/* ================================================================================ GroupTree ================================================================================ */ /** * GroupTree constructor. * * @param kwArgs.id [String] DOM node id * @param kwArgs.icns [String] URL to magnifying glass icon * @param kwArgs.minIcon [String] URL to min.gif * @param kwArgs.plusIcon [String] URL to plus.gif */ bobj.crv.newGroupTree = function(kwArgs) { var UPDATE = MochiKit.Base.update; kwArgs = UPDATE ( { id : bobj.uniqueId (), visualStyle : { className : null, backgroundColor : null, borderWidth : null, borderStyle : null, borderColor : null, fontFamily : null, fontWeight : null, textDecoration : null, color : null, width : null, height : null, fontStyle : null, fontSize : null }, icns : bobj.crvUri ('images/magnify' + (bobj.crv.config.isRTL ? '_rtl' : '')+ '.gif'), minIcon : bobj.crvUri ('images/min.gif'), plusIcon : bobj.crvUri ('images/plus.gif') }, kwArgs); var o = newTreeWidget (kwArgs.id + '_tree', '100%', '100%', kwArgs.icns, null, null, 'groupTree', bobj.crv.GroupTree._expand, bobj.crv.GroupTree._collapse, null, kwArgs.minIcon, kwArgs.plusIcon); o.vsbar = new bobj.crv.VerticalScrollBar(); o._children = []; o._modalChildren = []; o._lastNodeIdInitialized = -1; o._lastNodeInitialized = null; o._curSigs = []; bobj.fillIn (o, kwArgs); o.widgetType = 'GroupTree'; o.initOld = o.init; UPDATE (o, bobj.crv.GroupTree); return o; }; bobj.crv.GroupTree = { /** * Disposes group tree */ dispose : function() { /* removes all the signals */ while (this._curSigs.length > 0) { bobj.crv.SignalDisposer.dispose (this._curSigs.pop ()); } /* disposes all the children*/ while (this._children.length > 0) { var child = this._children.pop (); child.dispose (); bobj.deleteWidget (child); delete child; } this._lastNodeIdInitialized = -1; this._lastNodeInitialized = null; this.sub = []; bobj.removeAllChildElements(this.treeLyr); }, beginHTML : function () { return '' + '
'+ '
'; }, setSelected : function(isSelected) { if(isSelected) this.getCtrNode().setAttribute("role", "navigation"); else this.getCtrNode().removeAttribute("role"); }, focusFirstChild : function () { var isFocused = false; if (this.focusNode) { this.setFocus(this.focusNode.id); return true; } else { return false; } }, endHTML : function () { return '
'; }, getModalChildren : function () { return this._modalChildren; }, /** * Adds a child widget as a group tree node. * * @param widget * [Widget] Child tree node widget */ addChild : function(widget) { var Base = MochiKit.Base; var Signal = MochiKit.Signal; var connect = Signal.connect; widget.expandPath = this._children.length + ''; this._children.push (widget); this.add (widget); widget.updatePropertyAndConnectSignals (this.enableDrilldown, this.enableNavigation); this._curSigs.push (connect (widget, 'grpDrilldown', Base.partial (Signal.signal, this, 'grpDrilldown'))); this._curSigs.push (connect (widget, 'grpNodeRetrieveChildren', Base.partial (Signal.signal, this, 'grpNodeRetrieveChildren'))); }, /** * Since GroupTree nodes are delay loaded, we would have to store the timeout ids to cancel them in case user drill down to another views */ delayedBatchAdd : function(children) { this._modalChildren = []; if (!children || children.length == 0) return; this._modalChildren = children; var childrenHTML = ""; // Add non group node (i.e. main report and sub report node) var rootNode = null; var groupRootNode = null; while (this.containSingleReportNode(children)) { var childWidget = bobj.crv.createWidget (children[0], true); // true = skip children if (groupRootNode != null) { groupRootNode.addChild(childWidget); } else { this.focusNode = childWidget; rootNode = childWidget; } groupRootNode = childWidget; children = children[0].children; } var numChildrenToRender = 0; if (children) { numChildrenToRender = children.length > 100 ? 100 : children.length; if (groupRootNode != null) groupRootNode.actualNumChildren = children.length; else if (rootNode != null) rootNode.actualNumChildren = children.length; } if(numChildrenToRender > 0) { for(var i = 0 ; i < numChildrenToRender ; i++) { var childWidget = bobj.crv.createWidget (children[i]); if (groupRootNode != null) { groupRootNode.addChild(childWidget); } else { this.addChild(childWidget); if(this.initialized()) childrenHTML += child.getHTML(0); } } } if (rootNode != null) { this.addChild(rootNode); childrenHTML += rootNode.getHTML(0, true); } if(this.initialized()) { this.appendChildrenHTML (childrenHTML); this.initChildren (); } }, getCtrNode : function () { return this._ctrNode; }, appendChildrenHTML : function (childrenHTML) { append (this.treeLyr, childrenHTML); }, appendToTreeCtr : function (node) { this._ctrNode.appendChild (node); }, init : function() { this.initOld (); bobj.setVisualStyle (this.layer, this.visualStyle); this.css.verticalAlign = "top"; this.initChildren (); this._ctrNode = getLayer (this.id + '_ctr'); this.vsbar.init(); this.vsbar.setScrollableElement (this._ctrNode); this._groupTreeListener = new bobj.crv.GroupTreeListener(this); this.selectPath(this.selectedPath); }, update : function(update) { if (update.cons == "bobj.crv.newGroupTree") { var args = update.args; var path = args.lastExpandedPath; var previousFocusPath = this.focusNode ? this.focusNode.expandPath : ""; /* if path specified, then update specific path, otherwise recreate grouptree */ // if user has expands a node after session timeout -> the whole gt must be rerendered if (path.length > 0 && this._children.length > 0) { this.updateNode (path, update); } else { this.refreshChildNodes (update); if(previousFocusPath != "") { // Accessibility requirement: when a node is expanded, set the focus back to that node after refreshing the tree var resetFocusNode = this.findNodeByGroupPath(previousFocusPath); if(resetFocusNode != null && (resetFocusNode.domElem.clientWidth != 0 || resetFocusNode.domElem.offsetTop != 0)) { this.setFocus(resetFocusNode.id); } } } this.selectPath(args.selectedPath); } }, selectPath : function(path) { if (path) { var node = this.findNodeByGroupPath(path); if (node && node.selectOld) { node.selectOld(); } } }, delayedAddChild : function(widget) { this.addChild (widget); append (this.treeLyr, widget.getHTML (this.initialIndent)); }, initChildren : function () { while(this._lastNodeIdInitialized < this.getChildrenCount() - 1) this.initNextChild (); }, initNextChild : function () { var nextNode = null; var nextNodeId = -1; var children = this._children; if(this._lastNodeIdInitialized == -1) { var treeSpanLayer = getLayer("treeCont_" + this.id); nextNode = treeSpanLayer.firstChild; nextNodeId = 0; } else { nextNode = this._lastNodeInitialized; do { if (nextNode.nextSibling != null) nextNode = nextNode.nextSibling; else nextNode = nextNode.firstChild; } while(!(nextNode.id && nextNode.id.indexOf("TWe_") > -1)) nextNodeId = this._lastNodeIdInitialized + 1; } if(nextNode != null) { this.getChildren(nextNodeId).init(nextNode); this._lastNodeInitialized = nextNode; this._lastNodeIdInitialized = nextNodeId; } }, getBestFitHeight : function () { return bobj.getHiddenElementDimensions (this.layer).h; /** * Since container of tree could be invisible, getHiddenElementDimensions has to be called * instead of element.getHeight() */ }, /** * refreshes group tree by removing all nodes and adding new ones */ refreshChildNodes : function(update) { this.dispose (); this.delayedBatchAdd (update.children); MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, "refreshed"); }, /** * @param path * path to the node that should be updated eg) 0-1-2 * @param newTree * the new tree sent in update * * Updates children of node specified by path */ updateNode : function(path, newTree) { if (path && path.length > 0) { var pathArray = path.split ('-'); var node = this; var newNode = newTree; /* Navigating to the node that requires update */ var i = 0; var len = pathArray.length; for ( ; i < len; i++) { if (node && newNode) { var childIndex = parseInt (pathArray[i]); var newNodeTmp = newNode.children[childIndex]; var nodeTmp = node._children[childIndex]; if (newNodeTmp && nodeTmp) { newNode = newNodeTmp; node = nodeTmp; } } else { break; } } /* if we found the node that requires update, then update its children */ if (node && newNode && newNode.args.groupPath == node.groupPath && node._children.length == 0) { for ( var nodeNum in newNode.children) { var newChildnode = bobj.crv.createWidget (newNode.children[nodeNum]); node.addChild (newChildnode); } node.updatePropertyAndConnectSignals (this.enableDrilldown, this.enableNavigation); node.expand (); for ( ; i < len; i++) { var childIndex = parseInt (pathArray[i]); var node = node._children[childIndex]; if (node) node.expand (); } } } }, containSingleReportNode : function (children) { if (!children || children.length != 1) return false; var object = children[0]; if (object.widgetType) return (object.type != "group"); else if (object.args) return (object.args.type != "group"); else return false; }, getChildrenCount : function () { var count = 0; var children = this._children; while (this.containSingleReportNode(children)) { count++; children = children[0]._children; } if (children) count += children.length; return count; }, getModalChildrenCount : function () { var count = 0; var children = this._modalChildren; while (this.containSingleReportNode(children)) { count++; children = children[0].children; } if (children) count += children.length; return count; }, getChildren : function (index) { var children = this._children; while (this.containSingleReportNode(children) && index > 0) { index--; children = children[0]._children; } return children[index]; }, getModalChild : function (index) { var children = this._modalChildren; while (this.containSingleReportNode(children) && index > 0) { index--; children = children[0].children; } if (index < children.length) return children[index]; else return null; }, delayedAddChildToRealGroupRoot : function (node) { this.getRealGroupRoot().delayedAddChild(node); }, getRealGroupRoot : function () { var children = this._children; var root = null; while (this.containSingleReportNode(children)) { root = children[0]; children = children[0]._children; } return root; }, addRealGroupChildrenHTML : function (html) { var treeSpanLayer = getLayer("treeCont_" + this.id); var children = this._children; var realGroupChildrenLayer = treeSpanLayer; while(this.containSingleReportNode(children)) { children = children[0]._children; realGroupChildrenLayer = realGroupChildrenLayer.firstChild.nextSibling; } append(realGroupChildrenLayer, html); }, /** * Private. Callback function when a (complete) group tree node is collapsed. */ _collapse : function(expandPath) { MochiKit.Signal.signal (this, 'grpNodeCollapse', expandPath); this._doLayout (this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); }, /** * Private. Callback function when a (complete) group tree node is expanded. */ _expand : function(expandPath) { MochiKit.Signal.signal (this, 'grpNodeExpand', expandPath); this._doLayout (this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); }, _doLayout : function (w, h) { bobj.setOuterSize (this.layer, w, h); bobj.setOuterSize (this._ctrNode, w, h); if (bobj.isNumber(h)) { this.vsbar.adjustForResize (h); if (this.vsbar.isDisplayed()) { var newWidth = Math.max (0, w - this.vsbar.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) bobj.setOuterSize (this._ctrNode, newWidth, null); } } }, resize : function(width, height) { this._doLayout(width, height); MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, "resized"); }, findNodeByGroupPath : function(groupPath) { var pathArray = groupPath.split ('-'); var node = this; for ( var i = 0, len = pathArray.length; i < len; i++) { if (node) { var childIndex = parseInt (pathArray[i]); node = node._children[childIndex]; } else { break; } } return node; } };