglie, dal 28 marzo al 29 giugno 2014, piĂą di 80 dipinti realizzati in Europa e negli Stati Uniti alla fine del XIX secolo. Parco regionale del Vexin A pochi minuti dalla Ruche, il parco regionale del Vexin rivela tutte le sue attrattive: la Roche Guyon, classificato tra i paesi piĂą belli della Francia e il suo castello, ma anche VĂ©theuil che ha accolto alcuni illustri abitanti come Claude Monet, il quale vi soggiornò per diversi anni, Joan Mitchell, ecc. Un poâ?? piĂą distante, da non perdere Les Andelys con le sue passeggiate sulle rive del fiume e la fortezza di Riccardo Cuor di Leone. Area attrezzata e golf Lâ??area attrezzata per il tempo libero del parco regionale Boucles de la Seine offre numerose attivitĂ nautiche e sportive: catamarano, windsurf, golfâ?¦]]></Text><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Village de Giverny Seconde Ă©tape touristique de Normandie après le Mont St Michel et berceau des impressionnistes, le village de Claude Monet conserve tout son charme et son aspect dâ??antan avec ses rues pittoresques et ses jardins fleuris. Vous pouvez y dĂ©couvrir la fondation Monet mais aussi les expositions du MusĂ©e des Impressionnismes Giverny, lâ??une des adresses incontournables pour les grands noms de ce courant artistique. La 1ère exposition de la saison, « Lâ??impressionnisme et les amĂ©ricains », rassemble du 28 mars au 29 juin 2014, plus de 80 tableaux peints en Europe et aux Etats-Unis Ă la fin du XIXème siècle. Parc rĂ©gional du Vexin A quelques minutes de la Ruche, le parc rĂ©gional du Vexin dĂ©voile ses atouts : la Roche Guyon, classĂ© dans les « plus beaux villages de France » et son château mais aussi VĂ©theuil ayant accueilli quelques illustres habitants tels que Claude Monet qui y sĂ©journa plusieurs annĂ©es, Joan Mitchellâ?¦ Un peu plus Ă©loignĂ©, les Andelys valent Ă©galement le dĂ©tour avec ses balades au bord de lâ??eau et la forteresse de Richard Coeur de Lion. Base de loisirs et golf La base de loisirs des boucles de la Seine propose de nombreuses activitĂ©s autour du nautisme et du sport : catamaran, planches Ă voiles, golfâ?¦]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[Village of Giverny Normandy's number two tourist stop after Mont St Michel and the birthplace of the impressionists, Claude Monet's village retains its charm and its appearance of yesteryear with its quaint streets and flower gardens. There you can discover the Monet Foundation as well as the exhibitions at the Giverny Museum of Impressionism, one of the essential addresses for the big names of this artistic movement. The first exhibition of the season, "American Impressionism" from 28 March to 29 June 2014, brings together over 80 late 19th century paintings from Europe and the United States. Vexin Regional Park A few minutes from la Ruche, Vexin Regional Park reveals its strengths: La Roche Guyon, ranked among the "most beautiful villages of France" and its castle, as well as VĂ©theuil, which hosted some illustrious people such as Claude Monet, who stayed there for several years, Joan Mitchell, etc. A little farther on, Les Andelys is also worth a visit with its walks along the water and the fortress of Richard the Lionheart. Leisure centre and golf course The Boucles de la Seine leisure centre offers many boating and sport activities: catamaran, windsurfing, golfing, etc.]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[Village of Giverny Normandy's number two tourist stop after Mont St Michel and the birthplace of the impressionists, Claude Monet's village retains its charm and its appearance of yesteryear with its quaint streets and flower gardens. There you can discover the Monet Foundation as well as the exhibitions at the Giverny Museum of Impressionism, one of the essential addresses for the big names of this artistic movement. The first exhibition of the season, "American Impressionism" from 28 March to 29 June 2014, brings together over 80 late 19th century paintings from Europe and the United States. Vexin Regional Park A few minutes from la Ruche, Vexin Regional Park reveals its strengths: La Roche Guyon, ranked among the "most beautiful villages of France" and its castle, as well as VĂ©theuil, which hosted some illustrious people such as Claude Monet, who stayed there for several years, Joan Mitchell, etc. A little farther on, Les Andelys is also worth a visit with its walks along the water and the fortress of Richard the Lionheart. Leisure centre and golf course The Boucles de la Seine leisure centre offers many boating and sport activities: catamaran, windsurfing, golfing, etc.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Pueblo de Giverny Segunda etapa turĂstica de NormandĂa despuĂ©s del Monte St. Michel y cuna de los impresionistas, el pueblo de Claude Monet conserva todo su encanto y su aspecto de antaño con sus calles pintorescas y sus jardines floridos. AllĂ podrá descubrir la Fondation Monet, pero tambiĂ©n las exposiciones del MusĂ©e des Impressionnismes Giverny, uno de los lugares ineludibles por los grandes nombres de esta corriente artĂstica. La 1a exposiciĂłn de la temporada, "Lâ??impressionnisme et les amĂ©ricains" (El impresionismo y los norteamericanos", del 28 de marzo al 29 de junio de 2014, reĂşne más de 80 cuadros pintados en Europa y Estados Unidos a fines del siglo XIX. Parque regional Du Vexin A unos minutos de La Ruche, el parque regional Du Vexin revela sus ventajas: La Roche Guyon, clasificado entre los "más hermosos pueblos de Francia, y su castillo, pero tambiĂ©n VĂ©theuil, que acogiĂł algunos habitantes ilustres, como Claude Monet, quien residiĂł varios años allĂ, Joan Mitchell, etc. Asimismo, un poco más lejos, Les Andelys tambiĂ©n merece ser visto, con sus paseos a la orilla del agua y la fortaleza de Ricardo CorazĂłn de LeĂłn. Centro de deportes y golf El centro de deportes de los meandros del Sena ofrecen muchas actividades náuticas y de deporte: catamarán, windsurf, golf, etc.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Das Dorf Giverny Das Dorf von Claude Monet, das zweitbeliebteste Touristenziel in der Normandie nach dem Mont St Michel, die Wiege des Impressionismus, hat seinen ganzen Charme und sein ursprĂĽngliches Aussehen mit den malerischen StraĂ?en und Blumengärten bewahrt. Besichtigen Sie die Monet-Stiftung, aber auch die Ausstellungen im Impressionisten-Museum von Giverny, eine der wichtigsten Adressen, wenn es um die groĂ?en Namen dieser Kunstrichtung geht. Die 1. Ausstellung der Saison, " Der Impressionismus und die Amerikaner " präsentiert vom 28. März bis am 29. Juni 2014 ĂĽber 80 Gemälde aus Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Regionalpark von Vexin Nur einige Minuten von Ruche entfernt liegt der Regionalpark Vexin in seiner ganzen Pracht : Roche Guyon, eingetragen als eines der " schönsten Dörfer Frankreichs " mit seinem Schloss, aber auch VĂ©theuil, das einige berĂĽhmte Einwohner beherbergte, wie Claude Monet, der dort mehrere Jahre verbrachte, Joan Mitchellâ?¦ Auch ein Besuch im etwas weiter entfernten Andelys fĂĽr einen Spaziergang am Ufer und zur Besichtigung der Festung von Richard Löwenherz lohnt sich. Freizeit- und Golfanlage Die Freizeitanlage an den Flusswindungen der Seine bietet zahlreiche Wassersport- und Sportaktivitäten an : Katamaran, Windsurfing, Golfâ?¦]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="CLOSING"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description></Descriptions><HotelInfoCodes><HotelInfoCode Code="12" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="17" /><HotelInfoCode Code="3" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="6" /><HotelInfoCode Code="CHA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="12" /><HotelInfoCode Code="INA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="2" /></HotelInfoCodes><Position Longitude="1.6109" Latitude="49.0159" /></HotelInfo><FacilityInfo><Restaurants Quantity="1"><Restaurant RestaurantName="Restaurant la Ruche"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant></Restaurants></FacilityInfo><Policies><Policy DefaultValidBookingMinOffset="0"><GuaranteePaymentPolicy><GuaranteePayment><AcceptedPayments><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="MC" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="AX" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="VI" /></AcceptedPayment></AcceptedPayments></GuaranteePayment></GuaranteePaymentPolicy></Policy></Policies><AffiliationInfo><Awards><Award Rating="nc" Provider="Stars" /><Award Rating="3" Provider="Chimneys" /></Awards></AffiliationInfo><ContactInfos><ContactInfo ContactProfileType="RIT" ContactProfileID="Manager"><Names><Name><GivenName>M. JĂ©rĂ´me</GivenName><Surname>CrĂ©patte</Surname></Name></Names><Addresses><Address ID="78528"><AddressLine><![CDATA[2 Route Nationale.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine>.</AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[ROLLEBOISE]]></CityName><PostalCode>78270</PostalCode><CountryName Code="FR">FR</CountryName></Address></Addresses><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="01 30 33 20 00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="3" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneTechType="3" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones><Emails><Email>blombard@logishotels.com</Email></Emails><URLs><URL></URL></URLs></ContactInfo></ContactInfos><TPA_Extensions><InvoicingInfo><Name>SARL LA RUCHE EN SEINE</Name><Address><AddressLine><![CDATA[2 Route Nationale.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine></AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[ROLLEBOISE]]></CityName><PostalCode>78270</PostalCode></Address><EmailInvoicing>blombard@logishotels.com</EmailInvoicing></InvoicingInfo><RITEstablishmentCode>1</RITEstablishmentCode><RITInternalCodesFacilities><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="292" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="27315" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="316" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="322" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="298" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="293" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="691" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="296" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="310" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="691" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="296" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12033"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="106" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="108" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12026"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="60" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="44" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="55" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="35" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="58" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="38" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="39" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="43267" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="1309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="59" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="334" /></RITInternalCodesFacilities><VATNumber></VATNumber><MinMaxRatesHalfBoard CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesBreakfast CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="12.5" /><MinMaxRatesBusinessStopover CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="145.0" MinRate="105.0" /><MinMaxRates CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="180.0" MinRate="75.0" /><MinMaxRatesChildMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesSoilMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><ExtraInfo><City Type="HotelCity"><GuideGivenName>ROLLEBOISE</GuideGivenName><Altitude>0</Altitude><Inhabitants>401</Inhabitants><Position Latitude="1.6098" Longitude="49.0233" /><TourismInfo><InnerAwards><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones></InnerAwards></TourismInfo></City></ExtraInfo></TPA_Extensions></HotelDescriptiveContent></HotelDescriptiveContents></OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ>
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