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TextInsertingWWW'2 TextInserted<(D8ITextInputPanelW(A8,wireHWND)<@8_RemotableHandleh)>8Z__MIDL_IWinTypes_0009WWW<(>CurrentInteractionModeWW<(CDefaultInPlaceStateWHStateWWW<(DCurrentInPlaceStateW<(8vDefaultInputArea8BArea<(IyCurrentInputArea<(IPenInputPanel_InternalWWMicrosoft PenInputPanel 1.7WWWLThe PenInputPanel allows you to add in-place pen input to your applications.WWfRetrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the PenInputPanel object is currently processing ink.fReturns or sets the factoid that a recognizer uses to constrain its search for the recognition result._Sets or retrieves the window handle of the object that the PenInputPanel object is attached to.WWWuSpecifies that the PenInputPanel object displays the last panel type used for any pen input panel in any application.W>Specifies that the PenInputPanel object does not accept input.nSpecifies that the PenInputPanel object displays the default handwriting panel for the current input language.kSpecifies that the PenInputPanel object displays the default keyboard panel for the current input language.WWWJDefines the type of input currently available in the PenInputPanel object.ISets or retrieves which panel is currently active in the pen input panel.WFSets or retrieves which panel shows in the pen input panel by default.@Sets or retrieves the visible state of the PenInputPanel object.WWGRetrieves the vertical location of the top edge of the pen input panel.WWWJRetrieves the horizontal location of the left edge of the pen input panel.ARetrieves the width of the pen input panel in client coordinates.WBRetrieves the height of the pen input panel in client coordinates.Sets or retrieves the offset between the closest horizontal edge of the pen input panel and the closest horizontal edge of the control to which it is attached.WWWSets or retrieves the offset between the left edge of the pen input panel and the left edge of the control to which it is attached.WWWpSets or retrieves a Boolean value that specifies if the pen input panel appears when focus is set using the pen.WWJSets the position of the PenInputPanel object to a static screen position.&Sends collected ink to the recognizer.'Forces a complete repaint of a control.WWWWhen passed TRUE, the PenInputPanel object attempts to send text to the attached control through the Text Services Framework (TSF) and enables the use of the correction user interface.WWPenInputPanel Event InterfaceWxOccurs when input focus changes before the PenInputPanel object was able to insert user input into the attached control.WW@Occurs when the PenInputPanel object has shown or hidden itself.WW=Occurs when the PenInputPanel object changes between layouts.W/Occurs when the PenInputPanel object is moving.WWW#IHandwrittenTextInsertion interfaceWWWIInkRecognitionResult InterfaceWWW)Represents the result of the recognition.W"IInkRecognitionAlternate Interface+Returns the result string of the alternate.WWWReturns the level of confidence - strong, intermediate, or poor - that a recognizer has in the recognition of a RecognitionAlternate object or of a gesture.WWSReturns the baseline of a RecognitionAlternate object that exists on a single line.WWWSReturns the midline for a RecognitionAlternate object that exists on a single line.WWWXReturns the ascender line of a RecognitionAlternate object that exists on a single line.WWYReturns the descender line of a RecognitionAlternate object that exists on a single line.W?Returns the line number of the ink that makes up the alternate.WWWIInkStrokes InterfaceWMContains the collection of Stroke objects that represent a single ink stroke.Wproperty _NewEnumWIInkDisp Interfaceproperty Strokes collectionWWW IInkExtendedProperties InterfaceWWkContains the ExtendedProperty objects that represent application-defined data that is stored with a stroke.WWW!Enumerate next item in PropertiesWIInkExtendedProperty InterfacefRepresents the ability to add your own data to a variety of objects within the Tablet PC object model.Property's dataWWWPSpecifies the object or collection to return at the given index in a collection.WWPSpecifies the extended property to add to the collection of extended properties.WW>Specifies the extended property to remove from the collection.?Specifies the extended properties to clear from the collection.WWWYSpecifies whether an extended property exists within a collection of extended properties.W&property ExtendedProperties collectionDirty property WIInkCustomStrokes InterfaceWWW:Contains a collection of user-defined Strokes collections.OSpecifies the collection of strokes to add to the collection of custom strokes.WWW]Specifies the stroke or collection of strokes to remove from the given collection of strokes.WSSpecifies that all custom strokes be cleared from the collection of custom strokes.WWWproperty CustomStrokesUse the definition of each stroke (polyline or Bezier) to calculate the bounding box; includes the drawing attributes, such as pen width, in the calculation.WUse the polyline of the strokes (ignore Bezier curve fitting requests) to calculate the bounding box; includes the drawing attributes in the calculation.WUse the Bezier curve fitting line of the strokes (apply Bezier curve fitting to all strokes) to calculate the bounding box; includes the drawing attributes in the calculation.WWWAUse only the points of the strokes to calculate the bounding box.W9The union of a NoCurveFit request and a CurveFit request.W<Represents the collected strokes of ink within an ink space.WWIInkRectangle InterfaceWWW6Represents access to a rectangle for Automation users.=Returns or sets the left position of the InkRectangle object.W?Returns or sets the bottom position of the InkRectangle object.WWW>Returns or sets the right position of the InkRectangle object./Returns or sets access to the rectangle struct.WWWMSpecifies (returns) the elements of the InkRectangle object in a single call.WJSpecifies (sets) the elements of the InkRectangle object in a single call.BoundingBox propertyWWDeleteStrokes methodWWIInkStrokeDisp InterfaceWWRepresents a single ink stroke.WWWproperty BezierPointsWIInkDrawingAttributes InterfaceWWW@Represents the objects that are applied to ink when it is drawn.WWYReturns or sets the width of the pen when drawing ink with this DrawingAttributes object.WZReturns or sets the height of the pen when drawing ink with this DrawingAttributes object.Returns or sets the value that specifies whether Bezier smoothing is used to render ink; this means that ink will be rendered as a series of curves instead of as lines between pen sample points.Returns or sets the value that specifies whether drawn ink will automatically get wider with increased pressure of the pen tip on the tablet surface.WReturns or sets the value that specifies whether the foreground and background colors along the edge of the ink are blended to increase the smoothness of an ink stroke.WW4Returns or sets the transparency value of drawn ink.WWBlack pen color.WWInverse of MergePen.WWTCombination of the colors common to the background color and the inverse of the pen.WWInverse of CopyPen.WWWPCombination of the colors common to both the pen and the inverse of the display.WWInverse of the display color.WOCombination of the colors in the pen and in the display color, but not in both.WWWInverse of MaskPen.WWWACombination of the colors common to both the pen and the display.WInverse of XOrPen.+No operation; the output remains unchanged.WWWBCombination of the display color and the inverse of the pen color. Pen color.BCombination of the pen color and the inverse of the display color.3Combination of the pen color and the display color.WWWWhite pen color.WW=Defines values for performing raster operations on drawn ink.WqReturns or sets how the pen color interacts with the existing background colors on the display when ink is drawn.WRound pen tip.Rectangular pen tip.WWHDefines values that specify whether the pen tip is round or rectangular.WWkReturns or sets the pen tip to use, ball or rectangle, when drawing ink with this DrawingAttributes object.WWWGReturns the collection of application-defined data stored in an object.WWW-Specifies the creation of a duplicate object.Wproperty DrawingAttributes Ink propertyWWExtenedProperties collectionWWPolyline Cusps propertyWWWBezier Cusps propertyWSelf Intersections propertyWWWPacketCount propertyWWPacketSize propertyWWWPacketDescription propertyDeleted propertyWWmethod FindIntersectionsWW method GetRectangleIntersectionsWW method ClipWWWmethod HitTestCircleWWmethod NearestPointWWW method SplitWW*GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics methodmethod GetPointsWWmethod SetPointsWWmethod GetPacketDataWW method GetPacketValuesByPropertyWW method SetPacketValuesByPropertyWWmethod GetFlattenedBezierPointsWWWIInkTransform InterfaceWWWKRepresents a 3x3 matrix that, in turn, represents an affine transformation.WWW9Specifies the translation to apply to the view transform.WSpecifies the amount, measured in degrees, to rotate the ink in the view transform around the specified point, or if no point is specified, the origin.WWWASpecifies reflection in either horizontal or vertical directions.WNShears the stroke or strokes by the specified horizontal and vertical factors.5Specifies the X and Y factors to scale the transform.W"Gets the InkTransform member data."Sets the InkTransform member data.Returns or sets the element in the first row, first column of the affine transform matrix represented by an InkTransform object.WWReturns or sets the element in the first row, second column of the affine transform matrix represented by an InkTransform object.WReturns or sets the element in the second row, first column of the affine transform matrix represented by an InkTransform object.WReturns or sets the element in the second row, second column of the affine transform matrix represented by an InkTransform object.Returns or sets the element in the third row, first column of the affine transform matrix represented by an InkTransform object.WWReturns or sets the element in the third row, second column of the affine transform matrix represented by an InkTransform object.W6Returns or sets access to the XFORM struct (C++ only).Transform methodWWScaleToRectangle methodWWW Move methodWWW Rotate methodW Shear methodWWScaleTransform methodWDeleteStroke methodWWW&The ink is copied from the Ink object.#The ink is cut from the Ink object.WWWQDefines values that determine what part of a stroke to remove from an Ink object.WExtractStrokes methodWExtractWithRectangle methodWWW Clip methodWWW Clone methodWWHitTestCircle method WHitTestWithRectangle methodWWWmethod HitTestWithLassoWWWCreateStrokes methodWWAddStrokesAtRectangle methodWWBSpecifies that ink be persisted using Ink Serialized Format (ISF).GSpecifies that ink be persisted by encoding the ISF as a base64 stream.WWWiSpecifies that ink be persisted using a GIF file that contains ISF as meta-data embedded within the file.WHSpecifies that ink be persisted by using a base64 encoded fortified GIF.WW1Defines values that specify how ink is persisted.WUProvides the best tradeoff between save-time and storage for the typical application.WSUse when minimizing storage space is more important than how fast the ink is saved.WWWUse when save-time is more important than the amount of storage space used and when compatibility between versions is important.WW\Defines values for the compression modes used to save the Ink object to a serialized format.WW Save methodWWW Load methodWWWCreateStroke methodWWWWFlag that can be used to verify whether any formats are present by checking against it.WWW^Specifies that ink is not expected to form words, but rather will be interpreted as a picture.-Specifies that ink be expected to form words.WASpecifies the enhanced metafile to play to create the background.WlSpecifies that ink be stored as a metafile, or a list of commands that can be played back to draw a graphic.WW.Specifies the bitmap to use as the background.RSpecifies the formats that can be used for pasting, including tInk, sInk, and ISF.FSpecifies the formats that can be copied to the clipboard through Ink.+Specifies that ink be stored as a CopyMask.WWWNDefines values that specify the format of ink that is stored on the clipboard.Copy the ink to the clipboard.)Cut the ink and copy it to the clipboard.W%Do not copy the ink to the clipboard.W~Use delayed rendering to reduce the amount of data stored on the clipboard; the data is rendered when a paste request is made.%Specifies that the Copy mode be used.W>Defines values that specify the copy options of the clipboard.ClipboardCopyWithRectangle ClipboardCopyWCanPasteWWClipboardPaste=Returns the Ink object that contains a collection of strokes.W9Returns the recognition result of the Strokes collection.WEFor a Strokes collection, returns the recognized text of the strokes.W Item methodWWW7Specifies the stroke to add to a collection of strokes.WWWFSpecifies the collection of strokes to add to a collection of strokes.MSpecifies the given Strokes collection to remove from the Strokes collection.WRSpecifies the drawing attributes of all of the strokes in a collection of strokes.method GetBoundingBoxWSpecifies the application of scaling, rotation, translation and skewing of Stroke collections/Ink objects in a single operation, as opposed to individual operations.W]Specifies the stroke or collection of strokes to be scaled to fit in the specified rectangle.WERemoves the RecognitionResult associated with the Strokes collection.Wproperty StrokesWW#IInkRecognitionAlternates InterfaceWWWGReturns the number of objects or collections contained in a collection.WWWbReturns the collection of alternates where each alternate in the collection is on a separate line.Returns the collection of alternates where each alternate in the collection consists of the segments with the same property values.WWWSpecifies the smallest collection of strokes that contains a given input collection of strokes, and for which the recognizer can provide alternates.WWReturns the strokes that correspond to the smallest RecognitionAlternates collection that contains a specified range of recognized text within the alternate.WSpecifies the smallest range of recognized text for which the recognizer can return an alternate that contains a given collection of strokes.WnSpecifies the collection of alternates that have the same value as this alternate for the given property type.oSpecifies the value of a given property of the alternate, such as the recognizer's confidence in the alternate.WWW5Returns the best alternate of the recognition result.W\Returns the level of confidence - strong, intermediate, or poor - of the recognition result.WWmethod AlternatesFromSelectionGSpecifies the recognition result to be modified with a given alternate.WWW`Specifies the recognition results to assign to the strokes that were used to create the results.WWITextInputPanel InterfaceW!IInputPanelWindowHandle InterfaceWITextInputPanelRunInfoX x@ @ @@@P@ @p @  @ `  (   T  @H @( @8 HP `h x@<th$\@p 0D@|X8p,dX P0@P`Lp@4!!l `"%!@T$#(#8(#H@X`%x$%"1=xH&% 0@H4X`px&hh))(,L'(@T444444444 4  4  4  4  4 444@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@<d$@\x(H(<Pdx,@P4444@@@@(<d44444@@@@@<Pd|(<PP4444@@@@$Hp(<<444@@@ 0(P4444@@@@(<P4444@@@@(<<444@@@(<444@@@p(444444 4@44 4 4 4 4@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @, X ( T  ( (<Pdx@,LDp8` , LD@p ,$D!,(LD@H ,,D!@,0LDX ,4D!P,8LDXP ,<D!P, @LD 8l , DD!  , HLD `` , LLD ` , PLD ` ,TLD<` ,XLD` ,\D!,`LD$` ,dD!$,hLD8 ,lD! 8pT     t4 l x4 5,|D     ` p p 8 8 l l , @ ` t ,X4`<hDpp444\4@@@@  8TPt      ,D  <,D  \ Pp8 d  ` `  XP|x< l h$<l `E$``E<L,LD @| , TD,9D ,$LDd9xD ,(TD 5( P, D9CD,EE ,0L 9xlE 44 0:|DD(ELEE,X,,LDl @ , LD xP ,$LD< h ,(LD | ,,LD  ,0LDH  ,4LD ` ,8TD 5( ,<TD5pC , @TD 5C 8 Dl D 6(C D H D 7`C`DC D L|  7(`C`D8 Pd D H8DTD 8T\ D8DD    Ph|(pCCCC0DTDD,X4`4x<444@@@ <(,LD ` , LDP  ,$TD1p ,(TD1h4B ,,L D$2@TB 80d Dl2! ,4L |2hB,8L 2B,<L `hB, @L  3B, DL  P3P8 Hd D 3hB 8 L\  3  , PL  d48TT 'DXd '8\T (|8`T (|,dL $) h4 4 4BTBBBBL L`TC,X@l(`@x,TDx ( , TDt` ,$LD8x ,(D! ,,TD 80d Dh ,4L (,8L 0(!D<| D((!p! 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