/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg; import javax.imageio.IIOException; import javax.imageio.ImageWriter; import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam; import javax.imageio.IIOImage; import javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormatImpl; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOInvalidTreeException; import javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi; import javax.imageio.stream.ImageOutputStream; import javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam; import javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGQTable; import javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGHuffmanTable; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace; import java.awt.color.ICC_Profile; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import sun.java2d.Disposer; import sun.java2d.DisposerRecord; public class JPEGImageWriter extends ImageWriter { ///////// Private variables private boolean debug = false; /** * The following variable contains a pointer to the IJG library * structure for this reader. It is assigned in the constructor * and then is passed in to every native call. It is set to 0 * by dispose to avoid disposing twice. */ private long structPointer = 0; /** The output stream we write to */ private ImageOutputStream ios = null; /** The Raster we will write from */ private Raster srcRas = null; /** An intermediate Raster holding compressor-friendly data */ private WritableRaster raster = null; /** * Set to true if we are writing an image with an * indexed ColorModel */ private boolean indexed = false; private IndexColorModel indexCM = null; private boolean convertTosRGB = false; // Used by PhotoYCC only private WritableRaster converted = null; private boolean isAlphaPremultiplied = false; private ColorModel srcCM = null; /** * If there are thumbnails to be written, this is the list. */ private List thumbnails = null; /** * If metadata should include an icc profile, store it here. */ private ICC_Profile iccProfile = null; private int sourceXOffset = 0; private int sourceYOffset = 0; private int sourceWidth = 0; private int [] srcBands = null; private int sourceHeight = 0; /** Used when calling listeners */ private int currentImage = 0; private ColorConvertOp convertOp = null; private JPEGQTable [] streamQTables = null; private JPEGHuffmanTable[] streamDCHuffmanTables = null; private JPEGHuffmanTable[] streamACHuffmanTables = null; // Parameters for writing metadata private boolean ignoreJFIF = false; // If it's there, use it private boolean forceJFIF = false; // Add one for the thumbnails private boolean ignoreAdobe = false; // If it's there, use it private int newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_IMPOSSIBLE; // Change if needed private boolean writeDefaultJFIF = false; private boolean writeAdobe = false; private JPEGMetadata metadata = null; private boolean sequencePrepared = false; private int numScans = 0; /** The referent to be registered with the Disposer. */ private Object disposerReferent = new Object(); /** The DisposerRecord that handles the actual disposal of this writer. */ private DisposerRecord disposerRecord; ///////// End of Private variables ///////// Protected variables protected static final int WARNING_DEST_IGNORED = 0; protected static final int WARNING_STREAM_METADATA_IGNORED = 1; protected static final int WARNING_DEST_METADATA_COMP_MISMATCH = 2; protected static final int WARNING_DEST_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH = 3; protected static final int WARNING_DEST_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH = 4; protected static final int WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH = 5; protected static final int WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH = 6; protected static final int WARNING_METADATA_NOT_JPEG_FOR_RASTER = 7; protected static final int WARNING_NO_BANDS_ON_INDEXED = 8; protected static final int WARNING_ILLEGAL_THUMBNAIL = 9; protected static final int WARNING_IGNORING_THUMBS = 10; protected static final int WARNING_FORCING_JFIF = 11; protected static final int WARNING_THUMB_CLIPPED = 12; protected static final int WARNING_METADATA_ADJUSTED_FOR_THUMB = 13; protected static final int WARNING_NO_RGB_THUMB_AS_INDEXED = 14; protected static final int WARNING_NO_GRAY_THUMB_AS_INDEXED = 15; private static final int MAX_WARNING = WARNING_NO_GRAY_THUMB_AS_INDEXED; ///////// End of Protected variables ///////// static initializer static { java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction("jpeg")); initWriterIDs(JPEGQTable.class, JPEGHuffmanTable.class); } //////// Public API public JPEGImageWriter(ImageWriterSpi originator) { super(originator); structPointer = initJPEGImageWriter(); disposerRecord = new JPEGWriterDisposerRecord(structPointer); Disposer.addRecord(disposerReferent, disposerRecord); } public void setOutput(Object output) { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); super.setOutput(output); // validates output resetInternalState(); ios = (ImageOutputStream) output; // so this will always work // Set the native destination setDest(structPointer); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } public ImageWriteParam getDefaultWriteParam() { return new JPEGImageWriteParam(null); } public IIOMetadata getDefaultStreamMetadata(ImageWriteParam param) { setThreadLock(); try { return new JPEGMetadata(param, this); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } public IIOMetadata getDefaultImageMetadata(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param) { setThreadLock(); try { return new JPEGMetadata(imageType, param, this); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } public IIOMetadata convertStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata inData, ImageWriteParam param) { // There isn't much we can do. If it's one of ours, then // return it. Otherwise just return null. We use it only // for tables, so we can't get a default and modify it, // as this will usually not be what is intended. if (inData instanceof JPEGMetadata) { JPEGMetadata jpegData = (JPEGMetadata) inData; if (jpegData.isStream) { return inData; } } return null; } public IIOMetadata convertImageMetadata(IIOMetadata inData, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param) { setThreadLock(); try { return convertImageMetadataOnThread(inData, imageType, param); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } private IIOMetadata convertImageMetadataOnThread(IIOMetadata inData, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param) { // If it's one of ours, just return it if (inData instanceof JPEGMetadata) { JPEGMetadata jpegData = (JPEGMetadata) inData; if (!jpegData.isStream) { return inData; } else { // Can't convert stream metadata to image metadata // XXX Maybe this should put out a warning? return null; } } // If it's not one of ours, create a default and set it from // the standard tree from the input, if it exists. if (inData.isStandardMetadataFormatSupported()) { String formatName = IIOMetadataFormatImpl.standardMetadataFormatName; Node tree = inData.getAsTree(formatName); if (tree != null) { JPEGMetadata jpegData = new JPEGMetadata(imageType, param, this); try { jpegData.setFromTree(formatName, tree); } catch (IIOInvalidTreeException e) { // Other plug-in generates bogus standard tree // XXX Maybe this should put out a warning? return null; } return jpegData; } } return null; } public int getNumThumbnailsSupported(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param, IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOMetadata imageMetadata) { if (jfifOK(imageType, param, streamMetadata, imageMetadata)) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return 0; } static final Dimension [] preferredThumbSizes = {new Dimension(1, 1), new Dimension(255, 255)}; public Dimension[] getPreferredThumbnailSizes(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param, IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOMetadata imageMetadata) { if (jfifOK(imageType, param, streamMetadata, imageMetadata)) { return (Dimension [])preferredThumbSizes.clone(); } return null; } private boolean jfifOK(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param, IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOMetadata imageMetadata) { // If the image type and metadata are JFIF compatible, return true if ((imageType != null) && (!JPEG.isJFIFcompliant(imageType, true))) { return false; } if (imageMetadata != null) { JPEGMetadata metadata = null; if (imageMetadata instanceof JPEGMetadata) { metadata = (JPEGMetadata) imageMetadata; } else { metadata = (JPEGMetadata)convertImageMetadata(imageMetadata, imageType, param); } // metadata must have a jfif node if (metadata.findMarkerSegment (JFIFMarkerSegment.class, true) == null){ return false; } } return true; } public boolean canWriteRasters() { return true; } public void write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param) throws IOException { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); writeOnThread(streamMetadata, image, param); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } private void writeOnThread(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param) throws IOException { if (ios == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Output has not been set!"); } if (image == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("image is null!"); } // if streamMetadata is not null, issue a warning if (streamMetadata != null) { warningOccurred(WARNING_STREAM_METADATA_IGNORED); } // Obtain the raster and image, if there is one boolean rasterOnly = image.hasRaster(); RenderedImage rimage = null; if (rasterOnly) { srcRas = image.getRaster(); } else { rimage = image.getRenderedImage(); if (rimage instanceof BufferedImage) { // Use the Raster directly. srcRas = ((BufferedImage)rimage).getRaster(); } else if (rimage.getNumXTiles() == 1 && rimage.getNumYTiles() == 1) { // Get the unique tile. srcRas = rimage.getTile(rimage.getMinTileX(), rimage.getMinTileY()); // Ensure the Raster has dimensions of the image, // as the tile dimensions might differ. if (srcRas.getWidth() != rimage.getWidth() || srcRas.getHeight() != rimage.getHeight()) { srcRas = srcRas.createChild(srcRas.getMinX(), srcRas.getMinY(), rimage.getWidth(), rimage.getHeight(), srcRas.getMinX(), srcRas.getMinY(), null); } } else { // Image is tiled so get a contiguous raster by copying. srcRas = rimage.getData(); } } // Now determine if we are using a band subset // By default, we are using all source bands int numSrcBands = srcRas.getNumBands(); indexed = false; indexCM = null; ColorModel cm = null; ColorSpace cs = null; isAlphaPremultiplied = false; srcCM = null; if (!rasterOnly) { cm = rimage.getColorModel(); if (cm != null) { cs = cm.getColorSpace(); if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) { indexed = true; indexCM = (IndexColorModel) cm; numSrcBands = cm.getNumComponents(); } if (cm.isAlphaPremultiplied()) { isAlphaPremultiplied = true; srcCM = cm; } } } srcBands = JPEG.bandOffsets[numSrcBands-1]; int numBandsUsed = numSrcBands; // Consult the param to determine if we're writing a subset if (param != null) { int[] sBands = param.getSourceBands(); if (sBands != null) { if (indexed) { warningOccurred(WARNING_NO_BANDS_ON_INDEXED); } else { srcBands = sBands; numBandsUsed = srcBands.length; if (numBandsUsed > numSrcBands) { throw new IIOException ("ImageWriteParam specifies too many source bands"); } } } } boolean usingBandSubset = (numBandsUsed != numSrcBands); boolean fullImage = ((!rasterOnly) && (!usingBandSubset)); int [] bandSizes = null; if (!indexed) { bandSizes = srcRas.getSampleModel().getSampleSize(); // If this is a subset, we must adjust bandSizes if (usingBandSubset) { int [] temp = new int [numBandsUsed]; for (int i = 0; i < numBandsUsed; i++) { temp[i] = bandSizes[srcBands[i]]; } bandSizes = temp; } } else { int [] tempSize = srcRas.getSampleModel().getSampleSize(); bandSizes = new int [numSrcBands]; for (int i = 0; i < numSrcBands; i++) { bandSizes[i] = tempSize[0]; // All the same } } for (int i = 0; i < bandSizes.length; i++) { // 4450894 part 1: The IJG libraries are compiled so they only // handle <= 8-bit samples. We now check the band sizes and throw // an exception for images, such as USHORT_GRAY, with > 8 bits // per sample. if (bandSizes[i] <= 0 || bandSizes[i] > 8) { throw new IIOException("Illegal band size: should be 0 < size <= 8"); } // 4450894 part 2: We expand IndexColorModel images to full 24- // or 32-bit in grabPixels() for each scanline. For indexed // images such as BYTE_BINARY, we need to ensure that we update // bandSizes to account for the scaling from 1-bit band sizes // to 8-bit. if (indexed) { bandSizes[i] = 8; } } if (debug) { System.out.println("numSrcBands is " + numSrcBands); System.out.println("numBandsUsed is " + numBandsUsed); System.out.println("usingBandSubset is " + usingBandSubset); System.out.println("fullImage is " + fullImage); System.out.print("Band sizes:"); for (int i = 0; i< bandSizes.length; i++) { System.out.print(" " + bandSizes[i]); } System.out.println(); } // Destination type, if there is one ImageTypeSpecifier destType = null; if (param != null) { destType = param.getDestinationType(); // Ignore dest type if we are writing a complete image if ((fullImage) && (destType != null)) { warningOccurred(WARNING_DEST_IGNORED); destType = null; } } // Examine the param sourceXOffset = srcRas.getMinX(); sourceYOffset = srcRas.getMinY(); int imageWidth = srcRas.getWidth(); int imageHeight = srcRas.getHeight(); sourceWidth = imageWidth; sourceHeight = imageHeight; int periodX = 1; int periodY = 1; int gridX = 0; int gridY = 0; JPEGQTable [] qTables = null; JPEGHuffmanTable[] DCHuffmanTables = null; JPEGHuffmanTable[] ACHuffmanTables = null; boolean optimizeHuffman = false; JPEGImageWriteParam jparam = null; int progressiveMode = ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED; if (param != null) { Rectangle sourceRegion = param.getSourceRegion(); if (sourceRegion != null) { Rectangle imageBounds = new Rectangle(sourceXOffset, sourceYOffset, sourceWidth, sourceHeight); sourceRegion = sourceRegion.intersection(imageBounds); sourceXOffset = sourceRegion.x; sourceYOffset = sourceRegion.y; sourceWidth = sourceRegion.width; sourceHeight = sourceRegion.height; } if (sourceWidth + sourceXOffset > imageWidth) { sourceWidth = imageWidth - sourceXOffset; } if (sourceHeight + sourceYOffset > imageHeight) { sourceHeight = imageHeight - sourceYOffset; } periodX = param.getSourceXSubsampling(); periodY = param.getSourceYSubsampling(); gridX = param.getSubsamplingXOffset(); gridY = param.getSubsamplingYOffset(); switch(param.getCompressionMode()) { case ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED: throw new IIOException("JPEG compression cannot be disabled"); case ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT: float quality = param.getCompressionQuality(); quality = JPEG.convertToLinearQuality(quality); qTables = new JPEGQTable[2]; qTables[0] = JPEGQTable.K1Luminance.getScaledInstance (quality, true); qTables[1] = JPEGQTable.K2Chrominance.getScaledInstance (quality, true); break; case ImageWriteParam.MODE_DEFAULT: qTables = new JPEGQTable[2]; qTables[0] = JPEGQTable.K1Div2Luminance; qTables[1] = JPEGQTable.K2Div2Chrominance; break; // We'll handle the metadata case later } progressiveMode = param.getProgressiveMode(); if (param instanceof JPEGImageWriteParam) { jparam = (JPEGImageWriteParam)param; optimizeHuffman = jparam.getOptimizeHuffmanTables(); } } // Now examine the metadata IIOMetadata mdata = image.getMetadata(); if (mdata != null) { if (mdata instanceof JPEGMetadata) { metadata = (JPEGMetadata) mdata; if (debug) { System.out.println ("We have metadata, and it's JPEG metadata"); } } else { if (!rasterOnly) { ImageTypeSpecifier type = destType; if (type == null) { type = new ImageTypeSpecifier(rimage); } metadata = (JPEGMetadata) convertImageMetadata(mdata, type, param); } else { warningOccurred(WARNING_METADATA_NOT_JPEG_FOR_RASTER); } } } // First set a default state ignoreJFIF = false; // If it's there, use it ignoreAdobe = false; // If it's there, use it newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_IMPOSSIBLE; // Change if needed writeDefaultJFIF = false; writeAdobe = false; // By default we'll do no conversion: int inCsType = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN; int outCsType = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN; JFIFMarkerSegment jfif = null; AdobeMarkerSegment adobe = null; SOFMarkerSegment sof = null; if (metadata != null) { jfif = (JFIFMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (JFIFMarkerSegment.class, true); adobe = (AdobeMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (AdobeMarkerSegment.class, true); sof = (SOFMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (SOFMarkerSegment.class, true); } iccProfile = null; // By default don't write one convertTosRGB = false; // PhotoYCC does this converted = null; if (destType != null) { if (numBandsUsed != destType.getNumBands()) { throw new IIOException ("Number of source bands != number of destination bands"); } cs = destType.getColorModel().getColorSpace(); // Check the metadata against the destination type if (metadata != null) { checkSOFBands(sof, numBandsUsed); checkJFIF(jfif, destType, false); // Do we want to write an ICC profile? if ((jfif != null) && (ignoreJFIF == false)) { if (JPEG.isNonStandardICC(cs)) { iccProfile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) cs).getProfile(); } } checkAdobe(adobe, destType, false); } else { // no metadata, but there is a dest type // If we can add a JFIF or an Adobe marker segment, do so if (JPEG.isJFIFcompliant(destType, false)) { writeDefaultJFIF = true; // Do we want to write an ICC profile? if (JPEG.isNonStandardICC(cs)) { iccProfile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) cs).getProfile(); } } else { int transform = JPEG.transformForType(destType, false); if (transform != JPEG.ADOBE_IMPOSSIBLE) { writeAdobe = true; newAdobeTransform = transform; } } // re-create the metadata metadata = new JPEGMetadata(destType, null, this); } inCsType = getSrcCSType(destType); outCsType = getDefaultDestCSType(destType); } else { // no destination type if (metadata == null) { if (fullImage) { // no dest, no metadata, full image // Use default metadata matching the image and param metadata = new JPEGMetadata(new ImageTypeSpecifier(rimage), param, this); if (metadata.findMarkerSegment (JFIFMarkerSegment.class, true) != null) { cs = rimage.getColorModel().getColorSpace(); if (JPEG.isNonStandardICC(cs)) { iccProfile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) cs).getProfile(); } } inCsType = getSrcCSType(rimage); outCsType = getDefaultDestCSType(rimage); } // else no dest, no metadata, not an image, // so no special headers, no color conversion } else { // no dest type, but there is metadata checkSOFBands(sof, numBandsUsed); if (fullImage) { // no dest, metadata, image // Check that the metadata and the image match ImageTypeSpecifier inputType = new ImageTypeSpecifier(rimage); inCsType = getSrcCSType(rimage); if (cm != null) { boolean alpha = cm.hasAlpha(); switch (cs.getType()) { case ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY: if (!alpha) { outCsType = JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE; } else { if (jfif != null) { ignoreJFIF = true; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH); } // out colorspace remains unknown } if ((adobe != null) && (adobe.transform != JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN)) { newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH); } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB: if (!alpha) { if (jfif != null) { outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; if (JPEG.isNonStandardICC(cs) || ((cs instanceof ICC_ColorSpace) && (jfif.iccSegment != null))) { iccProfile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) cs).getProfile(); } } else if (adobe != null) { switch (adobe.transform) { case JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN: outCsType = JPEG.JCS_RGB; break; case JPEG.ADOBE_YCC: outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; break; default: warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH); newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN; outCsType = JPEG.JCS_RGB; break; } } else { // consult the ids int outCS = sof.getIDencodedCSType(); // if they don't resolve it, // consult the sampling factors if (outCS != JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN) { outCsType = outCS; } else { boolean subsampled = isSubsampled(sof.componentSpecs); if (subsampled) { outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; } else { outCsType = JPEG.JCS_RGB; } } } } else { // RGBA if (jfif != null) { ignoreJFIF = true; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH); } if (adobe != null) { if (adobe.transform != JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN) { newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH); } outCsType = JPEG.JCS_RGBA; } else { // consult the ids int outCS = sof.getIDencodedCSType(); // if they don't resolve it, // consult the sampling factors if (outCS != JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN) { outCsType = outCS; } else { boolean subsampled = isSubsampled(sof.componentSpecs); outCsType = subsampled ? JPEG.JCS_YCbCrA : JPEG.JCS_RGBA; } } } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_3CLR: if (cs == JPEG.JCS.getYCC()) { if (!alpha) { if (jfif != null) { convertTosRGB = true; convertOp = new ColorConvertOp(cs, JPEG.JCS.sRGB, null); outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; } else if (adobe != null) { if (adobe.transform != JPEG.ADOBE_YCC) { newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_YCC; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH); } outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCC; } else { outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCC; } } else { // PhotoYCCA if (jfif != null) { ignoreJFIF = true; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH); } else if (adobe != null) { if (adobe.transform != JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN) { newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_UNKNOWN; warningOccurred (WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH); } } outCsType = JPEG.JCS_YCCA; } } } } } // else no dest, metadata, not an image. Defaults ok } } boolean metadataProgressive = false; int [] scans = null; if (metadata != null) { if (sof == null) { sof = (SOFMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (SOFMarkerSegment.class, true); } if ((sof != null) && (sof.tag == JPEG.SOF2)) { metadataProgressive = true; if (progressiveMode == ImageWriteParam.MODE_COPY_FROM_METADATA) { scans = collectScans(metadata, sof); // Might still be null } else { numScans = 0; } } if (jfif == null) { jfif = (JFIFMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (JFIFMarkerSegment.class, true); } } thumbnails = image.getThumbnails(); int numThumbs = image.getNumThumbnails(); forceJFIF = false; // determine if thumbnails can be written // If we are going to add a default JFIF marker segment, // then thumbnails can be written if (!writeDefaultJFIF) { // If there is no metadata, then we can't write thumbnails if (metadata == null) { thumbnails = null; if (numThumbs != 0) { warningOccurred(WARNING_IGNORING_THUMBS); } } else { // There is metadata // If we are writing a raster or subbands, // then the user must specify JFIF on the metadata if (fullImage == false) { if (jfif == null) { thumbnails = null; // Or we can't include thumbnails if (numThumbs != 0) { warningOccurred(WARNING_IGNORING_THUMBS); } } } else { // It is a full image, and there is metadata if (jfif == null) { // Not JFIF // Can it have JFIF? if ((outCsType == JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE) || (outCsType == JPEG.JCS_YCbCr)) { if (numThumbs != 0) { forceJFIF = true; warningOccurred(WARNING_FORCING_JFIF); } } else { // Nope, not JFIF-compatible thumbnails = null; if (numThumbs != 0) { warningOccurred(WARNING_IGNORING_THUMBS); } } } } } } // Set up a boolean to indicate whether we need to call back to // write metadata boolean haveMetadata = ((metadata != null) || writeDefaultJFIF || writeAdobe); // Now that we have dealt with metadata, finalize our tables set up // Are we going to write tables? By default, yes. boolean writeDQT = true; boolean writeDHT = true; // But if the metadata has no tables, no. DQTMarkerSegment dqt = null; DHTMarkerSegment dht = null; int restartInterval = 0; if (metadata != null) { dqt = (DQTMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (DQTMarkerSegment.class, true); dht = (DHTMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (DHTMarkerSegment.class, true); DRIMarkerSegment dri = (DRIMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment (DRIMarkerSegment.class, true); if (dri != null) { restartInterval = dri.restartInterval; } if (dqt == null) { writeDQT = false; } if (dht == null) { writeDHT = false; // Ignored if optimizeHuffman is true } } // Whether we write tables or not, we need to figure out which ones // to use if (qTables == null) { // Get them from metadata, or use defaults if (dqt != null) { qTables = collectQTablesFromMetadata(metadata); } else if (streamQTables != null) { qTables = streamQTables; } else if ((jparam != null) && (jparam.areTablesSet())) { qTables = jparam.getQTables(); } else { qTables = JPEG.getDefaultQTables(); } } // If we are optimizing, we don't want any tables. if (optimizeHuffman == false) { // If they were for progressive scans, we can't use them. if ((dht != null) && (metadataProgressive == false)) { DCHuffmanTables = collectHTablesFromMetadata(metadata, true); ACHuffmanTables = collectHTablesFromMetadata(metadata, false); } else if (streamDCHuffmanTables != null) { DCHuffmanTables = streamDCHuffmanTables; ACHuffmanTables = streamACHuffmanTables; } else if ((jparam != null) && (jparam.areTablesSet())) { DCHuffmanTables = jparam.getDCHuffmanTables(); ACHuffmanTables = jparam.getACHuffmanTables(); } else { DCHuffmanTables = JPEG.getDefaultHuffmanTables(true); ACHuffmanTables = JPEG.getDefaultHuffmanTables(false); } } // By default, ids are 1 - N, no subsampling int [] componentIds = new int[numBandsUsed]; int [] HsamplingFactors = new int[numBandsUsed]; int [] VsamplingFactors = new int[numBandsUsed]; int [] QtableSelectors = new int[numBandsUsed]; for (int i = 0; i < numBandsUsed; i++) { componentIds[i] = i+1; // JFIF compatible HsamplingFactors[i] = 1; VsamplingFactors[i] = 1; QtableSelectors[i] = 0; } // Now override them with the contents of sof, if there is one, if (sof != null) { for (int i = 0; i < numBandsUsed; i++) { if (forceJFIF == false) { // else use JFIF-compatible default componentIds[i] = sof.componentSpecs[i].componentId; } HsamplingFactors[i] = sof.componentSpecs[i].HsamplingFactor; VsamplingFactors[i] = sof.componentSpecs[i].VsamplingFactor; QtableSelectors[i] = sof.componentSpecs[i].QtableSelector; } } sourceXOffset += gridX; sourceWidth -= gridX; sourceYOffset += gridY; sourceHeight -= gridY; int destWidth = (sourceWidth + periodX - 1)/periodX; int destHeight = (sourceHeight + periodY - 1)/periodY; // Create an appropriate 1-line databuffer for writing int lineSize = sourceWidth*numBandsUsed; DataBufferByte buffer = new DataBufferByte(lineSize); // Create a raster from that int [] bandOffs = JPEG.bandOffsets[numBandsUsed-1]; raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(buffer, sourceWidth, 1, lineSize, numBandsUsed, bandOffs, null); // Call the writer, who will call back for every scanline processImageStarted(currentImage); boolean aborted = false; if (debug) { System.out.println("inCsType: " + inCsType); System.out.println("outCsType: " + outCsType); } // Note that getData disables acceleration on buffer, but it is // just a 1-line intermediate data transfer buffer that does not // affect the acceleration of the source image. aborted = writeImage(structPointer, buffer.getData(), inCsType, outCsType, numBandsUsed, bandSizes, sourceWidth, destWidth, destHeight, periodX, periodY, qTables, writeDQT, DCHuffmanTables, ACHuffmanTables, writeDHT, optimizeHuffman, (progressiveMode != ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED), numScans, scans, componentIds, HsamplingFactors, VsamplingFactors, QtableSelectors, haveMetadata, restartInterval); cbLock.lock(); try { if (aborted) { processWriteAborted(); } else { processImageComplete(); } ios.flush(); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } currentImage++; // After a successful write } public void prepareWriteSequence(IIOMetadata streamMetadata) throws IOException { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); prepareWriteSequenceOnThread(streamMetadata); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } private void prepareWriteSequenceOnThread(IIOMetadata streamMetadata) throws IOException { if (ios == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Output has not been set!"); } /* * from jpeg_metadata.html: * If no stream metadata is supplied to * ImageWriter.prepareWriteSequence, then no * tables-only image is written. If stream metadata containing * no tables is supplied to * ImageWriter.prepareWriteSequence, then a tables-only * image containing default visually lossless tables is written. */ if (streamMetadata != null) { if (streamMetadata instanceof JPEGMetadata) { // write a complete tables-only image at the beginning of // the stream. JPEGMetadata jmeta = (JPEGMetadata) streamMetadata; if (jmeta.isStream == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Invalid stream metadata object."); } // Check that we are // at the beginning of the stream, or can go there, and haven't // written out the metadata already. if (currentImage != 0) { throw new IIOException ("JPEG Stream metadata must precede all images"); } if (sequencePrepared == true) { throw new IIOException("Stream metadata already written!"); } // Set the tables // If the metadata has no tables, use default tables. streamQTables = collectQTablesFromMetadata(jmeta); if (debug) { System.out.println("after collecting from stream metadata, " + "streamQTables.length is " + streamQTables.length); } if (streamQTables == null) { streamQTables = JPEG.getDefaultQTables(); } streamDCHuffmanTables = collectHTablesFromMetadata(jmeta, true); if (streamDCHuffmanTables == null) { streamDCHuffmanTables = JPEG.getDefaultHuffmanTables(true); } streamACHuffmanTables = collectHTablesFromMetadata(jmeta, false); if (streamACHuffmanTables == null) { streamACHuffmanTables = JPEG.getDefaultHuffmanTables(false); } // Now write them out writeTables(structPointer, streamQTables, streamDCHuffmanTables, streamACHuffmanTables); } else { throw new IIOException("Stream metadata must be JPEG metadata"); } } sequencePrepared = true; } public void writeToSequence(IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param) throws IOException { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); if (sequencePrepared == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("sequencePrepared not called!"); } // In the case of JPEG this does nothing different from write write(null, image, param); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } public void endWriteSequence() throws IOException { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); if (sequencePrepared == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("sequencePrepared not called!"); } sequencePrepared = false; } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } public synchronized void abort() { setThreadLock(); try { /** * NB: we do not check the call back lock here, we allow to abort * the reader any time. */ super.abort(); abortWrite(structPointer); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } private void resetInternalState() { // reset C structures resetWriter(structPointer); // reset local Java structures srcRas = null; raster = null; convertTosRGB = false; currentImage = 0; numScans = 0; metadata = null; } public void reset() { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); super.reset(); } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } public void dispose() { setThreadLock(); try { cbLock.check(); if (structPointer != 0) { disposerRecord.dispose(); structPointer = 0; } } finally { clearThreadLock(); } } ////////// End of public API ///////// Package-access API /** * Called by the native code or other classes to signal a warning. * The code is used to lookup a localized message to be used when * sending warnings to listeners. */ void warningOccurred(int code) { cbLock.lock(); try { if ((code < 0) || (code > MAX_WARNING)){ throw new InternalError("Invalid warning index"); } processWarningOccurred (currentImage, "com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriterResources", Integer.toString(code)); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } /** * The library has it's own error facility that emits warning messages. * This routine is called by the native code when it has already * formatted a string for output. * XXX For truly complete localization of all warning messages, * the sun_jpeg_output_message routine in the native code should * send only the codes and parameters to a method here in Java, * which will then format and send the warnings, using localized * strings. This method will have to deal with all the parameters * and formats (%u with possibly large numbers, %02d, %02x, etc.) * that actually occur in the JPEG library. For now, this prevents * library warnings from being printed to stderr. */ void warningWithMessage(String msg) { cbLock.lock(); try { processWarningOccurred(currentImage, msg); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } void thumbnailStarted(int thumbnailIndex) { cbLock.lock(); try { processThumbnailStarted(currentImage, thumbnailIndex); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } // Provide access to protected superclass method void thumbnailProgress(float percentageDone) { cbLock.lock(); try { processThumbnailProgress(percentageDone); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } // Provide access to protected superclass method void thumbnailComplete() { cbLock.lock(); try { processThumbnailComplete(); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } ///////// End of Package-access API ///////// Private methods ///////// Metadata handling private void checkSOFBands(SOFMarkerSegment sof, int numBandsUsed) throws IIOException { // Does the metadata frame header, if any, match numBandsUsed? if (sof != null) { if (sof.componentSpecs.length != numBandsUsed) { throw new IIOException ("Metadata components != number of destination bands"); } } } private void checkJFIF(JFIFMarkerSegment jfif, ImageTypeSpecifier type, boolean input) { if (jfif != null) { if (!JPEG.isJFIFcompliant(type, input)) { ignoreJFIF = true; // type overrides metadata warningOccurred(input ? WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH : WARNING_DEST_METADATA_JFIF_MISMATCH); } } } private void checkAdobe(AdobeMarkerSegment adobe, ImageTypeSpecifier type, boolean input) { if (adobe != null) { int rightTransform = JPEG.transformForType(type, input); if (adobe.transform != rightTransform) { warningOccurred(input ? WARNING_IMAGE_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH : WARNING_DEST_METADATA_ADOBE_MISMATCH); if (rightTransform == JPEG.ADOBE_IMPOSSIBLE) { ignoreAdobe = true; } else { newAdobeTransform = rightTransform; } } } } /** * Collect all the scan info from the given metadata, and * organize it into the scan info array required by the * IJG libray. It is much simpler to parse out this * data in Java and then just copy the data in C. */ private int [] collectScans(JPEGMetadata metadata, SOFMarkerSegment sof) { List segments = new ArrayList(); int SCAN_SIZE = 9; int MAX_COMPS_PER_SCAN = 4; for (Iterator iter = metadata.markerSequence.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MarkerSegment seg = (MarkerSegment) iter.next(); if (seg instanceof SOSMarkerSegment) { segments.add(seg); } } int [] retval = null; numScans = 0; if (!segments.isEmpty()) { numScans = segments.size(); retval = new int [numScans*SCAN_SIZE]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numScans; i++) { SOSMarkerSegment sos = (SOSMarkerSegment) segments.get(i); retval[index++] = sos.componentSpecs.length; // num comps for (int j = 0; j < MAX_COMPS_PER_SCAN; j++) { if (j < sos.componentSpecs.length) { int compSel = sos.componentSpecs[j].componentSelector; for (int k = 0; k < sof.componentSpecs.length; k++) { if (compSel == sof.componentSpecs[k].componentId) { retval[index++] = k; break; // out of for over sof comps } } } else { retval[index++] = 0; } } retval[index++] = sos.startSpectralSelection; retval[index++] = sos.endSpectralSelection; retval[index++] = sos.approxHigh; retval[index++] = sos.approxLow; } } return retval; } /** * Finds all DQT marker segments and returns all the q * tables as a single array of JPEGQTables. */ private JPEGQTable [] collectQTablesFromMetadata (JPEGMetadata metadata) { ArrayList tables = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = metadata.markerSequence.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { MarkerSegment seg = (MarkerSegment) iter.next(); if (seg instanceof DQTMarkerSegment) { DQTMarkerSegment dqt = (DQTMarkerSegment) seg; tables.addAll(dqt.tables); } } JPEGQTable [] retval = null; if (tables.size() != 0) { retval = new JPEGQTable[tables.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retval.length; i++) { retval[i] = new JPEGQTable(((DQTMarkerSegment.Qtable)tables.get(i)).data); } } return retval; } /** * Finds all DHT marker segments and returns all the q * tables as a single array of JPEGQTables. The metadata * must not be for a progressive image, or an exception * will be thrown when two Huffman tables with the same * table id are encountered. */ private JPEGHuffmanTable[] collectHTablesFromMetadata (JPEGMetadata metadata, boolean wantDC) throws IIOException { ArrayList tables = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = metadata.markerSequence.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { MarkerSegment seg = (MarkerSegment) iter.next(); if (seg instanceof DHTMarkerSegment) { DHTMarkerSegment dht = (DHTMarkerSegment) seg; for (int i = 0; i < dht.tables.size(); i++) { DHTMarkerSegment.Htable htable = (DHTMarkerSegment.Htable) dht.tables.get(i); if (htable.tableClass == (wantDC ? 0 : 1)) { tables.add(htable); } } } } JPEGHuffmanTable [] retval = null; if (tables.size() != 0) { DHTMarkerSegment.Htable [] htables = new DHTMarkerSegment.Htable[tables.size()]; tables.toArray(htables); retval = new JPEGHuffmanTable[tables.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retval.length; i++) { retval[i] = null; for (int j = 0; j < tables.size(); j++) { if (htables[j].tableID == i) { if (retval[i] != null) { throw new IIOException("Metadata has duplicate Htables!"); } retval[i] = new JPEGHuffmanTable(htables[j].numCodes, htables[j].values); } } } } return retval; } /////////// End of metadata handling ////////////// ColorSpace conversion private int getSrcCSType(ImageTypeSpecifier type) { return getSrcCSType(type.getColorModel()); } private int getSrcCSType(RenderedImage rimage) { return getSrcCSType(rimage.getColorModel()); } private int getSrcCSType(ColorModel cm) { int retval = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN; if (cm != null) { boolean alpha = cm.hasAlpha(); ColorSpace cs = cm.getColorSpace(); switch (cs.getType()) { case ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY: retval = JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE; break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB: if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_RGBA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_RGB; } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_YCbCr: if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCrA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_3CLR: if (cs == JPEG.JCS.getYCC()) { if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCCA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCC; } } case ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK: retval = JPEG.JCS_CMYK; break; } } return retval; } private int getDestCSType(ImageTypeSpecifier destType) { ColorModel cm = destType.getColorModel(); boolean alpha = cm.hasAlpha(); ColorSpace cs = cm.getColorSpace(); int retval = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN; switch (cs.getType()) { case ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY: retval = JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE; break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB: if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_RGBA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_RGB; } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_YCbCr: if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCrA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_3CLR: if (cs == JPEG.JCS.getYCC()) { if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCCA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCC; } } case ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK: retval = JPEG.JCS_CMYK; break; } return retval; } private int getDefaultDestCSType(ImageTypeSpecifier type) { return getDefaultDestCSType(type.getColorModel()); } private int getDefaultDestCSType(RenderedImage rimage) { return getDefaultDestCSType(rimage.getColorModel()); } private int getDefaultDestCSType(ColorModel cm) { int retval = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN; if (cm != null) { boolean alpha = cm.hasAlpha(); ColorSpace cs = cm.getColorSpace(); switch (cs.getType()) { case ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY: retval = JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE; break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB: if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCrA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_YCbCr: if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCrA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCbCr; } break; case ColorSpace.TYPE_3CLR: if (cs == JPEG.JCS.getYCC()) { if (alpha) { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCCA; } else { retval = JPEG.JCS_YCC; } } case ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK: retval = JPEG.JCS_YCCK; break; } } return retval; } private boolean isSubsampled(SOFMarkerSegment.ComponentSpec [] specs) { int hsamp0 = specs[0].HsamplingFactor; int vsamp0 = specs[0].VsamplingFactor; for (int i = 1; i < specs.length; i++) { if ((specs[i].HsamplingFactor != hsamp0) || (specs[i].HsamplingFactor != hsamp0)) return true; } return false; } ////////////// End of ColorSpace conversion ////////////// Native methods and callbacks /** Sets up static native structures. */ private static native void initWriterIDs(Class qTableClass, Class huffClass); /** Sets up per-writer native structure and returns a pointer to it. */ private native long initJPEGImageWriter(); /** Sets up native structures for output stream */ private native void setDest(long structPointer); /** * Returns true if the write was aborted. */ private native boolean writeImage(long structPointer, byte [] data, int inCsType, int outCsType, int numBands, int [] bandSizes, int srcWidth, int destWidth, int destHeight, int stepX, int stepY, JPEGQTable [] qtables, boolean writeDQT, JPEGHuffmanTable[] DCHuffmanTables, JPEGHuffmanTable[] ACHuffmanTables, boolean writeDHT, boolean optimizeHuffman, boolean progressive, int numScans, int [] scans, int [] componentIds, int [] HsamplingFactors, int [] VsamplingFactors, int [] QtableSelectors, boolean haveMetadata, int restartInterval); /** * Writes the metadata out when called by the native code, * which will have already written the header to the stream * and established the library state. This is simpler than * breaking the write call in two. */ private void writeMetadata() throws IOException { if (metadata == null) { if (writeDefaultJFIF) { JFIFMarkerSegment.writeDefaultJFIF(ios, thumbnails, iccProfile, this); } if (writeAdobe) { AdobeMarkerSegment.writeAdobeSegment(ios, newAdobeTransform); } } else { metadata.writeToStream(ios, ignoreJFIF, forceJFIF, thumbnails, iccProfile, ignoreAdobe, newAdobeTransform, this); } } /** * Write out a tables-only image to the stream. */ private native void writeTables(long structPointer, JPEGQTable [] qtables, JPEGHuffmanTable[] DCHuffmanTables, JPEGHuffmanTable[] ACHuffmanTables); /** * Put the scanline y of the source ROI view Raster into the * 1-line Raster for writing. This handles ROI and band * rearrangements, and expands indexed images. Subsampling is * done in the native code. * This is called by the native code. */ private void grabPixels(int y) { Raster sourceLine = null; if (indexed) { sourceLine = srcRas.createChild(sourceXOffset, sourceYOffset+y, sourceWidth, 1, 0, 0, new int [] {0}); // If the image has BITMASK transparency, we need to make sure // it gets converted to 32-bit ARGB, because the JPEG encoder // relies upon the full 8-bit alpha channel. boolean forceARGB = (indexCM.getTransparency() != Transparency.OPAQUE); BufferedImage temp = indexCM.convertToIntDiscrete(sourceLine, forceARGB); sourceLine = temp.getRaster(); } else { sourceLine = srcRas.createChild(sourceXOffset, sourceYOffset+y, sourceWidth, 1, 0, 0, srcBands); } if (convertTosRGB) { if (debug) { System.out.println("Converting to sRGB"); } // The first time through, converted is null, so // a new raster is allocated. It is then reused // on subsequent lines. converted = convertOp.filter(sourceLine, converted); sourceLine = converted; } if (isAlphaPremultiplied) { WritableRaster wr = sourceLine.createCompatibleWritableRaster(); int[] data = null; data = sourceLine.getPixels(sourceLine.getMinX(), sourceLine.getMinY(), sourceLine.getWidth(), sourceLine.getHeight(), data); wr.setPixels(sourceLine.getMinX(), sourceLine.getMinY(), sourceLine.getWidth(), sourceLine.getHeight(), data); srcCM.coerceData(wr, false); sourceLine = wr.createChild(wr.getMinX(), wr.getMinY(), wr.getWidth(), wr.getHeight(), 0, 0, srcBands); } raster.setRect(sourceLine); if ((y > 7) && (y%8 == 0)) { // Every 8 scanlines cbLock.lock(); try { processImageProgress((float) y / (float) sourceHeight * 100.0F); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } } /** Aborts the current write in the native code */ private native void abortWrite(long structPointer); /** Resets native structures */ private native void resetWriter(long structPointer); /** Releases native structures */ private static native void disposeWriter(long structPointer); private static class JPEGWriterDisposerRecord implements DisposerRecord { private long pData; public JPEGWriterDisposerRecord(long pData) { this.pData = pData; } public synchronized void dispose() { if (pData != 0) { disposeWriter(pData); pData = 0; } } } /** * This method is called from native code in order to write encoder * output to the destination. * * We block any attempt to change the writer state during this * method, in order to prevent a corruption of the native encoder * state. */ private void writeOutputData(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException { cbLock.lock(); try { ios.write(data, offset, len); } finally { cbLock.unlock(); } } private Thread theThread = null; private int theLockCount = 0; private synchronized void setThreadLock() { Thread currThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (theThread != null) { if (theThread != currThread) { // it looks like that this reader instance is used // by multiple threads. throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to use instance of " + this + " locked on thread " + theThread + " from thread " + currThread); } else { theLockCount ++; } } else { theThread = currThread; theLockCount = 1; } } private synchronized void clearThreadLock() { Thread currThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (theThread == null || theThread != currThread) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to clear thread lock form wrong thread. " + "Locked thread: " + theThread + "; current thread: " + currThread); } theLockCount --; if (theLockCount == 0) { theThread = null; } } private CallBackLock cbLock = new CallBackLock(); private static class CallBackLock { private State lockState; CallBackLock() { lockState = State.Unlocked; } void check() { if (lockState != State.Unlocked) { throw new IllegalStateException("Access to the writer is not allowed"); } } private void lock() { lockState = State.Locked; } private void unlock() { lockState = State.Unlocked; } private static enum State { Unlocked, Locked } } }