bobj.crv.VerticalScrollBar = function() { = bobj.uniqueId(); this.widx = _widgets.length; _widgets[this.widx] = this; this._track = new bobj.crv.ScrollTrack(true); this._toolTip = new bobj.crv.ScrollBarToolTip(); this._moveScrollUpCB = null; this._moveScrollDownCB = null; this._thumbMoveCB = null; this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = null; this._tooltipGeneratorFn = null; this._scrollableElement = null; this._scrollbarHeight = 0; // cache offsetHeight this._topOffset = 0; this.SCROLLBAR_SIZE = 16; this.SCROLL_DELTA = 8; }; bobj.crv.VerticalScrollBar.prototype = { init : function() { var bind = bobj.bindFunctionToObject; this._track.init(); this._track.setThumbMoveListener(bind(this._onThumbMoveListener, this)); this._toolTip.init(); this.layer = getLayer(; this._mouseWheelCB = bind(this._onScrollListener, this); }, setCallBacks : function(upCB, downCB, thumbMoveCB) { this._moveScrollDownCB = downCB; this._moveScrollUpCB = upCB; this._thumbMoveCB = thumbMoveCB; }, getHTML : function() { var h = bobj.html; return h.DIV( { id :, 'class' : 'crvScrollBar crvVertical ' + (bobj.crv.config.isRTL ? 'crvRTL' : 'crvLTR'), oncontextmenu : 'return false' }, h.TABLE( { cellpadding : 0, cellspacing : 0 }, h.TR( { 'class' : 'crvScrollButton crvup' }, h.TD( { onmousedown : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onMouseDown_ScrollUpBtn'), onmouseup : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack'), onmouseout : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack') }, h.A( { 'class' : bobj.crv.allInOne.css, href : 'javascript:void(0);', tabIndex : '-1' }))), h.TR(null, h.TD(null, this._track.getHTML())), h.TR( { 'class' : 'crvScrollButton crvdown' }, h.TD( { onmousedown : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onMouseDown_ScrollDownBtn'), onmouseup : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack'), onmouseout : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack') }, h.A( { 'class' : bobj.crv.allInOne.css, href : 'javascript:void(0);', tabIndex : '-1' })))), this._toolTip.getHTML()); }, isDisplayed : function () { if( == "none") return false; else return true; }, /** * @param, height in pixels */ resize : function (height) { this._track.resize(Math.max(0, height - 34)); //17 x 17 for buttons }, onMouseDown_ScrollUpBtn : function(ev) { if (this._scrollableElement) { this.scrollUp (); var scrollCB = function(scroll, fn) { return function () { scroll.setIntervalID(window.setInterval(fn, 50)); }; }; this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = window.setTimeout(scrollCB(this, bobj.bindFunctionToObject(this.scrollUp, this)), 200); } else if (this._moveScrollUpCB) { this._moveScrollUpCB(); this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = window.setInterval(this._moveScrollUpCB, 100); } eventCancelBubble(ev); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); return false; }, onMouseDown_ScrollDownBtn : function(ev) { if (this._scrollableElement) { this.scrollDown (); var scrollCB = function(scroll, fn) { return function () { scroll.setIntervalID(window.setInterval(fn, 50)); }; }; this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = window.setTimeout(scrollCB(this, bobj.bindFunctionToObject(this.scrollDown, this)), 200); } else if (this._moveScrollDownCB) { this._moveScrollDownCB(); this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = window.setInterval(this._moveScrollDownCB, 100); } eventCancelBubble(ev); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); return false; }, scrollUp : function () { if (this._scrollableElement) { this._moveByDelta(-this.SCROLL_DELTA, true); } }, scrollDown : function () { if (this._scrollableElement) { this._moveByDelta(this.SCROLL_DELTA, true); } }, pageUp : function () { if (this._scrollableElement) { var delta = Math.max(0, this._scrollbarHeight - 16); this._moveByDelta (-delta, true); } }, pageDown : function () { if (this._scrollableElement) { var delta = Math.max(0, this._scrollbarHeight - 16); this._moveByDelta (delta, true); } }, cancelCallBack : function() { if (this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID) clearInterval(this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID); this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = null; }, /** * * @param fn a function that converts percent to a tooltip * @return */ setTooltipGenerator : function(fn) { this._tooltipGeneratorFn = fn; }, adjustForResize : function(height) { if (height <= 0) return; // We need to do this twice because for some reason IE doesn't // calculate it right the first time var scrHeight = this._scrollableElement.scrollHeight; scrHeight = this._scrollableElement.scrollHeight; var displayVsbar = scrHeight > height; = displayVsbar ? 'block' : 'none'; = height + 'px'; if (displayVsbar) { if (_ie && this.offsetLeft < 0) { // fix _ie rendering issue = 'hidden'; = 'visible'; } } this.resize (height); if (this._scrollableElement) { this._scrollbarHeight = height; if (scrHeight > 0) { var lInPercent = (this._scrollbarHeight / scrHeight) * 100.0; this.setThumbLength (lInPercent); this._moveByDelta(0); } } }, _onThumbMoveListener : function(newY, moveByCode) { if (this._thumbMoveCB) this._thumbMoveCB(newY); if (this._tooltipGeneratorFn) { this._toolTip.setToolTip(this._tooltipGeneratorFn(newY)); var thumbClientPos = this.getThumbPosition(); thumbClientPos += this.getThumbLength() / 2; this._toolTip.setPosition(thumbClientPos); } if (this._scrollableElement && !isNaN(newY)) { var elmtH = this._scrollableElement.scrollHeight; if(elmtH >= this._scrollbarHeight) { var newTop = Math.floor((newY * (elmtH - this._scrollbarHeight)) / 100); var delta = newTop - this._topOffset; this._moveByDelta (delta, true); } } }, /** * This method moves the scroll top of the scrollable element by delta pixels * * @param delta, pixels to move the scrollable element * @param moveByThumb, true if this method was called due to the movement of the thumb; * false otherwise */ _moveByDelta : function (delta, moveByThumb) { var isMoved = false; var orginalOffsetTop = this._scrollableElement.scrollTop; if (this._scrollableElement) { var elmtH = this._scrollableElement.scrollHeight; var diff = this._scrollbarHeight - elmtH; this._topOffset += delta; this._topOffset = Math.max(this._topOffset, 0); this._topOffset = Math.min(this._topOffset, elmtH - this._scrollbarHeight); // Update the thumb when the scrollable element has been scrolled if (!moveByThumb && diff != 0) { var pInPercent = -this._topOffset / diff * 100; this.setThumbPosition(pInPercent); } // Update the scrollable element when the thumb has been moved else if (this._scrollableElement.scrollTop != this._topOffset) { this._scrollableElement.scrollTop = this._topOffset; } isMoved = orginalOffsetTop != this._scrollableElement.scrollTop; } return isMoved; }, _onScrollListener : function (e) { var delta = 0; if (!e) /* For IE */ e = window.event; if (e.wheelDelta) { /* IE / Opera */ delta = e.wheelDelta / 40; if (window.opera) delta -= delta; } else if (e.detail) { /* Mozilla*/ delta = -e.detail; } if (delta) {/* nonzero? handle it */ this._onScroll(delta, e); } }, _onScroll : function(value, event) { if (value == 0) return; var moveBy = value * this.SCROLL_DELTA; var isMoved = this._moveByDelta(-moveBy, true); if(isMoved) (new MochiKit.Signal.Event(this, event)).stop(); //cancel window scrolling when bestfitpage is true }, _onElementScroll : function () { var delta = this._scrollableElement.scrollTop - this._topOffset; this._moveByDelta (delta); }, getThumbLength : function() { return this._track.getThumb().getLength(); }, getThumbPosition : function() { return this._track.getThumb().getPosition(); }, setThumbLength : function(lInPercent) { this._track.getThumb().setLength(lInPercent); }, setThumbPosition : function(pInPercent) { this._track.getThumb().setPosition(pInPercent); }, setIntervalID : function (id) { this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = id; }, setScrollableElement : function(element) { this._scrollableElement = element; if (this._scrollableElement) { var bind = bobj.bindFunctionToObject; bobj.connectMouseWheelListener (this.layer, this._mouseWheelCB); bobj.connectMouseWheelListener (this._scrollableElement, this._mouseWheelCB); MochiKit.Signal.connect(this._scrollableElement, "onscroll", bind(this._onElementScroll, this)); this._track.setMoveDownCB(bind(this.pageDown, this)); this._track.setMoveUpCB(bind(this.pageUp, this)); } } }; bobj.crv.HorizontalScrollBar = function() { = bobj.uniqueId(); this.widx = _widgets.length; _widgets[this.widx] = this; this._track = new bobj.crv.ScrollTrack(false); this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = null; this._scrollableElement = null; this._scrollbarWidth = 0; // cache offsetWidth this._leftOffset = 0; }; bobj.crv.HorizontalScrollBar.prototype = { getHTML : function() { var h = bobj.html; return h.DIV( { id :, 'class' : 'crvScrollBar crvHorizontal', oncontextmenu : 'return false' }, h.TABLE( { cellpadding : 0, cellspacing : 0, 'dir' : 'ltr', style : {'table-layout' : 'fixed'} }, h.TR(null, h.TD( { 'class' : 'crvScrollButton crvLeft', onmousedown : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onMouseDown_ScrollLeftBtn'), onmouseup : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack'), onmouseout : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack') }, h.A( { 'class' : bobj.crv.allInOne.css, href : 'javascript:void(0);', tabIndex : '-1' })), h.TD({style :{width : '100%', 'vertical-align': 'top'}}, this._track.getHTML()), h.TD( { 'class' : 'crvScrollButton crvRight', onmousedown : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onMouseDown_ScrollRightBtn'), onmouseup : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack'), onmouseout : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'cancelCallBack') }, h.A( { 'class' : bobj.crv.allInOne.css, href : 'javascript:void(0);', tabIndex : '-1' }))))); }, init : function() { this.layer = getLayer(; this._track.init(); this._track.setThumbMoveListener(bobj.bindFunctionToObject(this._onThumbMoveListener, this)); }, onMouseDown_ScrollRightBtn : function(ev) { this.scrollRight(); var scrollCB = function(scroll, fn) { return function () { scroll.setIntervalID(window.setInterval(fn, 50)); }; }; this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = window.setTimeout(scrollCB(this, bobj.bindFunctionToObject(this.scrollRight, this)), 200); eventCancelBubble(ev); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); return false; }, onMouseDown_ScrollLeftBtn : function(ev ) { this.scrollLeft(); var scrollCB = function(scroll, fn) { return function () { scroll.setIntervalID(window.setInterval(fn, 50)); }; }; this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = window.setTimeout(scrollCB(this, bobj.bindFunctionToObject(this.scrollLeft, this)), 200); eventCancelBubble(ev); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); return false; }, scrollLeft : function () { if (this._scrollableElement) { this._track.getThumb().moveXByDelta(-0.01); } }, scrollRight : function () { if (this._scrollableElement) { this._track.getThumb().moveXByDelta(0.01); } }, setIntervalID : function (id) { this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = id; }, cancelCallBack : function() { if (this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID) clearInterval(this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID); this._scrollBtnCBIntervalID = null; }, setScrollableElement : function(element) { this._scrollableElement = element; }, adjustForResize : function() { if(this._scrollbarWidth == 0 && bobj.crv.config.isRTL) this._track.getThumb().moveXByDelta(1); this._scrollbarWidth = (this.layer) ? this.layer.offsetWidth : 0; if (this._scrollbarWidth == 0) return; var elemOffsetWidth = this._scrollableElement.offsetWidth; var lInPercent = (this._scrollbarWidth / elemOffsetWidth) * 100.0; this._track.getThumb().setLength(lInPercent); this._track.getThumb().moveX((this._leftOffset / elemOffsetWidth) * this._scrollbarWidth, true); }, /* * Set position in pixel */ setThumbPosition : function(pInPercent) { this._track.getThumb().setPosition(pInPercent); }, _onThumbMoveListener : function(newX, moveByCode) { if (this._scrollableElement) { var elmtW = this._scrollableElement.offsetWidth; var sbarW = this._scrollbarWidth; if(elmtW > sbarW) { var newLeft = Math.floor((newX * (elmtW - sbarW)) / 100); // second condition is when we resize panel to a smaller size. in this case we should calculate newLeft by above formula if(moveByCode && this._leftOffset < newLeft) newLeft = this._leftOffset; = -newLeft + 'px'; this._leftOffset = newLeft; } } } }; bobj.crv.ScrollTrack = function(isVertical) { = bobj.uniqueId(); this._isVertical = isVertical; this._thumb = new bobj.crv.ScrollThumb(isVertical); var bind = bobj.bindFunctionToObject; this._mouseDownCB = bind(this._onMouseDown, this); this._mouseUpCB = bind(this._onMouseUp, this); this._moveDownCB = null; this._moveUpCB = null; this._moveIntervalID = null; }; bobj.crv.ScrollTrack.prototype = { getHTML : function() { var h = bobj.html; return h.DIV( { id :, 'class' : 'crvScrollTrack', style : {height : !this._isVertical ? '17px' : '100%'} }, this._thumb.getHTML()); }, getOffsetTop : function() { return this.layer.offsetTop; }, getLength : function() { if (this._isVertical) return this.layer.offsetHeight; else return this.layer.offsetWidth; }, init : function() { this.layer = getLayer(; this._thumb.init(); bobj.connectDOMEvent(this.layer, 'onmousedown', this._mouseDownCB); bobj.connectDOMEvent(this.layer, 'onmouseup', this._mouseUpCB); }, /** * Resizes vertically if vertical track and horizontally if horizontal track * @param newSize pixel * @return */ resize : function (newSize) { var style =; newSize += "px"; if(this._isVertical) style.height = newSize; else style.width = newSize; }, setThumbMoveListener : function(listener) { this._thumb.setMoveListener(listener); }, setMoveDownCB : function (moveDownCB) { this._moveDownCB = moveDownCB; }, setMoveUpCB : function (moveUpCB) { this._moveUpCB = moveUpCB; }, getThumb : function() { return this._thumb; }, _onMouseDown : function(ev) { if(ev.which == 1 || !!(ev.button & 1)) { this._clearMoveTimer(); var clickOffset = null; if(this._isVertical) clickOffset = ev.layerY || ev.y; else clickOffset = ev.layerX || ev.x; this._moveThumb(clickOffset, 500); } else { return false; } }, _moveThumb : function(clickOffset, timeout) { var thumbPos = this._thumb.getPosition(); var thumbLen = this._thumb.getLength(); if (clickOffset > thumbPos + thumbLen) { if(this._isVertical) { if (this._moveDownCB != null) this._moveDownCB(); else this._thumb.moveDown(); } else { this._thumb.moveRight(); } } else if (clickOffset < thumbPos) { if(this._isVertical) { if (this._moveUpCB != null) this._moveUpCB(); else this._thumb.moveUp(); } else { this._thumb.moveLeft(); } } else { return; } this._moveTimerID = window.setTimeout(MochiKit.Base.bind(this._moveThumb, this, clickOffset, 50), timeout); }, _onMouseUp : function(ev) { this._clearMoveTimer(); }, _clearMoveTimer : function() { if (this._moveTimerID != null) { clearTimeout(this._moveTimerID); this._moveTimerID = null; } } }; bobj.crv.ScrollThumb = function(isVertical) { this._clickOffset = 0; this._isVertical = isVertical; = bobj.uniqueId() + "_thumb"; this._onMoveListnerCB = null; var bind = bobj.bindFunctionToObject; this._mouseDownCB = bind(this._onMouseDown, this); this._mouseMoveCB = bind(this._onMouseMove, this); this._mouseUpCB = bind(this._onMouseUp, this); this._pageOverlay = null; /*overlay div that prevents mouse from entering iframe of the page*/ this._length = null; this._position = null; }; bobj.crv.ScrollThumb.prototype = { getHTML : function() { var h = bobj.html; if (this._isVertical) { return h.A( { 'class' : 'crvScrollThumb crvThumbVertical', id :, tabindex : -1, href : "javascript:void(0)" }, h.TABLE( { style : {'table-layout' : 'fixed'}, cellspacing : 0, cellpadding : 0 }, h.TBODY(null, h.TR( { 'class' : "crvThumbL1" }, h.TD()), h.TR( { 'class' : "crvThumbL2" }, h.TD(null, h.DIV({'class' : 'crvThumbImage'}))), h.TR( { 'class' : "crvThumbL3" }, h.TD())))); } else { return h.A( { 'class' : 'crvScrollThumb crvThumbHorizontal', id :, tabindex : -1, href : "javascript:void(0)" }, h.TABLE( { cellspacing : 0, cellpadding : 0 }, h.TR(null, h.TD( { 'class' : "crvThumbL1" }), h.TD( { 'class' : "crvThumbL2" }, h.DIV({'class' : 'crvThumbImage'})), h.TD( { 'class' : "crvThumbL3" })))); } }, init : function() { this.layer = getLayer(; this.css =; bobj.connectDOMEvent(this.layer, 'onmousedown', this._mouseDownCB); }, _getScrollTrackLength : function() { var par = this.layer.offsetParent; if (!par) return 0; if (this._isVertical) return par.offsetHeight; else return par.offsetWidth; }, _setThumbWidth : function(w) { this.css.width = w + "%"; this._length = null; }, _setThumbHeight : function(h) { this.css.height = h + "%"; var height = this.layer.offsetHeight; if(_ie && document.documentMode == 7) { /** * IE7 and IE8 Compatibility view allocate less space to middle TR causing the top/below TR to display * more images than what they are supposed to. */ this.layer.firstChild.rows[1].style.height = Math.max(0, height - 4) + "px"; } this._length = null; }, _setThumbLeft : function(l) { this.css.left = l + "%"; this._position = null; }, _setThumbTop : function(t) { = t + "%"; this._position = null; }, /* * Returns the length of the thumb in pixels */ getLength : function() { if (!this._length) { if(this._isVertical) this._length = Math.max(14, this.layer.offsetHeight); else this._length = Math.max(14, this.layer.offsetWidth); } return this._length; }, /* * Resize thumb to new length * @param newL new length in % */ setLength : function(newL) { if (this._isVertical) this._setThumbHeight(newL); else this._setThumbWidth(newL); }, /* * Returns the position of the thumb in pixels */ getPosition : function() { if (!this._position) { if(this._isVertical) this._position = this.layer.offsetTop; else this._position = this.layer.offsetLeft; } return this._position; }, /* * Moves thumb to new position * @param newP new position in % */ setPosition : function(newP) { var trackSpace = this._getScrollTrackLength() - this.getLength(); var pos = newP * trackSpace / 100; if(this._isVertical) { this.moveY(pos, false); } else { this.moveX(pos, false); } }, /* * Moves Thumb to new y offset (in twips) * @param newTop , new top position in pixels */ moveY : function(newTop, moveByCode) { if(this._isVertical) { var oldTop = this.getPosition(); var scrollTrackH = this._getScrollTrackLength(); if (newTop < 0) newTop = 0; else if (newTop + this.getLength() > scrollTrackH) newTop = Math.max (0, scrollTrackH - this.getLength()); if (scrollTrackH != 0) { var newTopPercent = (newTop / scrollTrackH) * 100; this._setThumbTop(newTopPercent); } if (oldTop != Math.round(newTop)) { var thumbPos = (newTop * 100) / (scrollTrackH - this.getLength()); if (this._onMoveListnerCB) { this._onMoveListnerCB(thumbPos, moveByCode); } } } }, /* * Moves Thumb to new x offset (in twips) * @param newLeft , new left position in pixels */ moveX : function(newLeft, moveByCode) { if(!this._isVertical) { var scrollTrackW = this._getScrollTrackLength(); if (scrollTrackW == 0) return; if (newLeft < 0) newLeft = 0; else if (newLeft + this.getLength() > scrollTrackW) newLeft = scrollTrackW - this.getLength(); if (newLeft == this.getPosition() && !moveByCode) return; var newLeftPercent = (newLeft / scrollTrackW) * 100; this._setThumbLeft(newLeftPercent); var thumbOffset = (newLeft * 100) / (scrollTrackW - this.getLength()); if (this._onMoveListnerCB) { this._onMoveListnerCB(thumbOffset, moveByCode); } } }, /* * Moves Thumb to new x offset (in twips) * @param delta , moves thumb by delta in percent (0 to 1) */ moveXByDelta : function(delta) { if(!this._isVertical) { var scrollTrackW = this._getScrollTrackLength(); var scrollableW = scrollTrackW - this.getLength(); var newLeft = this.getPosition() + (delta * scrollableW); if (newLeft < 0) newLeft = 0; else if (newLeft + this.getLength() > scrollTrackW) newLeft = scrollTrackW - this.getLength(); var newLeftPercent = (newLeft / scrollTrackW) * 100; this._setThumbLeft(newLeftPercent); var thumbOffset = (newLeft * 100) / (scrollTrackW - this.getLength()); if (this._onMoveListnerCB) { this._onMoveListnerCB(thumbOffset, false); } } }, /* * Moves thumb left by its width */ moveLeft : function() { if(!this._isVertical) { var newLeft = this.getPosition() - this.getLength(); this.moveX(newLeft, false); } }, /* * Moves thumb left by its width */ moveRight : function() { if(!this._isVertical) { var newLeft = this.getPosition() + this.getLength(); this.moveX(newLeft, false); } }, /* * Moves thumb down by its height */ moveDown : function() { if(this._isVertical) { var newTop = this.getPosition() + this.getLength(); this.moveY(newTop); } }, /* * Moves thumb up by its height */ moveUp : function() { if(this._isVertical) { var newTop = this.getPosition() - this.getLength(); this.moveY(newTop); } }, setMoveListener : function(listener) { this._onMoveListnerCB = listener; }, _onMouseMove : function(ev) { if(this._isVertical) { var newTop = ev.clientY - this._clickOffset; this.moveY(newTop); } else { var newLeft = ev.clientX - this._clickOffset; this.moveX(newLeft, false); } return false; }, setDisplayPageOverLay : function (isDisplay) { if(!this._pageOverlay && isDisplay) { this._pageOverlay = MochiKit.DOM.DIV({'class' : 'crvScrollThumbMoveOverlay', type : 'modal'}); document.body.appendChild(this._pageOverlay); } if(this._pageOverlay) = isDisplay ? "block" : "none"; }, _onMouseDown : function(ev) { if(ev.which == 1 || !!(ev.button & 1)) { /* mouse left button down */ var clientPos = (this._isVertical) ? ev.clientY : ev.clientX; this._clickOffset = clientPos - this.getPosition(); this.setDisplayPageOverLay(true); bobj.connectDOMEvent(document, 'onmousemove', this._mouseMoveCB); bobj.connectDOMEvent(document, 'onmouseup', this._mouseUpCB); MochiKit.DOM.addElementClass(this.layer, "thumbselected"); eventCancelBubble(ev); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); } else { return false; } }, _onMouseUp : function(ev) { this.setDisplayPageOverLay(false); bobj.disconnectDOMEvent(document, 'onmousemove', this._mouseMoveCB); bobj.disconnectDOMEvent(document, 'onmouseup', this._mouseUpCB); MochiKit.DOM.removeElementClass(this.layer, "thumbselected"); return true; } }; bobj.crv.ScrollBarToolTip = function() { = bobj.uniqueId(); this._timeoutID = null; }; bobj.crv.ScrollBarToolTip.prototype = { init : function() { this.layer = getLayer(; this.css =; this._animationObj = null; }, getHTML : function() { var h = bobj.html; return h.DIV( { 'class' : 'crvScrollThumbToolTip', id : }); }, setPosition : function(thumbClientPos) { var newX = (bobj.crv.config.isRTL?(+(this.getWidth() - 20)) :(-(this.getWidth() + 2))) ; // on the left side of the scroll bar = (thumbClientPos + this.getHeight() / 2) + "px"; // middle of the thumb this.css.left = newX + "px"; }, getHeight : function() { return this.layer.offsetHeight; }, getWidth : function() { return this.layer.offsetWidth; }, setToolTip : function(tooltip) { this.setDisplay(true); this.layer.innerHTML = tooltip; if (this._timeoutID) { clearTimeout(this._timeoutID); } this._timeoutID = setTimeout(MochiKit.Base.bind(this.setDisplay, this, false), _ie ? 1200 : 800); }, setDisplay : function(isDisplay) { if (isDisplay) { if (this._animationObj) { this._animationObj.cancel(); this._animationObj = null; } this.css.display = "inline"; MochiKit.Style.setOpacity(this.layer, 1); } else if (!_ie) { this._animationObj = new MochiKit.Visual.fade(this.layer, { duration : 0.4}); } else { this.css.display = "none"; } } }