Êþº¾49 "#$%&()V(I)Ljava/lang/String;KBand subset not allowed for an IndexColorModel image. Band subset ignored.CodeAGrayscale thumbnail can't be written as indexed. Written as JPEGLineNumberTableNMetadata Adobe settings incompatible with destination type. Metadata modified.HMetadata Adobe settings incompatible with image type. Metadata modified.MMetadata JFIF settings incompatible with destination type. Metadata modified.GMetadata JFIF settings incompatible with image type. Metadata modified.7Metadata adjusted (made JFIF-compatible) for thumbnail.MMetadata component ids incompatible with destination type. Metadata modified.FMetadata must be JPEGMetadata when writing a Raster. Metadata ignored.^Only Rasters or band subsets may be written with a destination type. Destination type ignored.:RGB thumbnail can't be written as indexed. Written as RGB SourceFile Stream metadata ignored on writeThumbnail clipped.1Thumbnails ignored for non-JFIF-compatible image.]Thumbnails must be simple (possibly index) RGB or grayscale. Incompatible thumbnail ignored.HThumbnails require JFIF marker segment. Missing node added to metadata.[Ljava/lang/Object;5com/sun/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGImageWriterResources getContentsjava/lang/Integerjava/lang/Objectjava/util/ListResourceBundletoString'(*+,()[[Ljava/lang/Object;  - 05 24JPEGImageWriterResources.java!/2*·7± )3¦J½.Y½1Y¸6SY SSY½1Y¸6SY SSY½1Y¸6SYSSY½1Y¸6SYSSY½1Y¸6SYSSY½1Y¸6SYSSY½1Y¸6SYSSY½1Y¸6SY SSY½1Y¸6SYSSY ½1Y ¸6SYSSY ½1Y ¸6SYSSY ½1Y ¸6SYSSY ½1Y ¸6SY SSY ½1Y ¸6SYSSY½1Y¸6SY SSY½1Y¸6SYSS°J#%!(4*G-Z0m3‚6—9¬<Á?ÖBëDGI*K?MI#!8