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Valid authentication schemes are Digest, Negotiate, NTLM, Basic, or Anonymous. Change the IIS settings so that only a single authentication scheme is used.Service '{0}' implements multiple ServiceContract types, and no endpoints are defined in the configuration file. WebServiceHost can set up default endpoints, but only if the service implements only a single ServiceContract. Either change the service to only implement a single ServiceContract, or else define endpoints for the service explicitly in the configuration file.A message was dispatched to the UnhandledDispatchOperation, but was invoked without a Message as input. This error might be caused by a behavior that provided a bad IDispatchMessageFormatter for the EndpointDispatcher's DispatchRuntime's UnhandledDispatchOperation's Formatter.$Encountered invalid character '{0}'.Incoming message for operation '{0}' (contract '{1}' with namespace '{2}') contains an unrecognized http body format value '{3}'. The expected body format value is '{4}'. This can be because a WebContentTypeMapper has not been configured on the binding. See the documentation of WebContentTypeMapper for more details.Incoming message for operation '{0}' contains an unrecognized http body format value '{1}'. The expected body format value is '{2}'. This can be because a WebContentTypeMapper has not been configured on the binding. See the documentation of WebContentTypeMapper for more details.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a MessageContract parameter (of type '{2}') without a wrapper name and with more than one body element. MessageContract parameters without a wrapper element are supported only if they have zero or one body element.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses a MessageContract that has SOAP headers. SOAP headers are not supported by the None MessageVersion.The Type of object passed as parameter '{0}' is not derived from {1}. Ensure that the type of object passed is either of type {1} or derived from {1}.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a parameter or message contract body part with name '{2}' which contains one or more invalid XML characters. This name is not supported as a parameter name or message contract body part name when the Method is POST. Please change the name to a name containing only valid XML characters.YThe item's authors were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.XThe item's content was not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.^The item's contributors were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.\The item's copyrights were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.!The item created a null category.The item created a null person.JThe syndication item formatter must be configured with a syndication item.bThe item's last updated time was not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.WThe item's links were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.{0}, but there is an operation listening for {1}, so you are being redirected there.Operation '{0}', belonging to contract ('{1}', '{2}') has an XmlSerializerFormatAttribute configured with OperationUse Encoded or OperationStyle Rpc. OperationUse Encoded and OperationStyle Rpc are not supported for web bindings. Configure the endpoint with a SOAP binding (like WSHttpBinding) in order to use these options.9The formatter '{0}' does not support serializing replies.:The formatter '{0}' does not support serializing requests.YThe server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details.The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is '{0}'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is:BThe specified size exceeds the remaining buffer space ({0} bytes).'{0}' does not allow the use of Streams with the MessageContract programming model. The service '{1}' defines an operation '{2}' that uses the MessageContract type '{3}'. '{3}' contains MessageBodyMember '{4}' of type Stream.&Reading of a syndication feed started.(Reading of a syndication feed completed.&Writing of a syndication feed started.(Writing of a syndication feed completed.&Reading of a syndication item started.(Reading of a syndication item completed.&Writing of a syndication item started.(Writing of a syndication item completed.WSyndication XML node of type '{0}' with name '{1}' and namespace '{2}' ignored on read.)Reading of a categories document started.+Reading of a categories document completed.&Reading of a service document started.(Reading of a service document completed.)Writing of a categories document started.+Writing of a categories document completed.&Writing of a service document started.(Writing of a service document completed.;Incoming HTTP request to URI '{0}' matched operation '{1}'.?Incoming HTTP request to URI '{0}' was redirected to URI '{1}'.iQuery string parameter with name '{0}' was not used during parameter deserialization for operation '{1}'.Cannot serialize parameter of type '{0}' (for operation '{1}', contract '{2}') because it is not the exact type '{3}' in the method signature and is not in the known types collection. In order to serialize the parameter, add the type to the known types collection for the operation using ServiceKnownTypeAttribute.%Type '{0}' is not supported by '{1}'.Changing an inline default value with information from the additional default values is not supported; the default value to the variable '{0}' was already provided as part of the UriTemplate '{1}'. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.!baseAddress must an absolute Uri.The BindByName method of UriTemplate was called with an empty name in the collection of arguments for the bind. Note that the NameValueCollection or the Dictionary passed to BindByName cannot contain an empty (or null) name as a key. See the documentation of UriTemplate for more details.bUriTemplate '{0}' contains no variables; yet the BindByPosition method was called with {1} values.UriTemplate '{0}' contains {1} path variables and {2} query variables but {3} values were passed to the BindByPosition method. The number of values passed to BindByPosition should be greater than or equal to the number of path variables in the template and cannot be greater than the total number of variables in the template.The UriTemplate contains a literal value for query key '{0}', but that key also is present in the NameValueCollection. Either remove that key from the NameValueCollection, or else change the UriTemplate to not have a query literal for that key.&UTCSR - Lookup was called before matchThe UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate compound path segment '{1}' provides a default value to variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to variables in compound segments. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the path variable '{1}', defined as part of a compound path segment has been provided with a default value as part of the additional defaults. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to variables in compound segments. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable declaration '{1}' provides a default value to query variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to query variables. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the query variable '{1}' has been provided a default value as part of the additional defaults. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to query variables. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The default values of UriTemplate are immutable; they cannot be modified after the construction of the UriTemplate instance. See the documentation of UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; UriTemplate does not support two adjacent variables with no literal in compound segments, such as in the segment '{1}'.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable declaration '{1}' provides an empty default value to path variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate path variables cannot be bound to a null or empty value. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.SUriTemplate does not support '{0}' as a valid format for a segment or a query part.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable declaration '{1}' isn't a valid variable construct. Note that UriTemplate variable definitions are either a simple, non-empty, variable name or a 'name=value' format, where the name must not be empty and the value provides a default value to the variable. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the wildcard ('{1}') cannot appear in a variable name or literal, unless as a construct for a wildcard segment. Note that a wildcard segment, either a literal or a variable, is valid only as the last path segment in the template; the wildcard can appear only once. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the additional default value '{1}' has a null value as default value. Note that null default values must be only provided to concrete path variables. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate path variable '{1}' has a null default value while following path variable '{2}' has no defaults or provides a non-null default value. Note that UriTemplate path variable with null default value must be followed only with other path variables with null defaulted values. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate path variable '{1}' has a null default value while the following path segment '{2}' is not a variable segment with a null default value. Note that UriTemplate path variable with null default values must be followed only with other path variables with null defaulted value. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate path variable '{1}' has a null default value while the template is finished with a wildcard. Note that UriTemplate path variable with null default values must be followed only with other path variables with null defaulted value. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a Message parameter. Message and UriTemplate parameters are incompatible.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a MessageContract parameter. MessageContract and UriTemplate parameters are incompatible.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the query string cannot end with '&'. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name=value', when value cannot be a compound segment. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name' or of the form 'name=value'. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name' or of the form 'name=value', where name is a simple literal. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name' or of the form 'name=value', where each name is unique. Note that the names are case-insensitive. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate last path segment '{1}' provides a default value to final star variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to final star variable. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate final star variable '{1}' has been provides a default value as part of the additional defaults information. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to final star variable. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.UriTemplateTable does not support '{0}' and '{1}' since they are not equivalent, but cannot be disambiguated because they have equivalent paths and the same common literal values for the query string. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more detail.!BaseAddress must an absolute uri.nBaseAddress has not been set. Set the BaseAddress property before calling MakeReadOnly, Match, or MatchSingle.5Cannot change BaseAddress after calling MakeReadOnly.UriTemplateTable (with allowDuplicateEquivalentUriTemplates = false) does not support both '{0}' and '{1}', since they are equivalent. Call MakeReadOnly with allowDuplicateEquivalentUriTemplates = true to use both of these UriTemplates in the same table. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more detail.-KeyValuePairs must have at least one element.An invalid template '{0}' was passed as the key in a pair of template and its associated object. UriTemplateTable Key-Value pairs must always contain a valid UriTemplate object as key; note that UriTemplateTable doesn't support templates that are ignoring the trailing slash in respect to matching. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more details.IThere were multiple UriTemplateMatch results, but MatchSingle was called.-Parameter 'baseAddress' must an absolute uri.A null UriTemplate was passed as the key in a pair of template and its associated object. UriTemplateTable Key-Value pairs must always contain a valid UriTemplate object as key. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more details.UriTemplateTable does not support multiple templates that have equivalent path as template '{0}' but have different query strings, where the query strings cannot all be disambiguated via literal values. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more detail.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable named '{1}' appears multiple times in the template. Note that UriTemplate variable names are case-insensitive. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.A feed containing items that are not buffered (i.e. the items are not stored in an IList) cannot clone its items. Buffer the items in the feed before calling Clone on it or pass false to the Clone method.RThe element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not an allowed document format.NThe element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not an allowed feed format.NThe element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not an allowed item format.The incoming HTTP message, with content type '{0}', was mapped to an unknown content format '{1}' by the ContentTypeMapper. Configure the WebMessageEncodingBindingElement with a WebContentTypeMapper that maps the content type to a known WebContentFormat.The incoming message has an unexpected message format '{0}'. The expected message formats for the operation are {1}. This can be because a WebContentTypeMapper has not been configured on the binding. See the documentation of WebContentTypeMapper for more details.7The Rss20Serializer does not support RSS version '{0}'.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a UriTemplate that expects a parameter named '{2}', but there is no input parameter with that name on the operation.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a path variable named '{2}' which does not have type 'string'. Variables for UriTemplate path segments must have type 'string'.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a query variable named '{2}' of type '{3}', but type '{3}' is not convertible by '{4}'. Variables for UriTemplate query values must have types that can be converted by '{4}'.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has multiple parameters named '{2}' that vary only in uppercase versus lowercase. The parameter names must be distinct.0The value of this argument must be non-negative.,The value of this argument must be positive.The endpoint at '{0}' does not have a Binding with the None MessageVersion. '{1}' is only intended for use with WebHttpBinding or similar bindings.The endpoint at '{0}' does not have a Binding with Scheme 'http' or 'https'. '{1}' is only intended for use with WebHttpBinding or similar bindings.2WebBodyFormatMessageProperty: WebContentFormat={0} Request ErrorThe endpoint address '{0}' has message headers and is being used with a binding that's configured for message version None. Either change the endpoint address to not contain message headers or change the binding to be one that supports SOAP (for example, WSHttpBinding).NThe HTTP method '{0}' of the incoming request (with URI '{1}') is not allowed.KThe incoming HTTP request's URI '{0}' does not match any service operation.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' specifies Method '{2}' on the WebGetAttribute/WebInvokeAttribute, but the only allowed values for Method are GET or POST. Other values are not supported by '{3}'.0Endpoints using '{0}' cannot be used with '{1}'.Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' specifies an 'out' or 'ref' parameter. Operations with 'out' or 'ref' parameters are not supported.'{0}' is an XML type and cannot be serialized when assigned to an interface type that does not implement IXmlSerializable ('{1}'.)YNew types cannot be registered with serializer manager after the service has been opened.The writer is closed.BSJB v2.0.50727l|#~\C#StringsD 8l#US|u#GUIDu@t#BlobWߢ+ 3]S < DVjC( @"& u, | | |,*:B:\:t:*.?g:g:4Tm,*,/KARi*z,**5La:|:,i@%L%`%n%|%%,,]/]^^^:^:_%?_/`c``a,2bBe,Oe,ehf*Vg*g,g g,h4h~hrhh i*qiikj,zjkk*snnnnn.o;oop*_qvq%q_rtrhu*u*u:bvvwwxi1yz,U||L}h}}ỳ %*,Lu^p,0rrˆr#Nr0^^rrhȚ1,,#,mrhrhhrhޠA2ަ !ss**X*:f: ñ @Wַh |bzO*+/,rh 6%Y 3%j,>">Ma,wrrrrr!r<rUrrrrr#7Ff  rY,#, 3| L|a,y,2P*b,,,%m,*::(:Q:%=,GcCq,%6*!:K ,P *   ,  :) * B ,V ,    * ) :   :   *< *^ *{ * * *  $;Mz,7GhTK*__:r::,J,P,"C*&|&|&|&|'D,], /|gu DF3GqkvH,oAAA},,,,L,S,,, 4 T ,Z ,` ,g ,n ,u  V"e"q"""r"r"r"r#9#R###,#r#r$^n$%r())*rf/,k/]00,00rh0,1A81I11Y2|222222 3,53B3333rh44,&5|O5s555 6&66&76&76K7*}7*77 Z88,9 T9|q99&9999:*0:J:[:i:{:*::::;1;a;*;;< <,<=,=r=,=,== >,0>?q f>>G>q>>>,#?&?>?T?? 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