bobj.crv.newScrollingReportPage = function(kwArgs) { var o = bobj.crv.newReportPage(kwArgs); o.widgetType = 'ScrollingReportPage'; o.updateHtmlOld = o.updateHTML; o.updateSizeOld = o.updateSize; o.updateOld = o.update; o.margin = 10; MochiKit.Base.update(o, bobj.crv.ScrollingReportPage); o.highlightedCoord = null; return o; }; bobj.crv.ScrollingReportPage = { addMouseWheelListener : function(callback) { if(this._iframe) { var iframeDoc = _ie ? this._iframe.contentWindow.document : this._iframe.contentDocument; bobj.connectMouseWheelListener (iframeDoc, callback); } }, removeMouseWheelListener : function(callback) { if(this._iframe) { var iframeDoc = _ie ? this._iframe.contentWindow.document : this._iframe.contentDocument; bobj.disconnectMouseWheelListener (iframeDoc, callback); } }, addKeyPressListener : function(callback) { if(this._iframe) { var e = _ie ? this._iframe.contentWindow.document : this._iframe.contentWindow; var eventName = _moz ? 'onkeypress' : 'onkeydown'; bobj.connectDOMEvent(e, eventName, callback); } }, removeKeyPressListener : function(callback) { if(this._iframe) { var iframeDoc = _ie ? this._iframe.contentWindow.document : this._iframe.contentDocument; bobj.disconnectDOMEvent(iframeDoc, 'onkeypress', callback); } }, getOffsetTop : function () { return this.layer.offsetTop; }, updateHTML : function (content) { if(content) { if(!this._iframe) bobj.removeAllChildElements (this._pageNode); /* clear loading span*/ this.updateHtmlOld(content); } else { var imageTD = MochiKit.DOM.TD(); imageTD.innerHTML = simpleImgOffset(bobj.skinUri("wait01.gif"), 20, 20, 90, 10, null, null, null, "float:none"); var anchorTD = MochiKit.DOM.TD(null, MochiKit.DOM.A({ href : "javascript:void(0);", 'class' : 'loadingMessage' }, L_bobj_crv_LoadingPage.replace("{0}", this.getNumber()))); var cells = []; cells.push(imageTD); cells.push(anchorTD); var table = MochiKit.DOM.TABLE({align: 'center', cellSpacing: '0', cellPadding: '4'}, MochiKit.DOM.TBODY(null, MochiKit.DOM.TR(null, cells))); var messageBar = MochiKit.DOM.DIV({ 'class' : 'loadingMessageBar', style : { width: this.width - 12 + 'px' } }, table); this._pageNode.appendChild(messageBar); bobj.connectDOMEvent(this._pageNode.lastChild, 'onclick', this.screenReaderHandler); } }, updateSize : function(sizeObject) { this.updateSizeOld(sizeObject); if(this.layer) { var isBBM = bobj.isBorderBoxModel (); = ((isBBM ? this.width + 2: this.width) + this.margin) + 'px'; = ((isBBM ? this.height + 2: this.height) + this.margin) + 'px'; } }, update : function(update) { if (update) { this.updateOld(update); this.highlightedCoord = null; } }, getHighlightedElementCoordinates : function () { if(this.highlightedCoord) return this.highlightedCoord; if(this._iframe) { var iframeDoc = _ie ? this._iframe.contentWindow.document : this._iframe.contentDocument; var e = iframeDoc.getElementById("CrystalHighLighted"); if(e) { this.highlightedCoord = MochiKit.Style.getElementPosition (e, null, iframeDoc); } return this.highlightedCoord; } }, getHeight : function () { var height = this.height + this.margin; if(bobj.isBorderBoxModel ()) height += 2; return height; }, getWidth : function () { var width = this.width + this.margin; if(bobj.isBorderBoxModel ()) width += 2; return width; }, /** * @return Returns an object with width and height properties such that there * would be no scroll bars around the page if they were applied to the widget. */ getBestFitSize : function() { var page = this.layer; return { width: page.offsetWidth, height: page.offsetHeight }; }, getHTML : function() { var h = bobj.html; var isBBM = bobj.isBorderBoxModel(); var layerStyle = { position : 'relative', width : (this.width + 10) + 'px', height : (this.height + 10) + 'px', overflow : 'hidden' }; var pageStyle = { position : 'absolute', width : (isBBM ? this.width + 2 : this.width) + 'px', height : (isBBM ? this.height + 2 : this.height) + 'px', 'z-index' : 1, 'border-width' : '1px', 'border-style' : 'solid', 'background-color' : this.bgColor, overflow : 'hidden', top : '0px', left : '0px' }; var shadowStyle = { position : 'absolute', 'z-index' : 0, width : this.width + 'px', height : this.height + 'px', top : '10px', left : '10px' }; var shadowHTML = ''; if (this.documentView.toLowerCase() == bobj.crv.ReportPage.DocumentView.PRINT_LAYOUT) { layerStyle['background-color'] = 'transparent'; pageStyle['border-color'] = '#000000'; pageStyle['top'] = '4px'; pageStyle['left'] = '4px'; shadowStyle['background-color'] = '#737373'; shadowHTML = h.DIV( { id : + '_shadow', 'class' : 'menuShadow', style : shadowStyle }); /* page should appear in the center for print layouts */ layerStyle['text-align'] = 'center'; /* * For page centering in IE * quirks mode */ layerStyle['margin'] = '0 auto'; /* * center the page horizontally - * CSS2 */ } else { /* Web Layout*/ pageStyle['border-color'] = '#FFFFFF'; /* page should appear in left for web layouts */ pageStyle['margin'] = '0'; } var html = h.DIV( { id :, style : layerStyle }, h.DIV( { id : + '_page', style : pageStyle }), shadowHTML); return html; }, addDashedBottomBorder : function() { if (this._pageNode) = '1px dashed #737373'; }, isInFocus : function() { return this._iframe == bobj.getActiveElement(); } };