Edit C:\galaxie\Back\galaxie\js\wysiwyg\ckeditor\_source\plugins\specialchar\lang\en.js
CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'en', { euro: "Euro sign", lsquo: "Left single quotation mark", rsquo: "Right single quotation mark", ldquo: "Left double quotation mark", rdquo: "Right double quotation mark", ndash: "En dash", mdash: "Em dash", iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", cent: "Cent sign", pound: "Pound sign", curren: "Currency sign", yen: "Yen sign", brvbar: "Broken bar", sect: "Section sign", uml: "Diaeresis", copy: "Copyright sign", ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", not: "Not sign", reg: "Registered sign", macr: "Macron", deg: "Degree sign", sup2: "Superscript two", sup3: "Superscript three", acute: "Acute accent", micro: "Micro sign", para: "Pilcrow sign", middot: "Middle dot", cedil: "Cedilla", sup1: "Superscript one", ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", iquest: "Inverted question mark", agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave", aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute", acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", aelig: "Latin small letter ae", ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave", eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute", ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave", iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute", icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", eth: "Latin small letter eth", ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave", oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute", ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", times: "Multiplication sign", oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave", uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute", ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute", thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", divide: "Division sign", yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", '372': "Latin capital letter w with circumflex", '374': "Latin capital letter y with circumflex", '373': "Latin small letter w with circumflex", '375': "Latin small letter y with circumflex", 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", trade: "Trade mark sign", '9658': "Black right-pointing pointer", bull: "Bullet", rarr: "Rightwards double arrow", harr: "Left right double arrow", diams: "Black diamond suit", asymp: "Almost equal to", sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark" });
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