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P~m: ;.F_E$Im p#IP9N] ^cfy$\`cluB'B /OKqs-X<F|66w>x$56>'X!<."8vCL=y7}hJv7,O<T#36 qwR\b6 a`C Hu+2 tI$ opUuiWR?$/.Z:x%H:%M:%S elapsed%H:%M:%S left%a - Account (Lines containing this will be omitted if not using Account logontype)%d directory%d directories%d directory with its contents%d directories with their contents%d file%d files%d file. Total size: %s%d files. Total size: %s%d file. Total size: At least %s%d files. Total size: At least %s%d files added to queue%d second%d seconds%h - Host%p - Password%s (%s/s)%s (? B/s)%s - Certificate expired!%s - Not yet valid!%s - Proxy user%s and %s. Total size: %s%s and %s. Total size: At least %s%s byte%s bytes%s could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, SFTP will not work. Please download FileZilla again. If this problem persists, please submit a bug report.%s could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, SFTP will not work. Possible solutions: - Make sure %s is in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable. - Set the full path to %s in the FZ_FZSFTP environment variable.%s with %d bits%u - Username%w - Proxy password&About...&Account:&Active&Add bookmark...&Add files to queue&Add keyfile...&Add to queue&Adjust server timezone offset:&Always trust certificate in future sessions.&Always trust this host, add this key to the cache&Always use default editor&Always use selection for unassociated files&Always use this action&Ask your operating system for the external IP address&Auto&Autodetect&Binary&Binary prefixes using SI symbols. (e.g. 1 KB = 1024 bytes)&Bookmarks&Browse...&Burst tolerance:&Cancel&Clear private data...&Close&Close FileZilla&Configure speed limits...&Configure...&Connect&Copy current connection to Site Manager...&Copy to clipboard&Crash&Create directory&Create new tab&Debug&Debug information in message log:&Default editor:&Default file exists action...&Delay between failed login attempts:&Delete&Delete symlink&Directory comparison&Discard local file then download and edit file anew&Disconnect&Disconnect from server&Display momentary transfer speed instead of average speed&Display size in bytes&Don't show this dialog again.&Don't use external IP address on local connections.&Double-click action on files:&Download&Download to:&Download...&Downloads:&Edit&Edit filter rules...&Enable&Enable speed limits&Encoding:&Encryption:&Enter custom command...&Execute&Export Site Manager entries&Export...&Fall back to active mode&File&File Attributes...&File permissions...&File:&Filter conditions:&Filter sets:&Filters:&Finish editing and delete local file&Flatten remote paths, download all contained files directly into target directory&Follow symlink, delete target directory contents&Get external IP address from the following URL:&Getting help...&Global bookmark&HTTP/1.1 using CONNECT method&Help&Hide identical files&Highest&Highest available port:&Host:&IEC binary prefixes (e.g. 1 KiB = 1024 bytes)&ISO 8601 (example: 2007-09-15)&Import...&Inherit system's filetype associations&Install new version&Keep remote path structure relative to search root&Layout of file and directory panes:&Limit local ports used by FileZilla&Limit number of simultaneous connections&Local directory tree&Local directory:&Log to file&Logon Type:&Logontype:&Low&Manage bookmarks...&Manual transfer...&Maximum number of connections:&Maximum number of retries:&Message log&Minimize to tray&Name:&Network configuration wizard...&New&New Site&New version available!&Next >&No&None&Normal&Numeric value:&OK&OPEN&Open&Overwrite&Passive&Password:&Play sound&Port:&Preserve timestamps of transferred files&Queue&Quickconnect&Quickconnect bar&Read&Reconnect&Refresh&Remember password until FileZilla is closed&Remember passwords&Remote directory:&Remote path:&Remove&Remove key&Remove selected&Rename&Rename...&Reopen local file&Replace invalid characters with:&Report a bug...&Reset and requeue all&Restart Wizard&Resume&Run command...&Run configuration wizard now...&Run update check now...&SITE&SOCKS 5&Save as...&Search&Search remote files...&Select Entry:&Select language:&Select the columns that should be displayed:&Server&Settings&Settings...&Show debug menu&Show message&Show timestamps in message log&Site Manager...&Site-specific bookmark&Skip&Speed limits&Start transfer immediately&Swap local and remote panes&TLS Ciphers&Test&Theme:&Transfer&Transfer mode:&Transfer queue&Treat dotfiles as ASCII files&Unedit&Update cached key for this host&Upload&Uploads:&Use custom program&Use synchronized browsing&Use system's default editor for text files&Use the following IP address:&Use the server's external IP address instead&Use thousands separator&User:&Username:&Version %s&View&View/Edit&Watch locally edited files and prompt to upload modifications&When checking for updates, check for:&Write&Yes'%s' does not exist or cannot be accessed.'%s' is not a directory.'Account' logontype not supported by selected protocol'Normal' and 'Account' logontypes are not available, using 'Ask for password' instead.'Normal' and 'Account' logontypes are not available. Your entry has been changed to 'Ask for password'.'quote' is usually a local command used by commandline clients to send the arguments following 'quote' to the server. You might want to enter the raw command without the leading 'quote'.(%d object filtered)(%d objects filtered)(0 for no limit)(0-99)(0-999 seconds)(1-10)(5-9999, 0 to disable)(app-compat is set to %d.%d)(example: %H:%M)(example: %Y-%m-%d)(in %s/s)---:--:-- left-c cannot be used together with an FTP URL.-l can only be used together with an FTP URL.-s and -c cannot be present at the same time.-s cannot be used together with an FTP URL.0 - None1 - Warning2 - Info3 - Verbose4 - Debug< &Back?A bookmark with the entered name already exists. Please enter an unused name.A default editor needs to be set.A directory cannot be dragged into one of its subdirectories.A few servers don't allow passive mode or are misconfigured. In such cases you would have to use active mode. In active mode, FileZilla opens a port and asks the server to connect to it.A file previously opened has been changed.A file with that name is already being transferred.A file with that name is still being edited. Please close it and try again.A local filename could not be decoded. Please make sure the LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL) environment variable is set correctly. Unless you fix this problem, files might be missing in the file listings. No further warning will be displayed this session.A new version of FileZilla is available:A proper server always shows all files, but some broken servers hide files from the user. Use this option to force the server to show all files.A proper server does not require this. Contact the server administrator if you need this.A remote operation is in progress and synchronized browsing is enabled. Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?A&SCIIA&ddA&llow resume of ASCII filesA&pply only to downloadsA&pply only to uploadsA&pply to all files and directoriesA&utomatically remove successful transfersASCIIAbout FileZillaAbove the file listsAccountAction after queue &completionAction on selected file:Action to perform:Action:Active modeActive mode FTP test failed. FileZilla does not know the correct external IP address.Active mode FTP test failed. FileZilla does not know the correct external IP address. In addition to that, your router has modified the sent address.Active mode FTP test failed. FileZilla knows the correct external IP address, but your router or firewall has misleadingly modified the sent address.Active mode IPAdd files to &queue onlyAdd selected directory to the transfer queueAdd selected files and folders to the transfer queueAdd to queueAddress type not supportedAdvancedAdvice: Unless you want to test new features, please keep using stable versions only. Beta versions and nightly builds are development versions meant for testing purposes. Nightly builds of FileZilla may not work as expected and might even damage your system. Use beta versions and nightly builds at your own risk.Algorithm:All files have been successfully transferredAll ports in the given range have to be between 1024 and 65535.All transfers have finished. %d file could not be transferred.All transfers have finished. %d files could not be transferred.Allow &fall back to other transfer mode on failureAllow fallback to other transfer mode on failureAlready connectedAlternatively you can use the Pageant tool from PuTTY to manage your keys, FileZilla does recognize Pageant.Alternatively you can use your system's SSH agent. To do so, make sure the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable is set.Alternatively, you can also download the latest version from the FileZilla website:An error occurred loading the transfer queue from "%s". Some queue items might not have been restored.An error occurred saving the transfer queue to "%s". Some queue items might not have been saved.An item with the same name as the dragged item already exists at the target location.AnonymousAnother remote operation is already in progress, cannot change directory now.Any changes made in the Site Manager could not be saved.Any changes made in the Site Manager will not be saved unless you repair the file.Any changes made to the filters could not be saved.Any changes made to the filters will not be saved.App&ly to directories onlyApplyApply to ¤t queue onlyApply to &files onlyArchiveAs tab in the transfer queue paneAsk for actionAsk for passwordAsk operating system for a port.Ask your operating system for the external IP addressAsking questions in the FileZilla forumsAssociated program not found:At least one filter condition is incompleteAt this point, all required information has been gathered.AttributeAuthentication failed.Author:AutoAutomatic file type classificationAvailable sizesB B&ypass proxyBasic usage instructionsBehaviourBeing editedBeware! Certificate has been revokedBinaryBlackboardBookmarkBookmark:BookmarksBuild date:Build informationBusiness category:By default uses any available local port to establish transfers in active mode. If you want to limit FileZilla to use only a small range of ports, please enter the port range below.C&ancel current operationC&lear allC&opy URL(s) to clipboardC&ustomC&ustom filetype associations:Calculating timezone offset of server...Can't read from fileCan't write data to file.Can't write data to file: %sCancelCancel current operationCancels the current operationCannot access '%s', no media inserted or drive not ready.Cannot add server to Site ManagerCannot close tab while busy. Cancel current operation and close tab?Cannot compare directories, different filters for local and remote directories are enabledCannot compare directories, not connected to a server.Cannot create new filterCannot edit fileCannot edit file, not connected to any server.Cannot edit file, remote path unknown.Cannot establish FTP connection to an SFTP server. Please select proper protocol.Cannot load Quickconnect bar from resource fileCannot load keyfileCannot load toolbar from resource fileCannot remember passwordCannot rename entryCannot rename fileCannot resolve hostname to IPv4 address for use with SOCKS4 proxy.Cannot save filtersetCannot select filterCannot set file associationCannot show dialogCannot view/edit selected fileCategoriesCertificate and session data are not available yet.Certificate detailsCertificate in chain:Certificate issuerChallenge:Change file attributesChange the file permissions.Changing logfile settings requires restart of FileZilla.Character encoding issueCharsetCheck for &updates...Check for FileZilla &updates automatically:Check for UpdatesCheck for newer versions of FileZillaCheck for updates failedChecking for correct external IP addressChecking for updates...Checksum match on file %s Checksum mismatch on file %s Choose the default local directoryChoose the local directoryChunk data improperly terminatedCipher:Cl&ose tabClassicClear &Site Manager entriesClear &layout cacheClear &quickconnect historyClear &reconnect informationClear &transfer queueClear historyClear private dataClear quickconnect barClick on Finish to save your configuration.Client to server MAC:Client to server cipher:Close &all other tabsClose FileZillaClose all running instances of FileZillaCloses current tabCo&mments:Column propertiesColumn setupCommand and its arguments should be properly quoted.Command failedCommand not supportedCommand not supported by this protocolCommand:CommentCommon name:Communication tainted by router or firewallCompare &modification timeCompare file&sizeComparison &threshold (in minutes):Comparison threshold needs to be between 0 and 1440 minutes.Compiled for:Compiled on:Compiled with:Compiler flags:CompressedConcurrent transfersConditions are c&ase sensitiveConfiguration testConfigure passive modeConfigure port rangeConfiguring FileZilla and your networkConfirm deletionConfirmation neededCongratulations, your configuration seems to be working.Connect bypassing proxy settingsConnect to specified Site Manager siteConnectedConnectingConnecting to %sConnecting to %s through proxyConnecting to %s...ConnectionConnection attempt failedConnection attempt failed with "%s", trying next address.Connection attempt failed with "%s".Connection attempt interrupted by userConnection closedConnection closed by serverConnection established, initializing TLS...Connection established, sending HTTP requestConnection established, waiting for welcome message...Connection lostConnection not allowed by rulesetConnection refusedConnection timed outConnection timed out.Connection to server lost.Connection with proxy established, performing handshake...Connection with server got closed prematurely.Connection with the test server failed.Convert keyfileCopy (%d) of %sCopy of %sCopy the URLs of the selected items to clipboard.Could not accept connection: %sCould not add connection to Site ManagerCould not complete operationCould not connect to serverCould not connect to server: %sCould not convert command to server encodingCould not convert private keyCould not copy URLsCould not copy dataCould not create local file %s Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window.Could not establish connection to serverCould not find the resource files for FileZilla, closing FileZilla. You can set the data directory of FileZilla using the '--datadir ' commandline option or by setting the FZ_DATADIR environment variable.Could not generate custom login sequence.Could not get distinguished name of certificate issuer, gnutls_x509_get_issuer_dn failedCould not get distinguished name of certificate subject, gnutls_x509_get_dn failedCould not get full remote path.Could not get reply from fzputtygen.Could not get temporary directory to download file into.Could not import peer certificates, gnutls_x509_crt_import failedCould not initialize structure for peer certificates, gnutls_x509_crt_init failedCould not load "%s", please make sure the file is valid and can be accessed. Any changes made in the Site Manager will not be saved.Could not load keyfileCould not load private keyCould not obtain corresponding local directory for the remote directory '%s'. Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?Could not obtain corresponding local directory for the remote directory '%s'. Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Could not obtain corresponding remote directory for the local directory '%s'. Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Could not open clipboardCould not open log file: %sCould not parse remote path.Could not parse server address:Could not read from socket: %sCould not read server item.Could not seek to offset %s within fileCould not seek to the end of the fileCould not send command to fzputtygen.Could not spawn IO threadCould not start proxy handshake: %sCould not start transferCould not write "%s", any changes to the Site Manager could not be saved: %sCould not write "%s", the bookmark could not be added: %sCould not write "%s", the global bookmarks could no be saved: %sCould not write "%s", the queue could not be saved. %sCould not write "%s", the selected sites could not be exported: %sCould not write keyfile: %sCould not write to local fileCould not write to log file: %sCould not write to socket: %sCountry:Crashes FileZilla instantly. Only used to debug the exception handlerCrea&te new fileCreate a new subdirectory in the current directoryCreate a new, empty file in the current directoryCreate directoryCreate empty fileCreating directoryCreating directory '%s'...Critical errorCritical file transfer errorCritical file transfer error after transferring %s in %sCurrent remote directory (%s) is not below the synchronization root (%s). Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Current transfer type is set to ASCII.Current transfer type is set to automatic detection.Current transfer type is set to binary.Cus&tomCustom filter setCustom serverD&ata typeD&ecimal prefixes using SI symbols (e.g. 1 KB = 1000 bytes)D&efaultD&eleteD&isable allD&o not save passwordsD&ouble-click action on directories:D&uplicateDOS-like with virtual pathsDangerous filetypeDataData socket closed too early.DateDate formattingDate/time formatDate/time unknownDebugDebugging settingsDefault &local directory:Default (Autodetect)Default editor not properly quoted.Default file exists actionDefault r&emote directory:Default remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path for the selected server type.Default system languageDefault transfer mode:Default transfer type:Default: http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.phpDelay between failed connection attempts has to be between 1 and 999 seconds.Delaying connection for %d second due to previously failed connection attempt...Delaying connection for %d seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...Delete Site Manager entryDelete selected directoryDelete selected files and directoriesDeleting directoriesDeleting multiple unrelated directories is not yet supportedDeleting symbolic linkDesktopDetailsDetails for new key:Dire&ctoriesDirectionDirectoryDirectory comparisonDirectory comparison failedDirectory containing the logfile does not exist or filename is invalid.Directory listing aborted by userDirectory listing failedDirectory listing filtersDirectory listing successfulDisa&ble allDisable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?Disable this option again if you will not be able to see the correct directory contents anymore.Disconnect from serverDisconnected from serverDisconnected from server: %sDisconnecting from previous serverDisconnects from the currently visible serverDisplay about dialogDo ¬ use default editorDo ¬hingDo you really want to close FileZilla?Do you really want to delete all Site Manager entries and the transfer queue?Do you really want to delete all Site Manager entries?Do you really want to delete selected entry?Do you really want to delete the transfer queue?Do you really want to send '%s' to the server?DocumentationDon't use external IP address on &local connections.Dotfiles are filenames starting with a dot, e.g. .htaccessDouble-click actionDownloadDownload &limit:Download limit: %s/sDownload limit: noneDownload search resultsDownload selected directoryDownload selected files and directoriesDownload speed: %s/s Upload speed: %s/sDownloadingDownloading %sDownloading multiple unrelated directories is not yet supportedDownloading search resultsDownloading update...Drag&drop between different instances of FileZilla has not been implemented yet.Drag&drop between different servers has not been implemented yet.Dupl&icateE&nable allE&nter directoryE&xecuteE&xitE-Mail:Each filter needs at least one condition.Edit filtersEdit the file with the configured editor and upload changes to the server.Editing failedEmail:Empty commandEmpty command.Empty directory listingEmpty directory.Empty file extension.Empty filter names are not allowed.Empty nameEmpty quoted string.En&able allEnable invalid character &filteringEncryptedEncryptionEncryption detailsEnd comparison and change sorting order?Enter &custom command...Enter 0 for unlimited speed.Enter commandEnter custom commandEnter directoryEnter filter nameEnter name for filtersetEnter new name for filtersetEnter passwordEnter selected directoryEnter the password for the file '%s'. Please note that the converted file will not be password protected.Enter the port on which the server listens. The default for FTP is 21, the default for SFTP is 22.Enter username and passwordError exporting settingsError importingError loading queueError loading xml fileError saving queueError starting programError writing xml fileError:Example: png "c:\program files\viewer\viewer.exe" -openExamplesExe&cuteExecutable contains no version info, cannot check for updates.ExplorerExport &QueueExport &SettingsExport settingsF&ilter name:FTPFTP - File Transfer ProtocolFTP - File Transfer Protocol with optional encryptionFTP - Insecure File Transfer ProtocolFTP Engine not initialized, can't connectFTP Keep-aliveFTP ProxyFTP URLFTP uses secondary connections for data transfers. These additional connections can be established in two ways.Failed to change directoryFailed to change languageFailed to copy or move sitesFailed to create backup copy of xml fileFailed to create listen socket, abortingFailed to create listening socket for active mode transferFailed to get 'My Documents' pathFailed to get desktop pathFailed to get peer address of control connection, connection closed.Failed to get peer address of data connection, connection closed.Failed to initialize FTP engineFailed to initialize TLS.Failed to load panels, invalid resource files?Failed to load private key: %sFailed to open "%s" for appending/writingFailed to open "%s" for readingFailed to open "%s" for writingFailed to parse returned path.Failed to receive dataFailed to retrieve directory listingFailed to retrieve external ip address, abortingFailed to retrieve external ip address, using local addressFailed to retrieve local ip address.Failed to retrieve local ip address. AbortingFailed to retrieve the external IP address.Failed to send command.Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system languageFailed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language (%s, %s).Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language.Failed to set language to %s, using default system languageFailed to set language to %s, using default system language (%s, %s).Failed to set language to %s, using default system language.Failed to validate settingsFailed to verify peer certificateFailed to write to file %sFailed to write xml fileFailed transfersFall back to active modeFil&e:Fil&esFileFile TypesFile does not contain any importable data.File editingFile existsFile exists actionFile has changedFile listsFile not foundFile searchFile transfer aborted by userFile transfer aborted by user after transferring %s in %sFile transfer failedFile transfer failed after transferring %s in %sFile transfer skippedFile transfer successfulFile transfer successful, transferred %s in %sFile transfers still in progress.File would transfer with ASCII data type.File would transfer with binary data type.FileZilla ErrorFileZilla can now test your configuration to ensure everything is configured properly.FileZilla is already connected to a server.FileZilla needs to be restarted for the language change to take effect.FileZilla updatesFilelist status &barsFilenameFilename &filters...Filename cannot be constructed for directory %s and filename %sFilename invalidFilename unchangedFilename:Filenames may not contain any of the following characters: / * ? < > |Filenames may not contain any of the following characters: / \ : * ? " < > |Files currently being editedFilesizeFilesize formatFiletypeFiletype associationsFilter applies to:Filter invalid characters in filenamesFilter name already existsFilter out items matching all of the followingFilter out items matching any of the followingFilter out items matching none of the followingFilter set already existsFilter the directory listingsFilter validation failedFingerprint (SHA-1):Fingerprint:Firewall and router configuration wizardFor more detailed information about what these options do, please run the network configuration wizard.For reliability you should specify a range of at least 10 ports.For this session the default settings will be used. Any changes to the settings will not be saved.Force &UTF-8Force showing &hidden filesForce showing hidden filesFormat specifications:Format: Extension followed by properly quoted command and arguments.Further documentationGeneralGeneral SOCKS server failureGeneric proxyGet external IP address from the following URL:Getting helpGiven filterset name already exists, overwrite filter set?Global bookmarksGnuTLS:Group permissionsH&ighHTTPS - HTTP over TLSHash:HiddenHighHighestHighest available port has to be a number between 1024 and 65535.Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultaneously.Homepage:Host key fingerprint:Host key mismatchHost starts with '[' but no closing bracket found.Host unreachableHost:Hours,I&SO 8601 (example: 15:47)IPv6 addresses are not supported with SOCKS4 proxyIf no data is sent or received during an operation for longer than the specified time, the connection will be closed and FileZilla will try to reconnect.If reporting bugs, please provide logs with "Verbose" logging level.If the automatic test at the end of this wizard succeeds, but you cannot transfer files to a particular server, the server might be misconfigured and you should try active mode. You can set the transfer mode on a per-server basis in the Site Manager.If the fallback option is enabled, you will be able to connect to misconfigured servers which reject the selected transfer mode.If the host key change was not expected, please contact the server administrator.If the problem persists, some router and/or firewall keeps blocking FileZilla.If the problem persists, some router and/or firewall keeps interrupting the connection.If the size of the logfile reaches the limit, it gets renamed by adding ".1" to the end of the filename (possibly overwriting older logfiles) and a new file gets created.If the symlink points to a directory, FileZilla can either delete the symbolic link or remove the contents of the linked directory.If this problem persists, please contact your router or firewall manufacturer for a solution.If this problem stays, please contact your router manufacturer.If using 'overwrite if newer', your system time has to be synchronized with the server. If the time differs (e.g. different timezone), specify a timezone offset in the site manager.If using timestamp based comparison, consider two files equal if their timestamp difference does not exceed this threshold.If you click on test, FileZilla will connect to probe.filezilla-project.org and will perform some simple tests.If you close FileZilla, your changes will be lost.If you enter the wrong filetypes, those files may get corrupted when transferred.If you get any errors, your configuration is not correct.If you have problems to retrieve directory listings or to transfer files, try to change the default transfer mode.If you keep having problems with a specific server, the server itself or a remote router or firewall might be misconfigured. In this case try to toggle passive mode and contact the server administrator for help.If you successfully complete the wizard and the final test succeeds, any firewalls and routers you have should be configured properly.If you use a firewall, make sure FileZilla is allowed to accept connection on all given ports.If you use a router, make sure all these ports are forwarded to the machine you're running FileZilla on.If your router keeps changing the IP address, please contact your router manufacturer.Import data from older versionImport settingsImport successfulImproperly quoted association.In active mode, FileZilla has to listen on a port for data transfers. You have to specify which ports FileZilla will use.In case you have a router, you will have to forward all available ports, as FileZilla has no influence on the ports your system chooses.In order to use active mode, FileZilla needs to know your external IP address.In passive mode, which is recommended for most users, FileZilla asks the server for a port and connects to the given port. Not much configuration has to be done for this.Incomplete chain, top certificate is not self-signed certificate authority certificateIncorrect passwordInformation about the latest version of FileZilla could not be retrieved. Please try again later.Initializing TLS...Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.InteractiveInterfaceInterrupted by userInvalid Content-LengthInvalid HTTP ResponseInvalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8.Invalid chunk sizeInvalid data receivedInvalid dateInvalid filenameInvalid host, after closing bracket only colon and port may follow.Invalid inputInvalid port given. The port has to be a value from 1 to 65535.Invalid proxy host, after closing bracket only colon and port may follow.Invalid regular expression in search conditions.Invalid response codeInvalid search conditions: %sInvalid site pathInvalid size in conditionInvalid username given.Jurisdiction country:Jurisdiction locality:Jurisdiction state or province:Keep directories on topKeep in mind that not all servers support this feature and may return incorrect listings if this option is enabled. Although FileZilla performs some tests to check if the server supports this feature, the test may fail.Key exchangeKey exchange:L&owestLanguageLanguage changedLast modifiedLayoutLimit for concurrent &downloads:Limit for concurrent &uploads:Limit local portsLimit size of logfileLimit:Line length exceededLinked againstListen socket closedListing:Lo&west available port:LocalLocal fileLocal file does not exist.Local file is %s Local file is a directory instead of a regular file.Local file is not a valid filename.Local filters:Local site:Locality:Log fileLoggingLogin data contains non-ASCII characters and server might not be UTF-8 aware. Cannot fall back to local charset since using proxy.Login data contains non-ASCII characters and server might not be UTF-8 aware. Trying local charset.Login sequence fully executed yet not logged in. Aborting.Logontype has to be either 'ask' or 'interactive' (without the quotes).Logontype, can only be used together with FTP URL. Argument has to be either '%s' or '%s'LowLowestLowest available port has to be a number between 1024 and 65535.MAC:Make sure the file can be accessed and is a well-formed XML document.Malformed chunk data: %sMalformed header: %sMalformed reply, server not sending proper line endingsManual transferMatch all of the followingMatch any of the followingMatch none of the followingMaximum simultaneous &transfers:Message logMessage log positionMiBMinutesMove &downMove &upMy ComputerMy DocumentsMy SitesN/aNameName already existsName of bookmark already exists.Name:Need to enter filter nameNeed to enter valid remote pathNeed to specify a character encodingNetwork unreachableNeverNew &FolderNew &tabNew Book&markNew bookmarkNew directoryNew features and improvements in %sNew filterNew folderNew siteNext to the transfer queueNoNo category to export selectedNo command given, aborting.No external IP address set, trying default.No files are currently being edited.No filter name givenNo host given, please enter a host.No images availableNo more files in the queue!No name for the filterset given.No program associated with filetypeNo program has been associated to edit files with the extension '%s'.No search resultsNo sites availableNo supported SOCKS5 auth methodNo username given.NoneNone selected yetNormalNot connectedNot connected to any serverNot connected to any server.Not connected.Note that this feature is only supported using the FTP protocol.Note: This only works with plain, unencrypted FTP connections.Note: Using a generic proxy forces passive mode on FTP connections.Number of decimal places:Number of retries has to be between 0 and 99.O&pen fileOKOn the following pages, the selected transfer mode will be configured, as well as the fallback mode if enabled.OnceOnce a dayOnce a weekOnly use plain FTP (insecure)Open directory in system's file managerOpen the Site ManagerOpen the Site Manager.Open the Site Manager. Right-click for a list of sites.Open the file.Open the settings dialog of FileZillaOpened as:Opening failedOpens a new tabOpens the Site ManagerOpens the directory listing filter dialog. Right-click to toggle filters.Operating systemOperating system problem detectedOrganization:Other:OverviewOverwrite &if source newerOverwrite fileOverwrite file if size differsOverwrite file if size differs or source file is newerOverwrite file if source file newerOverwrite if &different sizeOverwrite if different si&ze or source newerOwner permissionsOwner/GroupP&revent system from entering idle sleep during transfers and other operationsP&roxy host:PORT command tainted by router or firewall.Pa&ssive (recommended)Parameter not a valid URLPass&word:Passive (recommended)Passive modePassive mode has been set as default transfer mode.Password requiredPathPath cannot be constructed for directory %s and subdir %sPath not found:PathsPending removalPermissionPermissionsPlatform:Please check on https://filezilla-project.org/probe.php that the server is running and carefully check your settings again.Please configure any firewalls and routers so that FileZilla can establish outgoing connection to arbitrary ports.Please disable settings like 'DMZ mode' or 'Game mode' on your router.Please ensure you have a stable internet connection and carefully check your settings again.Please enter a custom date format.Please enter a custom time format.Please enter a date of the form YYYY-MM-DD such as for example 2010-07-18.Please enter a download speed limit greater or equal to 0 %s/s.Please enter a name for the new filter.Please enter a new name for the copied filter.Please enter a new name for the filter set "%s"Please enter a new name for the filter.Please enter a number between 0 and 10 for the number of concurrent downloads.Please enter a number between 0 and 10 for the number of concurrent uploads.Please enter a number between 1 and 10 for the number of concurrent transfers.Please enter a password for this server:Please enter a path and executable to run. E.g. c:\somePath\file.exe under MS Windows or /somePath/file under Unix. You can also optionally specify program arguments.Please enter a timeout between 5 and 9999 seconds or 0 to disable timeouts.Please enter a unique name for this filter setPlease enter a username for this server:Please enter a valid portrange.Please enter an URL where to get your external address fromPlease enter an upload speed limit greater or equal to 0 %s/s.Please enter raw FTP command. Using raw ftp commands will clear the directory cache.Please enter the name of the directory which should be created:Please enter the name of the file which should be created:Please enter username and password for this server:Please enter your external IP addressPlease enter your external IP address on the active mode page of this wizard. In case you have a dynamic address or don't know your external address, use the external resolver option.Please follow the instructions carefully, as wrong configuration will prevent successful FTP connections.Please make sure FileZilla is allowed to establish outgoing connections and make sure you typed the address of the address resolver correctly.Please make sure the requested locale is installed on your system.Please make sure your router is using the latest available firmware. Furthermore, your router has to be configured properly. You will have to use manual port forwarding. Don't run your router in the so called 'DMZ mode' or 'game mode'.Please note that FileZilla has no influence on the port the server chooses. So the server might choose a port which your firewall thinks is only used by trojans or other malware. This might raise a false alarm you can safely discard.Please note that preserving timestamps on uploads on FTP, FTPS and FTPES servers only works if they support the MFMT command.Please note that some servers might ban you if you try to reconnect too often or in too short intervals.Please run this wizard again should you change your network environment or in case you suddenly encounter problems with servers that did work previously.Please select an action:Please select the categories you would like to import.Please select the default transfer mode you would like to use.Please select the new attributes for the directory "%s".Please select the new attributes for the file "%s".Please select the new attributes for the selected directories.Please select the new attributes for the selected files and directories.Please select the new attributes for the selected files.Please update your firewall and make sure your router is using the latest available firmware. Furthermore, your router has to be configured properly. You will have to use manual port forwarding. Don't run your router in the so called 'DMZ mode' or 'game mode'. Things like protocol inspection or protocol specific 'fixups' have to be disabledPostal code:Predefined SitesPreserving file timestampsPreview:Primary connection and data connection certificates don't match.Print diagnostic information related to startup of FileZillaPrint version information to stdout and exitPrioritize directories (default)PriorityPrivacy policy: Only your version of FileZilla, your used operating system and your CPU architecture will be submitted to the server.Private &keys:Pro&tocol:Pro&xy password:Process &QueueProtocol:Proxy &port:Proxy &user:Proxy authentication failedProxy handshake failed: %sProxy host starts with '[' but no closing bracket found.Proxy reply: %sProxy request failed: %sProxy request failed: Unknown address type in CONNECT replyProxy set but proxy host or port invalidPublic Key AuthenticationPublic key algorithm:Public permissionsQueue has been fully processedQueue: %s MiBQueue: %s%sQueue: emptyQueued filesQueueing:R&eboot systemR&emote directory treeR&eset and requeue selected filesRaw FTP commandRe&adRe&freshRe&nameRe-run the wizard and carefully check your settings and configure all routers and firewalls accordingly.Rea&dRead-onlyReally cancel current operation?Really delete %d directory with its contents from the server?Really delete %d directories with their contents from the server?Really delete %d file from the server?Really delete %d files from the server?Really delete %s and %s from the server?Really delete all selected files and/or directories from the server?Really delete all selected files and/or directories from your computer?ReasonReboot nowRec&urse into subdirectoriesReceived a directory listing which appears to be encoded in EBCDIC.Received a line exceeding 10000 characters, aborting.Received data taintedReconnect information cannot be cleared while connected to a server. If you continue, your connection will be disconnected.Reconnection settingsReconnects to the last used serverRedirection to invalid or unsupported URI: %sRedirection to invalid or unsupported address: %sRefresh the file and folder listsRemember passwords?RemoteRemote certificate not trusted.Remote fileRemote file searchRemote filters:Remote pathRemote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path and is supported by the current site's servertype (%s).Remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path and is supported by the servertype (%s) selected on the parent site.Remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path.Remote path could not be parsed.Remote path handling:Remote path:Remote site:Remove &allRemove &selectedRename fileRename selected directoryRename selected files and directoriesRenaming '%s' to '%s'Reporting bugs and feature requestsRequest failed - client is not running identd (or not reachable from server)Request failed - client's identd could not confirm the user ID stringRequest rejected or failedRequire explicit FTP over TLSRequire implicit FTP over TLSReset and requeue &allResolving address of %sResponse:Results:Resume file transferResuming ASCII files can cause problems if server uses a different line ending format than the client.Retrieving directory listing...Retrieving external IP address from %sS&how files currently being edited...S&how the Site Manager on startupS&hutdown systemS&topS&uspend systemS&ynchronized browsingSFTPSOC&KS 4SOCKS4 proxy will connect to: %sSQLite:Save settings?Saving of password has been disabled by your system administrator.Saving of passwords has been disabled by you.Scanning for files to add to queueScanning for files to uploadSearch &conditions:Search &directory:Search for files recursively.Search server for filesSecurity informationSee also: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_ConfigurationSele&ct serverSelect &page:Select ThemeSelect default action to perform if target file of a transfer already exists.Select default editorSelect default file exists action if the target file already exists. This selection is valid only for the current session.Select default file exists action only for the currently selected files in the queue.Select file containing private keySelect file for exported dataSelect file for exported queueSelect file for exported settingsSelect file for exported sitesSelect file to import settings fromSelect file to uploadSelect filename for converted keyfileSelect how these files should be opened.Select target download directorySelect target filenameSelect the categories to export:Select the private data you would like to delete.Selected %d directory with its contents for transfer.Selected %d directories with their contents for transfer.Selected %d directory.Selected %d directories.Selected %d file for transfer.Selected %d files for transfer.Selected %d file. Total size: %sSelected %d files. Total size: %sSelected %d file. Total size: At least %sSelected %d files. Total size: At least %sSelected %s and %s for transfer.Selected %s and %s. Total size: %sSelected %s and %s. Total size: At least %sSelected editor does not exist.Selected file already being editedSelected file is already loadedSelected file is already openedSelected file is still being editedSelected filter only works for local files.Selected global bookmark and current server use a different server type. Use site-specific bookmarks for this server.Selected port usually in use by a different protocol.Send FTP &keep-alive commandsSend custom command to the server otherwise not availableSending keep-alive commandSerial number:Server &Type:Server did not properly shut down TLS connectionServer does not support non-ASCII characters.Server does not support resume of files > %d GB.Server does not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since file sizes match.Server does not support resume of files > 2GB.Server does not support resume of files > 4GB.Server may not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since file sizes match.Server might require an account. Try specifying an account using the Site ManagerServer returned empty path.Server sent an additional login prompt. You need to use the interactive login type.Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Passive mode failed.Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.Server sent unexpected reply.Server to client MAC:Server to client cipher:Server&type:Server/Local fileServer:Session detailsSet &PrioritySet permissions of '%s' to '%s'SetSocketBufferSize called without socketSettingsShow &raw directory listingShow &welcome dialog...Show both directory trees and continue comparing?Show detailsShows available TLS ciphersShows this help dialogShutdown nowSignature algorithm:Site &Manager entriesSite ManagerSite Manager - Cannot remember passwordSite Manager - Invalid dataSite Manager already openSite does not exist.Site path has to begin with 0 or 1.Site path is malformed.Site-specific bookmarksSite-specific bookmarks require the server to be stored in the Site Manager. Add current connection to the site manager?SizeSize formattingSize unknownSkip fileSkipping download of %sSkipping upload of %sSome files are still being edited or need to be uploaded.Some misconfigured remote servers which are behind a router, may reply with their local IP address.Sort directories inlineSort order cannot be changed if comparing directories.SortingSorting &mode:Source and path of the drop operation are identicalSource and target file may not be the sameSource and target of the drop operation are identicalSource file:Speed LimitsSpeed limitsSpeed limits are disabled, click to change.Speed limits are enabled, click to change.Stable and beta versionsStable versions onlyStable, beta and nightly versionsStart transfer &immediatelyStart with opened Site ManagerStarted update check on %s Starting download of %sStarting upload of %sStarts the local site in the given pathState or province:StatusStatus:Stop and remove &allStreet:Subject of certificateSuccessful transfersSummary of test results:Suspend nowSymlinks to files are not affected by this choice, such symlinks are always deleted.Synchronized browsingSynchronized browsing has been disabled.Syntax errorSyntax error in command lineSystemT&oolbarTTL expiredTarget file already existsTarget file:Target filename already exists!Target filename already exists, really continue?Test resultsTesting resume capabilities of serverThe Site Manager is opened in another instance of FileZilla 3. Do you want to continue? Any changes made in the Site Manager won't be saved then.The Site Manager is opened in another instance of FileZilla 3. Please close it or the data cannot be deleted.The XML document is not well-formed: %sThe address you entered was: %sThe bookmark could not be added.The bookmarks could not be cleared.The connection is encrypted. Click icon for details.The custom login sequence cannot be empty.The data connection could not be established: %sThe default editor for text files could not be found.The default editor for text files is '%s'.The entered filter name already exists, please choose a different name.The extension '%s' does already exist in the listThe file %s already exists. Please enter a new name:The file '%s' cannot be opened: The associated program (%s) could not be found. Please check your filetype associations.The file '%s' could not be loaded or does not contain a private key.The file '%s' could not be loaded.The file '%s' could not be opened: No program has been associated on your system with this file type.The file '%s' could not be opened: The associated command failedThe file '%s' is not in a format supported by FileZilla. The file is also password protected. Password protected keyfiles are not supported by FileZilla yet. Would you like to convert it into a supported, unprotected format?The file '%s' is not in a format supported by FileZilla. Would you like to convert it into a supported format?The file '%s' is password protected. Password protected keyfiles are not supported by FileZilla yet. Would you like to convert it into an unprotected file?The file selected as default editor does not exist.The file you have selected contains site manager data from a previous version of FileZilla. Due to differences in the storage format, only host, port, username and password will be imported. Continue with the import?The filename column can neither be hidden nor moved.The filename column cannot be hidden.The following character will be replaced: %sThe following characters will be replaced: %sThe following files are currently being edited:The free open source FTP solutionThe global bookmarks could not be saved.The higher the debug level, the more information will be displayed in the message log. Displaying debug information has a negative impact on performance.The limit needs to be between 1 and 2000 MiBThe local directory '%s' is not below the synchronization root (%s). Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?The lowest available port has to be less or equal than the highest available port.The new version could not be downloaded, please retry later.The new version has been saved in your Downloads directory.The queue will not be saved.The remote directory '%s' is not below the synchronization root (%s). Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?The selected categories have been imported.The selected file contains importable data for the following categories:The selected file is already being edited:The selected file is still opened in some other program, please close it.The server could not be added.The server sent an unexpected or unrecognized reply.The server uses following charset encoding for filenames:The server's certificate is unknown. Please carefully examine the certificate to make sure the server can be trusted.The server's host key does not match the key that has been cached. This means that either the administrator has changed the host key, or you are actually trying to connect to another computer pretending to be the server.The server's host key is unknown. You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is.The settings have been imported. You have to restart FileZilla for all settings to have effect.The system will soon reboot unless you click Cancel.The system will soon shut down unless you click Cancel.The target file already exists. Please choose an action.The test did not succeed. Do you really want to save the settings?ThemesThis filter set cannot be removed.This filter set cannot be renamed.This means that some router and/or firewall is still interfering with FileZilla.This only works if you are not behind a router, else your system would just return your internal address.This wizard will help you to properly configure any routers and firewalls you have and tests your configuration.TimeTime formattingTime&out in seconds:TimeoutTimezone offsets: Server: %d seconds. Local: %d seconds. Difference: %d seconds.Title:To compare directories, both file lists have to be aligned.To do this, the directory trees need to be both shown or both hidden.To support public key authentication, FileZilla needs to know the private keys to use.Toggle directory comparison. Right-click to change comparison mode. Colors: Yellow: File only exists on one side Green: File is newer than the unmarked file on other side Red: File sizes differentToggle synchronized browsing. If enabled, navigating the local directory hierarchy will also change the directory on the server accordingly and vice versa.Toggles processing of the transfer queueToggles the display of the local directory treeToggles the display of the message logToggles the display of the remote directory treeToggles the display of the transfer queueToo long header lineToo many redirectsTrace:TransferTransfer &directionTransfer &typeTransfer ModeTransfer QueueTransfer SettingsTransfer connection interrupted: %sTransferred data got tainted.TransferringTransfersTransfers finishedTreat files &without extension as ASCII fileTreat the &following filetypes as ASCII files:Trust changed Hostkey:Trust new Hostkey:Trust the new key and carry on connecting?Trust this certificate and carry on connecting?Trust this host and carry on connecting?Try againTypeType of FTP Proxy:Type of generic proxy:U&ploadU&pload limit:U&se filetype associations if availableU&se system defaultsUSER@&HOSTUnassigned error code %dUnit:UnknownUnknown FTP proxy type, cannot generate login sequence.Unknown SOCKS protocol version: %dUnknown certificateUnknown error opening the file. Make sure the file can be accessed and is a well-formed XML document.Unknown host keyUnknown protocol version of SOCKS Username/Password Authentication subnegotiation: %dUnknown root element, the file does not appear to be generated by FileZilla.Unless these problems get fixed, active mode FTP will not work and passive mode has to be used.Unless this problem gets fixed, active mode FTP will not work and passive mode has to be used.Unsupported certificate typeUnsupported redirectUp&load and uneditUpdatesUploadUpload failedUpload limit: %s/sUpload limit: noneUpload selected directoryUpload selected files and directoriesUpload this file back to the server?Upload this file to the server?UploadingUploading and pending removalUploading and uneditingUse &custom charsetUse &custom editor:Use &default editor for text filesUse &synchronized browsingUse UTF-8 if the server supports it, else use local charset.Use default actionUse explicit FTP over TLS if availableUse server currently connected toUse server from site managerUse system &defaultsUse the following IP address:Use the following port range:Use the server's external IP address insteadUse this if you're behind a router and have a static external IP address.Use this option if you have a dynamic IP address. FileZilla will contact the above server once each session as soon as you use active mode for the first time. Only the version of FileZilla you're using is submitted to the server.User:Username cannot be a series of spacesUsing proxy %sUsing the wrong charset can result in filenames not displaying properly.Valid from:Valid to:Verbose log messages from wxWidgetsVerifying certificate...Version:Very highView hidden option set, but unsupported by serverView/EditVisible columnsW&riteWaitingWaiting for browsing connectionWaiting for passwordWaiting for transfer to be cancelledWaiting to retry...Warning! A bug in Windows causes problems with FileZilla The bug occurs if you have - Windows Server 2003 or XP 64 - Windows Firewall enabled - Application Layer Gateway service enabled See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931130 for background information. Unless you either disable Windows Firewall or the Application Layer Gateway service, FileZilla will timeout on big transfers.Warning, ignoring data connection from wrong IP.Warning, use nightly builds at your own risk. No support is given for nightly builds. Nightly builds may not work as expected and might even damage your system. Do you really want to check for nightly builds?Warning: Potential security breach!Welcome to FileZillaWhat's newWhat's new:When allowing FileZilla to remember passwords, you can reconnnect without having to re-enter a password after restarting FileZilla.When enabled, characters that are not supported by the local operating system in filenames are replaced if downloading such a file.WidescreenWould you like FileZilla to remember passwords?Wr&iteWrong external IP addressWrong line endingsYesYou appear to be using an IPv6-only host. This wizard does not support this environment.You are using the latest version of FileZilla.You can always open this dialog again through the help menu.You can download the latest version from the FileZilla website:You can leave the port field empty to use the default port.You can use an x at any position to keep the permission the original files have.You cannot import settings from FileZilla's own settings directory.You cannot replace an invalid character with another invalid character. Please enter a character that is allowed in filenames.You did not enter a new name for the file. Overwrite the file instead?You have selected at least one symbolic link.You have selected more than 10 files for editing, do you really want to continue?You have selected more than 10 files or directories to open, do you really want to continue?You have to enter a hostname.You have to enter a local directory.You have to enter a valid IP address.You have to enter a writable local directory.You have to enter an account nameYou have to specify a user nameYou likely have a router or firewall which erroneously modified the transferred data.You need to enter a name for the bookmark.You need to enter a name for the log file.You need to enter a properly quoted command.You need to enter a proxy host.You need to enter a proxy port in the range from 1 to 65535You need to enter at least one path, empty bookmarks are not supported.You need to enter both a local and a remote path to enable synchronized browsing for this bookmark.You need to enter both a local and a remote path to enable synchronized browsing for this site.You need to specify a local file.You need to specify a remote file.You need to specify a remote path.You need to specify a server.You should have no problems connecting to other servers, file transfers should work properly.afterbeforebegins withbytescontainsdoes not containdoes not equalends withequalsfilefz3temp-lockfilefzputtygen could not be started. Please make sure this executable exists in the same directory as the main FileZilla executable.fzsftp could not be startedgnutls_certificate_get_peers returned no certificatesgreater thangroup executablegroup readablegroup writeableis equal tois setis unsetless thanmatches regexowner executableowner readableowner writeableunknownworld executableworld readableworld writeablewxWidgets:Project-Id-Version: Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-01 12:17+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-25 03:16+0800 Last-Translator: Kene Lin Language-Team: milo Language: zh_TW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7 經過時間 %H:%M:%S剩餘時間 %H:%M:%S%a - 帳號 (若不是使用帳號登入型態, 該行就會被忽略)%d 個目錄%d 個目錄與其內容%d 個檔案%d 個檔案. 總共大小: %s%d 個檔案. 總共大小: 至少 %s%d 個檔案加入佇列%d 秒%h - 主機%p - 密碼%s (%s/s)%s (? B/s)%s - 憑證已逾期!%s - 尚未生效!%s - Proxy 使用者%s與 %s. 總共大小: %s%s與 %s. 總共大小: 至少 %s%s Byte無法找到 %s. 沒有這個 FileZilla 的元件, SFTP 就不會運作. 請再次下載 FileZilla. 如果這個問題依舊持續, 請回報此錯誤.無法找到 %s. 沒有這個 FileZilla 的元件, SFTP 就不會運作. 可能的解法: - 確認 %s 在 PATH 環境變數內所列的目錄內. - 在 FZ_FZSFTP 環境變數內設定 %s 的完整路徑.%s with %d bits%u - 使用者名稱%w - Proxy 密碼關於(&A)...帳號(&A):主動模式(&A)新增書籤(&A)...加入檔案到佇列(&A)加入金鑰檔案(&A)...加入到佇列(&A)調整伺服器時區偏移量(&A):總是信任未來連線的憑證(&A)總是信任這台主機, 並且加入其主機金鑰到快取裡(&A)總是使用預設編輯器(&A)總是對所有無檔案關聯的檔案使用這個選項(&A)總是使用這個動作(&A)對您的作業系統詢問外部 IP Address (&A)自動(&A)自動偵測(&A)二進位檔案(&B)使用 SI 式符號的二進制字首. (即 1 KB = 1024 bytes) (&B)書籤(&B)瀏覽(&B)...暴衝容忍度(&B):取消(&C)清除私人資料(&C)...關閉(&C)關閉 FileZilla (&C)組態速度限制(&C)...組態(&C)...連線(&C)複製目前的連線到站台管理員(&C)...複製到剪貼簿(&C)毀壞(&C)新增目錄(&C)新增頁籤(&C)偵錯(&D)訊息記錄中的偵錯資訊(&D):預設編輯器(&D):預設檔案存在動作(&D)...登入嘗試失敗之間的延遲(&D):刪除(&D)刪除軟連結(&D)目錄比對(&D)略過本地而另行下載編輯檔案(&D)中斷連線(&D)從伺服器離線(&D)顯示瞬間傳輸速率而非平均速率(&D)以 byte 單位顯示大小(&D)不再顯示此對話框(&D).不在本地端連線使用外部 IP Address (&D).對檔案的雙擊動作(&D):下載(&D)下載到(&D)下載(&D)...下載(&D):編輯(&E)編輯篩選規則(&E)...啟用(&E)啟用速度限制(&E)編碼(&E):加密(&E):輸入自訂指令(&E)...執行(&E)匯出站台管理員欄位(&E)匯出(&E)...回復為主動模式(&F)檔案(&F)檔案屬性(&F)...檔案權限(&F)...檔案(&F):篩選條件(&F):篩選集(&F):篩選器(&F):結束編輯並且刪除本地檔案(&F)扁平化遠端路徑, 直接下載所有包含的檔案到目的目錄(&F)依循軟連結, 刪除目的目錄內容(&F)從下列網址取得外部 IP Address (&G):取得協助(&G)...全域書籤(&G)HTTP/1.1 使用 CONNECT 方法 (&H)說明(&H)隱藏相同的檔案(&H)最高(&H)最高可用連接埠(&H):主機(&H):IEC 式二進制字首 (即 1 KiB = 1024 bytes) (&I)ISO 8601 (例: 2007-09-15) (&I)匯入(&I)...繼承系統的檔案類型關聯(&I)安裝新版本(&I)保持相對於搜尋根目錄的遠端路徑架構(&K)檔案與目錄窗格的佈局(&L):限制 FileZilla 使用的本地連接埠(&L)限制同時連線數(&L)本地樹狀目錄(&L)本地目錄(&L):記錄到檔案(&L)登入型式(&L):登入型式(&L):低(&L)管理書籤(&M)...手動傳輸(&M)...最大連線數(&M):最大重試次數(&M):訊息記錄(&M)最小化到系統列(&M)名稱(&N):網路組態精靈(&N)...新增(&N)新增站台(&N)有新版本(&N)!下一步(&N) >否(&N)無(&N)一般(&N)數值(&N):確認(&O)OPEN (&O)開啟(&O)覆寫(&O)被動模式(&P)密碼(&P):播放音效(&P)連接埠(&P):保留傳輸檔案的時間戳記(&P)佇列(&Q)快速連線(&Q)快速連線列(&Q)讀取(&R)重新連線(&R)重新整理(&R)記憶密碼直到 FileZilla 關閉(&R)記憶密碼(&R)遠端目錄(&R):遠端路徑(&R):移除(&R)移除金鑰(&R)移除所選項目(&R)更名(&R)更名(&R)...重新開啟本地檔案(&R)以特定字元取代無效字元, 特定字元為(&R):回報錯誤(&R)...重設與重排所有檔案(&R)再次執行組態精靈(&R)續傳(&R)執行指令(&E)...立即執行組態精靈(&R)...立即執行更新檢查(&R)...SITE (&S)SOCKS 5 (&S)儲存為(&S)...搜尋(&S)搜尋遠端檔案(&S)...選擇欄位(&S):選擇語系(&S):選擇要顯示的欄位(&S):伺服器(&S)設定(&S)設定(&S)...顯示偵錯選單(&S)顯示訊息(&S)顯示訊息記錄中的時間戳記(&S)站台管理員(&S)...站台書籤(&S)略過(&S)速度限制(&S)立即啟動傳輸(&S)交換本地與遠端窗格(&S)TLS Cipher (&T)測試(&T)佈景主題(&T):傳輸(&T)傳輸模式(&U):傳輸佇列(&T)將點檔案 (dotfile) 視作文字類檔案(&T)反編輯(&U)更新快取中的主機金鑰(&U)上傳(&U)上傳(&U):使用自訂程式(&U)使用同步瀏覽(&S)使用系統預設的文字檔案編輯器(&U)使用以下的 IP Address (&U):改為使用伺服器的外部 IP Address (&U)使用千分位分隔符號(&U)使用者(&U):使用者名稱(&U):版本 %s (&V)檢視(&V)檢視/編輯(&V)觀察在本地編輯的檔案並提示上傳修改(&W)當檢查更新時, 檢查(&W):寫入(&W)是(&Y)"%s" 不存在或是無法存取."%s" 並不是目錄.所選的協定不支援 "帳號 (Account)" 登入型式"一般" 與 "帳號" 的登入型式不能用. 改使用 "詢問密碼"."一般" 與 "帳號" 的登入型式不能用. 您的欄位已更改為 "詢問密碼"."quote" 通常是用於命令列客戶端本地指令, 用於傳送置於 "quote" 之後的參數給伺服器. 您也許想略過前頭的 "quote" 而直接輸入指令.(篩選掉 %d 個物件)(0 即不設限)(0-99)(0-999 秒)(1-10)(5-9999, 0 則停用)(app-compat 被設為 %d.%d)(例: %H:%M)(例: %Y-%m-%d)(單位 %s/s)-剩餘時間 --:--:---c 不能和 FTP 網址一起使用.-l 僅能和 FTP 網址一起使用.-s 和 -c 無法同時使用.-s 不能和 FTP 網址一起使用.0 - 無1 - 警告2 - 資訊3 - 詳述4 - 偵錯< 上一步(&B)?輸入的書籤名稱已存在. 請輸入未使用的名稱.需要設定預設的編輯器.目錄不能拖曳到其子目錄下.一些伺服器不允許被動模式或是設定有誤. 這些情況下您可能得使用主動模式. 在主動模式下, FileZilla 會開啟一個連接埠要求伺服器連線.先前開啟的檔案已被更動.該名稱之檔案已傳送.該名稱之檔案依舊在編輯. 請關閉再試試看.無法解譯本地檔名. 請確定已正確設定 LC_TYPE (或 LC_ALL) 環境變數. 除非您解決這個問題, 否則檔案可能不會顯示於檔案列表內. 此次連線不再顯示更多的警告.有新版的 FileZilla:正常的伺服器總是會顯示所有檔案, 但某些有問題的伺服器會對使用者隱藏檔案. 使用此選項會強制伺服器顯示所有檔案.正常的伺服器是不需要這個的. 如果您需要那請聯絡伺服器管理者.遠端操作已在處理中, 且同步瀏覽已啟用. 要停用同步瀏覽並繼續變更本地目錄?文字類檔案(&S)新增(&D)允許文字類檔案的續傳(&L)只套用到下載(&P)只套用到上傳(&P)套用到所有的檔案與目錄(&P)自動移除成功的傳輸(&U)文字類檔案關於 FileZilla在檔案列表的上方帳號佇列完成後執行動作(&C)所選檔案的動作:要執行的動作:動作:主動模式FTP 主動模式測試失敗. FileZilla 不知道正確的外部 IP Address.FTP 主動模式測試失敗. FileZilla 不知道正確的外部 IP Address. 除此之外, 您的路由器修改了傳送位址.FTP 主動模式測試失敗. FileZilla 知道正確的外部 IP Address, 但您的路由器或防火牆改錯了傳送位址.主動模式 IP Address只加入檔案到佇列(&Q)加入所選的目錄到傳輸佇列加入所選的檔案與資料夾到傳輸佇列加入到佇列位址型態未支援進階設定忠告: 除非您想測試新功能, 否則請維持 "僅使用穩定版本". Beta 測試版和每日組建版都是用以測試的版本. 每日組建版的 FileZilla 可能不會如預期運作, 甚至也可能會損害您的系統. 使用 Beta 測試版與每日組建版請您自行承擔風險.演算法:所有檔案都已成功傳輸所有範圍內的連接埠號碼都必須在 1024 到 65535 之間.所有傳輸都已完成. %d 檔案無法傳輸.失敗時允許回復到其他傳輸模式(&F)失敗時允許回復到其他傳輸模式已連線您也可以選擇 PuTTY 裡的 Pageant 做為替代來管理金鑰. FileZilla 可以辨識 Pageant.您也可以選擇系統上的 SSH 代理程式做為替代. 要這麼做, 請確認有設定 SSH_AUTH_SOCK 環境變數.做為替代, 您也可以從 FileZilla 網站下載最新版:從 "%s" 載入傳輸佇列時發生錯誤. 部分佇列項目可能無法還原.儲存傳輸佇列到 "%s" 時發生錯誤. 部分佇列項目可能無法儲存.目標位置已存在與拖曳來源相同名稱的項目.匿名另一個遠端操作已在處理中, 現在無法變更目錄.站台管理員裡的任何變更都無法儲存.除非您修復檔案, 否則站台管理員裡的任何變更都不會儲存.篩選器裡的任何變更都無法儲存.篩選器裡的任何變更都不會儲存.只套用到目錄(&L)套用只套用到目前的佇列(&C)只套用到檔案(&F)封存傳輸佇列的一個頁籤詢問動作詢問密碼對作業系統要求連接埠.對您的作業系統詢問外部 IP Address於 FileZilla 論壇上詢問找不到關聯的程式:最少有一個篩選條件沒有完整此時所有必備的資訊皆已收集完成.檔案屬性認證失敗.作者:自動自動檔案分類可用大小B 略過 Proxy (&Y)基本使用指引行為正在編輯請小心! 憑證可能已註銷二進位檔案黑板書籤書籤:書籤組建日期:組建資訊業務範疇:預設情形下主動模式使用任何可用的本地連接埠. 如果您想限制 FileZilla 只使用小範圍的連接埠, 請在下方輸入連接埠範圍.取消目前的操作(&A)全部清除(&L)複製網址到剪貼簿(&O)自訂(&U)自訂檔案類型關聯(&U):計算伺服器的時區偏移量...無法讀取檔案無法寫入檔案.無法寫入檔案: %s取消取消目前的操作取消目前的操作無法存取 "%s", 裝置未插入或是磁碟機尚未備妥.無法新增伺服器到站台管理員忙碌時無法關閉頁籤. 要取消目前的連線並關閉頁籤嗎?無法比對目錄, 本地與遠端目錄啟用了不同的篩選器無法比對目錄, 未連線到伺服器.無法建立新的篩選器無法編輯檔案無法編輯檔案, 未連線到任何伺服器.無法編輯檔案, 未知的遠端路徑.無法建立 FTP 連線到 SFTP 伺服器. 請選擇正確的協定.無法從資源檔裡載入快速連線列無法載入金鑰檔案無法從資源檔裡載入工具列無法記憶密碼無法更名欄位無法更名檔案無法解析用於 SOCKS4 Proxy 的主機名稱為 IPv4 位址.無法儲存篩選集無法選取篩選器無法設定檔案類型關聯無法顯示對話框無法檢視/編輯所選的檔案分類目錄憑證與連線資料仍不能用.憑證細節鍊內憑證:憑證發行者需要確認:變更檔案屬性變更檔案權限.變更記錄檔案的設定必須重新啟動 FileZilla.字元編碼議題字碼集檢查更新(&U)...自動檢查 FileZilla 更新(&U):檢查更新檢查新版的 FileZilla檢查更新失敗正在檢查正確的外部 IP Address正在檢查更新...加總校驗值與檔案 %s 相符 加總校驗值與檔案 %s 不符 選擇預設的本地目錄選擇本地目錄區塊資料不正確終止Cipher:關閉頁籤(&O)傳統模式清除站台管理員裡的欄位(&S)清除版面快取(&L)清除快速連線列裡的歷程(&Q)清除重新連線資訊(&R)清除傳輸佇列(&T)清除歷程清除私人資料清除快速連線列按 Finish 來儲存您的組態.客戶對伺服器 MAC:客戶對伺服器 Cipher:關閉其它所有頁籤(&A)關閉 FileZilla關閉所有正在執行的 FileZilla 實體關閉目前的頁籤註解(&M):欄位屬性欄位設定指令與其引數需要正確引用.指令失敗指令未支援通訊協定不支援此指令指令:註解憑證名稱:通訊已被路由器或防火牆影響比對修改時間(&M)比對檔案大小(&S)比對門檻(分鐘)(&T):比對門檻必須在 0 到 1440 分鐘之間.編譯給:編譯在:編譯以:編譯器旗標:壓縮並行傳輸篩選條件是有分大小寫的(&A)組態測試配置被動模式配置連接埠範圍配置 FileZilla 與您的網路確認刪除需要確認恭喜, 您的組態似乎已可正常運作.連線略過 Proxy 設定連線到指定的站台管理員站台已連線連線中正在連線到 %s正經由 Proxy 連線到 %s正在連線到 %s ...連線嘗試連線失敗以 "%s" 嘗試連線失敗, 試下一個 IP Address.以 "%s" 嘗試連線失敗.被使用者中斷嘗試連線關閉連線由伺服器關閉連線連線已建立, 正在初始 TLS...連線已建立, 正在傳送 HTTP 請求連線已建立, 正在等候歡迎訊息...失去連線規則集不允許連線連線被拒連線逾時連線逾時.失去與伺服器的連線.Proxy 連線已建立, 正在處理交握...與伺服器的連線過早關閉.與測試伺服器的連線失敗.轉換金鑰檔案複製 (%d) - %s複製 - %s複製所選項目的網址到剪貼簿無法允許連線: %s無法新增連線到站台管理員無法完成操作無法連線到伺服器無法連線到伺服器: %s無法轉換指令成伺服器編碼無法轉換私鑰無法複製網址無法複製資料無法建立本地檔案 %s 無法確認拖曳動作的目標. 不是 Shell Extension 沒有正確安裝好就是您沒有拖曳檔案到 Explorer 視窗.無法建立與伺服器的連線無法找到 FileZilla 的資源檔, 正在關閉 FileZilla. 您可以使用指令選項 "--datadir " 或是設定 FZ_DATADIR 環境變數來指定 FileZilla 的資料目錄.無法產生自訂的登入程序.無法取得憑證發行者的辨別名稱, gnutls_x509_get_issuer_dn 失敗無法取得憑證物件的辨別名稱, gnutls_x509_get_dn 失敗無法取得完整的遠端路徑.無法從 fzputtygen 取得回應.無法取得放置下載檔案用的暫存目錄.無法匯入同儕憑證, gnutls_x509_crt_import 失敗無法初始化同儕憑證的結構, gnutls_x509_crt_init 失敗無法載入 "%s", 請確定檔案是否有效並且可存取. 對帳台管理員的任何變更都不會儲存.無法載入金鑰檔案無法載入私鑰無法取得對應遠端目錄 "%s" 的本地目錄. 要停用同步瀏覽並繼續變更遠端目錄?無法取得對應遠端目錄 "%s" 的本地目錄. 同步瀏覽已停用.無法取得對應本地目錄 "%s" 的遠端目錄. 同步瀏覽已停用.無法開啟剪貼簿無法開啟記錄檔案: %s無法解析遠端路徑.無法解析伺服器位址:無法從 Socket 讀取: %s無法讀取伺服器項目.無法在檔案中尋找到偏移量 %s無法找尋到檔案結尾無法傳送指令給 fzputtygen.無法產生 I/O 執行緒無法啟動 Proxy 交握: %s無法啟動傳輸無法寫入 "%s", 對站台管理員的任何變更都可能無法儲存: %s無法寫入 "%s", 無法加入書籤: %s無法寫入 "%s", 無法儲存全域書籤: %s無法寫入 "%s", 無法儲存佇列. %s無法寫入 "%s", 無法匯出所選的站台: %s無法寫入金鑰檔案: %s無法寫入本地檔案無法寫入記錄檔案: %s無法寫入 Socket: %s國家:立即弄當 FileZilla. 只用於檢測例外處理機制建立新檔案(&T)在現行目錄下建立子新的目錄在現行目錄下建立新的空檔案新增目錄建立空檔案新增目錄中新增目錄 "%s"...嚴重錯誤嚴重檔案傳輸錯誤於 %s (全部 %s) 之後發生嚴重檔案傳輸錯誤目前的遠端目錄 (%s) 並不在同步根目錄下 (%s). 同步瀏覽已停用.目前的傳輸型態已設定為文字類型態.目前的傳輸型態已設定為自動偵測.目前的傳輸型態已設定為二進位型態.自訂(&T)自訂篩選集自訂伺服器資料型態(&A)使用 SI 式符號的十進制字首 (即 1 KB = 1000 bytes) (&E)預設(&E)刪除(&E)全部關閉(&I)不儲存密碼(&O)對目錄的雙擊動作(&O):複製(&U)DOS 類型包含虛擬路徑可能會造成危險的檔案類型資料Data Socket 過早關閉.日期日期格式日期/時間格式未知日期/時間偵錯偵錯設定預設本地目錄(&L):預設(自動偵測)未正確引用預設的編輯器.預設檔案存在動作預設遠端目錄(&E):無法解析預設的遠端路徑. 請確定這是所選伺服器種類支援的有效絕對路徑.系統預設語系預設傳輸模式:預設傳輸形式:預設: http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.php登入嘗試失敗之間的延遲必須在 1 到 999 秒之間.因先前連線嘗試失敗而延遲 %d 秒連線...刪除站台管理員欄位刪除所選的目錄刪除所選的檔案與目錄正在刪除目錄尚未支援刪除多個不相關的目錄正在刪除軟連結桌面詳細內容新金鑰的詳細內容:目錄(&C)方向目錄目錄比對目錄比對失敗包含記錄檔案的目錄不存在或是檔案名稱無效.使用者中止目錄列表目錄列表失敗目錄列表篩選器成功取得目錄列表全部停用(&B)要停用同步瀏覽並繼續變更遠端目錄?如果您不再看見正確的目錄列表, 請再次停用此選項.從伺服器離線已從伺服器離線已從伺服器離線: %s正在從先前伺服器離線從當前伺服器離線顯示 FileZilla 相關資訊不使用預設編輯器(&N)什麼都不做(&N)您真的要關閉 FileZilla?您真的要刪除所有站台管理員裡的欄位和傳輸佇列?您真的要刪除所有站台管理員裡的欄位?您真的要刪除所選的欄位?您真的要刪除傳輸佇列?您真的要傳送 "%s" 到伺服器?文件不在本地端連線使用外部 IP Address (&L).點檔案即是以 "." 開頭的檔案, 如 .htaccess雙擊動作下載下載限制(&L):下載限制: %s/s下載限制: 無下載搜尋結果下載所選的目錄下載所選的檔案與目錄下載速率: %s/s 上傳速率: %s/s正在下載正在下載 %s尚未支援下載多個不相關的目錄正在下載搜尋結果正在下載更新...尚未實作在不同 FileZilla 程式實體間的拖曳功能.尚未實作在不同伺服器間的拖曳功能.複製(&I)全部啟用(&N)進入目錄(&N)執行(&X)離開(&X)電子郵件:每一個篩選器需要最少一個條件.編輯篩選器使用組態好的編輯器編輯檔案並上傳變更回伺服器.編輯失敗電子郵件:空的指令空的指令.空目錄列表空目錄.空的副檔名.不允許空的篩選器名稱.空的名稱空的引用字串.全部啟用(&A)啟用無效字元篩選(&F)加密加密加密細節結束比對並變更排序?輸入自訂指令(&C)...輸入 0 則不設速限.輸入指令輸入自訂指令進入目錄輸入篩選器名稱輸入篩選集的名稱輸入篩選集的新名稱輸入密碼進入所選的目錄輸入檔案 "%s" 的密碼. 請記得轉換後的檔案將沒有密碼保護.輸入伺服器接收的連接埠 預設 FTP 是用 21, 而 SFTP 是用 22.輸入使用者名稱與密碼匯出設定錯誤匯入錯誤載入佇列錯誤載入 XML 檔案錯誤儲存佇列錯誤啟動程式錯誤寫入 XML 檔案錯誤錯誤:範例: png "c:\program files\viewer\viewer.exe" -open範例執行(&C)可執行檔未包含版本資訊, 無法檢查更新.檔案總管匯出佇列(&Q)匯出設定(&S)匯出設定篩選器名稱(&I):FTPFTP - 檔案傳輸協定FTP - 輔以選用式加密的檔案傳輸協定FTP - 不安全的檔案傳輸協定未初始 FTP 引擎, 無法連線FTP 維持連線FTP ProxyFTP 網址FTP 使用第二個連線來提供資料傳輸. 這些額外的連線可由兩種方法建立.無法變更目錄無法變更語系無法複製或移動站台無法建立 XML 檔案備份無法建立 Listen Socket, 正在中止.無法以主動傳輸模式建立 Socket無法取得 "我的文件" 路徑無法取得桌面路徑無法取得 Peer Address 的控制連線, 連線關閉.無法取得 Peer Address 的資料連線, 連線關閉.無法初始 FTP 引擎無法初始 TLS.無法載入面板選單, 是資源檔無效?無法載入私鑰: %s無法接續/寫入 "%s"無法讀取 "%s"無法寫入 "%s"無法解析回傳路徑.無法收到資料無法取得目錄列表無法取得外部 IP Address. 正在中止無法取得外部 IP Address, 使用本地 IP Address無法取得本地 IP Address.無法取得本地 IP Address. 正在中止無法取得外部 IP Address.無法傳送指令.無法設定語系為 %s (%s), 使用預設的系統語系.無法設定語系為 %s (%s), 使用預設的系統語系 (%s, %s).無法設定語系為 %s (%s), 使用預設的系統語系.無法設定語系為 %s, 使用預設的系統語系無法設定語系為 %s, 使用預設的系統語系 (%s, %s).無法設定語系為 %s, 使用預設的系統語系.無法確認設定有效無法驗證同儕憑證無法寫入檔案 %s無法寫入 XML 檔案傳輸失敗回復成主動模式檔案(&E):檔案(&E)檔案檔案類別檔案不包含任何可匯入的資料.檔案編輯檔案存在檔案存在動作檔案已改變檔案列表找不到檔案檔案搜尋檔案傳輸被使用者中止於 %s (全部 %s) 之後使用者中止檔案傳輸檔案傳輸失敗於 %s (全部 %s) 之後檔案傳輸失敗檔案傳輸省略檔案傳輸成功檔案傳輸成功, 已傳輸 %s (全部 %s)仍在處理檔案傳輸.檔案會以文字類資料型態傳輸.檔案會以二進位資料型態傳輸.FileZilla 錯誤FileZilla 現在可以測試您的組態以確認是否都已配置正確.FileZilla 已連線到伺服器.變更語系需要重新啟動 FileZilla.FileZilla 更新檔案列表狀態列(&B)檔案名稱檔名篩選器(&F)...目錄 %s 下無法建構檔名 %s檔名無效檔名未改變檔案名稱:檔名不能包含以下任何字元: / * ? < > |檔名不能包含以下任何字元: / \ : * ? " < > |檔案正在編輯檔案大小檔案大小格式檔案類型檔案類型關聯篩選器套用到:篩選檔名裡的無效字元篩選器名稱已經存在篩選掉符合以下所有的項目篩選掉符合以下任何的項目篩選掉不符合以下任何的項目篩選集名稱已經存在篩選目錄列表篩選器確認失敗數位指紋 (SHA-1):數位指紋:防火牆與路由器組態精靈想知道更多關於這些選項的詳細資訊, 請執行網路組態精靈.為了可靠性您必須指定最少十個的連接埠範圍.這次連線期間將會使用預設值. 任何設定值的變更都不會儲存.強制使用 UTF-8 (&U)強制顯示隱藏檔案(&H)強制顯示隱藏檔案格式規範:格式: 副檔名後接正確引用的指令和引數.進一步的文件一般設定一般 SOCKS 伺服器失敗通用 Proxy從下列網址取得外部 IP Address:取得協助指定的篩選集名稱已經存在, 要複寫嗎?全域書籤GnuTLS:群組權限高(&I)HTTPS - 透過 TLS 的 HTTPHash:隱藏高最高最高可用連接埠必須在 1024 到 65535 之間.按住 Shift 鍵來同時切換兩邊的篩選器狀態.首頁:主機金鑰指紋:主機金鑰不吻合主機以 '[' 起始, 卻沒有找到對應的結束括弧.連不上主機主機:小時,ISO 8601 (例: 15:47) (&S)SOCKS4 Proxy 不支援 IPv6 位址如果沒有傳送資料的時間較指定時間長, 連線就會關閉且 FileZilla 會嘗試重新連線.如果要回報錯誤, 請提供"詳述"等級的記錄.如果精靈最後的自動測試成功, 您卻無法到特定的伺服器, 該伺服器可能設置錯誤, 而您應嘗試使用主動模式. 您可以在站台管理員裡面設定各伺服器的傳輸模式.如果回復選項已啟用, 您可以連線到設定有誤, 拒絕選定傳輸模式的伺服器.如果主機金鑰並非預期, 請聯絡該伺服器管理者.如果問題依舊持續, 則某些路由器或防火牆持續阻擋 FileZilla.如果問題依舊持續, 則某些路由器或防火牆持續阻斷連線.如果記錄檔案的大小已達上限, 就會在檔名的最後加上 ".1" (這可能會覆寫舊的記錄檔) 並建立新的記錄檔案.如果軟連結是指向目錄, FileZilla 可以選擇刪除該軟連結或是被連結目錄的內容.如果問題依舊持續, 請聯絡您的路由器或防火牆製造商以解決問題.如果問題依舊持續, 請聯絡您的路由器製造商.如果使用"如果較新就覆寫"選項, 您的系統時間就得與伺服器同步. 如果時間有異 (如在不同的時區) 那請在站台管理員中指定時區偏移量.如果使用時間戳記式的比對, 那只要兩個檔案的時間戳記差異不超過門檻就視為相同.如果您按了測試, FileZilla 將會連線到 probe.filezilla-project.org 做些簡單的測試.如果關閉 FileZilla, 您所做的變更將會遺失.如果您輸入錯誤的檔案類型, 那該類檔案在傳輸的過程中就可能會發生毀損.如果遇到了任何錯誤, 那您的設定即不正確.如果在取得目錄列表或傳輸檔案時有問題, 您可以嘗試切換到預設傳輸模式.若您在某台伺服器上一直遇到錯誤, 此伺服器本身或某台遠端路由器或是防火牆可能配置有誤. 在這情況下請切換為被動模式並請連絡伺服器管理者協助.如果您成功地執行完精靈且最後的測試有成功, 您應已正確設定您的防火牆或路由器.如果您有用防火牆, 請確定有允許 FileZilla 在指定的連接埠上連線.如果您有用路由器, 請確定所有 FileZlla 使用的連接埠都可轉送.若您的路由器一直改變 IP Address, 請聯絡您的路由器製造商.從舊版匯入資料匯入設定匯入成功不正確引用的關聯.在主動模式下, FileZilla 必須聆聽一個連接埠以供資料傳輸. 您必須指定一個給 FileZilla 用的連接埠.假如您有路由器, 您要轉送所有可用的連接埠使得 FileZilla 不受您系統所選的連接埠影響.為了要使用主動模式, FileZilla 需要知道您的外部 IP Address.在被動模式 (建議大部分使用者使用) 下, FileZilla 會對伺服器要求一個連接埠以供連線. 無須額外的設定.不完整的憑證鍊, 最上層的憑證並非是自我簽署的憑證中心 (Certificate Authority) 憑證不正確的密碼無法取得 FileZilla 的最新版資訊. 請稍候再試.正在初始 TLS...不安全的伺服器, 它不支援透過 TLS 的 FTP.交談式介面被使用者中斷無效的 Content-Length無效的 HTTP 回應收到無效的字元序, 正在停用 UTF-8. 欲強制使用 UTF-8 請在站台管理員內選擇 UTF-8 選項.無效的區塊大小收到無效的資料無效的日期無效的檔名無效的主機, 在結尾括弧後只能接冒號和連接埠號碼.無效的輸入無效的連接埠. 連接埠應介於 1 到 65535 之間.無效的 Proxy 主機, 在結尾括弧後只能接冒號和連接埠號碼.搜尋條件裡的無效正規表示法無效的回應碼無效的搜尋條件: %s無效的站台路徑無效的檔案篩選大小無效的使用者名稱.管轄國家:管轄地區:管轄州郡省份:保持目錄在最上方請牢記同樣地並非所有伺服器都支援這個功能, 當您啟用該功能時, 伺服器也可能會回傳不正確的列表. 雖然 FileZilla 會先執行一些測試看看是否伺服器支援這個功能, 但這些測試也可能會失敗.金鑰交換金鑰交換:最低(&O)語系語系已變更最後修改時間佈局並行下載限制(&D):並行上傳限制(&U):限制本地連接埠限制記錄檔案的大小限制:超過單行長度連結的函式庫Listen Socket 關閉列表:最低可用連接埠(&W):本地端本地檔案本地檔案不存在.本地檔案為 %s 本地檔案是個目錄而非尋常的檔案.本地檔案並未使用有效的檔名.本地篩選器:本地站台:城市名:記錄檔案記錄登入資料包含非 ASCII 字元且伺服器可能不認得 UTF-8. 因為使用 Proxy, 所以無法回復成本地字集.登入資料包含非 ASCII 字元且伺服器可能不認得 UTF-8. 嘗試使用本地字集.登入程序已完全執行, 但仍未登入. 正在中止.登入型式必須是 ask 或是 interactive 兩者之一.登入型式僅能與 FTP 網址一起使用. 引數必須是 "%s" 或是 "%s" 兩者之一低最低最低的可用連接埠介於 1024 到 65535 之間.MAC:請確認可以找到檔案並且內容為滿足格式的 XML 文件.格式有誤的區塊資料: %s格式有誤的標頭: %s格式有誤的回應, 伺服器未傳送正確的換行格式手動傳輸比對以下所有項目符合以下任何項目不符合以下任何項目最大同時傳輸數目(&T):訊息記錄訊息記錄位置MiB分鐘下移(&D)上移(&U)我的電腦我的文件我的站台N/a名稱名稱已存在書籤名稱已存在名稱:需要輸入篩選器名稱需要輸入有效的遠端路徑需要指定字元編碼連不上網路永不檢查新增資料夾(&F)新頁籤(&T)新增書籤(&M)新書籤新目錄%s 版的新功能與改進新篩選器新資料夾新站台在傳輸佇列的旁邊否沒有選定要匯出的分類目錄沒有給定指令, 正在中止.沒有外部 IP Address, 正在嘗試使用預設值.未有正在編輯的檔案.沒有給定篩選器的名稱未填入主機, 請輸入主機名稱.沒有可用的圖示佇列裡已無檔案!沒有給定篩選集的名稱.沒有程式關聯到檔案類型沒有程式關聯到編輯副檔名為 "%s" 的檔案.沒有搜尋結果沒有可用的站台沒有支援的 SOCKS5 認證方法沒有給定使用者名稱無尚未選取一般未連線未連線到任何伺服器未連線到任何伺服器.未連線.請注意這個功能只在使用 FTP 協定時才支援.注意: 這只能在純粹, 未加密的 FTP 連線下運作.注意: 使用通用 Proxy 會強制在 FTP 連線使用被動模式.小數位數:重試次數必須介於 0 到 99 之間.開啟檔案(&P)確認在接下來的幾個頁面裡將要設定所選的傳輸模式以及回復模式 (如果有啟用).一次一天一次一週一次僅使用純粹的 FTP (不安全)於檔案總管內開啟目錄開啟站台管理員開啟站台管理員.開啟站台管理員. 按右鍵顯示站台列表.開啟檔案.開啟 FileZilla 設定對話框開啟為:開啟失敗開啟新頁籤開啟站台管理員開啟目錄列表篩選器對話框. 按右鍵切換篩選器.作業系統偵測到作業系統問題組織:其它:預覽如果來源較新就覆寫(&I)覆寫檔案如果大小不同就覆寫檔案如果大小不同或來源較新就覆寫檔案如果來源較新就覆寫檔案如果大小不同就覆寫(&D)如果大小不同或來源較新就覆寫(&Z)擁有人權限擁有人/群組當系統在傳輸與其它操作時, 避免進入閒置睡眠狀態(&S)Proxy 主機 (&R):PORT 指令已被路由器或防火牆影響.被動模式(推薦)(&S)參數不是有效的網址密碼(&W):被動模式(推薦)被動模式被動模式已設定為預設傳輸模式.需要密碼檔案路徑目錄 %s 下無法建構子目錄路徑 %s找不到路徑:路徑等待移除權限權限平台:請檢查 https://filezilla-project.org/probe.php 有在運作並請再次仔細地檢查您的設定.請配置防火牆或路由器讓 FileZilla 可以建立任意連接埠的向外連線.請在您的路由器上關閉類似 "DMZ mode" 或是 "game mode" 之類的設定.請確定您有穩定的網路連線並再次仔細檢查您的設定.請輸入自訂的日期格式.請輸入自訂的時間格式.請輸入格式為 YYYY-MM-DD 的日期, 如 2010-07-18.請輸入大於等於 0 %s/s 的下載速度限制.請輸入新篩選器的名稱.請輸入欲複製篩選器的新名稱.請輸入篩選集 "%s" 的新名稱請輸入篩選器的新名稱.請輸入 0 到 10 之間的整數做為並行下載數目.請輸入 0 到 10 之間的整數做為並行上傳數目.請輸入 0 到 10 之間的整數做為並行傳輸數目.請輸入此伺服器的密碼:請輸入要執行的路徑與執行檔. 就像 MS Windows 下的 c:\somePath\file.exe 或是 Unix 下的 /somePath/file 這樣. 您也可以指定一些程式參數.請輸入 5 到 9999 秒之間的逾時時間, 或是輸入 0 停用逾時時間.請輸入這篩選集的唯一名稱:請輸入此伺服器的使用者名稱:請輸入有效的連接埠範圍.請輸入可以取得外部 IP Address 的網址.請輸入大於等於 0 %s/s 的上傳速度限制.請直接輸入 FTP 指令. 使用直接的 FTP 指令會清除目錄快取.請輸入欲建立的目錄名稱:請輸入欲建立的檔案名稱:請輸入此伺服器的使用者名稱與密碼:請輸入您的外部 IP Address請在此精靈的主動模式頁面下輸入您的外部 IP Address. 若您使用動態 IP 或是您不知道您的外部 IP Address, 請使用外部解析器這選項.錯誤的組態會阻礙 FTP 連線成功, 所以請仔細地跟著指令操作.請確認已允許 FileZilla 建立對外連線以及確認您已正確鍵入位址解析器的 IP Address.請確認要求的語系地域 (Locale) 有安裝進您的系統裡.請確認您的路由器已採用最新的韌體. 此外, 您的伺服器也得設定正確. 您必須手動設定轉送連接埠 (port forwarding). 別在 "DMZ mode" 或 "game mode" 下執行您的伺服器.請留意因為 FileZilla 不會影響伺服器選擇連接埠, 所以伺服器可能會選擇一個您的防火牆認為是只有特洛依木馬或是其他惡意軟體所使用的連接埠. 這可能會引發錯誤的警告, 但您可以放心地略過.請留意上傳時保留時間戳記的功能只能在支援 MFMT 指令的 FTP, FTPS, FTPES 等伺服器上運作.請留意若您重新連線過於頻繁或是在太短的時間間隔內, 部份伺服器可能會擋掉您.在變更網路環境後, 或是假如先前正確運作的伺服器突然發生問題時, 請您應再次執行精靈.請選擇動作:請選擇您想要匯入的分類目錄.請選擇您想要的預設傳輸模式.請為目錄 "%s" 選擇新屬性.請為檔案 "%s" 選擇新屬性.請為選取的目錄選擇新屬性.請為選取的檔案與目錄選擇新屬性.請為選取的檔案選擇新屬性.請升級您的防火牆並確認您的路由器已採用最新的韌體. 此外您的伺服器也得設定正確才行. 您必須手動設定連接埠轉送 (port forwarding). 別在 "DMZ mode" 或 "game mode" 下執行您的路由器. 得停用像是協定檢查或是特定協定修正之類的東西郵遞區號:預先定義的站台保留檔案時間戳記預覽:主要連線與資料連線的憑證未相符.印出與 FileZilla 啟動有關的檢測資訊將版本資訊列印到標準輸出 (stdout) 並離開目錄優先(預設)優先權隱私權政策: 只有您的 FileZilla 版本, 使用的作業系統和 CPU 架構資訊會傳到伺服器上.私鑰(&K):協定(&T):Proxy 密碼(&X):處理佇列(&Q)協定:Proxy 連接埠 (&P):Proxy 使用者 (&U):Proxy 認證失敗Proxy 交握失敗: %sProxy 主機以 "[" 起始, 卻沒有找到對應的結束括弧.Proxy 回應: %sProxy 請求失敗: %sProxy 請求失敗: CONNECT 的回應裡有未知的位址型態已設定 Proxy, 但 Proxy 主機或是連接埠的設定無效公開金鑰認證公開金鑰演算法:公開權限佇列已處理完成佇列: %s MiB佇列: %s%s佇列: 空等候的檔案等候:重新啟動系統(&E)遠端樹狀目錄(&E)重設與重排所選的檔案(&E)直接的 FTP 指令讀取(&A)重新整理(&F)更名(&N)重新執行精靈仔細檢查您的設定, 並依此配置所有路由器與防火牆.讀取(&D)唯讀真的要取消當前的操作?真的要從伺服器刪除 %d 個目錄與其內容嗎?真的要從伺服器刪除 %d 個檔案嗎?真的要從伺服器刪除 %s 與 %s 嗎?真的要從伺服器刪除所有選擇的檔案/目錄?真的要從您的電腦刪除所有選擇的檔案/目錄?原因立即重開機包含子目錄(&U)已取得目錄清單, 該清單似乎是以 EBCDIC 編碼而成.單行接收超過 10000 字元, 正在中止.收到的資料遭受影響.連線到伺服器時無法清除重新連線資訊. 如果您要繼續, 您的連線將會斷線.重新連線設定重新連線到先前的伺服器重導至無效或不支援的 URI: %s重導至無效或不支援的位址: %s重新整理檔案與資料夾列表記憶密碼?遠端遠端憑證未被信任.遠端檔案遠端檔案搜尋遠端篩選器:遠端路徑無法解析遠端路徑. 請確定這是有效的絕對路徑, 且被目前站台的伺服器型態 (%s) 支援.無法解析遠端路徑. 請確定這是有效的絕對路徑, 且被上層站台所選的伺服器型態 (%s) 支援.無法解析遠端路徑. 請確定這是有效的絕對路徑.遠端路徑無法解析.遠端路徑處理:遠端路徑:遠端站台:全部移除(&A)移除所選項目(&S)更名檔案更改所選的目錄名稱更名所選的檔案和目錄"%s" 更名為 "%s"回報臭蟲與功能請求請求失敗 - 客戶端未執行 identd (或是未能由伺服器端連上)請求失敗 - 客戶端 identd 無法確認使用者 ID 字串請求被拒或失敗需要透過外顯式 TLS 的 FTP需要透過隱含式 TLS 的 FTP重設與重排所有檔案(&A)正在解析 %s 的 IP Address回應:結果:續傳檔案如果伺服器使用和客戶端不同的換行格式時, 續傳文字檔案可能會造成問題.正在取得目錄列表...正從 %s 取得外部 IP Address顯示正被編輯的檔案(&H)...啟動時顯示站台管理員(&H)系統關機(&H)停止(&T)系統待機(&U)同步瀏覽(&Y)SFTPSOCKS 4 (&K)SOCKS4 Proxy 會連線到: %sSQLite:儲存設定?儲存密碼的功能已被您的系統管理員停用.儲存密碼的功能已被您停用.正在掃描欲加入佇列的檔案正在掃描欲上傳的檔案搜尋條件(&C):搜尋目錄(&D):遞迴式搜尋檔案.搜尋伺服器的檔案安全資訊也請見: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_Configuration選擇伺服器(&C)選擇頁面(&P):選擇佈景主題請選擇如果欲傳輸的目標檔案已存在時的預設處理動作.選擇預設編輯器選擇如果目標檔案已存在時的預設處理動作. 該選擇只在目前的連線有效.選擇目前在佇列內選取檔案的預設存在動作.選擇包含私鑰的檔案選擇用以匯出資料的檔案選擇用以匯出佇列的檔案選擇用以匯出設定的檔案選擇用以匯出站台的檔案選擇用以匯入設定的檔案選擇用以上傳的檔案選擇轉換後金鑰檔案名稱選擇該如何開啟這些檔案.選擇目標下載目錄選擇目標檔案名稱選擇要匯出的分類目錄:請選擇您要刪除的私人資料.選擇傳輸 %d 個目錄與其內容.選取 %d 個目錄.選擇傳輸 %d 個檔案.選取 %d 個檔案. 總共大小: %s選取 %d 個檔案. 總共大小: 至少 %s選擇傳輸 %s 與 %s.選取 %s與 %s. 總共大小: %s選取 %s與 %s. 總共大小: 至少 %s所選的編輯器不存在.已在編輯所選的檔案.已載入所選的檔案已開啟所選的檔案仍在編輯所選的檔案.所選的篩選器只能處理本地檔案.選取的全域書籤與目前伺服器使用的伺服器型態不同. 請在此伺服器使用站台書籤.選取的連接埠通常是使用於其它協定.送出 FTP 維持連線指令(&K)送出自訂的命令到伺服器否則就不可用送出維持連線指令憑證序號:伺服器種類(&T):伺服器未正確結束 TLS 連線伺服器不支援非 ASCII 字元.伺服器不支援大於 %d GB 的檔案續傳.伺服器不支援大於 %d GB 的檔案續傳. 自從檔案大小吻合後即停止傳輸.伺服器不支援大於 2GB 的檔案續傳.伺服器不支援大於 4GB 的檔案續傳.伺服器可能不支援大於 %d GB 的檔案續傳. 自從檔案大小吻合後即停止傳輸.伺服器可能需要帳號 (Account). 請嘗試用站台管理員指定帳號伺服器回傳了空的路徑.伺服器傳送了額外的登入提示. 您需要使用交談式登入型態.伺服器以無法路由的 IP Address 送出了被動式回應. 被動模式失敗.伺服器以無法路由的 IP Address 送出了被動式回應. 改為使用伺服器 IP Address.伺服器送出了非預期的回應.伺服器對客戶 MAC:伺服器對客戶 Cipher:伺服器種類(&T):伺服器/本地檔案伺服器:連線細節設定優先權(&P)修改 "%s" 權限為 "%s"呼叫 SetSocketBufferSize 時未有 socket設定顯示原始目錄列表(&R)顯示歡迎對話框(&W)...顯示兩端的樹狀目錄然後並進行比對?顯示細節顯示可用的 TLS Cipher顯示此說明立即關機簽章演算法:站台管理員欄位(&M)站台管理員站台管理員 - 無法記憶密碼站台管理員 - 無效的資料已開啟站台管理員站台不存在.站台路徑必須以 0 或 1 開始.站台路徑的格式有誤.站台書籤站台書籤需要將伺服器存進站台管理員. 要將目前的連線加進站台管理員?大小大小格式未知大小略過檔案略過 %s 的下載略過 %s 的上傳部分檔案依然被編輯或是需要上傳.一些位於路由器後方且組態配置錯誤的遠端伺服器也許會回應它們自己的本地 IP Address.一併排序目錄比對目錄時不能變更目錄排序.排序排序模式(&M):來源和拖曳的路徑相同來源和目標檔案不能相同拖曳功能的來源和目標位置相同來源檔案:速度限制速度限制速度限制已停用, 按此變更.速度限制已啟用, 按此變更.穩定與 Beta 測試版本僅穩定版本穩定, Beta 測試與每日組建版本立即啟動傳輸(&I)啟動時開啟站台管理員於 %s 啟動更新檢查 開始 %s 的下載開始 %s 的上傳啟動時將給定路徑視為本地目錄州郡省份:狀態狀態:停止且全部移除(&A)街:憑證主體傳輸成功測試結果摘要:立即待機指向檔案的軟連結則不受選擇影響, 這類軟連結則總是會刪除.同步瀏覽同步瀏覽已停用.語法錯誤命令列模式的語法錯誤系統工具列(&O)TTL 逾期目標檔案已經存在目的檔案:目標檔名已經存在!目標檔名已經存在, 確定要繼續?測試結果測試伺服器的續傳相容性另一個 FileZilla 3 程式已啟動站台管理員. 您還要繼續嗎? 對站台管理員所做的任何變更都不會儲存.另一個 FileZilla 3 程式已啟動站台管理員. 請將其關閉, 否則資料都不會被刪除.此 XML 文件並未滿足格式: %s您輸入的 IP Address 是: %s無法加入書籤.無法清除書籤.此連線已加密. 請按圖示了解細節.自訂的登入程序不能是空的.無法建立資料連線: %s無法找到文字檔案的預設的編輯器.文字檔案的預設編輯器是 '%s'.輸入的篩選器名稱已經存在, 請選擇不同的名稱.副檔名 "%s" 已存在於列表裡檔案 %s 已存在. 請輸入新的名稱:無法開啟檔案 "%s": 找不到相關聯的程式 (%s). 請檢查您的檔案類型關聯.檔案 "%s" 無法載入或是不包含私鑰.無法載入檔案 '%s'.無法開啟檔案 "%s": 您的系統裡沒有程式關聯到這個檔案類型.無法開啟檔案 "%s": 關聯到的指令失敗檔案 "%s" 並非為 FileZilla 支援的格式. 該檔案也有使用密碼保護. FileZilla 尚未支援有密碼保護的金鑰檔案. 您想將其轉換成有支援且無保護的格式嗎?檔案 "%s" 並非為 FileZilla 支援的格式. 您想將其轉換成支援的格式?檔案 "%s" 有使用密碼保護. FileZilla 尚未支援有密碼保護的金鑰檔案. 您想將其轉換成無保護的格式嗎?選為預設編輯器的檔案不存在.您選定的檔案包含了舊版 FileZilla 站台管理員資料. 由於儲存格式上的不同, 只有主機位址, 連接埠, 使用者名稱與密碼能匯入. 要繼續匯入嗎?不能隱藏或移動檔名欄位.不能隱藏檔名欄位.以下字元會被取代: %s以下字元會被取代: %s正在編輯以下檔案:自由且開放原始碼的 FTP 解決方案無法儲存全域書籤.偵錯等級愈高, 訊息記錄中會顯示的資訊愈多. 顯示偵錯資訊對效能會有負面的影響.限制範圍必須在 1 到 2000 MiB 之間本地目錄 "%s" 並不在同步根目錄 (%s) 之下. 要停用同步瀏覽並繼續變更本地目錄?最低可用連接埠必須小於或等於最高可用連接埠.無法下載新版本, 請稍候再試.新版本已經儲存在您的 Downloads 目錄內.不會儲存佇列.遠端目錄 "%s" 並不在同步根目錄 (%s) 之下. 要停用同步瀏覽並繼續變更遠端目錄?已匯入選定的分類目錄.選定的檔案可匯入以下分類目錄:已在編輯所選的檔案:所選的檔案仍舊被其它程式開啟, 請關閉它.無法加入伺服器.伺服器送出了非預期或未認可的回應.此伺服器於檔案名稱使用以下的字集編碼:這個伺服器的憑證不明. 請留心測試憑證以確保伺服器可以信任.此伺服器的主機金鑰未與快取內的資料相符. 這意味著不是該機器管理者更換了主機金鑰, 就是您實際嘗試連線到的是偽裝成此伺服器的其它台電腦.此伺服器的主機金鑰不明. 您無法保證這台機器是您想的那台.已匯入設定. 您得重新啟動 FileZilla 才能使用新設定.除非您按下 Cancel, 否則系統即將會重開機.除非您按下 Cancel, 否則系統即將會關機.目標檔案已存在. 請選擇動作.測試未成功. 您真的要儲存設定嗎?佈景主題此篩選集無法移除.此篩選集無法更名.這表示某些路由器或是防火牆依舊干擾 FileZilla.這只當您不在路由器後方時才能運作, 不然系統可能只回傳您的內部 IP Address.這個精靈將會幫助您正確地配置您的路由器與防火牆並且測試您的組態.時間時間格式多少秒內逾時:逾時時間時區偏移量: 伺服器: %d 秒. 本地端: %d 秒. 相差: %d 秒.標題:兩端的檔案列表必須排列整齊才能進行目錄比對.兩端的樹狀目錄必須同時顯示或隱藏才能執行此動作.要支援公開金鑰認證, FileZilla 必須知道欲使用的私鑰.切換目錄比對. 按右鍵以變更比對模式. 顏色: 黃: 檔案只存在於一側 綠: 檔案較另一側未標記的檔案來得新 紅: 檔案大小不同切換同步瀏覽. 如果啟用同步瀏覽, 在瀏覽本地或遠端的目錄階層時, 對應的另一邊也會跟著改變.切換處理傳輸佇列切換顯示本地樹狀目錄切換顯示訊息記錄切換顯示遠端樹狀目錄切換顯示傳輸佇列過長的 header line過多的重導歷程:傳輸傳輸方向(&D)傳輸型態(&T)傳輸模式傳輸佇列傳輸設定傳輸連線中斷: %s傳輸的資料遭受影響.正在傳輸傳輸傳輸完成將無副檔名的檔案視作文字類檔案(&W)將以下的檔案類型視作文字類檔案(&F):信任已改變的主機金鑰:信任新的主機金鑰:要信任新的金鑰並且繼續連線?要信任這個憑證並且繼續連線?要信任這台主機並且繼續連線?再試一次型態FTP Proxy 型態:通用 Proxy 型態:上傳(&P)上傳限制(&P)允許的話使用檔案類型關聯(&S)使用系統預設值(&S)USER@HOST (&H)未指定的錯誤碼 %d單位:未知未知的 FTP Proxy 類型, 無法產生登入程序.未知的 SOCKS 協定版本: %d未知的憑證未知的開啟檔案錯誤. 請確認可以找到檔案並且內容為滿足格式的 XML 文件.未知的主機金鑰未知的 SOCKS 使用者名稱/密碼認證子協議版本: %d未知的根元素, 該檔案似乎不是由 FileZilla 產生的.除非這些問題解決了, 否則 FTP 主動模式不會運作並且會轉為使用被動模式.除非這個問題解決了, 否則 FTP 主動模式不會運作並且會轉為使用被動模式.未支援的憑證類型未支援的重導上傳與反編輯(&L)更新上傳上傳失敗上傳限制: %s/s上傳限制: 無上傳選取的目錄上傳選取的檔案與目錄上傳該檔案回伺服器?上傳該檔案到伺服器?正在上傳上傳與等待移除上傳與反編輯使用自訂字碼集(&C)使用自訂編輯器(&C):使用文字檔案的預設編輯器(&D)使用同步瀏覽(&S)如果伺服器支援就使用 UTF-8, 否則就使用本地字碼集.使用預設動作允許的話就使用透過外顯式 TLS 的 FTP使用目前已連線的伺服器使用站台管理員裡的伺服器使用系統預設值(&D)使用以下的 IP Address:使用以下的連接埠範圍:改為使用伺服器的外部 IP Address當您位在路由器後方並且有個靜態的外部 IP Address 時才用.如果您的是浮動 IP 才用這選項. FileZilla 會在您使用主動模式時於每個連線的第一回連到上述伺服器.使用者:使用者名稱不能是一串空白使用 Proxy %s使用錯誤的字碼集會導致檔名無法正確顯示.有效從:有效至:wxWidgiets 的詳細訊息記錄正在驗證憑證...版本:非常高已經設定了顯示隱藏的選項, 但是伺服器端並未支援檢視/編輯可視欄位寫入(&R)正在等待正在等待瀏覽連線正在等待密碼正在等待傳輸取消正在等待重試...警告! Windows 上的一個錯誤導至 FileZilla 的問題. 這個錯誤發生在您使用 - Windows Server 2003 或 XP 64 - 啟用 Windows 防火牆 - 啟用應用程式層閘道服務時 請見 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931130 了解相關的背景資訊. 除非您停用 Windows 防火牆或是應用程式層閘道服務, 否則 FileZilla 在大型傳輸時將會逾時.警告, 忽略來自錯誤 IP Address 的資料連線.警告, 使用每日組建版會有一定的風險. 每日組建版不會提供有任何的支援. 每日組建版也許會不如預期般動作, 甚至可能會危害您的系統. 您真的要檢查每日組建版?警告: 可能有潛藏的安全性漏洞!歡迎使用 FileZilla最新消息最新消息:允許 FileZilla 記憶密碼後, 您就無須在往後啟動 FileZilla 再次連線時重新輸入密碼.啟用後如果下載檔案, 檔名內不被本地作業系統支援的字元就會被取代.寬螢幕您想讓 FileZilla 記憶密碼嗎?寫入(&I)錯誤的外部 IP Address錯誤的換行格式是您似乎正使用僅有 IPv6 的主機.此精靈不支援這類環境.您正在使用最新版的 FileZilla.您總是能透過工具列說明選單開啟這個對話框.您可以從 FileZilla 網站下載最新版:您可以不輸入連接埠欄位來使用預設的連接埠.您可以在任何位置使用 x 來保持原來檔案所有的權限.您不能從 FileZilla 自己的設定目錄下匯入設定.您不能以一個無效字元取代另一個無效字元. 請輸入檔名允許的字元.您未為這個檔案輸入新的檔名. 是想要覆蓋這個檔案嗎?您已選擇至少一個軟連結.您已選擇要編輯十個以上的檔案, 是否真要繼續?您已選擇要開啟十個以上的檔案或目錄, 是否真要繼續?您必須輸入主機名稱.您必須輸入本地目錄.您必須輸入有效的 IP Address.您必須輸入可寫入的本地目錄.您必須輸入帳號名稱.您必須指定使用者名稱您可能有套會錯誤處理傳輸資料的路由器或防火牆.您必須輸入書籤的名稱.您必須輸入記錄檔案的名稱.您必須輸入正確引用的指令.您必須輸入 Proxy 主機.您必須輸入 Proxy 連接埠, 範圍在 1 到 65535 之間不支援空的書籤, 您必須輸入最少一個路徑.您必須輸入本地與遠端路徑以啟用此書籤的同步瀏覽.您必須輸入本地與遠端路徑以啟用此站台的同步瀏覽.您必須指定一個本地檔案.您必須指定一個遠端檔案.您必須指定一個遠端路徑.您必須指定一台伺服器您應沒任何連到其他伺服器的問題. 檔案傳輸應該正確運作.晚於早於起始於bytes包含不包含不等於終止於等於檔案fz3temp-lockfile無法啟動 fzputtygen. 請確定該執行檔和 FileZilla 主程式存在同一目錄下.無法啟動 fzsftpgnutls_certificate_get_peers 沒有回傳任何憑證大於群組可執行群組可讀取群組可寫入等於已設定未設定小於比對常規表示法 (regex)擁有人可執行擁有人可讀取擁有人可寫入未知全世界都可執行全世界都可讀取全世界都可寫入wxWidgets: