#Fri Nov 02 12:23:02 PDT 2012 XCZ01.S=Unknown user ''{0}''. 42Y32=Aggregator class ''{0}'' for aggregate ''{1}'' on type {2} does not implement org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecAggregator. 42Z31.U=time spent in this ResultSet and below \= 43X41.U=Grouped Aggregate ResultSet 42X24=Column {0} is referenced in the HAVING clause but is not in the GROUP BY list. XSRS8.S=Log Device can only be set during database creation time, it cannot be changed on the fly. 42X51=The class ''{0}'' does not exist or is inaccessible. This can happen if the class is not public. 42Z22=Invalid type specified for identity column ''{0}''. The only valid types for identity columns are BIGINT, INT and SMALLINT. XRE43=Unexpected error when trying to stop replication slave mode. To stop repliation slave mode, use operation ''stopSlave'' or ''failover''. 43X14.U=table locking 43Y13.U=qualifiers 42X06=Too many result columns specified for table ''{0}''. 42Y41=''{0}'' cannot be directly invoked via EXECUTE STATEMENT because it is part of a trigger. XSLAP.D=Database at {0} is at version {1}. Beta databases cannot be upgraded, XBCXS.S=Cannot configure a database for encryption, when database is in the log archive mode. 42X33=The derived column list contains a duplicate column name ''{0}''. 43X32.U=Rows filtered 42X60=Invalid value ''{0}'' for insertMode property specified for table ''{1}''. 43Y31.U=End Compilation Timestamp 42Z40.U={0} on first {1} column(s). 42Y23=Incorrect JDBC type info returned for column {0}. 43X50.U=Hash Left Outer Join ResultSet 43X05.U=Source result set 01001=An attempt to update or delete an already deleted row was made\: No row was updated or deleted. 42X15=Column name ''{0}'' appears in a statement without a FROM list. 42Y50=Properties list for table ''{0}'' may contain values for index or for constraint but not both. 43Y04.U=Number of reads from hash table XRE07=Could not perform operation because the database is not in replication master mode. 42X42=Correlation name not allowed for column ''{0}'' because it is part of the FOR UPDATE list. 02000=No row was found for FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE; or the result of a query is an empty table. 43X23.U=Distinct Scan ResultSet for {0} using {1} {2} XCY02.S=The requested property change is not supported ''{0}''\=''{1}''. X0X0F.S=Table ''{1}'' does not have an auto-generated column named ''{0}''. 42Y05=There is no Foreign Key named ''{0}''. 43Y22.U=Statement Name