Edit C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727\crystalreportviewers13\js\crviewer\common.js
/* Copyright (c) Business Objects 2006. All rights reserved. */ if (typeof bobj == 'undefined') { bobj = {}; } if (typeof bobj.constants == 'undefined') { bobj.constants = { modalLayerIndex:1000 }; } /** * @return [String] Returns a different id each time it's called */ bobj.uniqueId = function() { return 'bobjid_' + (++bobj.uniqueId._count); }; if (typeof bobj.uniqueId._count == 'undefined') { bobj.uniqueId._count = new Date().getTime(); } /** * Like MochiKit.Base.update except that it checks each item in obj against * a test function before adding it to self. * * @param test [Function] function that returns a boolean when passed (self, obj, key) * @param self [Object|null] object to be updated * @param obj [Object] object to copy properties from */ bobj.updateIf = function (test, self, obj/*, ... */) { if (self === null) { self = {}; } for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { var o = arguments[i]; if (typeof(o) != 'undefined' && o !== null) { for (var k in o) { if (test(self, obj, k)) { self[k] = o[k]; } } } } return self; }; /** * Copy properties from obj to self if the properties are undefined in self */ bobj.fillIn = function (self, obj) { var test = function(self, obj, k) { return (typeof(self[k]) == 'undefined'); } bobj.updateIf(test, self, obj); }; bobj.isObject = function(obj) { return (obj && typeof obj == 'object'); }; bobj.isArray = function(obj) { if(bobj.isObject(obj)) { try { return obj.constructor == Array; } catch(e) { return false; } } return false; }; bobj.isString = function(obj) { return (typeof(obj) == 'string'); }; bobj.isNumber = function(obj) { return typeof(obj) == 'number' && isFinite(obj); }; bobj.isBoolean = function(obj) { return typeof obj == 'boolean'; }; bobj.isFunction = function(obj) { return typeof(obj) == 'function'; }; /** * Checks for the border box model, where css width includes padding and borders. * IE uses this box model when a strict dtd is not specified. * * @return [boolean] Returns true if the border box model is being used */ bobj.isBorderBoxModel = function() { if (typeof bobj.isBorderBoxModel._cachedValue == 'undefined') { /* * TODO: It is unnecessary to create DIV to check border box model. All we need to do is check _ie && quirksMode * I didn't remove it for sake of not breaking different scenarios (requires alot of testing) */ if(document.body) { var box = document.createElement('div'); box.style.width = '10px'; box.style.padding = '1px'; box.style.position = 'absolute'; box.style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(box); bobj.isBorderBoxModel._cachedValue = (box.offsetWidth == 10); document.body.removeChild(box); } else { return _ie && bobj.isQuirksMode(); } } return bobj.isBorderBoxModel._cachedValue; }; /** * @return [boolean] True if the document is rendering in quirks mode */ bobj.isQuirksMode = function() { return (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat'); }; /* Sets the visual style of the specified element * * @param element [DOM node] * @param visualStyle {} object containing visual styles */ bobj.setVisualStyle =function(element,visualStyle) { if(element === null || visualStyle === null) { return; } var elemStyle = element.style; if(visualStyle.className) element.className = visualStyle.className; MochiKit.Iter.forEach ( [ "background", "borderWidth", "borderStyle", "borderColor", "fontFamily", "fontStyle", "fontSize", "fontWeight", "textDecoration", "color", "width", "height", "left", "top" ], function(styleName) { if (visualStyle[styleName]) elemStyle[styleName] = visualStyle[styleName]; }); }; /** * Sets the outer size of an element, including padding, borders and margins. * * Note: Non-pixel units are ignored * * @param node [DOM node] * @param w [Int - optional] Width in pixels * @param h [Int - optional] Height in pixels * @param excludeMargins [bool - optional] When true, margins are not included * in the box size. */ bobj.setOuterSize = function(node, w, h, excludeMargins) { var origStyle = null; var nodeStyle = node.style; if (nodeStyle.display == 'none') { // Nodes have to be displayed to get their calculated styles. // We display them but make them invisible and absolutely positioned // so they don't affect the layout. origStyle = { visibility: nodeStyle.visibility, position: nodeStyle.position, display: 'none' }; nodeStyle.visibility = 'hidden'; nodeStyle.position = 'absolute'; nodeStyle.display = ''; } function pixels (selector) { var value = MochiKit.DOM.getStyle(node, selector); if (bobj.isString(value) && value.substring(value.length - 2 == 'px')) { return (parseInt(value, 10) || 0); } return 0; } if (bobj.isNumber(w)) { if (!bobj.isBorderBoxModel()) { w -= pixels('border-left-width'); w -= pixels('border-right-width'); w -= pixels('padding-left'); w -= pixels('padding-right'); if(excludeMargins) { w -= pixels('margin-left'); w -= pixels('margin-right'); } } nodeStyle.width = Math.max(0, w) + 'px'; } if (bobj.isNumber(h)) { if (!bobj.isBorderBoxModel()) { if(excludeMargins) { h -= pixels('margin-top'); h -= pixels('margin-bottom'); } h -= pixels('border-top-width'); h -= pixels('border-bottom-width'); h -= pixels('padding-top'); h -= pixels('padding-bottom'); } nodeStyle.height = Math.max(0, h) + 'px'; } if (origStyle) { nodeStyle.display = origStyle.display; nodeStyle.position = origStyle.position; nodeStyle.visibility = origStyle.visibility; } }; /** * Get the node that contains a child widget. * * @param child [object] the widget whose parent node to be looked for */ bobj.getContainer = function(child) { if (child && child.layer) { return child.layer.parentNode; } return null; }; /** * Checks whether elem has a parent with the tag name equivalent to parentTagName * * @param elem [HTML node] the element whose parent is checked against parentTagName * @param parentTagName [String] Parent's tagName ie) TABLE * * * @return [boolean] True if elem has a parent with tagName equivalent to parentTagName */ bobj.checkParent = function(elem,parentTagName) { var foundParent = false; if(elem && parentTagName) { parentTagName = parentTagName.toUpperCase(); var parent = elem.parentNode; while(parent) { if(parent.tagName == parentTagName) { foundParent = true; break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } } return foundParent; }; /** * Implements Array.slice for array-like objects. For example, the special * "arguments" variable within function calls is array-like but doesn't have * a slice method. * * @param arrayLike [Object] An array-like object as defined by MochiKit.Base.isArrayLike. * @param begin [Number] Zero-based index at which to begin extraction. * @param end [Number] Zero-based index at which to end extraction. * Extracts up to but not including end. * * @return [Array] A shallow copy of the portion of the array specified or null if invalid argument. */ bobj.slice = function(arrayLike, begin, end) { if (bobj.isArray(arrayLike)) { return arrayLike.slice(begin, end); } else if (MochiKit.Base.isArrayLike(arrayLike)) { var retArray = []; var endIdx = arrayLike.length; if (bobj.isNumber(end) && end < endIdx) { endIdx = end; } begin = Math.max(begin, 0); for (var i = begin; i < endIdx; ++i) { retArray.push(arrayLike[i]); } return retArray; } return null; }; /** * Extract a range of elements from a string or array-like list (non-destructive) * * @param list [String | Array-Like] * @param start [Int] Index of start, inclusive * @param end [Int] Index of end, exclusive * * @return Array of extracted elements or Null */ bobj.extractRange = function(list, start, end) { if (list && bobj.isNumber(start)) { if (!bobj.isNumber(end) || end > list.length) { end = list.length; } start = Math.max(0, start); if (start < end) { var s1 = 0, e1 = start; var s2 = end, e2 = list.length; if (list.substring) { return (list.substring(s1, e1) + list.substring(s2, e2)); } else { return bobj.slice(list, s1, e1).concat(bobj.slice(list, s2, e2)); } } } return list; }; /** * Returns a value with a unit appended * * @param val [int or string] * @param unit [sring - optional] Defaults to 'px' * * @return [string] Returns val as a string with unit appended if val is a * number. Returns val without modification if val is not a number. */ bobj.unitValue = function(val, unit) { if (bobj.isNumber(val)) { return val + (unit || 'px'); } return val; }; /** * Evaluate an expression in the window (global) scope * * @param expression [String] Expression to evaluate * * @return Returns the result of the evaluation */ bobj.evalInWindow = function(expression) { if (window.execScript) { // Internet Explorer return window.execScript(expression); } else { return MochiKit.Base.bind(eval, window, expression).call(); } }; /** * Loads specified resource and executes callback */ bobj.loadJSResourceAndExecCallBack = function(resource, callback) { if(!resource || !callback) return; // if arguments are not defined, just return /* * If bobj.crv.config.useCompressedScripts is true, then the resource is already loaded and we can skip loading */ if(!resource.isLoaded) { var onLoad = function(resource, callback, response) { resource.isLoaded = true; bobj.evalInWindow(response.responseText); callback.apply(); }; var req = MochiKit.Async.getXMLHttpRequest(); req.open("GET", bobj.crvUri(resource.path), true); req.setRequestHeader('Accept','application/x-javascript,application/javascript, text/javascript'); var deferred = MochiKit.Async.sendXMLHttpRequest(req); deferred.addCallback(MochiKit.Base.bind(onLoad, this, resource, callback)); } else { setTimeout(function(){callback.apply()},0); } }; /** * Remove whitespace from the left end of a string. * * @param str [String] * * @return [String] Returns a string with no leading whitespace */ bobj.trimLeft = function(str) { str = str || ''; return str.replace(/^\s+/g, ''); }; /** * Remove whitespace from the right end of a string. * * @param str [String] * * @return [String] Returns a string with no trailing whitespace */ bobj.trimRight = function(str) { str = str || ''; return str.replace(/\s+$/g, ''); }; /** * Remove whitespace from both ends of a string. * * @param str [String] * * @return [String] Returns a string with no leading or trailing whitespace */ bobj.trim = function(str) { return bobj.trimLeft(bobj.trimRight(str)); }; /** * Check if the two inputs (and their contents) are equal. * * @param obj1 [Any] * @param obj2 [Any] * * @return [boolean] Returns true if the two inputs are equal. */ bobj.equals = function (obj1, obj2) { if (typeof(obj1) != typeof(obj2)) { return false; } if (bobj.isObject(obj1)) { var same = true; for (var prop in obj1) { same = same && bobj.equals(obj1[prop], obj2[prop]); } return same; } else { return obj1 == obj2; } }; /** * Creates a stylesheet link and adds it to document body * @param1 href [String] location of css file * */ bobj.includeLink = function(href) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var body = document.body; var link = document.createElement("link"); link.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet"); link.setAttribute("type","text/css"); link.setAttribute("href",href); if(head) { head.appendChild(link); } else if(body) { body.appendChild(link); } }; /** * @param hrefArray Array of url of css files * @param callback function that gets executed once all css files are loaded */ bobj.includeCSSLinksAndExecuteCallback = function (hrefArray, callback) { if(hrefArray == null || hrefArray.length < 1) { callback.apply(); return; } var cb = function () { var me = arguments.callee; var callback = me.callback; me.hrefCount--; if(me.hrefCount == 0) callback.apply(); } cb.hrefCount = hrefArray.length; cb.callback = callback; for(var i = 0, len = hrefArray.length; i < len; i++) { bobj.includeCSSLinkAndExecuteCallback(hrefArray[i], cb); } }; bobj.includeCSSLinkAndExecuteCallback = function(href, callback) { var cssLinkId = encodeURIComponent(href); /*if a css file with same href is already added, execute cb and continue */ if(getLayer(cssLinkId)) { callback.apply(); return; } /*if css file successfully loads, add css text and call callback*/ var onLoad = function(callback, linkId, response) { bobj.addStyleSheet(response.responseText, linkId); callback.apply(); }; /*if css file fails to load, continue with callback */ var onError = function(callback) { callback.apply(); }; var req = MochiKit.Async.getXMLHttpRequest(); req.open("GET", href, true); req.setRequestHeader('Accept','text/css'); var deferred = MochiKit.Async.sendXMLHttpRequest(req); var cb = MochiKit.Base.bind(onLoad, this, callback, cssLinkId) var eb = MochiKit.Base.bind(onError, this, callback) deferred.addCallbacks(cb, eb); }; bobj.addStyleSheet = function(stylesheet,id) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); if(id) { style.setAttribute("id", id); } if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = stylesheet; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stylesheet)); } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head'); var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); if(head && head[0]) { head[0].appendChild(style); } else if(body && body[0]) { body[0].appendChild(style); } }; bobj.removeAllChildElements = function(elem) { if(elem) { while(elem.lastChild) { elem.removeChild(elem.lastChild); } } }; bobj.getValueHashCode = function(valueType, value) { var Types = bobj.crv.params.DataTypes; switch(valueType) { case Types.BOOLEAN : case Types.CURRENCY: case Types.NUMBER: case Types.STRING: return '' + value; case Types.TIME: return '' + value.h + ',' + value.min + ',' + value.s + ',' + value.ms; case Types.DATE: return '' + value.y + ',' + value.m + ',' + value.d; case Types.DATE_TIME: return '' + value.y + ',' +value.m + ',' + value.d + ',' + value.h + ',' + value.min + ',' + value.s + ',' + value.ms; } }; /** * Checks if there's a DOM element whose ID attribute matches the given string. If not, continue to search for a DOM element * whose Name attribute matches the given string. * * @param idOrName [string] The ID or Name of the element to search for. * @return [DOM element] Returns a DOM element, or null. */ bobj.getElementByIdOrName = function (idOrName) { if (!idOrName) { return null; } var elem = document.getElementById(idOrName); if (elem) { return elem; } var elems = document.getElementsByName(idOrName); if (elems && elems.length > 0) { return elems[0]; } return null; }; /* * Returns a rectangle that can be used for css clip property * @param top, right, bottom, left [Int] * @return [String] returns rect(top,right,bottom,left) in pixel unit */ bobj.getRect = function(top, right, bottom, left) { return "rect(" + top + "px, "+ right + "px," + bottom + "px," + left + "px)"; } bobj.getBodyScrollDimension = function() { var w = 0; var h = 0; var bodyTags = document.getElementsByTagName("Body"); if(bodyTags && bodyTags[0]) { w = bodyTags[0].scrollWidth; h = bodyTags[0].scrollHeight; } return {w : w, h : h}; } /** * Disables tabbing on element specified * @param layer, The layer that will be modified * @param dis [boolean], true would disable tabbing on element */ bobj.disableTabbingKey = function(layer, dis) { if(layer) { //Setting tabIndex value to (-1) would prevent tabbing to the DOM layer layer.tabIndex = dis ? -1 : 0; } } bobj.getStringWidth = function(string, fontFamily, fontSize) { if(document.body) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(string)); span.style.position = 'absolute'; span.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if(fontFamily) span.style.fontFamily = fontFamily; if(fontSize) span.style.fontSize = fontSize; document.body.appendChild(span); var width = span.offsetWidth; document.body.removeChild(span); return width; } return 0; } bobj.deleteWidget = function(widget) { if(widget && widget.widx) { if(widget.layer) { //Helps GC reclaim memory. Essential to IE memory leak widget.layer.click = null; widget.layer.onmouseup = null; widget.layer.onmousedown = null; widget.layer.onmouseover = null; widget.layer.onmousemove = null; widget.layer.onmouseout = null; widget.layer.onchange = null; widget.layer.onfocus = null; widget.layer.onkeydown = null; widget.layer.onkeyup = null; widget.layer.onkeypress = null; var parent = widget.layer.parentNode; if(parent) { parent.removeChild(widget.layer); //removing child from parent } delete widget.layer; } delete widget.css; delete _widgets[widget.widx]; // cleans DHTML_Lib collection of widgets _widgets[widget.widx] = null; /* for debugging purpose only */ delete widget; } }; bobj.cloneArray = function(array) { return array.slice(); }; /** * returns a function that would execute obj.func with obj as the context * Similar to MochiKit.Base.bind, but this is a lot faster */ bobj.bindFunctionToObject = function(func, obj) { return function () { return func.apply(obj, arguments); }; }; /** * Object.superClass will be populated with all functions defined in superClass */ bobj.extendClass = function(object, ObjectClassDefinition, superClass) { MochiKit.Base.update(object, ObjectClassDefinition); object.superClass = {}; for ( var funcName in superClass) { object.superClass[funcName] = bobj.bindFunctionToObject(superClass[funcName], object);; } }; bobj.displayElementWithAnimation = function (element) { if(element != null) { MochiKit.DOM.setOpacity(element, 0); //to reserve the element's space MochiKit.Style.setDisplayForElement("block", element); new MochiKit.Visual.appear(element, {duration: 0.5}); } }; /** * Returns dimension of element when it is invisible.DOM.offsetHeight should be used when * element is visible to avoid execution cost of this method */ bobj.getHiddenElementDimensions = function (element) { var size = { w : 0, h : 0}; if(element) { var body = document.body; var clonedNode = element.cloneNode(true); //clone and append the node to body as var nodeStyle = clonedNode.style; nodeStyle.display = ""; nodeStyle.visibility = "hidden"; nodeStyle.width = ""; nodeStyle.height = ""; nodeStyle.position = "absolute"; nodeStyle.left = "-1000px"; nodeStyle.top = "-1000px"; body.appendChild(clonedNode); size = { w : clonedNode.offsetWidth, h : clonedNode.offsetHeight}; body.removeChild(clonedNode); } return size; } /** * Checks for PDF reader that has the ability to process JavaScript. * Currently, it checks for Adobe Acrobat Reader version >= 7 on IE and Version >= 8 on other browsers. */ bobj.hasPDFReaderWithJSFunctionality = function() { if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { var pdfReader = new ActiveXObject('AcroPDF.PDF.1'); if (pdfReader) { return true; } } catch (e) {} } else if (navigator.plugins) { var plugins = navigator.plugins; for (var i=0, len=plugins.length; i < len; i++) { if (plugins[i].description.indexOf('Adobe PDF Plug-In') != -1) { return true; } } } return false; };
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