Êþº¾4L !"#$%'*+,-.1256789:;<=>AB()VEA Comment marker segment. The user object contains the actual bytes.(A Define Huffman Table(s) marker segment-A Define Quantization Table(s) marker segment(A Define Restart Interval marker segmentA single Huffman tableA single quantization tableXAn unrecognized marker segment. The user object contains the data not including length.Code5Indicates whether this is a DC (0) or an AC (1) tableLineNumberTable SourceFile:The comment as a string (used only if user object is null)8The number of bits in each table element (0 = 8, 1 = 16)The restart interval in MCUs The table id'The tag identifying this marker segment[Ljava/lang/Object;[[Ljava/lang/Object;com com/comment8com/sun/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGMetadataFormatResourcescommonContentsdgtable/qtableIddhtdhtable dhtable/classdhtable/htableIddqtdqtabledqtable/elementPrecisiondri dri/intervaljava/lang/Objectjava/util/ListResourceBundleunknownunknown/MarkerTag/3?@ 40  DG FH JPEGMetadataFormatResources.java DF40&*·J±(&ÿ½CY½EYSYSSY½EYSYSSY½EYSYSSY½EYSYSSY½EYSYSSY½EYSYSSY½EYSYSSY½EYSY SSY½EYSY SSY ½EYSYSSY ½EYSY SSY ½EYSY SSY ½EYSY SSY ½EYSY SS³I±(!)K