/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.ButtonUI; import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource; import java.awt.*; import java.io.Serializable; import static com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.TMSchema.*; import static com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.XPStyle.Skin; import sun.swing.MenuItemCheckIconFactory; /** * Factory object that can vend Icons appropriate for the Windows L & F. *

* Warning: * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate * for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same * version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for * long term persistence. * * @author David Kloba * @author Georges Saab * @author Rich Schiavi */ public class WindowsIconFactory implements Serializable { private static Icon frame_closeIcon; private static Icon frame_iconifyIcon; private static Icon frame_maxIcon; private static Icon frame_minIcon; private static Icon frame_resizeIcon; private static Icon checkBoxIcon; private static Icon radioButtonIcon; private static Icon checkBoxMenuItemIcon; private static Icon radioButtonMenuItemIcon; private static Icon menuItemCheckIcon; private static Icon menuItemArrowIcon; private static Icon menuArrowIcon; private static VistaMenuItemCheckIconFactory menuItemCheckIconFactory; public static Icon getMenuItemCheckIcon() { if (menuItemCheckIcon == null) { menuItemCheckIcon = new MenuItemCheckIcon(); } return menuItemCheckIcon; } public static Icon getMenuItemArrowIcon() { if (menuItemArrowIcon == null) { menuItemArrowIcon = new MenuItemArrowIcon(); } return menuItemArrowIcon; } public static Icon getMenuArrowIcon() { if (menuArrowIcon == null) { menuArrowIcon = new MenuArrowIcon(); } return menuArrowIcon; } public static Icon getCheckBoxIcon() { if (checkBoxIcon == null) { checkBoxIcon = new CheckBoxIcon(); } return checkBoxIcon; } public static Icon getRadioButtonIcon() { if (radioButtonIcon == null) { radioButtonIcon = new RadioButtonIcon(); } return radioButtonIcon; } public static Icon getCheckBoxMenuItemIcon() { if (checkBoxMenuItemIcon == null) { checkBoxMenuItemIcon = new CheckBoxMenuItemIcon(); } return checkBoxMenuItemIcon; } public static Icon getRadioButtonMenuItemIcon() { if (radioButtonMenuItemIcon == null) { radioButtonMenuItemIcon = new RadioButtonMenuItemIcon(); } return radioButtonMenuItemIcon; } static synchronized VistaMenuItemCheckIconFactory getMenuItemCheckIconFactory() { if (menuItemCheckIconFactory == null) { menuItemCheckIconFactory = new VistaMenuItemCheckIconFactory(); } return menuItemCheckIconFactory; } public static Icon createFrameCloseIcon() { if (frame_closeIcon == null) { frame_closeIcon = new FrameButtonIcon(Part.WP_CLOSEBUTTON); } return frame_closeIcon; } public static Icon createFrameIconifyIcon() { if (frame_iconifyIcon == null) { frame_iconifyIcon = new FrameButtonIcon(Part.WP_MINBUTTON); } return frame_iconifyIcon; } public static Icon createFrameMaximizeIcon() { if (frame_maxIcon == null) { frame_maxIcon = new FrameButtonIcon(Part.WP_MAXBUTTON); } return frame_maxIcon; } public static Icon createFrameMinimizeIcon() { if (frame_minIcon == null) { frame_minIcon = new FrameButtonIcon(Part.WP_RESTOREBUTTON); } return frame_minIcon; } public static Icon createFrameResizeIcon() { if(frame_resizeIcon == null) frame_resizeIcon = new ResizeIcon(); return frame_resizeIcon; } private static class FrameButtonIcon implements Icon, Serializable { private Part part; private FrameButtonIcon(Part part) { this.part = part; } public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x0, int y0) { int width = getIconWidth(); int height = getIconHeight(); XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { Skin skin = xp.getSkin(c, part); JButton b = (JButton)c; ButtonModel model = b.getModel(); // Find out if frame is inactive JInternalFrame jif = (JInternalFrame)SwingUtilities. getAncestorOfClass(JInternalFrame.class, b); boolean jifSelected = (jif != null && jif.isSelected()); State state; if (jifSelected) { if (!model.isEnabled()) { state = State.DISABLED; } else if (model.isArmed() && model.isPressed()) { state = State.PUSHED; } else if (model.isRollover()) { state = State.HOT; } else { state = State.NORMAL; } } else { if (!model.isEnabled()) { state = State.INACTIVEDISABLED; } else if (model.isArmed() && model.isPressed()) { state = State.INACTIVEPUSHED; } else if (model.isRollover()) { state = State.INACTIVEHOT; } else { state = State.INACTIVENORMAL; } } skin.paintSkin(g, 0, 0, width, height, state); } else { g.setColor(Color.black); int x = width / 12 + 2; int y = height / 5; int h = height - y * 2 - 1; int w = width * 3/4 -3; int thickness2 = Math.max(height / 8, 2); int thickness = Math.max(width / 15, 1); if (part == Part.WP_CLOSEBUTTON) { int lineWidth; if (width > 47) lineWidth = 6; else if (width > 37) lineWidth = 5; else if (width > 26) lineWidth = 4; else if (width > 16) lineWidth = 3; else if (width > 12) lineWidth = 2; else lineWidth = 1; y = height / 12 + 2; if (lineWidth == 1) { if (w % 2 == 1) { x++; w++; } g.drawLine(x, y, x+w-2, y+w-2); g.drawLine(x+w-2, y, x, y+w-2); } else if (lineWidth == 2) { if (w > 6) { x++; w--; } g.drawLine(x, y, x+w-2, y+w-2); g.drawLine(x+w-2, y, x, y+w-2); g.drawLine(x+1, y, x+w-1, y+w-2); g.drawLine(x+w-1, y, x+1, y+w-2); } else { x += 2; y++; w -= 2; g.drawLine(x, y, x+w-1, y+w-1); g.drawLine(x+w-1, y, x, y+w-1); g.drawLine(x+1, y, x+w-1, y+w-2); g.drawLine(x+w-2, y, x, y+w-2); g.drawLine(x, y+1, x+w-2, y+w-1); g.drawLine(x+w-1, y+1, x+1, y+w-1); for (int i = 4; i <= lineWidth; i++) { g.drawLine(x+i-2, y, x+w-1, y+w-i+1); g.drawLine(x, y+i-2, x+w-i+1, y+w-1); g.drawLine(x+w-i+1, y, x, y+w-i+1); g.drawLine(x+w-1, y+i-2, x+i-2, y+w-1); } } } else if (part == Part.WP_MINBUTTON) { g.fillRect(x, y+h-thickness2, w-w/3, thickness2); } else if (part == Part.WP_MAXBUTTON) { g.fillRect(x, y, w, thickness2); g.fillRect(x, y, thickness, h); g.fillRect(x+w-thickness, y, thickness, h); g.fillRect(x, y+h-thickness, w, thickness); } else if (part == Part.WP_RESTOREBUTTON) { g.fillRect(x+w/3, y, w-w/3, thickness2); g.fillRect(x+w/3, y, thickness, h/3); g.fillRect(x+w-thickness, y, thickness, h-h/3); g.fillRect(x+w-w/3, y+h-h/3-thickness, w/3, thickness); g.fillRect(x, y+h/3, w-w/3, thickness2); g.fillRect(x, y+h/3, thickness, h-h/3); g.fillRect(x+w-w/3-thickness, y+h/3, thickness, h-h/3); g.fillRect(x, y+h-thickness, w-w/3, thickness); } } } public int getIconWidth() { int width; if (XPStyle.getXP() != null) { // Fix for XP bug where sometimes these sizes aren't updated properly // Assume for now that height is correct and derive width using the // ratio from the uxtheme part width = UIManager.getInt("InternalFrame.titleButtonHeight") -2; Dimension d = XPStyle.getPartSize(Part.WP_CLOSEBUTTON, State.NORMAL); if (d != null && d.width != 0 && d.height != 0) { width = (int) ((float) width * d.width / d.height); } } else { width = UIManager.getInt("InternalFrame.titleButtonWidth") -2; } if (XPStyle.getXP() != null) { width -= 2; } return width; } public int getIconHeight() { int height = UIManager.getInt("InternalFrame.titleButtonHeight")-4; return height; } } private static class ResizeIcon implements Icon, Serializable { public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("InternalFrame.resizeIconHighlight")); g.drawLine(0, 11, 11, 0); g.drawLine(4, 11, 11, 4); g.drawLine(8, 11, 11, 8); g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("InternalFrame.resizeIconShadow")); g.drawLine(1, 11, 11, 1); g.drawLine(2, 11, 11, 2); g.drawLine(5, 11, 11, 5); g.drawLine(6, 11, 11, 6); g.drawLine(9, 11, 11, 9); g.drawLine(10, 11, 11, 10); } public int getIconWidth() { return 13; } public int getIconHeight() { return 13; } }; private static class CheckBoxIcon implements Icon, Serializable { final static int csize = 13; public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { JCheckBox cb = (JCheckBox) c; ButtonModel model = cb.getModel(); XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { State state; if (model.isSelected()) { state = State.CHECKEDNORMAL; if (!model.isEnabled()) { state = State.CHECKEDDISABLED; } else if (model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) { state = State.CHECKEDPRESSED; } else if (model.isRollover()) { state = State.CHECKEDHOT; } } else { state = State.UNCHECKEDNORMAL; if (!model.isEnabled()) { state = State.UNCHECKEDDISABLED; } else if (model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) { state = State.UNCHECKEDPRESSED; } else if (model.isRollover()) { state = State.UNCHECKEDHOT; } } Part part = Part.BP_CHECKBOX; xp.getSkin(c, part).paintSkin(g, x, y, state); } else { // outer bevel if(!cb.isBorderPaintedFlat()) { // Outer top/left g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.shadow")); g.drawLine(x, y, x+11, y); g.drawLine(x, y+1, x, y+11); // Outer bottom/right g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.highlight")); g.drawLine(x+12, y, x+12, y+12); g.drawLine(x, y+12, x+11, y+12); // Inner top.left g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.darkShadow")); g.drawLine(x+1, y+1, x+10, y+1); g.drawLine(x+1, y+2, x+1, y+10); // Inner bottom/right g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.light")); g.drawLine(x+1, y+11, x+11, y+11); g.drawLine(x+11, y+1, x+11, y+10); // inside box if((model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) || !model.isEnabled()) { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.background")); } else { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.interiorBackground")); } g.fillRect(x+2, y+2, csize-4, csize-4); } else { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.shadow")); g.drawRect(x+1, y+1, csize-3, csize-3); if((model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) || !model.isEnabled()) { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.background")); } else { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.interiorBackground")); } g.fillRect(x+2, y+2, csize-4, csize-4); } if(model.isEnabled()) { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.foreground")); } else { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("CheckBox.shadow")); } // paint check if (model.isSelected()) { g.drawLine(x+9, y+3, x+9, y+3); g.drawLine(x+8, y+4, x+9, y+4); g.drawLine(x+7, y+5, x+9, y+5); g.drawLine(x+6, y+6, x+8, y+6); g.drawLine(x+3, y+7, x+7, y+7); g.drawLine(x+4, y+8, x+6, y+8); g.drawLine(x+5, y+9, x+5, y+9); g.drawLine(x+3, y+5, x+3, y+5); g.drawLine(x+3, y+6, x+4, y+6); } } } public int getIconWidth() { XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { return xp.getSkin(null, Part.BP_CHECKBOX).getWidth(); } else { return csize; } } public int getIconHeight() { XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { return xp.getSkin(null, Part.BP_CHECKBOX).getHeight(); } else { return csize; } } } private static class RadioButtonIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable { public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c; ButtonModel model = b.getModel(); XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { Part part = Part.BP_RADIOBUTTON; Skin skin = xp.getSkin(b, part); State state; int index = 0; if (model.isSelected()) { state = State.CHECKEDNORMAL; if (!model.isEnabled()) { state = State.CHECKEDDISABLED; } else if (model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) { state = State.CHECKEDPRESSED; } else if (model.isRollover()) { state = State.CHECKEDHOT; } } else { state = State.UNCHECKEDNORMAL; if (!model.isEnabled()) { state = State.UNCHECKEDDISABLED; } else if (model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) { state = State.UNCHECKEDPRESSED; } else if (model.isRollover()) { state = State.UNCHECKEDHOT; } } skin.paintSkin(g, x, y, state); } else { // fill interior if((model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) || !model.isEnabled()) { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.background")); } else { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.interiorBackground")); } g.fillRect(x+2, y+2, 8, 8); // outter left arc g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.shadow")); g.drawLine(x+4, y+0, x+7, y+0); g.drawLine(x+2, y+1, x+3, y+1); g.drawLine(x+8, y+1, x+9, y+1); g.drawLine(x+1, y+2, x+1, y+3); g.drawLine(x+0, y+4, x+0, y+7); g.drawLine(x+1, y+8, x+1, y+9); // outter right arc g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.highlight")); g.drawLine(x+2, y+10, x+3, y+10); g.drawLine(x+4, y+11, x+7, y+11); g.drawLine(x+8, y+10, x+9, y+10); g.drawLine(x+10, y+9, x+10, y+8); g.drawLine(x+11, y+7, x+11, y+4); g.drawLine(x+10, y+3, x+10, y+2); // inner left arc g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.darkShadow")); g.drawLine(x+4, y+1, x+7, y+1); g.drawLine(x+2, y+2, x+3, y+2); g.drawLine(x+8, y+2, x+9, y+2); g.drawLine(x+2, y+3, x+2, y+3); g.drawLine(x+1, y+4, x+1, y+7); g.drawLine(x+2, y+8, x+2, y+8); // inner right arc g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.light")); g.drawLine(x+2, y+9, x+3, y+9); g.drawLine(x+4, y+10, x+7, y+10); g.drawLine(x+8, y+9, x+9, y+9); g.drawLine(x+9, y+8, x+9, y+8); g.drawLine(x+10, y+7, x+10, y+4); g.drawLine(x+9, y+3, x+9, y+3); // indicate whether selected or not if (model.isSelected()) { if (model.isEnabled()) { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.foreground")); } else { g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("RadioButton.shadow")); } g.fillRect(x+4, y+5, 4, 2); g.fillRect(x+5, y+4, 2, 4); } } } public int getIconWidth() { XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { return xp.getSkin(null, Part.BP_RADIOBUTTON).getWidth(); } else { return 13; } } public int getIconHeight() { XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); if (xp != null) { return xp.getSkin(null, Part.BP_RADIOBUTTON).getHeight(); } else { return 13; } } } // end class RadioButtonIcon private static class CheckBoxMenuItemIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable { public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c; ButtonModel model = b.getModel(); boolean isSelected = model.isSelected(); if (isSelected) { y = y - getIconHeight() / 2; g.drawLine(x+9, y+3, x+9, y+3); g.drawLine(x+8, y+4, x+9, y+4); g.drawLine(x+7, y+5, x+9, y+5); g.drawLine(x+6, y+6, x+8, y+6); g.drawLine(x+3, y+7, x+7, y+7); g.drawLine(x+4, y+8, x+6, y+8); g.drawLine(x+5, y+9, x+5, y+9); g.drawLine(x+3, y+5, x+3, y+5); g.drawLine(x+3, y+6, x+4, y+6); } } public int getIconWidth() { return 9; } public int getIconHeight() { return 9; } } // End class CheckBoxMenuItemIcon private static class RadioButtonMenuItemIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable { public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c; ButtonModel model = b.getModel(); if (b.isSelected() == true) { g.fillRoundRect(x+3,y+3, getIconWidth()-6, getIconHeight()-6, 4, 4); } } public int getIconWidth() { return 12; } public int getIconHeight() { return 12; } } // End class RadioButtonMenuItemIcon private static class MenuItemCheckIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable{ public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { /* For debugging: Color oldColor = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.orange); g.fill3DRect(x,y,getIconWidth(), getIconHeight(), true); g.setColor(oldColor); */ } public int getIconWidth() { return 9; } public int getIconHeight() { return 9; } } // End class MenuItemCheckIcon private static class MenuItemArrowIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable { public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { /* For debugging: Color oldColor = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.green); g.fill3DRect(x,y,getIconWidth(), getIconHeight(), true); g.setColor(oldColor); */ } public int getIconWidth() { return 4; } public int getIconHeight() { return 8; } } // End class MenuItemArrowIcon private static class MenuArrowIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable { public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { if (WindowsMenuItemUI.isVistaPainting()) { XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); State state = State.NORMAL; if (c instanceof JMenuItem) { state = ((JMenuItem) c).getModel().isEnabled() ? State.NORMAL : State.DISABLED; } Skin skin = xp.getSkin(c, Part.MP_POPUPSUBMENU); if (WindowsGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(c)) { skin.paintSkin(g, x, y, state); } else { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g.create(); g2d.translate(x + skin.getWidth(), y); g2d.scale(-1, 1); skin.paintSkin(g2d, 0, 0, state); g2d.dispose(); } } else { g.translate(x,y); if( WindowsGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(c) ) { g.drawLine( 0, 0, 0, 7 ); g.drawLine( 1, 1, 1, 6 ); g.drawLine( 2, 2, 2, 5 ); g.drawLine( 3, 3, 3, 4 ); } else { g.drawLine( 4, 0, 4, 7 ); g.drawLine( 3, 1, 3, 6 ); g.drawLine( 2, 2, 2, 5 ); g.drawLine( 1, 3, 1, 4 ); } g.translate(-x,-y); } } public int getIconWidth() { if (WindowsMenuItemUI.isVistaPainting()) { Skin skin = XPStyle.getXP().getSkin(null, Part.MP_POPUPSUBMENU); return skin.getWidth(); } else { return 4; } } public int getIconHeight() { if (WindowsMenuItemUI.isVistaPainting()) { Skin skin = XPStyle.getXP().getSkin(null, Part.MP_POPUPSUBMENU); return skin.getHeight(); } else { return 8; } } } // End class MenuArrowIcon static class VistaMenuItemCheckIconFactory implements MenuItemCheckIconFactory { private static final int OFFSET = 3; public Icon getIcon(JMenuItem component) { return new VistaMenuItemCheckIcon(component); } public boolean isCompatible(Object icon, String prefix) { return icon instanceof VistaMenuItemCheckIcon && ((VistaMenuItemCheckIcon) icon).type == getType(prefix); } public Icon getIcon(String type) { return new VistaMenuItemCheckIcon(type); } static int getIconWidth() { return XPStyle.getXP().getSkin(null, Part.MP_POPUPCHECK).getWidth() + 2 * OFFSET; } private static Class getType(Component c) { Class rv = null; if (c instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) { rv = JCheckBoxMenuItem.class; } else if (c instanceof JRadioButtonMenuItem) { rv = JRadioButtonMenuItem.class; } else if (c instanceof JMenu) { rv = JMenu.class; } else if (c instanceof JMenuItem) { rv = JMenuItem.class; } return rv; } private static Class getType(String type) { Class rv = null; if (type == "CheckBoxMenuItem") { rv = JCheckBoxMenuItem.class; } else if (type == "RadioButtonMenuItem") { rv = JRadioButtonMenuItem.class; } else if (type == "Menu") { rv = JMenu.class; } else if (type == "MenuItem") { rv = JMenuItem.class; } else { // this should never happen rv = JMenuItem.class; } return rv; } /** * CheckIcon for JMenuItem, JMenu, JCheckBoxMenuItem and * JRadioButtonMenuItem. * Note: to be used on Vista only. */ private static class VistaMenuItemCheckIcon implements Icon, UIResource, Serializable { private final JMenuItem menuItem; private final Class type; VistaMenuItemCheckIcon(JMenuItem menuItem) { this.type = getType(menuItem); this.menuItem = menuItem; } VistaMenuItemCheckIcon(String type) { this.type = getType(type); this.menuItem = null; } public int getIconHeight() { Icon lafIcon = getLaFIcon(); if (lafIcon != null) { return lafIcon.getIconHeight(); } Icon icon = getIcon(); int height = 0; if (icon != null) { height = icon.getIconHeight() + 2 * OFFSET; } else { Skin skin = XPStyle.getXP().getSkin(null, Part.MP_POPUPCHECK); height = skin.getHeight() + 2 * OFFSET; } return height; } public int getIconWidth() { Icon lafIcon = getLaFIcon(); if (lafIcon != null) { return lafIcon.getIconWidth(); } Icon icon = getIcon(); int width = 0; if (icon != null) { width = icon.getIconWidth() + 2 * OFFSET; } else { width = VistaMenuItemCheckIconFactory.getIconWidth(); } return width; } public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { Icon lafIcon = getLaFIcon(); if (lafIcon != null) { lafIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y); return; } assert menuItem == null || c == menuItem; Icon icon = getIcon(); if (type == JCheckBoxMenuItem.class || type == JRadioButtonMenuItem.class) { AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c; if (b.isSelected()) { Part backgroundPart = Part.MP_POPUPCHECKBACKGROUND; Part part = Part.MP_POPUPCHECK; State backgroundState; State state; if (isEnabled(c, null)) { backgroundState = (icon != null) ? State.BITMAP : State.NORMAL; state = (type == JRadioButtonMenuItem.class) ? State.BULLETNORMAL : State.CHECKMARKNORMAL; } else { backgroundState = State.DISABLEDPUSHED; state = (type == JRadioButtonMenuItem.class) ? State.BULLETDISABLED : State.CHECKMARKDISABLED; } Skin skin; XPStyle xp = XPStyle.getXP(); skin = xp.getSkin(c, backgroundPart); skin.paintSkin(g, x, y, getIconWidth(), getIconHeight(), backgroundState); if (icon == null) { skin = xp.getSkin(c, part); skin.paintSkin(g, x + OFFSET, y + OFFSET, state); } } } if (icon != null) { icon.paintIcon(c, g, x + OFFSET, y + OFFSET); } } private static WindowsMenuItemUIAccessor getAccessor( JMenuItem menuItem) { WindowsMenuItemUIAccessor rv = null; ButtonUI uiObject = (menuItem != null) ? menuItem.getUI() : null; if (uiObject instanceof WindowsMenuItemUI) { rv = ((WindowsMenuItemUI) uiObject).accessor; } else if (uiObject instanceof WindowsMenuUI) { rv = ((WindowsMenuUI) uiObject).accessor; } else if (uiObject instanceof WindowsCheckBoxMenuItemUI) { rv = ((WindowsCheckBoxMenuItemUI) uiObject).accessor; } else if (uiObject instanceof WindowsRadioButtonMenuItemUI) { rv = ((WindowsRadioButtonMenuItemUI) uiObject).accessor; } return rv; } private static boolean isEnabled(Component c, State state) { if (state == null && c instanceof JMenuItem) { WindowsMenuItemUIAccessor accessor = getAccessor((JMenuItem) c); if (accessor != null) { state = accessor.getState((JMenuItem) c); } } if (state == null) { if (c != null) { return c.isEnabled(); } else { return true; } } else { return (state != State.DISABLED) && (state != State.DISABLEDHOT) && (state != State.DISABLEDPUSHED); } } private Icon getIcon() { Icon rv = null; if (menuItem == null) { return rv; } WindowsMenuItemUIAccessor accessor = getAccessor(menuItem); State state = (accessor != null) ? accessor.getState(menuItem) : null; if (isEnabled(menuItem, null)) { if (state == State.PUSHED) { rv = menuItem.getPressedIcon(); } else { rv = menuItem.getIcon(); } } else { rv = menuItem.getDisabledIcon(); } return rv; } /** * Check if developer changed icon in the UI table. * * @return the icon to use or {@code null} if the current one is to * be used */ private Icon getLaFIcon() { // use icon from the UI table if it does not match this one. Icon rv = (Icon) UIManager.getDefaults().get(typeToString(type)); if (rv instanceof VistaMenuItemCheckIcon && ((VistaMenuItemCheckIcon) rv).type == type) { rv = null; } return rv; } private static String typeToString( Class type) { assert type == JMenuItem.class || type == JMenu.class || type == JCheckBoxMenuItem.class || type == JRadioButtonMenuItem.class; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(type.getName()); // remove package name, dot and the first character sb.delete(0, sb.lastIndexOf("J") + 1); sb.append(".checkIcon"); return sb.toString(); } } } // End class VistaMenuItemCheckIconFactory }