Edit C:\edeal\reservIT\HOTEL-1-20062.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ EchoToken="E1873744026" Version="2006" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01 http://groupe.chateauxhotels.com/synchit/OTA2006A/OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ.xsd"><POS><Source><RequestorID ID="0" Type="2"><CompanyName>LFS</CompanyName></RequestorID><BookingChannel Type="5"><CompanyName Code="12">Reservit</CompanyName></BookingChannel></Source></POS><HotelDescriptiveContents ChainCode="12" HotelCode="20062" HotelCodeContext="LFS"><HotelDescriptiveContent CurrencyCode="EUR" LanguageCode="fr"><HotelInfo End="2024-02-06T20:09:01.129+01:00"><HotelName>Hôtel Restaurant Saveurs de l'Abbaye</HotelName><CategoryCodes><LocationCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="OTA" /></CategoryCodes><Descriptions><Description CreatorID="HOTEL"><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Nel cuore della Saintonge Romane, sulla riva destra del fiume "la Charente", l'intero team dei Saveurs de l'Abbaye sarà lieto di darvi il benvenuto nella sua casa di famiglia. Una bella e calda casa di città , dall'arredamento moderno, in cui i proprietari avranno il piacere di accogliervi. La cucina proposta dal ristorante è in sintonia con l'atmosfera del luogo: brillante, gustosa e audace, esalta i prodotti eccezionali della regione. Camere accoglienti, arredate individualmente, completano l'offerta della struttura, che si trova a 2 passi dal centro della città di Saintes e dal suo cuore pulsante.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Mitten in der Saintonge Romane, am rechten Ufer des Flusses "La Charente", hat das gesamte Team von Les Saveurs de l'Abbaye das Vergnügen, Sie in diesem Familienbetrieb zu empfangen. Ein schönes, gemütliches Stadthaus mit einer entschieden modernen Dekoration, in dem Sie die Besitzer gerne willkommen heiÃ?en. Die im Restaurant angebotene provenzalische Küche ist im Einklang mit dem Ambiente des Ortes: Prickelnd, köstlich, gewagt und sie hebt die auÃ?ergewöhnlichen Produkte der Region hervor. Zimmer zum Wohlfühlen mit einer personalisierten Dekoration ergänzen das Angebot des Hauses, das sich nur wenige Schritte vom Stadtzentrum von Saintes entfernt befindet.]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[The team at Les Saveurs de l'Abbaye extend a warm welcome to guests visiting this family establishment, in the heart of Saintonge Romane, on the right banks of the Charente river. It's a beautiful townhouse, decorated in a warm but decidedly contemporary style, with welcoming owners. The cuisine served in the restaurant reflects the atmosphere of the place: appealing, appetizing and bold, with an emphasis on exceptional regional produce. The cosy hotel bedrooms, decorated with personal touches, are just a stone's throw from Saintes lively town centre.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[The team at Les Saveurs de l'Abbaye extend a warm welcome to guests visiting this family establishment, in the heart of Saintonge Romane, on the right banks of the Charente river. It's a beautiful townhouse, decorated in a warm but decidedly contemporary style, with welcoming owners. The cuisine served in the restaurant reflects the atmosphere of the place: appealing, appetizing and bold, with an emphasis on exceptional regional produce. The cosy hotel bedrooms, decorated with personal touches, are just a stone's throw from Saintes lively town centre.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[En plena Saintonge romana, antigua provincia del Reino de Francia, en la orilla derecha del rÃo Charente, todo el equipo de Saveurs de l'Abbaye se complace en recibir a sus huéspedes en su residencia familiar. En una destacada y acogedora casa de ciudad, con una decoración absolutamente moderna, sus propietarios atienden personalmente a sus huéspedes. La cocina del restaurante es un fiel reflejo de la atmósfera del lugar: sabrosa, atrevida y diferente, que sublima los productos excepcionales de la región. Las habitaciones acogedoras de decoración personalizada completan la oferta del establecimiento, que está situado a dos pasos del centro urbano de Saintes.]]></Text><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Au cÅ?ur de la Saintonge Romane, établie sur la rive droite du fleuve "la Charente", toute l'équipe des Saveurs de l'Abbaye aura le plaisir de vous accueillir dans sa demeure familiale. Une belle maison de ville, chaleureuse, à la décoration résolument moderne, où les propriétaires auront le plaisir de vous recevoir. La cuisine proposée au restaurant est à l'image de l'atmosphère du lieu : pétillante, gouteuse, audacieuse en sublimant les produits d'exception de la région. Des chambres cosy, à la décoration personnalisée complètent l'offre de l'établissement, situé à 2 pas du centre-ville de Saintes et de son cÅ?ur de vie.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="LOCATION"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="MISC"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Depuis la terrasse, la vue sur l'Abbaye aux Dames]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[A view of the Abbaye aux Dames from the terrace]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Las vistas a la AbadÃa de las Damas desde la terraza]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Dalla terrazza, la vista sulla Abbaye aux Dames]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Terrasse mit Aussicht auf das Kloster Abbaye aux Dames]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[Vanaf het terras, uitzicht op de Abdij Aux Dames]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="SURROUNDING"><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[A due passi dal centro della città e dal fiume Charente, _avrete l'opportunità di iniziarvi alle gioie della navigazione a bordo della Gabare oppure di un battello da crociera. I più piccoli saranno conquistati dal parco, a soli 2 minuti di distanza a piedi, un piccolo angolo di verde situato nel cuore della città . Vi troveranno animali, giochi e di che poter fare uno spuntino. Ammirerete anche la varietà e la ricchezza dei nostri numerosi monumenti storici: L'Arena gallo-romana, l'Arco di Germanico, il Museo Archeologico e le tre chiese-edifici: San Eutropio, San Pietro e l'Abbazia delle Signore, patrimonio romanico d'eccezione. Da non dimenticare la visita alla cripta di San Eutropio. Saintes, città d'arte e di storia che unisce svago e divertimento, è una città dove è piacevole vivere.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Dank seiner Nähe zum Stadtzentrum und Fluss La Charente haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Freuden der Navigation an Bord des Schiffs La Gabare oder bei einer Kreuzfahrt zu entdecken. Für die Kleinsten ist der, nur 2 FuÃ?minuten entfernte Park ideal, eine kleine "grüne Insel" mitten im Herzen der Stadt. Sie finden dort Tiere, einen Spielplatz und die Möglichkeit eines kleinen Imbiss. Sie können ebenfalls die Mannigfaltigkeit und Reichhaltigkeit unserer zahlreichen historischen Denkmäler entdecken: Galloromanische Arena, der Germanicusbogen, das Archäologische Museum und die drei Kirchenbauten: St. Eutrope, St. Pierre und die Abbaye aux Dames (Abtei der Damen), ein einmaliges, romanisches Erbe. Sehenswert ist auch die Krypta von St. Eutrope. Saintes, Stadt der Kunst und Geschichte, wo sich Freizeit und Vergnügen vereinen, ist eine Stadt in der man angenehm leben kann.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[The hotel is located just a stone's throw from the town centre and Charente river so you'll have the chance to discover the joys of sailing on board a traditional boat or a pleasure craft. You'll love the park, just two minutes' walk from the hotel, a small patch of lush greenery, in the heart of the town, ideal for youngsters. Here you'll find animals, games and places where you can enjoy a small snack. You'll also love the richness and diversity of the many historic monuments: The Gallo-Roman Amphitheatre, the Arch of Germanicus, the Archaeology Museum and the three church buildings: St Eutrope, St Pierre and the Abbey of Sainte-Marie-des-Dames, examples of exceptional Romanesque heritage. Don't forget to visit the crypt at St Eutrope. Saintes, a classified town of art and culture ("ville d'art et d'histoire,") which combines leisure and pleasure, is a very liveable city.]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[The hotel is located just a stone's throw from the town centre and Charente river so you'll have the chance to discover the joys of sailing on board a traditional boat or a pleasure craft. You'll love the park, just two minutes' walk from the hotel, a small patch of lush greenery, in the heart of the town, ideal for youngsters. Here you'll find animals, games and places where you can enjoy a small snack. You'll also love the richness and diversity of the many historic monuments: The Gallo-Roman Amphitheatre, the Arch of Germanicus, the Archaeology Museum and the three church buildings: St Eutrope, St Pierre and the Abbey of Sainte-Marie-des-Dames, examples of exceptional Romanesque heritage. Don't forget to visit the crypt at St Eutrope. Saintes, a classified town of art and culture ("ville d'art et d'histoire,") which combines leisure and pleasure, is a very liveable city.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[A dos pasos del centro de la ciudad y del rÃo Charente, los visitantes tendrán la posibilidad de iniciarse en la navegación a bordo de una gabarra o un barco de crucero. Para los más pequeños, las familias podrán disfrutar del parque a tan solo 2 min a pie, un rincón de verdor en pleno centro de la ciudad. Allà encontrarán animales, juegos y lo necesario para tomarse un refrigero. Además, podrán admirar la diversidad y la riqueza de los múltiples monumentos históricos: el anfiteatro galorromano, el arco de Germánico, el museo arqueológico y tres iglesias: San Eutropio, San Pedro y la abadÃa de las Damas, patrimonio románico excepcional. Muy recomendada la visita de la cripta de San Eutropio. Saintes es una ciudad llena de arte e historia, muy agradable para disfrutar del descanso y el ocio.]]></Text><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[A deux pas du centre-ville et du fleuve la Charente, vous aurez la possibilité de vous initier aux joies de la navigation à bord de la Gabare ou bien en bateau de croisière. Pour les plus petits, à seulement 2mn à pied, vous serez conquis par le parc, un petit coin de verdure blotti au cÅ?ur de la ville. Ils y trouveront animaux, jeux et de quoi faire une petite pause collation. Vous admirerez également la diversité et la richesse de nos nombreux monuments historiques : Arène Gallo-Romaine, l'Arc de Germanicus, le musée Archéologique et les trois édifices-églises : St Eutrope, St Pierre et l'abbaye aux Dames, patrimoine roman d'exception. Ne pas oublier de visiter la crypte à St Eutrope. Saintes, ville d'art et d'histoire où se mêlent loisirs et plaisirs, est une ville où il fait bon vivre.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="CLOSING"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11]]></Text></Description></Descriptions><HotelInfoCodes><HotelInfoCode Code="12" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="8" /><HotelInfoCode Code="3" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="6" /><HotelInfoCode Code="CHA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="12" /><HotelInfoCode Code="INA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="2" /></HotelInfoCodes><Position Longitude="-0.6249" Latitude="45.7455" /></HotelInfo><FacilityInfo><Restaurants Quantity="2"><Restaurant RestaurantName="Hôtel Restaurant Saveurs de l'Abbaye"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11 - dimanche et lundi]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11 - dimanche et lundi]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11 - dimanche et lundi]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11 - dimanche et lundi]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11 - dimanche et lundi]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[ du 29/10 au 19/11 - dimanche et lundi]]></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant><Restaurant RestaurantName="Restaurant Saveurs de l'Abbaye"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant></Restaurants></FacilityInfo><Policies><Policy DefaultValidBookingMinOffset="0"><GuaranteePaymentPolicy><GuaranteePayment><AcceptedPayments><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="MC" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="VI" /></AcceptedPayment></AcceptedPayments></GuaranteePayment></GuaranteePaymentPolicy></Policy></Policies><AffiliationInfo><Awards><Award Rating="2" Provider="Stars" /><Award Rating="2" Provider="Chimneys" /><Award Rating="3" Provider="Cocotte" /></Awards></AffiliationInfo><ContactInfos><ContactInfo ContactProfileType="RIT" ContactProfileID="Manager"><Names><Name><GivenName>MeM. Vanessa/ Vincent</GivenName><Surname>Coiquaud</Surname></Name></Names><Addresses><Address ID="17415"><AddressLine><![CDATA[1 Place Saint Pallais.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine>.</AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[SAINTES]]></CityName><PostalCode>17100</PostalCode><CountryName Code="FR">FR</CountryName></Address></Addresses><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="3" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneTechType="3" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones><Emails><Email>blombard@logishotels.com</Email></Emails><URLs><URL></URL></URLs></ContactInfo></ContactInfos><TPA_Extensions><InvoicingInfo><Name>SARL L'ADRESSE</Name><Address><AddressLine><![CDATA[1 Place Saint Pallais.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine></AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[SAINTES]]></CityName><PostalCode>17100</PostalCode></Address><EmailInvoicing>blombard@logishotels.com</EmailInvoicing></InvoicingInfo><RITEstablishmentCode>19</RITEstablishmentCode><RITInternalCodesFacilities><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="322" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="691" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="983" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="311" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12029" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12032"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="81" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12025"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="29" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12028"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="113" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="121" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="114" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="111" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="1309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="59" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12037" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="334" /></RITInternalCodesFacilities><VATNumber></VATNumber><MinMaxRatesHalfBoard CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="62.0" MinRate="62.0" /><MinMaxRatesBreakfast CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="9.5" MinRate="9.5" /><MinMaxRatesBusinessStopover CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="79.0" /><MinMaxRates CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="80.0" MinRate="65.0" /><MinMaxRatesChildMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="14.0" /><MinMaxRatesSoilMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="48.0" MinRate="18.0" /><ExtraInfo><City Type="HotelCity"><GuideGivenName>SAINTES</GuideGivenName><Altitude>0</Altitude><Inhabitants>25874</Inhabitants><Position Latitude="-0.6551" Longitude="45.7544" /><TourismInfo><InnerAwards><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones></InnerAwards></TourismInfo></City></ExtraInfo></TPA_Extensions></HotelDescriptiveContent></HotelDescriptiveContents></OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ>
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