MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  x@D.rsrc@@8P 8Phkpz{(@Xp 0H`xC   ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x    4d !4"$\&<()|t-0/,\40:<=JCXlG|M T4UDW[a4bce\MUIll4J,(,I pUWB MUI en-US@HProviderMS Shell DlgPSelect the data you want to connect to:PSysListView32List1P<&Next >>@@ConnectionMS Shell DlgPSpecify the following to connect to this data:P1. Enter the data source and/or location of the data:P!F&Data Source:Pdx P2F&Location:Pd0x PC2. Enter information to log on to the server: PN Use &Windows NT Integrated security P] &Use a specific user name and password:P)n:User &name:Pdlx P):&Password:Pd}x P'E &Blank passwordPog Allow &saving passwordP3. Enter the &initial catalog to use:B!P0PQ&Test Connection@@ AdvancedMS Shell DlgP3Network settingsPB&Impersonation level:!PS<P'6P&rotection level:!PS%<P>\OtherPL9Connect &timeout: PSJ0 PLseconds.P[AA&ccess permissions:PS[7SysListView32List1PA@@AllMS Shell DlgP!SysListView32List1PThese are the initialization properties for this type of data. To edit a value, select a property, then choose Edit Value below.P<&Edit Value...DDD7MS Shell DlgPSelect the Microsoft Data Link file that describes the data source you wish to connect to.P ,Ȁ_Edit Property ValueMS Shell DlgP@Property DescriptionP P*/Property &ValueP5 PJ2&Reset ValuePJ2OKPJ2CancelȀ_Edit Property ValueMS Shell DlgP@&Property DescriptionPP*/Property &Value!P4<PJ2OKPJ2CancelPJ2Reset ValuePAȀEdit Property ValueMS Shell DlgPN&Property DescriptionP P*/Property &ValueP68SysListView32List1Pt2OKPt2CancelPt2Reset ValuePAȀ_Edit Property ValueMS Shell DlgP@&Property DescriptionPP*/Property &ValueB!P4<PJ2OKPJ2CancelPJ2Reset ValuePA@@ ConnectionMS Shell DlgPSpecify the following to connect to Access data:P1. Select or enter a &database name:P P ...P22. Enter information to log on to the database:P?&User &name:PC= PO"&Password:PCM P]E &Blank passwordPd]g Allow &saving passwordPQ&Test ConnectionȀ_Edit Property ValueMS Shell DlgP@&Property DescriptionP P*/Property &ValueP5 PJ2OKPJ2CancelPJ2Reset ValuePA@HConnectionMS Shell DlgPSpecify the following to connect to ODBC data:P1. Specify the source of data: P Use &data source nameB!P&(P'!&Refresh P9 Use c&onnection stringP'D&Connection string:P'N PMB&uild...Pb2. Enter information to log on to the serverPn&User &name:PCl P~"&Password:PC| PE &Blank passwordPgg Allow &saving passwordP3. Enter the &initial catalog to use:B!P@PQ&Test Connection@@ConnectionMS Shell DlgPSpecify the following to connect to SQL Server data:P1. Select or enter a s&erver name:B!PP!!&RefreshP)2. Enter information to log on to the server: P3 Use &Windows NT Integrated security P? &Use a specific user name and password:P)M&User &name:PPK P)["&Password:PPY P)gE &Blank passwordPugg Allow &saving passwordPt3. Ps Select the &database on the server:B!P"W P Attac&h a database file as a database name:P" P"Using the &filename:P" P ...PQ&Test Connection@H ConnectionMS Shell DlgPSpecify the following to connect to Oracle data:P1. Enter a s&erver name:P P,2. Enter information to log on to the database:P9&User &name:PC7 PH"&Password:PCF PUE &Blank passwordPfUg Allow &saving passwordPQ&Test ConnectionClose Failed Properties: YOperation cannot be executed because an error occurred during environment initialization.Error occurred while attempting to set the properties you entered. To make changes and try again, click Cancel. To accept this error and continue, click OK.mError occurred while setting the properties you entered. Some or all of the properties may not have been set.AOne or more property values were invalid and could not be stored.;Property value cannot be stored due to insufficient memory.EOLE DB root enumerator encountered an error in enumerating providers.XOperation cannot be executed because an error occurred during connection initialization.PAWOperation cannot be executed because an error occurred during connection to the driver.9Passwords and security-sensitive values cannot be edited.ValueNameOLE DB Provider(s)=Microsoft Access Databases (*.mdb)|*.mdb|All Files (*.*)|*.*|Select Access Databasemdb9Operation cannot be completed due to insufficient memory.Operation cannot be completed.%Value is not valid for this property.MTest connection failed because of an error in storing the property values. %1RTest connection failed because of an error in retrieving provider information. %1MTest connection failed because of an error in creating data source object. %1PTest connection failed because of an error in setting one or more properties. %1GTest connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. %1GTest connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. %1ITest connection failed because of an error in uninitializing provider. %1Test connection failed. %1*Test connection failed for unknown reason.Test connection succeeded.Reset Value failed. %1Microsoft Data LinkAMicrosoft SQL Server Databases (*.mdf)|*.mdf|All Files (*.*)|*.*|Select SQL Server Database FilemdfProvider is not registered.7No provider matching the filter criteria is registered.DData source cannot be used because it does not support IID_IPersist.PA[Data source cannot be used because an error occurred when retrieving the provider Class ID.OProvider cannot be found. Ensure that the provider has been installed properly.GPointer to the data source pointer cannot be NULL. Argument is invalid.BTo specify selection of providers, a data source must be provided.ZOptions argument is not valid. Must specify either Wizard or Property Sheet, but not both.@Source type filter count does not match the source type filters.?DBSOURCETYPE_ENUMERATOR cannot be used as a source type filter.vSelected provider requires that you allow passwords to be saved. To make changes, click Cancel. To continue, click OK.sTest connection failed because of an error in setting the window handle property. %1 Continue with test connection? NOT SUPPORTED BAD VALUE BAD OPTION BAD COLUMNNOT ALL SETTABLE NOT SETTABLENOT SET CONFLICTINGUNKNOWN STATUSATest connection failed because not all properties can be set. Continue with test connection?Microsoft Data LinkProperties you entered cannot be saved because the Data Link file is inaccessible. Ensure that the hard drive or network share is still available. Data LinksOrganize Data Link Files udlMicrosoft Data Link ErrorData Link PropertiesBMicrosoft Data Link Files (*.udl)%c*.udl%cAll Files (*.*)%c*.*%c%c\Microsoft Data Link Files (*.udl)%c*.udl%cODBC DSNs (*.dsn)%c*.dsn%cAll Files (*.*)%c*.*%c%cOrganize Data Link FilesSelect Data Link File RootBinder Connection pointer is not valid.)IDataInitialize object cannot be created.?Initialization string cannot be retrieved from IDataInitialize.TADO connection object could not be created. Ensure that MDAC was installed properly.XADO Connection object could not be initialized. Ensure that MDAC was installed properly.Success pointer is not valid.Connection object is not valid.PA&Initialized connection cannot be used.HConnection object is invalid. Its data source object cannot be accessed.%1 %2,Provider is not selected. Select a provider.PProvider is no longer available. Ensure that the provider is installed properly.%ODBC Driver Manager cannot be loaded.dMsdasc.dll cannot be loaded. Verify that Msdasc.dll exists on this system and that it is registered.Microsoft Data LinkThis action will save your password to a file. The password will be unencrypted. This action is not recommended. Click Yes if you want to save your password anyway. Click No if you want to return to Data Links and deselect 'Allow saving password'.@UDL file cannot be saved. Ensure that the file is not read-only.PA;File cannot be opened. Ensure it is a valid Data Link file.PA6Login failed. Catalog information cannot be retrieved.NTest connection succeeded but some settings were not accepted by the provider.GProvider does not support one or more properties in the Data Link file.PAThe selected provider is incompatible with the application you are using. The application requires that the provider support aggregation.7Error enumerating data servers. Enumerator reports '%1'l(hPPT ePgy=FHGlISTU  HV\WW@X\Fetching requested number of rows will exceed total number of active rows supported by the rowset. One or more column types are incompatible. Conversion errors will occur during copying. tParameter type information was overridden by caller. pBookmark was skipped for deleted or nonmember row. ,No more rowsets. hStart or end of rowset or chapter was reached. 8Command was reexecuted. Operation succeeded, but status array or string buffer could not be allocated. ,No more results. Server cannot release or downgrade a lock until the end of the transaction. Weight is not supported or exceeded the supported limit, and was set to 0 or the supported limit. Consumer does not want to receive further notification calls for this operation. Input dialect was ignored and command was processed using default dialect. Consumer does not want to receive further notification calls for this phase. Consumer does not want to receive further notification calls for this reason. dOperation is being processed asynchronously. DCommand was executed to reposition to the start of the rowset. Either the order of the columns changed, or columns were added to or removed from the rowset. Method had some errors, which were returned in the error array. 8Row handle is invalid. TRow handle referred to a deleted row. Provider cannot keep track of all the changes. Client must refetch the data associated with the watch region by using another method. Execution stopped because a resource limit was reached. Results obtained so far were returned, but execution cannot resume. Row object was requested on a non-singleton result. First row was returned. `Lock was upgraded from the value specified. One or more properties were changed as allowed by provider. Multiple-step operation completed with one or more errors. Check each status value. 4Parameter is invalid. Updating a row caused more than one row to be updated in the data source. LRow has no row-specific columns. @Asynchronous abort started. dAbort already in progress. Call was ignored. DThe file could not be found. DThe path could not be found. <The file already exists. XThe file is not a valid compound file. 8The name is not valid. The compound file was produced with an incompatible version of storage. The compound file was produced with an incompatible version of storage. 4Accessor is invalid. Row could not be inserted into the rowset without exceeding provider's maximum number of active rows. \Accessor is read-only. Operation failed. PValues violate the database schema. 8Row handle is invalid. ,Object was open. 0Chapter is invalid. Data or literal value could not be converted to the type of the column in the data source, and the provider was unable to determine which columns could not be converted. Data overflow or sign mismatch was not the cause. HBinding information is invalid. 0Permission denied. hColumn does not contain bookmarks or chapters. @Cost limits were rejected. lCommand text was not set for the command object. lQuery plan within the cost limit cannot be found. 4Bookmark is invalid. 4Lock mode is invalid. pNo value given for one or more required parameters. 4Column ID is invalid. Numerator was greater than denominator. Values must express ratio between zero and 1. ,Value is invalid. |One or more errors occurred during processing of command. @Command cannot be canceled. pCommand dialect is not supported by this provider. Data source object could not be created because the named data source already exists. TRowset position cannot be restarted. Object or data matching the name, range, or selection criteria was not found within the scope of this operation. TProvider has ownership of this tree. xIdentity cannot be determined for newly inserted rows. Goal was rejected because no nonzero weights were specified for any goals supported. Current goal was not changed. XRequested conversion is not supported. No rows were returned because the offset value moves the position before the beginning or after the end of the rowset. Information was requested for a query and the query was not set. Consumer's event handler called a non-reentrant method in the provider. Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. 4Non-NULL controlling IUnknown was specified, and either the requested interface was not IUnknown, or the provider does not support COM aggregation. Row handle referred to a deleted row or a row marked for deletion. `Rowset does not support fetching backward. Row handles must all be released before new ones can be obtained. dOne or more storage flags are not supported. HComparison operator is invalid. Status flag was neither DBCOLUMNSTATUS_OK nor DBCOLUMNSTATUS_ISNULL. `Rowset does not support scrolling backward. <Region handle is invalid. Set of rows is not contiguous to, or does not overlap, the rows in the watch region. xTransition from ALL* to MOVE* or EXTEND* was specified. Region is not a proper subregion of the region identified by the watch region handle. Multiple-statement commands are not supported by this provider. Value violated the integrity constraints for a column or table. 4Type name is invalid. Execution stopped because a resource limit was reached. No results were returned. Command object whose command tree contains a rowset or rowsets cannot be cloned. `Current tree cannot be represented as text. 4Index already exists. 4Index does not exist. ,Index is in use. 4Table does not exist. Rowset used optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has changed since it was last read. LErrors detected during the copy. 4Precision is invalid. ,Scale is invalid. 4Table ID is invalid. ,Type is invalid. Column ID already exists or occurred more than once in the array of columns. 4Table already exists. ,Table is in use. @Locale ID is not supported. <Record number is invalid. Form of bookmark is valid, but no row was found to match it. @Property value is invalid. <Rowset is not chaptered. \One or more accessor flags were invalid. XOne or more storage flags are invalid. xReference accessors are not supported by this provider. pNull accessors are not supported by this provider. <Command was not prepared. TAccessor is not a parameter accessor. 8Accessor is write-only. 8Authentication failed. 8Operation was canceled. |Rowset is single-chaptered. The chapter was not released. <Source handle is invalid. Provider cannot derive parameter information and SetParameterInfo has not been called. `Data source object is already initialized. \Method is not supported by this provider. xNumber of rows with pending changes exceeded the limit. 8Column does not exist. Pending changes exist on a row with a reference count of zero. Literal value in the command exceeded the range of the type of the associated column. 0HRESULT is invalid. 4Lookup ID is invalid. @DynamicError ID is invalid. Most recent data for a newly inserted row could not be retrieved because the insert is pending. @Conversion flag is invalid. HParameter name is unrecognized. xMultiple storage objects cannot be open simultaneously. <Filter cannot be opened. 8Order cannot be opened. ,Tuple is invalid. 8Coordinate is invalid. ,Axis is invalid. TOne or more cell ordinals is invalid. 4Column ID is invalid. DCommand does not have a DBID. 4DBID already exists. `Session cannot be created because maximum number of active sessions was already reached. Consumer must release one or more sessions before creating a new session object. 0Trustee is invalid. lTrustee was not recognized for this data source. tTrustee does not support memberships or collections. dObject is invalid or unknown to the provider. HObject does not have an owner. DAccess entry list is invalid. Trustee supplied as owner is invalid or unknown to the provider. hPermission in the access entry list is invalid. 4Index ID is invalid. Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification. xNo OLE DB providers of this source type are registered. Initialization string specifies a provider that does not match the active provider. ,DBID is invalid. ConstraintType is invalid or not supported by the provider. ConstraintType is not DBCONSTRAINTTYPE_FOREIGNKEY and cForeignKeyColumns is not zero. Specified deferrability flag is invalid or not supported by the provider. MatchType is invalid or the value is not supported by the provider. lConstraint update rule or delete rule is invalid. <Constraint ID is invalid. TCommand persistence flag is invalid. rguidColumnType points to a GUID that does not match the object type of this column, or this column was not set. <URL is outside of scope. Column or constraint could not be dropped because it is referenced by a dependent view or constraint. @Source row does not exist. OLE DB object represented by this URL is locked by one or more other processes. Client requested an object type that is valid only for a collection. tCaller requested write access to a read-only object. xAsynchronous binding is not supported by this provider. Connection to the server for this URL cannot be established. xTimeout occurred when attempting to bind to the object. Object cannot be created at this URL because an object named by this URL already exists. @Constraint already exists. Object cannot be created at this URL because the server is out of physical storage. Safety settings on this computer prohibit accessing a data source on another domain. (The specified statistic does not exist in the current data source or did not apply to the specified table or it does not support a histogram. Column or table could not be altered because it is referenced by a constraint. xRequested object type is not supported by the provider. @Constraint does not exist. Requested column is valid, but could not be retrieved. This could be due to a forward only cursor attempting to go backwards in a row. Dummy error - need this error so that mc puts the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard, instead of leaving it empty Retaining abort is not supported or a new unit of work cannot be created. pTransaction failed to commit for an unknown reason. Neither the isolation level nor a strengthening of it is supported. New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. xSemantics of retention of isolation are not supported. <No transaction is active. @Operation is not supported. hCannot start more transactions on this session. Transaction status is in doubt. A communication failure occurred, or a transaction manager or resource manager failed. DTime-outs are not supported. xCommit or abort already in progress. Call was ignored. dTransaction aborted before commit was called. Cannot begin a new transaction because the log file is full. Cannot connect to the transaction manager or the transaction manager is unavailable. dConnection to the transaction manager failed. Cannot create new transaction because capacity was exceeded. |Transaction manager did not accept a connection request. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationfFileDescriptionOLE DB Core Services Resourcesr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameoledb32r.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameoledb32r.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD