Edit C:\edeal\reservIT\HOTEL-1-20968.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ EchoToken="E1873744026" Version="2006" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01 http://groupe.chateauxhotels.com/synchit/OTA2006A/OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ.xsd"><POS><Source><RequestorID ID="0" Type="2"><CompanyName>LFS</CompanyName></RequestorID><BookingChannel Type="5"><CompanyName Code="12">Reservit</CompanyName></BookingChannel></Source></POS><HotelDescriptiveContents ChainCode="12" HotelCode="20968" HotelCodeContext="LFS"><HotelDescriptiveContent CurrencyCode="EUR" LanguageCode="fr"><HotelInfo End="2026-03-19T14:12:13.316+01:00"><HotelName>Logis Hôtel Arvor</HotelName><CategoryCodes><LocationCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="OTA" /></CategoryCodes><Descriptions><Description CreatorID="HOTEL"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Bienvenue à lâ??hôtel Arvor au cÅ?ur de la cité Médiévale de Dinan, sur la côte dâ??Emeraude. Idéalement située entre Normandie et la côte nord de la Bretagne, cette demeure typique du 18ème siècle, face au Théâtre des Jacobins (ancien couvent des Jacobins), est de style Renaissance. Toute lâ??équipe est heureuse de vous accueillir dans son hôtel à la décoration soignée qui saura combler vos attentes. Les chambres allient avec goût le charme et le romantisme dans un esprit cosy. Notre hôtel est lâ??étape idéale pour découvrir la richesse et la diversité de la Côte dâ??Emeraude. Située au fond de lâ??estuaire de la Rance, à 30 km de Saint Malo et 22 km de Dinard, la région de Dinan est un vrai paradis pour les amoureux de la nature et de la randonnée pédestre ou VTT grâce aux bords de la Rance et la forêt de Coëtquen. Le temps dâ??une parenthèse, Dinan et sa région vous proposent de multiples loisirs pour que votre séjour soit un vrai moment de détente et découvertes touristiques. <br><br> <B>Restaurant(s) recommandé(s) par votre hôtelier à proximité.</B>]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[Welcome to the Hôtel Arvor in the heart of the medieval city of Dinan, on the Emerald coast. Ideally located between Normandy and the northern coast of Brittany, this typical 18th century residence, opposite the Théâtre des Jacobins (former Jacobin convent), is in the Renaissance style. All the team is delighted to welcome you in its hotel with a well-kept décor, which will be able to meet your expectations. The rooms tastefully combine charm and romanticism with a cosy mood. Our hotel is the ideal stopover to discover the richness and diversity of the Emerald Coast. Located on the end of the Rance estuary, 30km from Saint Malo and 22km from Dinard, the region of Dinan is a real paradise for fans of nature, hiking and mountain biking thanks to the banks of the Rance and the forest of Coëtquen. For a break, Dinan and its region offer you various leisure activities so your stay is a real chance to relax and sightsee. <br><br> <B>Nearby restaurant(s) recommended by your hotelier.</B>]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Willkommen im Hotel Arvor im Herzen der mittelalterlichen Altstadt von Dinan an der Smaragd-Küste. Dieses ursprüngliche Gebäude aus dem 18. Jahrhundert befindet sich direkt gegenüber dem im Renaissance-Stil errichteten Theater der Jakobiner (dem ehemaligen Jakobiner-Konvent) und liegt ideal zwischen der Normandie und der Nordküste der Bretagne. Das Team freut sich darauf, Sie in diesem gepflegt ausgestatteten Hotel zu begrüÃ?en, das Ihre Erwartungen mehr als erfüllen wird. Die geschmackvoll eingerichteten Zimmer bieten eine romantische und gemütliche Atmosphäre. Unser Hotel ist ein idealer Ausgangspunkt, um die Schätze und die Vielfalt der Smaragd-Küste zu entdecken. Das Hotel befindet sich im Mündungsgebiet der Rance in 30 km von Saint Malo und 22 km von Dinard. Die Region Dinard ist mit ihrer Lage an den Ufern der Rance und nahe des Waldgebiets Coëtquen ein wahres Paradies für Natur- und Wanderliebhaber und Mountainbikefans. Gönnen Sie sich eine entspannende Auszeit und profitieren Sie von den zahlreichen Freizeitangeboten und Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in Dinan und der Region. <br><br> <B>Von Ihrem Hotelier empfohlene Restaurants in der Nähe.</B>]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Bienvenido al hotel Arvor, situado en el corazón de la ciudad medieval de Dinan, en la Côte d'Ã?meraude. Esta casa de estilo renacentista, tÃpica del siglo XVII, se sitúa de manera ideal entre NormandÃa y la costa norte de Bretaña, frente al teatro Des Jacobins (antiguo convento de los domÃnicos). Todo el equipo se complace en recibirle en su hotel de decoración cuidada que satisfará sus expectativas. Las habitaciones combinan con buen gusto el encanto y el romanticismo en un espÃritu acogedor. Nuestro hotel es la etapa ideal para descubrir la riqueza y diversidad de la Côte dâ??Emeraude. Situado al fondo del estuario del Rance, a 30 km de Saint Malo y 22 km de Dinard, la región de Dinan es un verdadero paraÃso para los amantes de la naturaleza y las excursiones a pie o en BTT por la orilla del Rance y el bosque de Coëtquen. Durante una pausa, Dinan y su región le ofrecen múltiples distracciones para que su estancia resulte un verdadero momento de relajación y descubrimientos turÃsticos. <br><br> <B>Restaurantes recomendados por su hotel en las proximidades.</B>]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Benvenuti all'hotel Arvor nel cuore della città medievale di Dinan, sulla Costa di Smeraldo. Idealmente situata tra la Normandia e la costa settentrionale della Bretagna, questa tipica dimora del 18° secolo, di fronte al Teatro dei Giacobini (ex convento dei Giacobini), è in stile Rinascimento. Tutto il team è felice di darvi il benvenuto in questo hotel dall'arredato curato, che saprà soddisfare le vostre aspettative. Le camere combinano con gusto fascino e romanticismo in uno spirito accogliente. Il nostro hotel è il luogo ideale per scoprire la ricchezza e la diversità della Costa di Smeraldo. Situata in fondo all'estuario del Rance, a 30 km da Saint Malo e a 22 km da Dinard, la regione di Dinan è un vero paradiso per gli amanti della natura e delle escursioni a piedi o in mountain bike grazie alle rive del fiume Rance e alla foresta di Coëtquen. Per il tempo di una parentesi, Dinan e la sua regione vi offrono numerosi svaghi, per fare del vostro soggiorno un vero momento di relax e scoperte turistiche. <br><br> <B>Ristorante(i) consigliato(i) dal vostro albergatore nelle vicinanze.</B>]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="LOCATION"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="MISC"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="SURROUNDING"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="CLOSING"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[ du 06/01 au 27/01]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[ du 06/01 au 27/01]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[ du 06/01 au 27/01]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[ du 06/01 au 27/01]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[ du 06/01 au 27/01]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[ du 06/01 au 27/01]]></Text></Description></Descriptions><HotelInfoCodes><HotelInfoCode Code="12" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="24" /><HotelInfoCode Code="3" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="6" /><HotelInfoCode Code="CHA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="12" /><HotelInfoCode Code="INA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="2" /></HotelInfoCodes><Position Longitude="-2.0420" Latitude="48.4526" /></HotelInfo><Policies><Policy DefaultValidBookingMinOffset="0"><GuaranteePaymentPolicy><GuaranteePayment><AcceptedPayments><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="MC" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="AX" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="VI" /></AcceptedPayment></AcceptedPayments></GuaranteePayment></GuaranteePaymentPolicy></Policy></Policies><AffiliationInfo><Awards><Award Rating="3" Provider="Stars" /><Award Rating="3" Provider="Chimneys" /></Awards></AffiliationInfo><ContactInfos><ContactInfo ContactProfileType="RIT" ContactProfileID="Manager"><Names><Name><GivenName>M.Me Alexandre/Anne</GivenName><Surname>Morel</Surname></Name></Names><Addresses><Address ID="22050"><AddressLine><![CDATA[5 Rue Auguste Pavie.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine>.</AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[DINAN]]></CityName><PostalCode>22100</PostalCode><CountryName Code="FR">FR</CountryName></Address></Addresses><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="02 96 39 21 22" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="3" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneTechType="3" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones><Emails><Email>blombard@logishotels.com</Email></Emails><URLs><URL>http://www.hotelarvordinan.com/</URL></URLs></ContactInfo></ContactInfos><TPA_Extensions><InvoicingInfo><Name>HOTEL D ARVOR SAS</Name><Address><AddressLine><![CDATA[5 Rue Auguste Pavie.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine></AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[DINAN]]></CityName><PostalCode>22100</PostalCode></Address><EmailInvoicing>blombard@logishotels.com</EmailInvoicing></InvoicingInfo><RITEstablishmentCode>1</RITEstablishmentCode><RITInternalCodesFacilities><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="20373" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="322" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="294" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="691" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="296" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="297" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="310" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="691" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="296" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12025"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="32" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="30" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="29" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12030"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="64" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12026"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="58" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="60" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="36" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="35" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="43267" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="1309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="59" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="62" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="334" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="1113" /></RITInternalCodesFacilities><VATNumber></VATNumber><MinMaxRatesHalfBoard CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesBreakfast CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="12.0" /><MinMaxRatesBusinessStopover CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="105.0" /><MinMaxRates CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="275.0" MinRate="75.0" /><MinMaxRatesChildMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesSoilMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><ExtraInfo><City Type="HotelCity"><GuideGivenName>DINAN</GuideGivenName><Altitude>0</Altitude><Inhabitants>11000</Inhabitants><Position Latitude="-2.0438" Longitude="48.4522" /><TourismInfo><InnerAwards><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones></InnerAwards></TourismInfo></City></ExtraInfo></TPA_Extensions></HotelDescriptiveContent></HotelDescriptiveContents></OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ>
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