Edit C:\edeal\reservIT\HOTEL-1-20993.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ EchoToken="E1873744026" Version="2006" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2006/01 http://groupe.chateauxhotels.com/synchit/OTA2006A/OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ.xsd"><POS><Source><RequestorID ID="0" Type="2"><CompanyName>LFS</CompanyName></RequestorID><BookingChannel Type="5"><CompanyName Code="12">Reservit</CompanyName></BookingChannel></Source></POS><HotelDescriptiveContents ChainCode="12" HotelCode="20993" HotelCodeContext="LFS"><HotelDescriptiveContent CurrencyCode="EUR" LanguageCode="fr"><HotelInfo End="2024-02-06T20:44:55.452+01:00"><HotelName>Hôtel de l'Océan</HotelName><CategoryCodes><LocationCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="OTA" /></CategoryCodes><Descriptions><Description CreatorID="HOTEL"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Une nouvelle équipe a repris l'établissement depuis mai 2007. De nombreux travaux d'amélioration - cuisine, bar, restaurant - ont été effectués et lâ??hôtel dispose désormais dâ??une majorité de chambres rénovées. Accès Internet & WIFI gratuits. Le restaurant de l'hôtel propose des plats raffinés dans un cadre chaleureux et décontracté. Nombreux sont ceux qui reviennent après avoir goûté à la cuisine de notre chef.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[A new team took over the reins in 2007 and has since made a large number of improvements - kitchen, bar, restaurant - and the vast majority of our bedrooms have been totally refurbished. Free internet & WiFi access. Our restaurant serves refined dishes in a cosy and relaxed setting. We have lost count of the number of guests who have come back for a further taste of our chef's cooking.]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Una nuova équipe ha rilevato lo stabilimento da pochi anni. Sono stati effettuati diversi lavori di rustrutturazione (cucina, bar, ristorante) e la maggior parte delle camere di cui l'hotel dispone sono state rinnovate. Wifi gratuito. Il ristorante dell'hotel propone piatti raffinati in una cornice calorosa e informale. Tutti coloro che assaggiano la cucina del nostro chef desiderano tornare.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Das Hotel wurde im Mai 2007 von einem neuen Team übernommen. Zahlreiche Verbesserungsarbeiten haben in den Bereichen Küche, Bar und Restaurant stattgefunden. Die meisten Zimmer des Hotels sind nunmehr renoviert. Kostenloser Internet- und WLAN-Zugang. Das Restaurant des Hotels bietet erlesene Gerichte in einem einladenden und entspannten Rahmen an. Zahlreich sind jene, die sich nicht nur einmal von der Küche unseres Chefs verwöhnen lassen möchten.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Desde mayo de 2007, un nuevo equipo se encuentra al frente de este establecimiento. Se han realizado muchas mejoras en la cocina, el bar, el restaurante, y la mayorÃa de las habitaciones han sido renovadas. Acceso Internet y Wifi gratuitos. El restaurante del hotel propone platos refinados en una entorno cálido y distendido. Son muchos los que vuelven después de haber probado la cocina de nuestro chef.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="LOCATION"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Autoroute A63 sortie Biarritz, suivre la direction Centre Ville, puis casino. Longez la mer, lâ??hôtel est au pied de lâ??église Sainte Eugénie. Proximité immédiate dâ??Anglet et Bayonne. Gare TGV Biarritz à 4Km. Aéroport de Biarritz à 4Km.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA["A63 motorway, exit ""Biarritz"", then follow signs to the town centre (""Centre Ville"") and then the casino. Drive along the seafront, the hotel is easy to spot at the foot of Sainte Eugénie's church. Close to the towns of Anglet and Bayonne. 4km from Biarritz railway station (TGV high speed trains). 4km from Biarritz airport."]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Autostrada A63, uscita Biarritz, direzione centro città poi casinò. Costeggiare il mare, l'hotel è ai piedi della chiesa Sainte-Eugénie. Vicino a Anglet e Bayonne. Stazione TGV Biarritz a 4 km. Aeroporto di Biarritz a 4 km.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Autobahn A63 Ausfahrt Biarritz, dann Richtung Stadtzentrum und Spielkasino. Fahren Sie am Meerufer entlang, das Hotel liegt unterhalb der Kirche Sainte Eugénie. Unmittelbare Nähe zu Anglet und Bayonne. TGV-Bahnhof Biarritz in 4 km. Flughafen Biarritz in 4 km.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Autopista A63, salida Biarritz. Seguir en dirección al centro de la ciudad y luego hacia el casino. Bordear el mar. Encontrará el hotel a los pies de la iglesia de Sainte Eugénie. En las inmediaciones de Anglet y de Bayona. Estación Tren de Alta Velocidad (TGV) en Biarritz a 4km. Aeropuerto de Biarritz a 4km.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="MISC"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Sa vue sur la mer et sa proximité avec la plage]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[It enjoys a seaside view and is near to the beach]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[Sus vistas al mar y su cercanÃa con la playa]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[La sua vista sul mare e la sua vicinanza alla spiaggia]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Der Blick auf das Meer und die Nähe zum Strand]]></Text><Text Language="nl"><![CDATA[Zicht op de zee en dicht bij het strand]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="SURROUNDING"><Text Language="fr"><![CDATA[Au cÅ?ur de Biarritz, lâ??hôtel est situé sur la place Sainte-Eugénie, semi piétonne et très calme, à quelques pas de tout ce qui fait la richesse de la ville et juste au-dessus du vieux port. Après avoir laissé votre voiture au parking situé sous l'hôtel, vous pourrez vous promener en profitant de tous les avantages du centre ville et du bord de mer. L'hôtel est à 3mn à pied de la grande plage, lieu magique partagé par les surfers et les baigneurs.]]></Text><Text Language="en"><![CDATA[The hotel is located on Place Sainte-Eugénie, right at the heart of Biarritz, in a calm, semi-pedestrian zone, just a stone's throw from the nerve centre of the town and just above the old port. Leave your vehicle in the car park beneath the hotel and use your feet to discover all that the town has to offer and to make the most of our seaside location, given that we are just a 3' walk from "Grande Plage", the main beach that is a magical destination for surfers and bathers alike.]]></Text><Text Language="it"><![CDATA[Nel cuore di Biarritz, lâ??hotel si trova sulla piazza Sainte-Eugénie, semi-pedonale e molto tranquilla, a pochi passi da tutte le ricchezze della città e appena sopra al porto vecchio. Potrete lasciare la macchina nel parcheggio sotto l'hotel e passeggiare approfittando di tutti i vantaggi del centro città e del mare. L'hotel è a 3 min a piedi dalla grande spiaggia, luogo magico frequentato dai surfisti e dai bagnanti.]]></Text><Text Language="de"><![CDATA[Das mitten in Biarritz, auf dem Place Sainte-Eugénie und in einer ruhigen HalbfuÃ?gängerzone liegende Hotel, ist unweit von allen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt entfernt und befindet sich oberhalb des alten Hafens. Stellen Sie Ihr Auto auf dem Parkplatz unter dem Hotel ab und begeben Sie sich zu FuÃ? zum Stadtzentrum und Meerufer. Das Hotel liegt in 3 Min. zu FuÃ? vom groÃ?en Strand entfern, einem magischen Ort, den sich Wellenreiter und Schwimmer teilen.]]></Text><Text Language="es"><![CDATA[En el corazón de Biarritz, el hotel está situado en la Plaza Sainte-Eugénie, semi-peatonal y muy tranquila, a pocos pasos de todo lo que le da su gran riqueza a la ciudad y justo por encima del viejo puerto. Tras haber dejado su vehÃculo en el aparcamiento situado bajo el hotel, podrá pasear disfrutando de todas las ventajas del centro de la ciudad y de la costa. El hotel está a 3min andando de la gran playa, un lugar mágico compartido por los amantes del surf y los bañistas.]]></Text></Description><Description CreatorID="CLOSING"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></Description></Descriptions><HotelInfoCodes><HotelInfoCode Code="12" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="26" /><HotelInfoCode Code="3" CodeDetail="OTA" Quantity="6" /><HotelInfoCode Code="CHA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="12" /><HotelInfoCode Code="INA" CodeDetail="RIT" Quantity="2" /></HotelInfoCodes><Position Longitude="-1.5642" Latitude="43.4828" /></HotelInfo><FacilityInfo><Restaurants Quantity="2"><Restaurant RestaurantName="Hôtel de l'Océan"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant><Restaurant RestaurantName="Restaurant de l'Océan"><RestaurantDescription CreatorID="CLOSING-RESTAURANT"><Text Language="fr"></Text><Text Language="en"></Text><Text Language="de"></Text><Text Language="nl"></Text><Text Language="es"></Text><Text Language="it"></Text></RestaurantDescription></Restaurant></Restaurants></FacilityInfo><Policies><Policy DefaultValidBookingMinOffset="0"><GuaranteePaymentPolicy><GuaranteePayment><AcceptedPayments><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="AX" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="VI" /></AcceptedPayment><AcceptedPayment><PaymentCard CardCode="MC" /></AcceptedPayment></AcceptedPayments></GuaranteePayment></GuaranteePaymentPolicy></Policy></Policies><AffiliationInfo><Awards><Award Rating="3" Provider="Stars" /><Award Rating="3" Provider="Chimneys" /><Award Rating="2" Provider="Cocotte" /></Awards></AffiliationInfo><ContactInfos><ContactInfo ContactProfileType="RIT" ContactProfileID="Manager"><Names><Name><GivenName>M.Me Xavier/Sarah</GivenName><Surname>Pentecote</Surname></Name></Names><Addresses><Address ID="64122"><AddressLine><![CDATA[9 Place Sainte-Eugénie.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine>.</AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[BIARRITZ]]></CityName><PostalCode>64200</PostalCode><CountryName Code="FR">FR</CountryName></Address></Addresses><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="3" PhoneNumber="00" /><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneTechType="3" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones><Emails><Email>mmouahbi@umanis.com</Email></Emails><URLs><URL></URL></URLs></ContactInfo></ContactInfos><TPA_Extensions><InvoicingInfo><Name>SARL LA VALLEE BLEUE</Name><Address><AddressLine><![CDATA[9 Place Sainte-Eugénie.]]></AddressLine><AddressLine></AddressLine><CityName><![CDATA[BIARRITZ]]></CityName><PostalCode>64200</PostalCode></Address><EmailInvoicing>blombard@logishotels.com</EmailInvoicing></InvoicingInfo><RITEstablishmentCode>19</RITEstablishmentCode><RITInternalCodesFacilities><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="299" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="322" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="298" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="293" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="294" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="690" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="297" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="983" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="312" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="311" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12032"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="132" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12025"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="34" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="33" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="28" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12028"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="11" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="16" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="116" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="117" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="121" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="12026"><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="39" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="60" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="56" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="35" /><RITInternalCodeSubFacility RITCode="40" /></RITInternalCodeFacility><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="1309" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="59" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="60" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="62" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="61" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="63" /><RITInternalCodeFacility RITCode="334" /></RITInternalCodesFacilities><VATNumber>FR23840831150</VATNumber><MinMaxRatesHalfBoard CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="172.5" MinRate="82.0" /><MinMaxRatesBreakfast CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="12.0" /><MinMaxRatesBusinessStopover CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="102.0" /><MinMaxRates CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="273.0" MinRate="92.0" /><MinMaxRatesChildMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="9.0" /><MinMaxRatesSoilMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="0.0" MinRate="0.0" /><MinMaxRatesMenu CurrencyCode="EUR" MaxRate="29.0" MinRate="19.5" /><ExtraInfo><City Type="HotelCity"><GuideGivenName>BIARRITZ</GuideGivenName><Altitude>0</Altitude><Inhabitants>30000</Inhabitants><Position Latitude="-1.5664" Longitude="43.4821" /><TourismInfo><InnerAwards><Phones><Phone AreaCityCode="0" CountryAccessCode="33" PhoneLocationType="4" PhoneNumber="00" /></Phones></InnerAwards></TourismInfo></City></ExtraInfo></TPA_Extensions></HotelDescriptiveContent></HotelDescriptiveContents></OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ>
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