Edit C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727\crystalreportviewers13\js\crviewer\Dialogs.js
/* Copyright (c) Business Objects 2006. All rights reserved. */ if (typeof bobj.crv.PrintUI == 'undefined') { bobj.crv.PrintUI = {}; } if (typeof bobj.crv.ExportUI == 'undefined') { bobj.crv.ExportUI = {}; } if (typeof bobj.crv.ErrorDialog == 'undefined') { bobj.crv.ErrorDialog = {}; } if (typeof bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI == 'undefined') { bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI = {}; } /* ================================================================================ PrintUI ================================================================================ */ bobj.crv.newPrintUI = function(kwArgs) { if (!kwArgs.id) { kwArgs = MochiKit.Base.update({id: bobj.uniqueId()}, kwArgs); } var lbl = kwArgs.submitBtnLabel; if (!lbl) { lbl = L_bobj_crv_submitBtnLbl; } var infoTitle = kwArgs.infoTitle; if (!infoTitle) { infoTitle = L_bobj_crv_PrintInfoTitle; } var dialogTitle = kwArgs.dialogTitle; if (!dialogTitle) { if (kwArgs.isActxPrinting) { dialogTitle = L_bobj_crv_ActiveXPrintDialogTitle; } else { dialogTitle = L_bobj_crv_PDFPrintDialogTitle; } } var infoMsg = kwArgs.infoMsg; if (!infoMsg) { infoMsg = L_bobj_crv_PrintInfo1; infoMsg += '\n'; infoMsg += L_bobj_crv_PrintInfo2; } var o = newDialogBoxWidget(kwArgs.id + '_dialog', dialogTitle, 300, 100, null, bobj.crv.PrintUI._cancel, false); o.infoMsg = infoMsg; o.infoTitle = infoTitle; o.actxId = o.id + '_actx'; o.actxContainerId = o.id + '_actxdiv'; o._processingPrinting = false; o._initOld = o.init; o._showOld = o.show; if (!kwArgs.isActxPrinting) { o._fromBox = newIntFieldWidget(o.id + "_fromBox", null, null, null, null, true, '', 50); o._fromBox.setDisabled = bobj.crv.PrintUI.disabledTextFieldWidget; o._toBox = newIntFieldWidget(o.id + "_toBox", null, null, null, null, true, '', 50); o._toBox.setDisabled = bobj.crv.PrintUI.disabledTextFieldWidget; o._submitBtn = newButtonWidget(o.id + "_submitBtn", lbl, MochiKit.Base.bind(bobj.crv.PrintUI._submitBtnCB, o)); o._submitBtn.setDelayCallback(false); o._allRadio = newRadioWidget(o.id + "_allRadio", o.id + "_grp", L_bobj_crv_PrintAllLbl, MochiKit.Base.bind(bobj.crv.PrintUI.disabledPageRange ,o, true)); o._allRadio.layerClass= "dlgContent"; o._rangeRadio = newRadioWidget(o.id + "_rangeRadio", o.id + "_grp", L_bobj_crv_PrintPagesLbl, MochiKit.Base.bind(bobj.crv.PrintUI.disabledPageRange ,o, false)); o._rangeRadio.layerClass= "dlgContent"; } o.widgetType = 'PrintUI'; // Update instance with constructor arguments bobj.fillIn(o, kwArgs); // Update instance with member functions MochiKit.Base.update(o, bobj.crv.PrintUI); return o; }; bobj.crv.PrintUI.disabledTextFieldWidget = function(disabled) { TextFieldWidget_setDisabled.call(this,disabled); if(disabled) { MochiKit.DOM.addElementClass(this.layer, "textDisabled"); } else { MochiKit.DOM.removeElementClass(this.layer, "textDisabled"); } } bobj.crv.PrintUI.disabledPageRange = function(bool) { if(this._fromBox && this._toBox) { this._fromBox.setDisabled(bool); this._toBox.setDisabled(bool); } } bobj.crv.PrintUI._submitBtnCB = function() { var start = null; var end = null; if (this._rangeRadio.isChecked()) { start = parseInt(this._fromBox.getValue(), 10); end = parseInt(this._toBox.getValue(), 10); if (!start || !end || (start < 0) || (start > end)) { alert(L_bobj_crv_PrintPageRangeError); return; } } if (this.widgetType == 'PrintUI') { MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, 'printSubmitted', start, end); } else { MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, 'exportSubmitted', start, end, this._comboBox.getSelection().value); } this.show(false); }; bobj.crv.PrintUI._getRPSafeURL = function(url) { if (!url) { return; } if (url.indexOf('/') === 0) { return url; } var winLoc = window.location.href; var qPos = winLoc.lastIndexOf('?'); if (qPos > 0) { winLoc = winLoc.substring(0, qPos) } var lPos = winLoc.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lPos < 0) { return url; } winLoc = winLoc.substring(0, lPos); return winLoc + '/' + url; }; bobj.crv.PrintUI._getObjectTag = function(postData) { var oa = []; oa.push('<OBJECT width="0" height="0" ID="'); oa.push(this.actxId); oa.push('" CLASSID="CLSID:'); oa.push(bobj.crv.ActxPrintControl_CLSID); oa.push('" CODEBASE="'); oa.push(this._getRPSafeURL(this.codeBase)); oa.push('#Version='); oa.push(bobj.crv.ActxPrintControl_Version); oa.push('" VIEWASTEXT>'); oa.push('<PARAM NAME="PostBackData" VALUE="'); oa.push(postData); oa.push('">'); oa.push('<PARAM NAME="ServerResourceVersion" VALUE="'); oa.push(bobj.crv.ActxPrintControl_Version); oa.push('">'); if (this.lcid) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="LocaleID" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.lcid); oa.push('">'); } if (this.url) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="URL" VALUE="'); oa.push(this._getRPSafeURL(this.url)); oa.push('">'); } if (this.title) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="Title" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.title); oa.push('">'); } if (this.maxPage) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="MaxPageNumber" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.maxPage); oa.push('">'); } if (this.paperOrientation) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="PageOrientation" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.paperOrientation); oa.push('">'); } if (this.paperSize) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="PaperSize" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.paperSize); oa.push('">'); } if (this.paperWidth) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="PaperWidth" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.paperWidth); oa.push('">'); } if (this.paperLength) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="PaperLength" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.paperLength); oa.push('">'); } if (this.driverName) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="PrinterDriverName" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.driverName); oa.push('">'); } if (this.useDefPrinter) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="UseDefaultPrinter" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.useDefPrinter); oa.push('">'); } if (this.useDefPrinterSettings) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="UseDefaultPrinterSettings" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.useDefPrinterSettings); oa.push('">'); } if (this.sendPostDataOnce) { oa.push('<PARAM NAME="SendPostDataOnce" VALUE="'); oa.push(this.sendPostDataOnce); oa.push('">'); } oa.push('</OBJECT>'); // Add waiting UI while the control is loading oa.push('<table id="') oa.push(this.actxId); oa.push('_wait" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" ><tbody>'); oa.push('<tr><td align="center" valign="top">'); // Frame Zone var o = this; var zoneW=o.getContainerWidth()-10; var zoneH=o.getContainerHeight()-(2*o.pad+21+10); oa.push('<table style="'); oa.push(sty("width",zoneW)); oa.push(sty("height",zoneH)); oa.push('" id="frame_table_'); oa.push(o.id); oa.push('" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" class="dlgFrame" style="padding:5px" id="frame_cont_'); oa.push(o.id); oa.push('">'); oa.push('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tbody>'); oa.push('<tr><td align="center" style="padding-top:5px;">'); oa.push(img(_skin+'wait01.gif',200,40)); oa.push('</td></tr>'); oa.push('<tr><td align="left" style="padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;padding-top:5px;">'); oa.push('<div class="icontext" style="wordWrap:break_word;">'); oa.push(convStr(L_bobj_crv_PrintControlProcessingMessage,false,true)); oa.push('</div></td></tr></tbody></table>'); oa.push('</td></tr></tbody></table>'); oa.push('</td></tr></tbody></table>'); return oa.join(''); }; bobj.crv.PrintUI._cancel = function () { if (this.isActxPrinting) { document.getElementById(this.actxContainerId).innerHTML = ''; this._processingPrinting = false; } }; bobj.crv.PrintUI._processPrinting = function(){ if (!this._processingPrinting){ var o = document.getElementById(this.actxId); var w = document.getElementById(this.actxId + '_wait'); if (o && w){ o.width = "100%"; o.height = "100%"; w.style.display="none"; } this._processingPrinting = true; } }; bobj.crv.PrintUI.show = function(visible, postBackData) { this._processingPrinting = false; if (visible) { if (!this.layer) { targetApp(this.getHTML()); this.init(); } if (this.isActxPrinting) { document.getElementById(this.actxContainerId).innerHTML = this._getObjectTag(postBackData); } this._showOld(true); } else if (this.layer) { this._showOld(false); } }; bobj.crv.PrintUI.init = function() { this._initOld(); if (!this.isActxPrinting) { this._fromBox.init(); this._toBox.init(); this._submitBtn.init(); this._allRadio.init(); this._rangeRadio.init(); this._allRadio.check(true); this._toBox.setDisabled(true); this._fromBox.setDisabled(true); if (this.widgetType == 'ExportUI') { this._updateExportList(); } } }; bobj.crv.PrintUI.getHTML = function(){ var h = bobj.html; var o = this; var html = o.beginHTML(); if (!this.isActxPrinting) { html += "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>" + "<tr>" + "<td>" + "<div class='dlgFrame'>" + "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 style='height:" + (this.height * 0.9) +"px;width:" + this.width + "px;'>" + "<tr>" + "<td valign='top' class='naviBarFrame naviFrame'>" + (this.isExporting ? this._getExportList() : "") + "<fieldset style='border:0px;padding:0px'>" + "<legend style='position:relative;"+(_ie?"margin:0px -7px":"")+"'>" + "<table datatable='0' style='width:100%;line-height:10px;'>" + "<tr>" + (_ie?"<td class='dialogTitleLevel2'><label>":"<td class='dialogTitleLevel2'><label>") + L_bobj_crv_PrintRangeLbl + "</label></td>" + "<td class='dialogTitleLevel2Underline' style='width:100%'> </td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</legend>" + "<div style='margin:10px 25px;'>" + o._allRadio.getHTML() + o._rangeRadio.getHTML() + "<div style='padding-left:25px'>" + "<table class=dlgContent datatable='0'>" + "<tr>" + "<td align=right>" + "<label for='" + o._fromBox.id + "'> " + L_bobj_crv_PrintFromLbl + "</label>" + "</td>" + "<td align=left> " + o._fromBox.getHTML() + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>" + "<td align=right>" + "<label for='" + o._toBox.id + "'> " + L_bobj_crv_PrintToLbl + "</label>" + "</td>" + "<td align=left>" + o._toBox.getHTML() + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</fieldset>" + (!this.isExporting ? "<table style='width:100%;line-height:10px;'>" + "<tr>" + "<td class='dialogTitleLevel2' tabIndex=0><label>" + this.infoTitle + "</label></td>" + "<td class='dialogTitleLevel2Underline' style='width:100%'> </td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "<div style='margin:10px 0px 10px 25px;' class='dlgHelpText'>" + this.infoMsg + "</div>" : '') + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</div>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>" + "<td align='right' valign='top'>" + "<table style='margin:6px 9px 0px 0px' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tbody><tr>" + "<td>" + this._submitBtn.getHTML() + "</td></tbody></tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>"; } else { html += "<div id='" + this.actxContainerId + "'></div>" + '<script for="' + this.actxId + '" EVENT="Finished(status, statusText)" language="javascript">' + 'getWidgetFromID("' + this.id + '").show(false);' + '</script>' + '<script for="' + this.actxId + '" EVENT="PrintingProgress(pageNumber)" language="javascript">' + 'getWidgetFromID("' + this.id + '")._processPrinting();' + '</script>' ; } html += o.endHTML(); html += bobj.crv.getInitHTML(this.widx); return html; }; /* ================================================================================ ExportUI ================================================================================ */ bobj.crv.newExportUI = function(kwArgs) { kwArgs = MochiKit.Base.update({ submitBtnLabel:L_bobj_crv_ExportBtnLbl, dialogTitle:L_bobj_crv_ExportDialogTitle, infoTitle:L_bobj_crv_ExportInfoTitle, infoMsg:L_bobj_crv_PrintInfo1, isExporting:true}, kwArgs); var o = bobj.crv.newPrintUI(kwArgs); o._comboBox = newCustomCombo( o.id + "_combo", MochiKit.Base.bind(bobj.crv.ExportUI._onSelectFormat, o), false, 270, L_bobj_crv_ExportFormatLbl, _skin + "../transp.gif", // Screen reader can't read its text without transp.gif 0, 14); //Adjustment to combo box after adding transp.gif as icon if(o._comboBox) { o._comboBox.icon.border=0; o._comboBox.icon.h=14; o._comboBox.arrow.h=12; o._comboBox.arrow.dy+=2 o._comboBox.arrow.disDy+=2 } o.widgetType = 'ExportUI'; MochiKit.Base.update(o, bobj.crv.ExportUI); return o; }; bobj.crv.ExportUI._onSelectFormat = function() { var format = this._comboBox.getSelection().value; if (format == 'CrystalReports' || format == 'RPTR' || format == 'RecordToMSExcel' || format == 'RecordToMSExcel2007' || format == 'CharacterSeparatedValues' || format == 'XML') { this._fromBox.setDisabled(true); this._toBox.setDisabled(true); this._rangeRadio.check(false); this._rangeRadio.setDisabled(true); this._allRadio.check(true); } else { this._rangeRadio.setDisabled(false); } }; bobj.crv.ExportUI.update = function (update) { if (!update || update.cons !== "bobj.crv.newExportUI") { return; } this.availableFormats = update.args.availableFormats; if(this._comboBox.initialized()) { /* * Uninitialized combobox is not required to be updated as it will * be updated during initialization */ this._updateExportList(); } }; bobj.crv.ExportUI._updateExportList = function() { if(!this._comboBox.initialized()) { this._comboBox.init(); } this._updateComboItems(); var item0 = this._comboBox.getItemByIndex(0); if(item0 != null) this._comboBox.selectItem(item0); this._onSelectFormat(); }; bobj.crv.ExportUI._updateComboItems = function () { this._comboBox.removeAllMenuItems(); var itemsCount = (bobj.isArray(this.availableFormats) ? this.availableFormats.length : 0); for (var i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { var item = this.availableFormats[i]; this._comboBox.add(item.name, item.value, item.isSelected); } }; bobj.crv.ExportUI._getExportList = function() { return "<table datatable='0' style='width:100%;line-height:10px;'>" + "<tr>" + (_ie?"<td class='dialogTitleLevel2'><label>":"<td class='dialogTitleLevel2'><label>") + L_bobj_crv_ExportFormatLbl + "</label></td>" + "<td class='dialogTitleLevel2Underline' style='width:100%'> </td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "<div style='margin:10px 25px;'>" + this._comboBox.getHTML() + "</div>"; }; /* ================================================================================ ErrorDialog TODO Dave: If time permits, make dialog resizable with mouse ================================================================================ */ /** * Static function. * @returns [ErrorDialog] Returns a shared Error Dialog */ bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.getInstance = function() { if (!bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.__instance) { bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.__instance = bobj.crv.newErrorDialog(); } return bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.__instance; }; bobj.crv.newErrorDialog = function(kwArgs) { kwArgs = MochiKit.Base.update({ id: bobj.uniqueId(), title: L_bobj_crv_Error, text: null, detailText: null, okLabel: L_bobj_crv_OK, promptType: _promptDlgCritical }, kwArgs); var o = newPromptDialog( kwArgs.id, kwArgs.title, kwArgs.text, kwArgs.okLabel, null, // cancelLabel kwArgs.promptType, null, // yesCB null, // noCB, true, // noCloseButton true); // isAlert o.widgetType = 'ErrorDialog'; // Update instance with constructor arguments bobj.fillIn(o, kwArgs); // Update instance with member functions o._promptDlgInit = o.init; o._promptDialogSetText = o.setText; o._promptDialogShow = o.show; o._promptDialogSetTitle = o.setTitle; o._promptDialogSetPromptType = o.setPromptType; MochiKit.Base.update(o, bobj.crv.ErrorDialog); o.noCB = MochiKit.Base.bind(o._onClose, o); o.yesCB = o.noCB; o._detailBtn = newIconWidget( o.id + "_detailBtn", bobj.skinUri('../help.gif'), MochiKit.Base.bind(bobj.crv.ErrorDialog._onDetailBtnClick, o), L_bobj_crv_showDetails, // Text L_bobj_crv_showDetails, // Tooltip 16,16,0,0,22,0, true); // Tabbing is enabled return o; }; bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.init = function() { this._promptDlgInit(); this._detailBtn.init(); this._detailRow = document.getElementById(this.id + '_detRow'); this._detailArea = document.getElementById(this.id + '_detArea'); if (!this.detailText) { this._detailBtn.show(false); } }; bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.getHTML = function() { var TABLE = bobj.html.TABLE; var TBODY = bobj.html.TBODY; var TR = bobj.html.TR; var TD = bobj.html.TD; var PRE = bobj.html.PRE; var DIV = bobj.html.DIV; var imgPath = PromptDialog_getimgPath(this.promptType); var imgAlt = PromptDialog_getimgAlt(this.promptType); var width = "320"; var detailWidth = "300px"; var detailHeight = "100px"; var contentHTML = TABLE({'class':"dlgBody", width: width, cellpadding:"0", cellspacing:"5", border:"0"}, TBODY(null, TR(null, TD(null, TABLE({'class':"dlgBody", cellpadding:"5", cellspacing:"0", border:"0"}, TBODY(null, TR(null, TD({align:"right", width:"32"}, img(imgPath, 32, 32, null, 'id="dlg_img_' + this.id + '"', imgAlt)), TD(), TD({id:"dlg_txt_" + this.id, align:"left"}, DIV({tabindex:"0"}, convStr(this.text, false, true)))))))), TR({id: this.id + '_detRow', style: {display: "none"}}, TD(null, DIV({'class': "infozone", style: {width: detailWidth, 'height': detailHeight, overflow: "auto"}}, PRE({id: this.id + '_detArea'}, this.detailText)))), TR(null, TD(null, getSep())), TR(null, TD(null, TABLE({cellpadding:"5", cellspacing:"0", border:"0", width:"100%"}, TBODY(null, TR(null, TD({align:"left"}, this._detailBtn.getHTML()), TD({align:"right"}, this.yes.getHTML())))))))); return this.beginHTML() + contentHTML + this.endHTML(); }; /** * Set the error message and detail text. * * @param text [String] Error message * @param detailText [String] Detailed error message or technical info */ bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.setText = function (text, detailText) { this.text = text; this.detailText = detailText; if (this.layer) { this._promptDialogSetText(text || ''); if (this._detailArea) { this._detailArea.innerHTML = detailText || ''; } var showDetails = detailText ? true : false; this._detailBtn.show(showDetails); if (!showDetails) { this.showDetails(false); } } }; bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.setTitle = function (title) { this.title = title; if (this.layer) { this._promptDialogSetTitle(title || ''); } }; bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.setPromptType = function (promptType) { this.promptType = promptType; if (this.layer) { this._promptDialogSetPromptType(promptType); } }; /** * Show/Hide the dialog * * @param isShow [bool(=true)] True value displays the dialog, false hides it. * @param closeCB [function] Callback to call after the next close event */ bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.show = function(isShow, closeCB) { if (typeof isShow == 'undefined') { isShow = true; } if (isShow) { this._closeCB = closeCB; if (!this.layer) { targetApp(this.getHTML()); this.init(); } this.layer.onkeyup = DialogBoxWidget_keypress; DialogBoxWidget_keypress = MochiKit.Base.noop; this._promptDialogShow(true); } else if (this.layer){ this._closeCB = null; this._promptDialogShow(false); } }; /** * Show/Hide the detailed error message * * @param isShow [bool(=true)] True value displays the details, false hides them. */ bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.showDetails = function(isShow) { if (typeof isShow == 'undefined') { isShow = true; } if (this._detailRow && this._detailBtn) { if (isShow) { this._detailRow.style.display = ''; this._detailBtn.changeText(L_bobj_crv_hideDetails); } else { this._detailRow.style.display = 'none'; this._detailBtn.changeText(L_bobj_crv_showDetails); } } }; /** * Private. Handles detail button clicks. */ bobj.crv.ErrorDialog._onDetailBtnClick = function() { if (this._detailRow) { this.showDetails(this._detailRow.style.display == 'none'); } }; /** * Private. Notifies listener that dialog has closed; */ bobj.crv.ErrorDialog._onClose = function() { if (this._closeCB) { this._closeCB(); this._closeCB = null; } DialogBoxWidget_keypress = this.layer.onkeyup; this.layer.onkeyup = null; }; /* ================================================================================ Report Processing Dialog ================================================================================ kwArgs delay - the wait time prior to showing the dialog. message - a customized message to display in the dialog. */ bobj.crv.newReportProcessingUI = function(kwArgs) { kwArgs = MochiKit.Base.update({ id: bobj.uniqueId(), delay: 250, message: L_bobj_crv_ReportProcessingMessage }, kwArgs); /* Since JSON escapes the '\' in unicode character references (\uXXXX) in Viewer * process indicator text is converted to html numeric referece (&#ddddd) which Javascript * don't display as expected. Little hack here to it as HTML string */ var d = document.createElement('div'); d.style.visibility = 'hidden'; d.innerHTML = kwArgs.message; var newMsg = d.innerHTML; d = null; var o = newWaitDialogBoxWidget( kwArgs.id, // id 0, // width 0, // height '', // title false, // show cancel bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.cancelCB, // cancel callback true, // show label newMsg, // label text true // no close button ); o.widgetType = 'ReportProcessingUI'; o.delay = kwArgs.delay; // Update instance with member functions MochiKit.Base.update(o, bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI); return o; }; bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog = null; bobj.crv.timerID = null; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.cancelCB = function () { bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.cancelled = true; if (bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.deferred !== null) { bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.deferred.cancel (); } bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.cancelShow (); }; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.wasCancelled = function () { return bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.cancelled; }; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI._prepareToShow = function () { // cleanup any existing dialog? if (bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog !== null) { bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.cancelShow (); } if (!this.layer) { append2(document.body, this.getHTML()); this.init(); } this.deferred = null; bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog = this; }; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.Show = function () { this._prepareToShow(); bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.show(true); }; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.delayedShow = function () { this._prepareToShow(); bobj.crv.timerID = setTimeout("bobj.crv._showReportProcessingDialog ()", bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.delay); }; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.cancelShow = function () { if (bobj.crv.timerID) { clearTimeout (bobj.crv.timerID); } if (bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog){ bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.show (false); } bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog = null; bobj.crv.timerID = null; }; bobj.crv.ReportProcessingUI.setDeferred = function (deferred) { bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.deferred = deferred; if (bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.wasCancelled () === true) { deferred.cancel (); } }; bobj.crv._showReportProcessingDialog = function () { if (bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog && bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.delay !== 0) { bobj.crv.logger.info('ShowReportProcessingDialog'); bobj.crv.reportProcessingDialog.show (true); } };
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