/* * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ package javax.xml.stream; import javax.xml.stream.events.*; import javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; /** * * This is the top level interface for writing XML documents. * * Instances of this interface are not required to validate the * form of the XML. * * @version 1.0 * @author Copyright (c) 2009 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * @see XMLEventReader * @see javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent * @see javax.xml.stream.events.Characters * @see javax.xml.stream.events.ProcessingInstruction * @see javax.xml.stream.events.StartElement * @see javax.xml.stream.events.EndElement * @since 1.6 */ public interface XMLEventWriter extends XMLEventConsumer { /** * Writes any cached events to the underlying output mechanism * @throws XMLStreamException */ public void flush() throws XMLStreamException; /** * Frees any resources associated with this stream * @throws XMLStreamException */ public void close() throws XMLStreamException; /** * Add an event to the output stream * Adding a START_ELEMENT will open a new namespace scope that * will be closed when the corresponding END_ELEMENT is written. *
* Required and optional fields for events added to the writer * | *|||
Event Type | *Required Fields | *Optional Fields | *Required Behavior | *
START_ELEMENT | *QName name | *namespaces , attributes | *A START_ELEMENT will be written by writing the name, * namespaces, and attributes of the event in XML 1.0 valid * syntax for START_ELEMENTs. * The name is written by looking up the prefix for * the namespace uri. The writer can be configured to * respect prefixes of QNames. If the writer is respecting * prefixes it must use the prefix set on the QName. The * default behavior is to lookup the value for the prefix * on the EventWriter's internal namespace context. * Each attribute (if any) * is written using the behavior specified in the attribute * section of this table. Each namespace (if any) is written * using the behavior specified in the namespace section of this * table. * | *
END_ELEMENT | *Qname name | *None | *A well formed END_ELEMENT tag is written. * The name is written by looking up the prefix for * the namespace uri. The writer can be configured to * respect prefixes of QNames. If the writer is respecting * prefixes it must use the prefix set on the QName. The * default behavior is to lookup the value for the prefix * on the EventWriter's internal namespace context. * If the END_ELEMENT name does not match the START_ELEMENT * name an XMLStreamException is thrown. * | *
ATTRIBUTE | *QName name , String value | *QName type | *An attribute is written using the same algorithm * to find the lexical form as used in START_ELEMENT. * The default is to use double quotes to wrap attribute * values and to escape any double quotes found in the * value. The type value is ignored. * | *
NAMESPACE | *String prefix, String namespaceURI, * boolean isDefaultNamespaceDeclaration * | *None | *A namespace declaration is written. If the * namespace is a default namespace declaration * (isDefault is true) then xmlns="$namespaceURI" * is written and the prefix is optional. If * isDefault is false, the prefix must be declared * and the writer must prepend xmlns to the prefix * and write out a standard prefix declaration. * | *
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION | *None | *String target, String data | *The data does not need to be present and may be * null. Target is required and many not be null. * The writer * will write data section * directly after the target, * enclosed in appropriate XML 1.0 syntax * | *
COMMENT | *None | *String comment | *If the comment is present (not null) it is written, otherwise an * an empty comment is written * | *
START_DOCUMENT | *None | *String encoding , boolean standalone, String version | *A START_DOCUMENT event is not required to be written to the * stream. If present the attributes are written inside * the appropriate XML declaration syntax * | *
END_DOCUMENT | *None | *None | *Nothing is written to the output | *
DTD | *String DocumentTypeDefinition | *None | *The DocumentTypeDefinition is written to the output | *