Edit C:\galaxie\deploy\res\SSO\edealSSO.asp
<% 'Set all available Web Application Servers (URLs used by IIS to ask for E-DEAL CRM tokens) Dim SERVERURL(1) SERVERURL(0) = "http://first-was:9080/myEdealCRM" SERVERURL(1) = "http://secondwas.mycompany.com/myEdealCRM" 'If users access the servers with HTTPS set corresponding HTTPS URLs, if not copy the same values as above Dim REDIRURL(1) REDIRURL(0) = "https://first-was:9443/myEdealCRM" REDIRURL(1) = "https://secondwas.mycompany.com/myEdealCRM" '================================================= 'YOU DON'T NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE '================================================= ' Load balancing RANDOMIZE LowestNumber = 0 HighestNumber = uBound(SERVERURL) RandomNumber = Int((HighestNumber-LowestNumber+1)*Rnd+LowestNumber) ' Let's go EDEALURL = SERVERURL(RandomNumber) URL = EDEALURL + "/externalAuthentication.fl" AUTH = "externalLogin=" + Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlhttp.open "POST", URL, False xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" xmlhttp.send AUTH resp = "" + xmlhttp.ResponseText REURL = REDIRURL(RandomNumber) If Len(resp) > 0 Then eUrl = REURL + resp fwPage = Trim(Request("forwardPage")) If Len(fwPage) > 0 Then eUrl = eUrl + "&forwardPage=" + fwPage End If Else eUrl = REURL + "/logout.fl" End If Response.Redirect(eUrl) %>
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