4K      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<B()V(A keyword associated with the text entry!A list of completely opaque tiles&A list of completely transparent tiles#A list of integers, one per channelA palette entry,A palette index to be treated as transparent*A palette index to be used as a background A text entryAlpha)An RGB color to be treated as transparent(An RGB triple to be used as a backgroundBackgroundColorBackgroundColor/blueBackgroundColor/greenBackgroundColor/redBackgroundIndexBitRate BitsPerSampleBitsPerSample/value BlackIsZeroChromaChroma (color) informationCodeColorSpaceType CompressionCompression informationCompressionTypeNameData DimensionDimension informationDocumentDocument information FormatVersionGammaHorizontalPhysicalPixelSpacingHorizontalPixelOffsetHorizontalPixelSizeHorizontalPositionHorizontalScreenSizeImageCreationTimeImageCreationTime/dayImageCreationTime/hourImageCreationTime/minuteImageCreationTime/monthImageCreationTime/secondImageCreationTime/yearImageModificationTimeImageModificationTime/dayImageModificationTime/hourImageModificationTime/minuteImageModificationTime/monthImageModificationTime/secondImageModificationTime/yearImageOrientationInformation on the image layoutLineNumberTableLossless NumChannelsNumProgressiveScans OpaqueTile OpaqueTile/x OpaqueTile/yPalettePalette-color information PaletteEntryPaletteEntry/alphaPaletteEntry/bluePaletteEntry/greenPaletteEntry/indexPaletteEntry/redPixelAspectRatioPlanarConfiguration SampleFormat SampleMSBSampleMSB/valueSignificantBitsPerSampleSignificantBitsPerSample/value SourceFileSubimageInterpretationTextText information TextEntryTextEntry/compressionTextEntry/encodingTextEntry/keywordTextEntry/languageTextEntry/value%The alpha value for the palette entryThe blue background value)The blue channel of the transparent color$The blue value for the palette entryThe day of the monthVThe desired orientation of the image in terms of flips and counter-clockwise rotationsThe encoding of the text0The estimated bit rate of the compression scheme"The full year (e.g., 1967, not 67)The green background value*The green channel of the transparent color%The green value for the palette entryHThe height of a pixel, in millimeters, as it should be rendered on mediaTThe height, in pixels, of the raster display into which the image should be renderedxThe horizontal distance in the subject of the image, in millimeters, represented by one pixel at the center of the imageUThe horizontal position, in millimeters, where the image should be rendered on media \The horizontal position, in pixels, where the image should be rendered onto a raster displayThe hour from 0 to 23The image gamma%The index of a completely opaque tile*The index of a completely transparent tileThe index of the palette entryZThe interpretation of this image in relation to the other images stored in the same streamThe language of the text$The method used to compress the textThe minute from 0 to 59The month, with January = 1)The name of the compression scheme in useThe number of bits per sample8The number of channels in the raw image, including alpha:The number of progressive scans used in the image encoding)The number of significant bits per sample#The numeric format of image samples/The organization of image samples in the stream7The position of the most significant bit of each sample The raw color space of the imageThe red background value(The red channel of the transparent color#The red value for the palette entry*The second from 0 to 60 (60 = leap second)The tile's X indexThe tile's Y indexThe time of image creation'The time of the last image modification4The type of alpha information contained in the image,The version of the format used by the streamvThe vertical distance in the subject of the image, in millimeters, represented by one pixel at the center of the imageSThe vertical position, in millimeters, where the image should be rendered on media ZThe vertical position, in pixels, where the image should be rendered onto a raster display*The width of a pixel divided by its heightGThe width of a pixel, in millimeters, as it should be rendered on mediaSThe width, in pixels, of the raster display into which the image should be rendered TileOpacitiesTileTransparencies TransparencyTransparency informationTransparentColorTransparentColor/blueTransparentColor/greenTransparentColor/redTransparentIndexTransparentTileTransparentTile/xTransparentTile/y.True if smaller values represent darker shades*True if the compression scheme is losslessVerticalPhysicalPixelSpacingVerticalPixelOffsetVerticalPixelSizeVerticalPositionVerticalScreenSize[Ljava/lang/Object;>com/sun/imageio/plugins/common/StandardMetadataFormatResources getContentsjava/lang/Objectjava/util/ListResourceBundlethe text entry=>@A()[[Ljava/lang/Object; 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