Edit C:\galaxie\Back\galaxie\js\wysiwyg\ckeditor\_source\plugins\a11yhelp\dialogs\a11yhelp.js
/* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'a11yHelp', function( editor ) { var lang = editor.lang.accessibilityHelp, id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(); // CharCode <-> KeyChar. var keyMap = { 8 : "BACKSPACE", 9 : "TAB" , 13 : "ENTER" , 16 : "SHIFT" , 17 : "CTRL" , 18 : "ALT" , 19 : "PAUSE" , 20 : "CAPSLOCK" , 27 : "ESCAPE" , 33 : "PAGE UP" , 34 : "PAGE DOWN" , 35 : "END" , 36 : "HOME" , 37 : "LEFT ARROW" , 38 : "UP ARROW" , 39 : "RIGHT ARROW" , 40 : "DOWN ARROW" , 45 : "INSERT" , 46 : "DELETE" , 91 : "LEFT WINDOW KEY" , 92 : "RIGHT WINDOW KEY" , 93 : "SELECT KEY" , 96 : "NUMPAD 0" , 97 : "NUMPAD 1" , 98 : "NUMPAD 2" , 99 : "NUMPAD 3" , 100 : "NUMPAD 4" , 101 : "NUMPAD 5" , 102 : "NUMPAD 6" , 103 : "NUMPAD 7" , 104 : "NUMPAD 8" , 105 : "NUMPAD 9" , 106 : "MULTIPLY" , 107 : "ADD" , 109 : "SUBTRACT" , 110 : "DECIMAL POINT" , 111 : "DIVIDE" , 112 : "F1" , 113 : "F2" , 114 : "F3" , 115 : "F4" , 116 : "F5" , 117 : "F6" , 118 : "F7" , 119 : "F8" , 120 : "F9" , 121 : "F10" , 122 : "F11" , 123 : "F12" , 144 : "NUM LOCK" , 145 : "SCROLL LOCK" , 186 : "SEMI-COLON" , 187 : "EQUAL SIGN" , 188 : "COMMA" , 189 : "DASH" , 190 : "PERIOD" , 191 : "FORWARD SLASH" , 192 : "GRAVE ACCENT" , 219 : "OPEN BRACKET" , 220 : "BACK SLASH" , 221 : "CLOSE BRAKET" , 222 : "SINGLE QUOTE" }; // Modifier keys override. keyMap[ CKEDITOR.ALT ] = 'ALT'; keyMap[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT ] = 'SHIFT'; keyMap[ CKEDITOR.CTRL ] = 'CTRL'; // Sort in desc. var modifiers = [ CKEDITOR.ALT, CKEDITOR.SHIFT, CKEDITOR.CTRL ]; function representKeyStroke( keystroke ) { var quotient, modifier, presentation = []; for ( var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++ ) { modifier = modifiers[ i ]; quotient = keystroke / modifiers[ i ]; if ( quotient > 1 && quotient <= 2 ) { keystroke -= modifier; presentation.push( keyMap[ modifier ] ); } } presentation.push( keyMap[ keystroke ] || String.fromCharCode( keystroke ) ); return presentation.join( '+' ); } var variablesPattern = /\$\{(.*?)\}/g; function replaceVariables( match, name ) { var keystrokes = editor.config.keystrokes, definition, length = keystrokes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { definition = keystrokes[ i ]; if ( definition[ 1 ] == name ) break; } return representKeyStroke( definition[ 0 ] ); } // Create the help list directly from lang file entries. function buildHelpContents() { var pageTpl = '<div class="cke_accessibility_legend" role="document" aria-labelledby="' + id + '_arialbl" tabIndex="-1">%1</div>' + '<span id="' + id + '_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">' + lang.contents + ' </span>', sectionTpl = '<h1>%1</h1><dl>%2</dl>', itemTpl = '<dt>%1</dt><dd>%2</dd>'; var pageHtml = [], sections = lang.legend, sectionLength = sections.length; for ( var i = 0; i < sectionLength; i++ ) { var section = sections[ i ], sectionHtml = [], items = section.items, itemsLength = items.length; for ( var j = 0; j < itemsLength; j++ ) { var item = items[ j ], itemHtml; itemHtml = itemTpl.replace( '%1', item.name ). replace( '%2', item.legend.replace( variablesPattern, replaceVariables ) ); sectionHtml.push( itemHtml ); } pageHtml.push( sectionTpl.replace( '%1', section.name ).replace( '%2', sectionHtml.join( '' ) ) ); } return pageTpl.replace( '%1', pageHtml.join( '' ) ); } return { title : lang.title, minWidth : 600, minHeight : 400, contents : [ { id : 'info', label : editor.lang.common.generalTab, expand : true, elements : [ { type : 'html', id : 'legends', style : 'white-space:normal;', focus : function() {}, html : buildHelpContents() + '<style type="text/css">' + '.cke_accessibility_legend' + '{' + 'width:600px;' + 'height:400px;' + 'padding-right:5px;' + 'overflow-y:auto;' + 'overflow-x:hidden;' + '}' + // Some adjustments are to be done for IE6 and Quirks to work "properly" (#5757) '.cke_browser_quirks .cke_accessibility_legend,' + '.cke_browser_ie6 .cke_accessibility_legend' + '{' + 'height:390px' + '}' + // Override non-wrapping white-space rule in reset css. '.cke_accessibility_legend *' + '{' + 'white-space:normal;' + '}' + '.cke_accessibility_legend h1' + '{' + 'font-size: 20px;' + 'border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;' + 'margin: 5px 0px 15px;' + '}' + '.cke_accessibility_legend dl' + '{' + 'margin-left: 5px;' + '}' + '.cke_accessibility_legend dt' + '{' + 'font-size: 13px;' + 'font-weight: bold;' + '}' + '.cke_accessibility_legend dd' + '{' + 'margin:10px' + '}' + '</style>' } ] } ], buttons : [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ] }; });
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