/* ================================================================================ ParameterPanelToolbar Contains the Delete and Run buttons ================================================================================ */ /** * Constructor */ bobj.crv.params.newParameterPanelToolbar = function(kwArgs) { kwArgs = MochiKit.Base.update({ id: bobj.uniqueId() }, kwArgs); var o = newPaletteContainerWidget(kwArgs.id); bobj.fillIn(o, kwArgs); o.widgetType = 'ParameterPanelToolbar'; // Attach member functions o._paletteContainerInit = o.init; MochiKit.Base.update(o, bobj.crv.params.ParameterPanelToolbar); o._palette = newPaletteWidget(o.id + "_palette"); o.add(o._palette); var bind = MochiKit.Base.bind; o.applyButton = newIconWidget( o.id + '_applyBtn', bobj.crv.allInOne.uri, bind(o._onApplyClick, o), //clickCB, L_bobj_crv_ParamsApply, //text L_bobj_crv_ParamsApplyTip,//tooltip, 16, 16, 3, 3 + bobj.crv.allInOne.paramRunDy, 25, 3 + bobj.crv.allInOne.paramRunDy, false); //width, height, dx, dy, disDx, disDy o.applyButton.setClasses("", "", "", ""); //FIXME : saeed, Assign css class o.resetButton = newIconWidget( o.id + '_resetBtn', bobj.crv.allInOne.uri, bind(o._onResetClick, o), //clickCB, L_bobj_crv_Reset, //text L_bobj_crv_ResetTip,//tooltip, 16, 16, 0, bobj.crv.allInOne.undoDy, 16, bobj.crv.allInOne.undoDy, false); //width, height, dx, dy, disDx, disDy o.resetButton.setClasses("", "", "", ""); //FIXME : saeed, Assign css class o._palette.add(o.applyButton); o._palette.add(); // separator o._palette.add(o.resetButton); return o; }; bobj.crv.params.ParameterPanelToolbar = { init : function() { this._paletteContainerInit (); this._palette.init (); this.applyButton.setDisabled (true); this.resetButton.setDisabled (true); }, focusFirstChild : function () { this.applyButton.focus(); return true; }, /** * Disables tabbing for all buttons in toolbar */ setTabDisabled : function(dis) { var items = [ this.applyButton, this.resetButton ]; for ( var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (item) { bobj.disableTabbingKey (item.layer, dis); } } }, /** * Overrides parent. Opens the toolbar's tags. */ beginHTML : function() { return bobj.html.openTag ('div', { id : this.id, 'class' : 'parameterPanelToolbar' }); }, getHTML : function() { return (this.beginHTML () + this._palette.getHTML () + this.endHTML ()); }, _onApplyClick : function() { if (this.applyClickCB) { bobj.crv.logger.info ('UIAction ParameterPanel.Apply'); this.applyClickCB (); } }, _onResetClick : function() { if (this.resetClickCB) { this.resetClickCB (); } } };