# # Copyright (c) 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # lexer.error.edit.string.missing.brace=Edit string expression missing closing brace lexer.error.here.missing.end.marker=Here string missing end marker "{0}" lexer.error.missing.close.quote=Missing close quote lexer.error.missing.space.after.number=Missing space after numeric literal lexer.error.invalid.hex=Invalid hex digit lexer.error.strict.no.octal=cannot use octal escapes in strict mode lexer.error.json.invalid.number=Invalid JSON number format lexer.error.invalid.escape.char=Invalid escape character lexer.error.illegal.identifier.character=Illegal character in identifier lexer.error.here.non.matching.delimiter=Quoted here string end marker must have matching delimiters parser.error.illegal.continue.stmt=Illegal continue statement parser.error.illegal.break.stmt=Illegal break statement parser.error.invalid.lvalue=Invalid left hand side for assignment parser.error.undefined.label=Undefined Label "{0}" parser.error.duplicate.label=Duplicate Label "{0}" parser.error.duplicate.default.in.switch=Switch already has default case parser.error.expected.literal=Expected a literal but found {0} parser.error.expected.operand=Expected an operand but found {0} parser.error.expected.stmt=Expected statement but found {0} parser.error.expected.comma=Expected comma but found {0} parser.error.expected.property.id=Expected property id but found {0} parser.error.expected.lvalue=Expected l-value but found {0} parser.error.expected=Expected {0} but found {1} parser.error.invalid.return=Invalid return statement parser.error.no.func.decl.here=Function declarations can only occur at program or function body level. You should use a function expression here instead. parser.error.no.func.decl.here.warn=Function declarations should only occur at program or function body level. Function declaration in nested block was converted to a function expression. parser.error.property.redefinition=Property "{0}" already defined parser.error.unexpected.token=Unexpected token: {0} parser.error.for.each.without.in=for each can only be used with for..in parser.error.many.vars.in.for.in.loop=Only one variable allowed in for..in loop parser.error.not.lvalue.for.in.loop=Invalid left side value of for..in loop parser.error.missing.catch.or.finally=Missing catch or finally after try parser.error.regex.unsupported.flag=Unsupported RegExp flag: {0} parser.error.regex.repeated.flag=Repeated RegExp flag: {0} parser.error.regex.syntax={0} parser.error.trailing.comma.in.json=Trailing comma is not allowed in JSON parser.error.missing.const.assignment=Missing assignment to constant "{0}" # strict mode error messages parser.error.strict.no.with="with" statement cannot be used in strict mode parser.error.strict.name="{0}" cannot be used as {1} in strict mode parser.error.strict.cant.delete.ident=cannot delete identifier "{0}" in strict mode parser.error.strict.param.redefinition=strict mode function cannot have duplicate parameter name "{0}" parser.error.strict.no.octal=cannot use octal value in strict mode parser.error.strict.no.func.decl.here=In strict mode, function declarations can only occur at program or function body level. You should use a function expression here instead. type.error.strict.getter.setter.poison=In strict mode, "caller", "callee", and "arguments" properties can not be accessed on functions or the arguments object # not the expected type in a given context type.error.not.an.object={0} is not an Object type.error.not.a.boolean={0} is not a Boolean type.error.not.a.date={0} is not a Date type.error.not.a.java.importer={0} is not a JavaImporter object type.error.not.a.number={0} is not a Number type.error.not.a.regexp={0} is not a RegExp type.error.not.a.string={0} is not a String type.error.not.a.function={0} is not a function type.error.not.a.function.value={0}, which has value {1}, is not a function type.error.not.a.constructor={0} is not a constructor function type.error.not.a.file={0} is not a File type.error.not.a.numeric.array={0} is not a numeric array type.error.not.a.bytebuffer={0} is not a java.nio.ByteBuffer type.error.not.an.arraybuffer.in.dataview=First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer type.error.no.reflection.with.classfilter=Java reflection not supported when class filter is present # operations not permitted on undefined type.error.cant.call.undefined=Cannot call undefined type.error.cant.read.property.of.undefined=Cannot read property "{0}" from undefined type.error.cant.set.property.of.undefined=Cannot set property "{0}" of undefined type.error.cant.delete.property.of.undefined=Cannot delete property "{0}" of undefined # other wrong usages of property type.error.property.has.no.setter=Cannot set property "{0}" of {1} that has only a getter type.error.cant.set.proto.to.non.object=Cannot set Object {0}''s __proto__ to be a non-object like {1} type.error.no.such.function={1} has no such function "{0}" type.error.no.such.java.class=No such Java class: {0} type.error.no.such.java.constructor=No such Java constructor: {0} type.error.improper.constructor.signature=Java constructor signature invalid: {0} type.error.cant.get.property=Cannot get property "{0}" of {1} type.error.cant.set.property=Cannot set property "{0}" of {1} type.error.cant.delete.property=Cannot delete property "{0}" of {1} type.error.cant.redefine.property=Cannot redefine property "{0}" of {1} type.error.property.not.writable="{0}" is not a writable property of {1} type.error.object.non.extensible=Cannot add new property "{0}" to non-extensible {1} type.error.__proto__.set.non.extensible=Cannot set __proto__ of non-extensible {0} type.error.circular.__proto__.set=Cannot create__proto__ cycle for {0} # miscellaneous type.error.regex.cant.supply.flags=Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another type.error.inconsistent.property.descriptor=inconsistent property descriptor type.error.bad.default.value=bad default value: {0} type.error.function.apply.expects.array=Function.prototype.apply expects an Array for second argument type.error.instanceof.on.non.object=instanceof must be called with a javascript or java object as the right-hand argument type.error.cannot.convert.to.interface=object {0} cannot be converted to {1} due to "{2}" type.error.array.reduce.invalid.init=invalid initialValue for Array.prototype.reduce type.error.array.reduceright.invalid.init=invalid initialValue for Array.prototype.reduceRight type.error.assign.constant=Assignment to constant "{0}" type.error.cannot.get.default.string=Cannot get default string value type.error.cannot.get.default.number=Cannot get default number value type.error.cant.apply.with.to.null=Cannot apply "with" to null type.error.cant.apply.with.to.undefined=Cannot apply "with" to undefined type.error.cant.apply.with.to.non.scriptobject=Cannot apply "with" to non script object. Consider using "with(Object.bindProperties('{'}, nonScriptObject))". type.error.in.with.non.object=Right hand side of "in" cannot be non-Object, found {0} type.error.prototype.not.an.object="prototype" of {0} is not an Object, it is {1} type.error.cant.load.script=Cannot load script from {0} type.error.JSON.stringify.cyclic=JSON.stringify got a cyclic data structure type.error.cant.convert.string.to.char=Cannot convert string to character; its length must be exactly 1 type.error.cant.convert.number.to.char=Cannot convert number to character; it is out of 0-65535 range type.error.cant.convert.to.java.string=Cannot convert object of type {0} to a Java argument of string type type.error.cant.convert.to.java.number=Cannot convert object of type {0} to a Java argument of number type type.error.cant.convert.to.javascript.array=Can only convert Java arrays and lists to JavaScript arrays. Cannot convert object of type {0}. type.error.extend.expects.at.least.one.argument=Java.extend needs at least one argument. type.error.extend.expects.at.least.one.type.argument=Java.extend needs at least one type argument. type.error.extend.expects.java.types=Java.extend needs Java types as its arguments. type.error.extend.ambiguous.defining.class=There is no class loader that can see all of {0} at once. type.error.extend.ERROR_FINAL_CLASS=Can not extend final class {0}. type.error.extend.ERROR_NON_PUBLIC_CLASS=Can not extend/implement non-public class/interface {0}. type.error.extend.ERROR_NO_ACCESSIBLE_CONSTRUCTOR=Can not extend class {0} as it has no public or protected constructors. type.error.extend.ERROR_MULTIPLE_SUPERCLASSES=Can not extend multiple classes {0}. At most one of the specified types can be a class, the rest must all be interfaces. type.error.extend.ERROR_NO_COMMON_LOADER=Can not find a common class loader for ScriptObject and {0}. type.error.extend.ERROR_FINAL_FINALIZER=Can not extend class because {0} has a final finalize method. type.error.extend.ERROR_OTHER=Can not extend/implement {0} because of {1} type.error.no.constructor.matches.args=Can not construct {0} with the passed arguments; they do not match any of its constructor signatures. type.error.no.method.matches.args=Can not invoke method {0} with the passed arguments; they do not match any of its method signatures. type.error.no.constructor.matches.args=Can not create new object with constructor {0} with the passed arguments; they do not match any of its method signatures. type.error.method.not.constructor=Java method {0} cannot be used as a constructor. type.error.env.not.object=$ENV must be an Object. type.error.unsupported.java.to.type=Unsupported Java.to target type {0}. type.error.java.array.conversion.failed=Java.to conversion to array type {0} failed type.error.constructor.requires.new=Constructor {0} requires "new". type.error.new.on.nonpublic.javatype=new cannot be used with non-public java type {0}. range.error.dataview.constructor.offset=Wrong offset or length in DataView constructor range.error.dataview.offset=Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView range.error.inappropriate.array.length=inappropriate array length: {0} range.error.inappropriate.array.buffer.length=inappropriate array buffer length: {0} range.error.invalid.fraction.digits=fractionDigits argument to {0} must be in [0, 20] range.error.invalid.precision=precision argument toPrecision() must be in [1, 21] range.error.invalid.radix=radix argument must be in [2, 36] range.error.invalid.date=Invalid Date range.error.too.many.errors=Script contains too many errors: {0} errors range.error.concat.string.too.big=Concatenated String is too big range.error.exec.returned.non.zero=$EXEC returned non-zero exit code: {0} reference.error.not.defined="{0}" is not defined reference.error.cant.be.used.as.lhs="{0}" can not be used as the left-hand side of assignment syntax.error.invalid.json=Invalid JSON: {0} syntax.error.strict.cant.delete=cannot delete "{0}" in strict mode syntax.error.redeclare.variable=Variable "{0}" has already been declared syntax.error.unprotected.switch.declaration=Unsupported {0} declaration in unprotected switch statement io.error.cant.write=cannot write "{0}" config.error.no.dest=no destination directory supplied config.error.eagerCompilationConflictsWithOptimisticTypes={0}=false (eager compilation) is not compatible with {1}=true. uri.error.bad.uri=Bad URI "{0}" near offset {1} list.adapter.null.global=Attempted to create the adapter from outside a JavaScript execution context.