Edit C:\galaxie\Back\galaxie\js\wysiwyg\filemanager\scripts\jquery.impromptu-1.5.js
/* * jQuery Impromptu * By: Trent Richardson [http://trentrichardson.com] * Version 1.5 * Last Modified: 3/31/2008 * * Copyright 2008 Trent Richardson * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ jQuery.extend({ ImpromptuDefaults: { prefix:'jqi', buttons:{ Ok:true }, loaded:function(){}, submit:function(){return true;}, callback:function(){}, opacity:0.6, zIndex: 999, overlayspeed:'slow', promptspeed:'fast', show:'show', focus:0, useiframe:false }, SetImpromptuDefaults: function(o){ jQuery.ImpromptuDefaults = jQuery.extend({},jQuery.ImpromptuDefaults,o); }, prompt: function(m,o){ o = jQuery.extend({},jQuery.ImpromptuDefaults,o); var ie6 = (jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7); var b = jQuery(document.body); var w = jQuery(window); var msgbox = '<div class="'+ o.prefix +'box" id="'+ o.prefix +'box">'; if(o.useiframe && ((jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery('object, applet').length > 0) || ie6))//if you want to use the iframe uncomment these 3 lines msgbox += '<iframe src="javascript:;" class="'+ o.prefix +'fade" id="'+ o.prefix +'fade"></iframe>'; else{ if(ie6) jQuery('select').css('visibility','hidden'); msgbox +='<div class="'+ o.prefix +'fade" id="'+ o.prefix +'fade"></div>'; } msgbox += '<div class="'+ o.prefix +'" id="'+ o.prefix +'"><div class="'+ o.prefix +'container"><div class="'+ o.prefix +'close">X</div><div class="'+ o.prefix +'message">'+ m +'</div><div class="'+ o.prefix +'buttons" id="'+ o.prefix +'buttons">'; jQuery.each(o.buttons,function(k,v){ msgbox += '<button name="'+ o.prefix +'button'+ k +'" id="'+ o.prefix +'button'+ k +'" value="'+ v +'">'+ k +'</button>'}) ; msgbox += '</div></div></div></div>'; var jqib =b.append(msgbox).children('#'+ o.prefix +'box'); var jqi = jqib.children('#'+ o.prefix); var jqif = jqib.children('#'+ o.prefix +'fade'); var getWindowScrollOffset = function(){ return (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) + 'px'; }; var getWindowSize = function(){ var size = { width: window.innerWidth || (window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.document.body.clientWidth), height: window.innerHeight || (window.document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.document.body.clientHeight) }; return size; }; var ie6scroll = function(){ jqib.css({ top: getWindowScrollOffset() }); }; var flashPrompt = function(){ var i = 0; jqib.addClass(o.prefix +'warning'); var intervalid = setInterval(function(){ jqib.toggleClass(o.prefix +'warning'); if(i++ > 1){ clearInterval(intervalid); jqib.removeClass(o.prefix +'warning'); } }, 100); }; var escapeKeyClosePrompt = function(e){ var kC = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; // MSIE or Firefox? var Esc = (window.event) ? 27 : e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; // MSIE : Firefox if(kC==Esc) removePrompt(); }; var positionPrompt = function(){ var wsize = getWindowSize(); jqib.css({ position: (ie6)? "absolute" : "fixed", height: wsize.height, width: "100%", top: (ie6)? getWindowScrollOffset():0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }); jqif.css({ position: "absolute", height: wsize.height, width: "100%", top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }); jqi.css({ position: "absolute", top: "100px", left: "50%", marginLeft: ((((jqi.css("paddingLeft").split("px")[0]*1) + jqi.width())/2)*-1) }); }; var stylePrompt = function(){ jqif.css({ zIndex: o.zIndex, display: "none", opacity: o.opacity }); jqi.css({ zIndex: o.zIndex+1, display: "none" }); } var removePrompt = function(callCallback, clicked, msg){ jqi.remove(); if(ie6)b.unbind('scroll',ie6scroll);//ie6, remove the scroll event w.unbind('resize',positionPrompt); jqif.fadeOut(o.overlayspeed,function(){ jqif.unbind('click',flashPrompt); jqif.remove(); if(callCallback) o.callback(clicked,msg); jqib.unbind('keypress',escapeKeyClosePrompt); jqib.remove(); if(ie6 && !o.useiframe) jQuery('select').css('visibility','visible'); }); } positionPrompt(); stylePrompt(); //Events jQuery('#'+ o.prefix +'buttons').children('button').click(function(){ var msg = jqi.children('.'+ o.prefix +'container').children('.'+ o.prefix +'message'); var clicked = o.buttons[jQuery(this).text()]; if(o.submit(clicked,msg)) removePrompt(true,clicked,msg); }); if(ie6) w.scroll(ie6scroll);//ie6, add a scroll event to fix position:fixed jqif.click(flashPrompt); w.resize(positionPrompt); jqib.keypress(escapeKeyClosePrompt); jqi.find('.'+ o.prefix +'close').click(removePrompt); //Show it jqif.fadeIn(o.overlayspeed); jqi[o.show](o.promptspeed,o.loaded); jqi.find('#'+ o.prefix +'buttons button:eq('+ o.focus +')').focus();//focus the default button return jqib; } });
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