/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.jmx.snmp; // java imports // import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.net.InetAddress; // import debug stuff // import static com.sun.jmx.defaults.JmxProperties.SNMP_LOGGER; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.internal.SnmpMsgProcessingSubSystem; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.internal.SnmpSecurityModel; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.internal.SnmpDecryptedPdu; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.internal.SnmpSecurityCache; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpMsg; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPdu; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpStatusException; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpTooBigException; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpScopedPduBulk; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.BerException; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpScopedPduRequest; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.BerDecoder; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpDefinitions; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpEngineId; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpScopedPduPacket; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.BerEncoder; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPduRequestType; import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPduBulkType; /** * Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP V3 packet. *

* This class can be used when developing customized manager or agent. *

* The SnmpV3Message class is directly mapped onto the * message syntax defined in RFC 2572. *

 * SNMPv3Message ::= SEQUENCE {
 *          msgVersion INTEGER ( 0 .. 2147483647 ),
 *          -- administrative parameters
 *          msgGlobalData HeaderData,
 *          -- security model-specific parameters
 *          -- format defined by Security Model
 *          msgSecurityParameters OCTET STRING,
 *          msgData  ScopedPduData
 *      }
 *     HeaderData ::= SEQUENCE {
 *         msgID      INTEGER (0..2147483647),
 *         msgMaxSize INTEGER (484..2147483647),
 *         msgFlags   OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)),
 *                    --  .... ...1   authFlag
 *                    --  .... ..1.   privFlag
 *                    --  .... .1..   reportableFlag
 *                    --              Please observe:
 *                    --  .... ..00   is OK, means noAuthNoPriv
 *                    --  .... ..01   is OK, means authNoPriv
 *                    --  .... ..10   reserved, must NOT be used.
 *                    --  .... ..11   is OK, means authPriv
 *         msgSecurityModel INTEGER (1..2147483647)
 *     }
* *

This API is a Sun Microsystems internal API and is subject * to change without notice.

* @since 1.5 */ public class SnmpV3Message extends SnmpMsg { /** * Message identifier. */ public int msgId = 0; /** * Message max size the pdu sender can deal with. */ public int msgMaxSize = 0; /** * Message flags. Reportable flag and security level.

     * --  .... ...1   authFlag
     * --  .... ..1.   privFlag
     * --  .... .1..   reportableFlag
     * --              Please observe:
     * --  .... ..00   is OK, means noAuthNoPriv
     * --  .... ..01   is OK, means authNoPriv
     * --  .... ..10   reserved, must NOT be used.
     * --  .... ..11   is OK, means authPriv
*/ public byte msgFlags = 0; /** * The security model the security sub system MUST use in order to deal with this pdu (eg: User based Security Model Id = 3). */ public int msgSecurityModel = 0; /** * The unmarshalled security parameters. */ public byte[] msgSecurityParameters = null; /** * The context engine Id in which the pdu must be handled (Generaly the local engine Id). */ public byte[] contextEngineId = null; /** * The context name in which the OID has to be interpreted. */ public byte[] contextName = null; /** The encrypted form of the scoped pdu (Only relevant when dealing with privacy). */ public byte[] encryptedPdu = null; /** * Constructor. * */ public SnmpV3Message() { } /** * Encodes this message and puts the result in the specified byte array. * For internal use only. * * @param outputBytes An array to receive the resulting encoding. * * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the result does not fit * into the specified array. */ public int encodeMessage(byte[] outputBytes) throws SnmpTooBigException { int encodingLength = 0; if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINER, SnmpV3Message.class.getName(), "encodeMessage", "Can't encode directly V3Message! Need a SecuritySubSystem"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't encode"); } /** * Decodes the specified bytes and initializes this message. * For internal use only. * * @param inputBytes The bytes to be decoded. * * @exception SnmpStatusException If the specified bytes are not a valid encoding. */ public void decodeMessage(byte[] inputBytes, int byteCount) throws SnmpStatusException { try { BerDecoder bdec = new BerDecoder(inputBytes); bdec.openSequence(); version = bdec.fetchInteger(); bdec.openSequence(); msgId = bdec.fetchInteger(); msgMaxSize = bdec.fetchInteger(); msgFlags = bdec.fetchOctetString()[0]; msgSecurityModel =bdec.fetchInteger(); bdec.closeSequence(); msgSecurityParameters = bdec.fetchOctetString(); if( (msgFlags & SnmpDefinitions.privMask) == 0 ) { bdec.openSequence(); contextEngineId = bdec.fetchOctetString(); contextName = bdec.fetchOctetString(); data = bdec.fetchAny(); dataLength = data.length; bdec.closeSequence(); } else { encryptedPdu = bdec.fetchOctetString(); } bdec.closeSequence() ; } catch(BerException x) { x.printStackTrace(); throw new SnmpStatusException("Invalid encoding") ; } if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { final StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder() .append("Unmarshalled message : \n") .append("version : ").append(version) .append("\n") .append("msgId : ").append(msgId) .append("\n") .append("msgMaxSize : ").append(msgMaxSize) .append("\n") .append("msgFlags : ").append(msgFlags) .append("\n") .append("msgSecurityModel : ").append(msgSecurityModel) .append("\n") .append("contextEngineId : ").append(contextEngineId == null ? null : SnmpEngineId.createEngineId(contextEngineId)) .append("\n") .append("contextName : ").append(contextName) .append("\n") .append("data : ").append(data) .append("\n") .append("dat len : ").append((data == null) ? 0 : data.length) .append("\n") .append("encryptedPdu : ").append(encryptedPdu) .append("\n"); SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINER, SnmpV3Message.class.getName(), "decodeMessage", strb.toString()); } } /** * Returns the associated request Id. * @param data The flat message. * @return The request Id. */ public int getRequestId(byte[] data) throws SnmpStatusException { BerDecoder bdec = null; int msgId = 0; try { bdec = new BerDecoder(data); bdec.openSequence(); bdec.fetchInteger(); bdec.openSequence(); msgId = bdec.fetchInteger(); }catch(BerException x) { throw new SnmpStatusException("Invalid encoding") ; } try { bdec.closeSequence(); } catch(BerException x) { } return msgId; } /** * Initializes this message with the specified pdu. *

* This method initializes the data field with an array of * maxDataLength bytes. It encodes the pdu. * The resulting encoding is stored in the data field * and the length of the encoding is stored in dataLength. *

* If the encoding length exceeds maxDataLength, * the method throws an exception. * * @param p The PDU to be encoded. * @param maxDataLength The maximum length permitted for the data field. * * @exception SnmpStatusException If the specified pdu * is not valid. * @exception SnmpTooBigException If the resulting encoding does not fit * into maxDataLength bytes. * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the encoding exceeds * maxDataLength. */ public void encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu p, int maxDataLength) throws SnmpStatusException, SnmpTooBigException { SnmpScopedPduPacket pdu = (SnmpScopedPduPacket) p; if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { final StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder() .append("PDU to marshall: \n") .append("security parameters : ").append(pdu.securityParameters) .append("\n") .append("type : ").append(pdu.type) .append("\n") .append("version : ").append(pdu.version) .append("\n") .append("requestId : ").append(pdu.requestId) .append("\n") .append("msgId : ").append(pdu.msgId) .append("\n") .append("msgMaxSize : ").append(pdu.msgMaxSize) .append("\n") .append("msgFlags : ").append(pdu.msgFlags) .append("\n") .append("msgSecurityModel : ").append(pdu.msgSecurityModel) .append("\n") .append("contextEngineId : ").append(pdu.contextEngineId) .append("\n") .append("contextName : ").append(pdu.contextName) .append("\n"); SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINER, SnmpV3Message.class.getName(), "encodeSnmpPdu", strb.toString()); } version = pdu.version; address = pdu.address; port = pdu.port; msgId = pdu.msgId; msgMaxSize = pdu.msgMaxSize; msgFlags = pdu.msgFlags; msgSecurityModel = pdu.msgSecurityModel; contextEngineId = pdu.contextEngineId; contextName = pdu.contextName; securityParameters = pdu.securityParameters; // // Allocate the array to receive the encoding. // data = new byte[maxDataLength]; // // Encode the pdu // Reminder: BerEncoder does backward encoding ! // try { BerEncoder benc = new BerEncoder(data) ; benc.openSequence() ; encodeVarBindList(benc, pdu.varBindList) ; switch(pdu.type) { case pduGetRequestPdu : case pduGetNextRequestPdu : case pduInformRequestPdu : case pduGetResponsePdu : case pduSetRequestPdu : case pduV2TrapPdu : case pduReportPdu : SnmpPduRequestType reqPdu = (SnmpPduRequestType) pdu; benc.putInteger(reqPdu.getErrorIndex()); benc.putInteger(reqPdu.getErrorStatus()); benc.putInteger(pdu.requestId); break; case pduGetBulkRequestPdu : SnmpPduBulkType bulkPdu = (SnmpPduBulkType) pdu; benc.putInteger(bulkPdu.getMaxRepetitions()); benc.putInteger(bulkPdu.getNonRepeaters()); benc.putInteger(pdu.requestId); break ; default: throw new SnmpStatusException("Invalid pdu type " + String.valueOf(pdu.type)) ; } benc.closeSequence(pdu.type) ; dataLength = benc.trim() ; } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) { throw new SnmpTooBigException() ; } } /** * Gets the PDU encoded in this message. *

* This method decodes the data field and returns the resulting PDU. * * @return The resulting PDU. * @exception SnmpStatusException If the encoding is not valid. */ public SnmpPdu decodeSnmpPdu() throws SnmpStatusException { SnmpScopedPduPacket pdu = null; BerDecoder bdec = new BerDecoder(data) ; try { int type = bdec.getTag() ; bdec.openSequence(type) ; switch(type) { case pduGetRequestPdu : case pduGetNextRequestPdu : case pduInformRequestPdu : case pduGetResponsePdu : case pduSetRequestPdu : case pduV2TrapPdu : case pduReportPdu : SnmpScopedPduRequest reqPdu = new SnmpScopedPduRequest() ; reqPdu.requestId = bdec.fetchInteger() ; reqPdu.setErrorStatus(bdec.fetchInteger()); reqPdu.setErrorIndex(bdec.fetchInteger()); pdu = reqPdu ; break ; case pduGetBulkRequestPdu : SnmpScopedPduBulk bulkPdu = new SnmpScopedPduBulk() ; bulkPdu.requestId = bdec.fetchInteger() ; bulkPdu.setNonRepeaters(bdec.fetchInteger()); bulkPdu.setMaxRepetitions(bdec.fetchInteger()); pdu = bulkPdu ; break ; default: throw new SnmpStatusException(snmpRspWrongEncoding) ; } pdu.type = type; pdu.varBindList = decodeVarBindList(bdec); bdec.closeSequence() ; } catch(BerException e) { if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, SnmpV3Message.class.getName(), "decodeSnmpPdu", "BerException", e); } throw new SnmpStatusException(snmpRspWrongEncoding); } // // The easy work. // pdu.address = address; pdu.port = port; pdu.msgFlags = msgFlags; pdu.version = version; pdu.msgId = msgId; pdu.msgMaxSize = msgMaxSize; pdu.msgSecurityModel = msgSecurityModel; pdu.contextEngineId = contextEngineId; pdu.contextName = contextName; pdu.securityParameters = securityParameters; if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { final StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder() .append("Unmarshalled PDU : \n") .append("type : ").append(pdu.type) .append("\n") .append("version : ").append(pdu.version) .append("\n") .append("requestId : ").append(pdu.requestId) .append("\n") .append("msgId : ").append(pdu.msgId) .append("\n") .append("msgMaxSize : ").append(pdu.msgMaxSize) .append("\n") .append("msgFlags : ").append(pdu.msgFlags) .append("\n") .append("msgSecurityModel : ").append(pdu.msgSecurityModel) .append("\n") .append("contextEngineId : ").append(pdu.contextEngineId) .append("\n") .append("contextName : ").append(pdu.contextName) .append("\n"); SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINER, SnmpV3Message.class.getName(), "decodeSnmpPdu", strb.toString()); } return pdu ; } /** * Dumps this message in a string. * * @return The string containing the dump. */ public String printMessage() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("msgId : " + msgId + "\n"); sb.append("msgMaxSize : " + msgMaxSize + "\n"); sb.append("msgFlags : " + msgFlags + "\n"); sb.append("msgSecurityModel : " + msgSecurityModel + "\n"); if (contextEngineId == null) { sb.append("contextEngineId : null"); } else { sb.append("contextEngineId : {\n"); sb.append(dumpHexBuffer(contextEngineId, 0, contextEngineId.length)); sb.append("\n}\n"); } if (contextName == null) { sb.append("contextName : null"); } else { sb.append("contextName : {\n"); sb.append(dumpHexBuffer(contextName, 0, contextName.length)); sb.append("\n}\n"); } return sb.append(super.printMessage()).toString(); } }