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14.0WWW&Crystal Print Control events interface8Finished Printing. Status indicates success or failure.WW8Printing Progress. Indiate which page is being printed.WW"Crystal Reports Print Control 14.0 ICrystalPrintControl12 InterfaceWWICrystalPrintControl Interface Server URLData to send back to the serverWWWPrint Job TitleWWWMax Page NumberWWWCancel PrintingWWWIs the control busy printingWWPage OrientationWW Paper SizePreferred Printer Driver's NameWWWUse the Default PrinterWWW"Use the Default Printer's SettingsDownload HandlerWWIgnore EPF's Last Page FlagWWWInitiate printing.,Send the POST data only on the first requestWW#Get the name of the printer to use.WWWQSet the name of the printer to use. Optional. Format is 'computernamesharename'WGet the report contextESet the report context (typically RAS PageRequestContext). Optional.W<Set a page range for printing. Multiple ranges are allowed.WWDefaultWWWSimplexWWWVerticalWW HorizontalSpecifies printer duplex.WPrint double sidedUpperWLowerWMiddleManualEnvelopeWW EnvManualWAutoWWTractorWWWSmallFmtWWLargeFmtWWCapacityWWCassetteWW FormSourceSpecifies paper source.WWW Paper SourceWWNumber of CopiesWW Collate pagesW Paper WidthWWW Paper LengthWW Locale IDWCollection of available binsWW!Collection of available bin namesW Bin ValueWBin NAMEWWDemanded Resource VersionW!_ICRReportPrinterEvents InterfaceWCrystal Reports Printer 14.0WWICRReportPrinter Interface.Print the report attached to the Report Source Report SourceWGet the print job titleWWWSet the print job titleWWWGet the printer nameWW,Set the printer name. Typically a UNC path.WWISCRConnectionInfos InterfaceW method CloneWW method CopyToW method EqualsWproperty ClassNameproperty _NewEnumWISCRConnectionInfo InterfaceWW,The user name used to logon to the database.WW-The password used to connect to the database.WISCRPropertyBag InterfaceW-The number of properties in the property bag.W2An item from the property bag given the item's ID.1Removes the specified item from the property bag.W(Removes all items from the property bag.WW/Preallocates memory for the collection's array.WWW5Returns the contents of the property bag in a string.W6Populates the collection list with data from a string.ISCRStrings InterfaceW&The number of items in the collection.Returns a particular string.WW Adds a string to the collection.WW/Removes the specified item from the collection.WWW.Preallocates memory for the collection's arrayBReturns the index of a particular string stored in the collection.&Removes all items from the collection.@A list of IDs for all the properties stored in the property bag.WWGConverts a value in the property bag and returns it as a boolean value.WWWMConverts a value in the property bag and returns it as a 32bit integer value.WFConverts a value in the property bag and returns it as a double value.FConverts a value in the property bag and returns it as a string value.Returns an object.+Add the specified item to the property bag.WWW7Check if the specified item exists in the property bag.WWW8Attributes that are specific to the database connection.WWUnknown database connection.WWConnection to an SQL database.NA database query file. Query files are created using the Crystal SQL Designer.,A connection to a dc5, dct, or civ database.WW2A connection to a Microsoft database (mdb or dbf).4A connection using the Crystal Reports Query Engine.WWA connection to an OLAP Cube.W*A connection to Business Objects Universe.1A connection to DSL (dimensional semantic layer).WSCrConnectionInfoKindEnum determines what type of database connection has been made.WWWThe kind of database.W#Check if two connectionInfos match.WWWproperty Item, 0-based indexWWproperty Count method Addmethod Remove 0-based indexWWWmethod Insert, 0-based indexWWmethod RemoveAllWWEnsureCapacity!method FindIndexOf, 0-based indexWDatabase Logon InfoWWWISCRFields InterfaceWWISCRField InterfaceWWWDThe name of the field. This is equivalent to the short display name.WW8 bit signed integer.W8 bit un-signed integer.WW16 bit signed integer.16 bit un-signed integer.W32 bit signed integer.32 bit un-signed integer.WMA floating point number. It has a range of approximately 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308WA currency type.WW A boolean. A date type. W9A time field. It is the number of seconds since midnight.W/A string. It has a maximum length of 254 bytes.WWW&A variable length array of characters.CPersistent memos are ones those whose data may be read at any time.WWWGA BLOB is simply a chunk of binary data. There is a 4GB limit on BLOBS.WWW A date type.WW7A decimal number. Internally used only by Query Engine.WWW<64 bit signed integer. Internally used only by Query Engine.WW?64 bit un-signed integer. Internally used only by Query Engine.WWW A bitmap.WAn icon.WW A picture. An OLE field.WA chart.WW+Value type is determined by the input fieldWWW6A pointer field. Internally used only by Query Engine.@A interface poitner field. Internally used only by Query Engine.WWUnknown value type.WWW3Indicates what type of data is stored by the field.WWW&Identifies what type of field this is.4The maximum length the field's data may be in bytes.WWA description of the field.WWW;Returns True if the field is recurring and False otherwise.WWW>This is the name of the field as it will be used in a formula.The short name of the field.WW&The fully qualified name of the field.%The field's name without it's prefix.WJThe field's name including the prefix indicating what kind of field it is.The fully qualified field name.WWW0Some databases provide a description of a field.WW*The name as it could be used in a formula.DThe name of the field as it would appear as the heading of a column.WW1Indicates how the name of the field is displayed.W{DisplayName returns the name of the field that has been formatted according to the value of the parameter, DisplayNameType.WWWUnknown field type.WWWDatabase field.WWWFormula field.Parameter field.WWSpecial field.Summary field.Group name field.WRunning total field.WW#Indicates what kind of field it is.WWW&Identifies what kind of field this is.AThe text used as a heading when the field is added to the report.Wproperty AttributesWWW Use CountWBSearches for a field with a particular name and returns its index.BSearches for a field with a particular name and returns the field.Parameter FieldsWWView-time selection formulaWWWSelection FormulaW"Get page range limits for printingSet page range limits for printing. Can be a single CrystalReportPrinterPageRange or an array of CrystalReportPrinterPageRange objects.WW'Crystal Reports Printer Page Range 14.0WWW#ICRReportPrinterPageRange InterfaceWWWGet start pageSet start page Get end pageWW Set end pageWW@@ @  (%8@@P@` @ X@x@@@ ` `L @ x @ @ @@@PXhp@1=lI@Ua>Created by MIDL version 6.00.0366 at Mon Jan 11 00:53:10 2010 JKWWnWW0DHL d8T \`t,D L8X,LD4 ,D! ,h ,LD<4 , D!<,$LDH4 ,(D!H,,LDl4 ,0D!l,4LD4 ,8D! <4 , @LD 4 $  DLA  $  HL! 0$  LTD H , PLDX4 ,TD! P,XLDh4 ,\D!`,`LD4 ,dD!,hLD 4 ,lD!  ,pLD(4 ,tD!( ,xLDLp4 ,|D!L ,LD`4 ,D!`  4 ,LD4 ,D! ,LD4 ,D!, LD!@p4 ,!D! 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Vous pouvez utiliser le Panneau de configuration pour slectionner une imprimante par dfaut.Erreur d'imprimanteLe rapport que vous allez imprimer est d'une image mise en forme d'avance des donnes de rapport actuelles. Changer l'orientation ou la taille de papier peut provoquer une perte d'objets sur chaque page imprime. Voulez-vous continuer ?/Impossible de dmarrer le travail d'impression.Extraction de la page %dImpression de la page %dUne erreur s'est produite sur le serveur. L'impression va s'interrompre. Souhaitez-vous consulter les informations relatives l'erreur ?Erreur du serveurImpression termineImpression annuleJUne erreur de communication s'est produite. L'impression va s'interrompre.bUne erreur s'est produite lors de l'extraction de pages du serveur. L'impression va s'interrompre.eLe contrle d'impression n'accepte pas de contenu compress. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur.PA@Impossible de lancer l'impression - l'URL n'a pas t spcifie.:L'URL n'est pas valide. L'impression ne peut pas dmarrer.8Impossible de trouver un nombre d'imprimantes appropri.&Echec lors de l'impression d'une page.wImpossible de dmarrer le travail d'impression. Il n'est probablement pas possible dans le contexte de scurit actuel.oL'imprimante spcifie est introuvable. Elle est probablement inaccessible dans le contexte de scurit actuel.Impossible de trouver une imprimante sur laquelle imprimer. Il n'y a probablement aucune imprimante disponible dans le contexte de scurit actuel.CLe nombre de copies est hors limite pour l'imprimante slectionne.>L'imprimante slectionne ne prend pas en charge l'assemblage.Ajuster la zone d'impressionRduire la zone d'impressionAnnulerPA4VS_VERSION_INFO?"HStringFileInfo$100904b0DBuildDate2013/03/20:15:34:04Comments.CompanyNameSAP AGTFileDescriptionCrystal Print Control6 FileVersion14.1.0.896: InternalNamePrintControl|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. 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