4      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`bcefghijklmnopqruvwxyz{|}~()VA background palette index'A blue value to be used as a backgroundA compressed text entry'A gray value to be used as a background;A grayscale background color, for Gray and GrayAlpha images7A grayscale value that should be considered transparent(A green value to be used as a backgroundA histogram entryA localized text entryA palette entry5A palette index that should be considered transparent,A palette index to be considered transparent*A palette index to be used as a background&A red value to be used as a backgroundA set of unknown chunksA suggested palette entry A text entry4An RGB background color, for RGB and RGBAlpha images2An RGB value that should be considered transparentCodeIHDR IHDR/bitDepthIHDR/colorTypeIHDR/compressionMethodIHDR/filterMethod IHDR/heightIHDR/interlaceMethod IHDR/widthLineNumberTablePLTE PLTEEntryPLTEEntry/bluePLTEEntry/greenPLTEEntry/index PLTEEntry/red3Significant bit information for RGB palette entries+Significant bit information for RGB samples,Significant bit information for RGBA samples6Significant bit information for gray and alpha samples,Significant bit information for gray samples SourceFile)The 4-character type of the unknown chunk;The CIE x coordinate of the blue primary, multiplied by 1e5SSY(YSY@SSY)YSYOSSY*Y SYMSSY+Y!SYaSSY,YSYDSSY-YSY5SSY.YySYSSY/YSYSSY0Y~SYSSY1Y}SYSSY2Y{SY SSY3YSY+SSY4YSY/SSY5YSY*SSY6YSY.SSY7YSY)SSY8YSY-SSY9YSY(SSY:YSY,SSY;YSYLSSY<YSY`SSY=YSYASSY>YSYTSSY?YSY