/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* *

These classes are designed to be used while the * corresponding LookAndFeel class has been installed * (UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new XXXLookAndFeel())). * Using them while a different LookAndFeel is installed * may produce unexpected results, including exceptions. * Additionally, changing the LookAndFeel * maintained by the UIManager without updating the * corresponding ComponentUI of any * JComponents may also produce unexpected results, * such as the wrong colors showing up, and is generally not * encouraged. * */ package com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import sun.awt.windows.ThemeReader; /** * Implements Windows Parts and their States and Properties for the Windows Look and Feel. * * See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/commctls/userex/topics/partsandstates.asp * See tmschema.h (or vssym32.h & vsstyle.h for MS Vista) * * @author Leif Samuelsson */ class TMSchema { /** * An enumeration of the various Windows controls (also known as * components, or top-level parts) */ public static enum Control { BUTTON, COMBOBOX, EDIT, HEADER, LISTBOX, LISTVIEW, MENU, PROGRESS, REBAR, SCROLLBAR, SPIN, TAB, TOOLBAR, TRACKBAR, TREEVIEW, WINDOW } /** * An enumeration of the Windows compoent parts */ public static enum Part { MENU (Control.MENU, 0), // Special case, not in native MP_BARBACKGROUND (Control.MENU, 7), MP_BARITEM (Control.MENU, 8), MP_POPUPBACKGROUND (Control.MENU, 9), MP_POPUPBORDERS (Control.MENU, 10), MP_POPUPCHECK (Control.MENU, 11), MP_POPUPCHECKBACKGROUND (Control.MENU, 12), MP_POPUPGUTTER (Control.MENU, 13), MP_POPUPITEM (Control.MENU, 14), MP_POPUPSEPARATOR (Control.MENU, 15), MP_POPUPSUBMENU (Control.MENU, 16), BP_PUSHBUTTON (Control.BUTTON, 1), BP_RADIOBUTTON(Control.BUTTON, 2), BP_CHECKBOX (Control.BUTTON, 3), BP_GROUPBOX (Control.BUTTON, 4), CP_COMBOBOX (Control.COMBOBOX, 0), CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON(Control.COMBOBOX, 1), CP_BACKGROUND (Control.COMBOBOX, 2), CP_TRANSPARENTBACKGROUND (Control.COMBOBOX, 3), CP_BORDER (Control.COMBOBOX, 4), CP_READONLY (Control.COMBOBOX, 5), CP_DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHT (Control.COMBOBOX, 6), CP_DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFT (Control.COMBOBOX, 7), CP_CUEBANNER (Control.COMBOBOX, 8), EP_EDIT (Control.EDIT, 0), EP_EDITTEXT(Control.EDIT, 1), HP_HEADERITEM(Control.HEADER, 1), HP_HEADERSORTARROW(Control.HEADER, 4), LBP_LISTBOX(Control.LISTBOX, 0), LVP_LISTVIEW(Control.LISTVIEW, 0), PP_PROGRESS (Control.PROGRESS, 0), PP_BAR (Control.PROGRESS, 1), PP_BARVERT (Control.PROGRESS, 2), PP_CHUNK (Control.PROGRESS, 3), PP_CHUNKVERT(Control.PROGRESS, 4), RP_GRIPPER (Control.REBAR, 1), RP_GRIPPERVERT(Control.REBAR, 2), SBP_SCROLLBAR (Control.SCROLLBAR, 0), SBP_ARROWBTN (Control.SCROLLBAR, 1), SBP_THUMBBTNHORZ (Control.SCROLLBAR, 2), SBP_THUMBBTNVERT (Control.SCROLLBAR, 3), SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ(Control.SCROLLBAR, 4), SBP_UPPERTRACKHORZ(Control.SCROLLBAR, 5), SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT(Control.SCROLLBAR, 6), SBP_UPPERTRACKVERT(Control.SCROLLBAR, 7), SBP_GRIPPERHORZ (Control.SCROLLBAR, 8), SBP_GRIPPERVERT (Control.SCROLLBAR, 9), SBP_SIZEBOX (Control.SCROLLBAR, 10), SPNP_UP (Control.SPIN, 1), SPNP_DOWN(Control.SPIN, 2), TABP_TABITEM (Control.TAB, 1), TABP_TABITEMLEFTEDGE (Control.TAB, 2), TABP_TABITEMRIGHTEDGE(Control.TAB, 3), TABP_PANE (Control.TAB, 9), TP_TOOLBAR (Control.TOOLBAR, 0), TP_BUTTON (Control.TOOLBAR, 1), TP_SEPARATOR (Control.TOOLBAR, 5), TP_SEPARATORVERT (Control.TOOLBAR, 6), TKP_TRACK (Control.TRACKBAR, 1), TKP_TRACKVERT (Control.TRACKBAR, 2), TKP_THUMB (Control.TRACKBAR, 3), TKP_THUMBBOTTOM(Control.TRACKBAR, 4), TKP_THUMBTOP (Control.TRACKBAR, 5), TKP_THUMBVERT (Control.TRACKBAR, 6), TKP_THUMBLEFT (Control.TRACKBAR, 7), TKP_THUMBRIGHT (Control.TRACKBAR, 8), TKP_TICS (Control.TRACKBAR, 9), TKP_TICSVERT (Control.TRACKBAR, 10), TVP_TREEVIEW(Control.TREEVIEW, 0), TVP_GLYPH (Control.TREEVIEW, 2), WP_WINDOW (Control.WINDOW, 0), WP_CAPTION (Control.WINDOW, 1), WP_MINCAPTION (Control.WINDOW, 3), WP_MAXCAPTION (Control.WINDOW, 5), WP_FRAMELEFT (Control.WINDOW, 7), WP_FRAMERIGHT (Control.WINDOW, 8), WP_FRAMEBOTTOM (Control.WINDOW, 9), WP_SYSBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 13), WP_MDISYSBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 14), WP_MINBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 15), WP_MDIMINBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 16), WP_MAXBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 17), WP_CLOSEBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 18), WP_MDICLOSEBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 20), WP_RESTOREBUTTON (Control.WINDOW, 21), WP_MDIRESTOREBUTTON(Control.WINDOW, 22); private final Control control; private final int value; private Part(Control control, int value) { this.control = control; this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } public String getControlName(Component component) { String str = ""; if (component instanceof JComponent) { JComponent c = (JComponent)component; String subAppName = (String)c.getClientProperty("XPStyle.subAppName"); if (subAppName != null) { str = subAppName + "::"; } } return str + control.toString(); } public String toString() { return control.toString()+"."+name(); } } /** * An enumeration of the possible component states */ public static enum State { ACTIVE, ASSIST, BITMAP, CHECKED, CHECKEDDISABLED, CHECKEDHOT, CHECKEDNORMAL, CHECKEDPRESSED, CHECKMARKNORMAL, CHECKMARKDISABLED, BULLETNORMAL, BULLETDISABLED, CLOSED, DEFAULTED, DISABLED, DISABLEDHOT, DISABLEDPUSHED, DOWNDISABLED, DOWNHOT, DOWNNORMAL, DOWNPRESSED, FOCUSED, HOT, HOTCHECKED, ICONHOT, ICONNORMAL, ICONPRESSED, ICONSORTEDHOT, ICONSORTEDNORMAL, ICONSORTEDPRESSED, INACTIVE, INACTIVENORMAL, // See note 1 INACTIVEHOT, // See note 1 INACTIVEPUSHED, // See note 1 INACTIVEDISABLED, // See note 1 LEFTDISABLED, LEFTHOT, LEFTNORMAL, LEFTPRESSED, MIXEDDISABLED, MIXEDHOT, MIXEDNORMAL, MIXEDPRESSED, NORMAL, PRESSED, OPENED, PUSHED, READONLY, RIGHTDISABLED, RIGHTHOT, RIGHTNORMAL, RIGHTPRESSED, SELECTED, UNCHECKEDDISABLED, UNCHECKEDHOT, UNCHECKEDNORMAL, UNCHECKEDPRESSED, UPDISABLED, UPHOT, UPNORMAL, UPPRESSED, HOVER, UPHOVER, DOWNHOVER, LEFTHOVER, RIGHTHOVER, SORTEDDOWN, SORTEDHOT, SORTEDNORMAL, SORTEDPRESSED, SORTEDUP; /** * A map of allowed states for each Part */ private static EnumMap stateMap; private static synchronized void initStates() { stateMap = new EnumMap(Part.class); stateMap.put(Part.EP_EDITTEXT, new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, SELECTED, DISABLED, FOCUSED, READONLY, ASSIST }); stateMap.put(Part.BP_PUSHBUTTON, new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, DISABLED, DEFAULTED }); stateMap.put(Part.BP_RADIOBUTTON, new State[] { UNCHECKEDNORMAL, UNCHECKEDHOT, UNCHECKEDPRESSED, UNCHECKEDDISABLED, CHECKEDNORMAL, CHECKEDHOT, CHECKEDPRESSED, CHECKEDDISABLED }); stateMap.put(Part.BP_CHECKBOX, new State[] { UNCHECKEDNORMAL, UNCHECKEDHOT, UNCHECKEDPRESSED, UNCHECKEDDISABLED, CHECKEDNORMAL, CHECKEDHOT, CHECKEDPRESSED, CHECKEDDISABLED, MIXEDNORMAL, MIXEDHOT, MIXEDPRESSED, MIXEDDISABLED }); State[] comboBoxStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, DISABLED }; stateMap.put(Part.CP_COMBOBOX, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_BACKGROUND, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_TRANSPARENTBACKGROUND, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_BORDER, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_READONLY, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHT, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFT, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.CP_CUEBANNER, comboBoxStates); stateMap.put(Part.HP_HEADERITEM, new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, SORTEDNORMAL, SORTEDHOT, SORTEDPRESSED, ICONNORMAL, ICONHOT, ICONPRESSED, ICONSORTEDNORMAL, ICONSORTEDHOT, ICONSORTEDPRESSED }); stateMap.put(Part.HP_HEADERSORTARROW, new State[] {SORTEDDOWN, SORTEDUP}); State[] scrollBarStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, DISABLED, HOVER }; stateMap.put(Part.SBP_SCROLLBAR, scrollBarStates); stateMap.put(Part.SBP_THUMBBTNVERT, scrollBarStates); stateMap.put(Part.SBP_THUMBBTNHORZ, scrollBarStates); stateMap.put(Part.SBP_GRIPPERVERT, scrollBarStates); stateMap.put(Part.SBP_GRIPPERHORZ, scrollBarStates); stateMap.put(Part.SBP_ARROWBTN, new State[] { UPNORMAL, UPHOT, UPPRESSED, UPDISABLED, DOWNNORMAL, DOWNHOT, DOWNPRESSED, DOWNDISABLED, LEFTNORMAL, LEFTHOT, LEFTPRESSED, LEFTDISABLED, RIGHTNORMAL, RIGHTHOT, RIGHTPRESSED, RIGHTDISABLED, UPHOVER, DOWNHOVER, LEFTHOVER, RIGHTHOVER }); State[] spinnerStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, DISABLED }; stateMap.put(Part.SPNP_UP, spinnerStates); stateMap.put(Part.SPNP_DOWN, spinnerStates); stateMap.put(Part.TVP_GLYPH, new State[] { CLOSED, OPENED }); State[] frameButtonStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PUSHED, DISABLED, // See note 1 INACTIVENORMAL, INACTIVEHOT, INACTIVEPUSHED, INACTIVEDISABLED, }; // Note 1: The INACTIVE frame button states apply when the frame // is inactive. They are not defined in tmschema.h // Fix for 6316538: Vista has five frame button states if (ThemeReader.getInt(Control.WINDOW.toString(), Part.WP_CLOSEBUTTON.getValue(), 1, Prop.IMAGECOUNT.getValue()) == 10) { frameButtonStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PUSHED, DISABLED, null, INACTIVENORMAL, INACTIVEHOT, INACTIVEPUSHED, INACTIVEDISABLED, null }; } stateMap.put(Part.WP_MINBUTTON, frameButtonStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_MAXBUTTON, frameButtonStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_RESTOREBUTTON, frameButtonStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_CLOSEBUTTON, frameButtonStates); // States for Slider (trackbar) stateMap.put(Part.TKP_TRACK, new State[] { NORMAL }); stateMap.put(Part.TKP_TRACKVERT, new State[] { NORMAL }); State[] sliderThumbStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, FOCUSED, DISABLED }; stateMap.put(Part.TKP_THUMB, sliderThumbStates); stateMap.put(Part.TKP_THUMBBOTTOM, sliderThumbStates); stateMap.put(Part.TKP_THUMBTOP, sliderThumbStates); stateMap.put(Part.TKP_THUMBVERT, sliderThumbStates); stateMap.put(Part.TKP_THUMBRIGHT, sliderThumbStates); // States for Tabs State[] tabStates = new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, SELECTED, DISABLED, FOCUSED }; stateMap.put(Part.TABP_TABITEM, tabStates); stateMap.put(Part.TABP_TABITEMLEFTEDGE, tabStates); stateMap.put(Part.TABP_TABITEMRIGHTEDGE, tabStates); stateMap.put(Part.TP_BUTTON, new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PRESSED, DISABLED, CHECKED, HOTCHECKED }); State[] frameStates = new State[] { ACTIVE, INACTIVE }; stateMap.put(Part.WP_WINDOW, frameStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_FRAMELEFT, frameStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_FRAMERIGHT, frameStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_FRAMEBOTTOM, frameStates); State[] captionStates = new State[] { ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DISABLED }; stateMap.put(Part.WP_CAPTION, captionStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_MINCAPTION, captionStates); stateMap.put(Part.WP_MAXCAPTION, captionStates); stateMap.put(Part.MP_BARBACKGROUND, new State[] { ACTIVE, INACTIVE }); stateMap.put(Part.MP_BARITEM, new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, PUSHED, DISABLED, DISABLEDHOT, DISABLEDPUSHED }); stateMap.put(Part.MP_POPUPCHECK, new State[] { CHECKMARKNORMAL, CHECKMARKDISABLED, BULLETNORMAL, BULLETDISABLED }); stateMap.put(Part.MP_POPUPCHECKBACKGROUND, new State[] { DISABLEDPUSHED, NORMAL, BITMAP }); stateMap.put(Part.MP_POPUPITEM, new State[] { NORMAL, HOT, DISABLED, DISABLEDHOT }); stateMap.put(Part.MP_POPUPSUBMENU, new State[] { NORMAL, DISABLED }); } public static synchronized int getValue(Part part, State state) { if (stateMap == null) { initStates(); } Enum[] states = stateMap.get(part); if (states != null) { for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { if (state == states[i]) { return i + 1; } } } if (state == null || state == State.NORMAL) { return 1; } return 0; } } /** * An enumeration of the possible component attributes and the * corresponding value type */ public static enum Prop { COLOR(Color.class, 204), SIZE(Dimension.class, 207), FLATMENUS(Boolean.class, 1001), BORDERONLY(Boolean.class, 2203), // only draw the border area of the image IMAGECOUNT(Integer.class, 2401), // the number of state images in an imagefile BORDERSIZE(Integer.class, 2403), // the size of the border line for bgtype=BorderFill PROGRESSCHUNKSIZE(Integer.class, 2411), // size of progress control chunks PROGRESSSPACESIZE(Integer.class, 2412), // size of progress control spaces TEXTSHADOWOFFSET(Point.class, 3402), // where char shadows are drawn, relative to orig. chars NORMALSIZE(Dimension.class, 3409), // size of dest rect that exactly source SIZINGMARGINS ( Insets.class, 3601), // margins used for 9-grid sizing CONTENTMARGINS(Insets.class, 3602), // margins that define where content can be placed CAPTIONMARGINS(Insets.class, 3603), // margins that define where caption text can be placed BORDERCOLOR(Color.class, 3801), // color of borders for BorderFill FILLCOLOR ( Color.class, 3802), // color of bg fill TEXTCOLOR ( Color.class, 3803), // color text is drawn in TEXTSHADOWCOLOR(Color.class, 3818), // color of text shadow BGTYPE(Integer.class, 4001), // basic drawing type for each part TEXTSHADOWTYPE(Integer.class, 4010), // type of shadow to draw with text TRANSITIONDURATIONS(Integer.class, 6000); private final Class type; private final int value; private Prop(Class type, int value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } public String toString() { return name()+"["+type.getName()+"] = "+value; } } /** * An enumeration of attribute values for some Props */ public static enum TypeEnum { BT_IMAGEFILE (Prop.BGTYPE, "imagefile", 0), BT_BORDERFILL(Prop.BGTYPE, "borderfill", 1), TST_NONE(Prop.TEXTSHADOWTYPE, "none", 0), TST_SINGLE(Prop.TEXTSHADOWTYPE, "single", 1), TST_CONTINUOUS(Prop.TEXTSHADOWTYPE, "continuous", 2); private TypeEnum(Prop prop, String enumName, int value) { this.prop = prop; this.enumName = enumName; this.value = value; } private final Prop prop; private final String enumName; private final int value; public String toString() { return prop+"="+enumName+"="+value; } String getName() { return enumName; } static TypeEnum getTypeEnum(Prop prop, int enumval) { for (TypeEnum e : TypeEnum.values()) { if (e.prop == prop && e.value == enumval) { return e; } } return null; } } }